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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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floods remain the focus of the president’s working day; today vladimir putin received reports from the governors of three regions included in the flood zone, as well as the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. the minister flew over the flooded areas on tuesday to monitor the progress of liquidation of the consequences. in addition, the president decided to send the head of the iraqi ministry of construction, faizulin, to the orenburg region. the kremlin noted that it is now necessary to formulate an understanding of how to restore the region after the flood. about the situation in the disaster zone our correspondents are watching. ruslan bigbulatov, vorski and margarita semenyuk in orenburg. rescuers are transporting paramedics to the old city, the area hit hardest.
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calls from people who have an intestinal infection clinic on average in orsk there are up to eleven calls a day with these symptoms, we go to residential areas of orsk, these are apartment buildings, this is what the entrances look like, they are completely under water, it is no longer possible to open them if someone wants to evacuate, now this can only be done from the second floor.
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ksenia was looking for her beloved dog named fluff, this is my dog, at first i think that there is no hope anymore, that there was a dog, but it turns out that she is nearby, animal food is packaged in bags and transported to the other side, the animals are already the fourth day they were saved on the roofs, from there they were delivered frozen, hungry, dehydrated, they were pulled out and now they will go to the shelter, of course, because any life saved is valuable. the last catastrophic
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flood, as it was called, in orsk occurred in 1957; the level of the ural river rose then at 12 m, incredibly quickly, people woke up from the splash of waves on the walls, water poured onto the second floors, furniture floated through the streets, residents were saved with the help of boats and helicopters, removed from the roofs of houses and, just like today, they were taken to the rescue island, preobrazhenskaya mountain, then 11 schools were flooded. nine hospitals, almost 7,500 homes. in 2013 , the dam was built, if you look at the map, it’s not even one, but two embankments along the ural river, they were supposed to become like two great chinese walls protecting the city. but this year due to snowy winter and sudden snow melt, due to the reklin reservoir, water discharge was six times greater than usual. however, all the surrounding reservoirs began to dump it. powerful streams poured through streams into the urals and flooded the city in a few hours; the dam, which was built in violation, could not stand it. by order of
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the russian president , construction minister irek faizulin was sent to the disaster zone to inform the population about the upcoming restoration of infrastructure and housing, and to survey the damage. flooding is difficult now, but the authorities promise to pay compensation to everyone. of course, there will be commissions that will assess the damage, compensation will be in accordance with the calculations for the construction of 1 square meter of housing. vors delivers bread and water to the orenburg region, trucks travel from moscow, the urals and volga regions. doctors recommend not drinking tap water, boiling it, but rather using bottled water . vaccination against hepatitis a has begun in temporary accommodation centers. the first flood in the entire period. a day in orsk when the red-hot sirens calling for evacuation do not sound the emergency phone numbers are running cold, over the past few hours there have been no requests for rescue, the peak of the flood in the city has passed, and the water is slowly receding. ruslan bikbululatov, oksana serzhantova, dmitry cherkasov, alexander bazhenov. news:
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orsk, orenburg region. snt duboviy plyos, in the morning this is a street. was dry, now it is completely in water, since the level of the ural river has now exceeded critical levels, this is 9 and the water continues to remain, in just a few hours the street went under water, now local residents are trying to save their households, but law enforcement officers continue to be on duty here along with boats to quickly evacuate people. now over 2 thousand personal plots and more than one and a half thousand households are flooded.
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about 800 people each, 40 of them children, some residents are still staying, beef stew, who brought it? here are the children, grandma lives there, they came, they brought it, it’s from the city, not even, yes, not the first time, the day before yesterday
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they brought a lot of water, oh, a lot of everything, they buy stew, bread, gingerbread and cookies and bring it local residents to distribute to neighbors who have not yet left for a safe place, we didn’t expect this, we thought. and just a little bit the parrot will go away, this is a serious matter, well done, people are really helping , veronica karimova is ready for the rising water, they collected documents and things, turned off the power, removed the sockets, lifted the refrigerators onto bricks, lifted everything they could, lifted the bag upstairs with carriers, with documents, everything is ready, meanwhile the water is rapidly covering the streets and houses in orenburg, where it was dry in the morning, there are rivers, you can get there only for rubber. boat, well, while we were swimming in the reach, now they decided to get to me, it’s completely flooded there, the house, yes, the house, yes, there is somewhere a depth of about 2 m, the house is inside, it’s standing below, the flood waters have already arrived to the federal highway m5 ural, along the side of the road they make embankments from rocky
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soil, the region was visited by the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, with the regional governor denis pasler, they flew around the entire territory affected by the flood, the minister looked at the conditions in which they live. assistance to residents of the orinburg region military engineers of the yasninsky missile formation also deliver. on floating conveyors, drinking water, food, hygiene products, and fuel medicines are distributed to addresses. during the day , more than 20 tons of cargo were brought to the flood-affected areas. more than a hundred
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military personnel and almost two dozen units of special equipment are involved in the work: dump trucks, bulldozers, excavators. in addition, the military will participate in work to strengthen the river coastline. by the end of the week, the arrival of big water is expected in kurgan, announced preventive evacuation of residents of microdistricts that are located in a zone of possible flooding; in one of the districts, the water level in the tobol river has increased over the past 24 hours. has already exceeded the critical mark by almost a meter. authorities predict it will be a difficult night. report by albert musin. this road is the only phylum to the village of ust-uyskaya there in the distance behind me. now its remains are being inundated by endless flood waters. the settlement itself is completely cut off from the mainland . the only connection is a couple of local rescue boats. they are being evacuated ...
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arrives, the main wave of the flood has taken over the zverennogolovsky district, a complete evacuation has been announced in the breakthrough village, now it is going under water faster than others, the last houses are in the village, they are being flooded there, well, almost no one lives there anymore, and which ones they are flooding, grandmothers are here, i know, they were taken out there already as they were evacuated to school , they are taken somewhere, some to relatives, flooding of your houses and plots is expected, evacuation has been announced, a state of emergency has been declared throughout the kurgan region, dozens are flooded. hundreds of people were evacuated from villages to temporary accommodation centers have been set up for residents of the affected areas, where they can
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resolve everyday issues, as well as obtain documents from mfc employees. right away there are sleeping places, hot tea right away, the children have everything they need, we measure their temperature, blood pressure, if there is a need, they themselves turn to us, if there are any complaints, we have everything prepared to provide first aid. from the day. they expect big water for the day in kurgan itself. citizens stock up on drinking water, sweeping it off store shelves and queuing at water pumps. hundreds of volunteers work around the clock to build a dam from sandbags, strengthening the banks of tabol. the place where backfilling is now taking place, with bags, sandbags, laying. it is in this place that there is a possibility of water breaking into the central part of the city. the situation is under control of the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov , together with the governor.
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in the region will begin tomorrow, so the evacuation and strengthening of the coastline will continue well into the night. albert mosin, nikolay starostin, dmitry komov, elena galeeva and evgenia korneeva, ural bureau news. russia and china are ready to continue cooperation in the fight against terrorism and jointly solve key security problems. such statements today. were heard in beijing during sergei lavrov’s negotiations with chinese president sidzenping, and a little earlier, the head of the russian foreign ministry
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had a long meeting with his colleague wang yi. our special correspondent, boris ivanin, will tell you what exactly was discussed. bilateral negotiations between foreign ministers sergei lavrov and vana are taking place in this palace complex, which eight centuries ago was created as a country residence for chinese emperors. it's called jiao yoi tai. literally this is a fishing platform. and there really are ponds everywhere. the residence, despite the fact that almost in the center of beijing is surrounded by greenery, apple trees bloom here, this is such a peaceful backdrop for a thorough exchange of opinions. in china, the head of russian diplomacy was given a warm welcome. my friend calls sergei lavrov his colleague one. but the topics are also hot. the situation in the asia-pacific region is heating up washington and his allies. they are trying to intimidate china with military-political pressure, putting pressure on the sore point of taiwan and threatening sanctions for cooperation.
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the connection between moscow and beijing, of course, is the locomotive of efforts that are gaining more and more supporters to form a more equitable, multipolar world order to ensure security on the eurasian continent. the ministers agreed to strengthen partnerships on international platforms within the framework of the shanghai cooperation organization
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at the brix summit, which will be held in kazan in october. the agreement was not only signed, but also celebrated with glasses of champagne. we have made great progress in the negotiations, created a standard of partnership between neighboring states, it is not aimed against other countries, but towards development towards peace and democracy. the conflict in ukraine was also discussed separately. china has long been proposing a peaceful settlement plan, reasonable and clear, as sergei lavrov noted, but for this the west needs to abandon the cold war mentality and bloc confrontation with the participation of nato. the main message of the negotiations in beijing is about creation, the accumulation of both political and economic capital. over the past year, russia and china reached a record trade turnover of $240 billion. this is the business district of beijing, which sets the rhythm of the entire metropolis. that's what the apartment of china's central television, in the common people's pants. so this building is called for its bizarre shape, and next door there are skyscrapers in which all
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the financial life of the world is concentrated, and new ones are being built there, as a symbol of the fact that record economic indicators are number. in terms of trade turnover with russia, this is far from the limit. moreover, this year is an anniversary year for our countries, 75 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties, when the soviet union was the first of all states to recognize the people's republic of china. there will be large-scale celebrations, and after that russia and china will hold cross-years of culture. boris ivanin, dmitry dunaev, news: china, beijing. over the past 24 hours, the formation of the ukrainian armed forces shelled seven border settlements in the belgogorod region. and in addition, about 2 hours ago a drone struck a bus and minibus v shebekina, as a result , two local residents were injured, in the village of klimovo, bryansk region, where a missile arrival was recorded; in addition to the wounded, there were dead, including a child. about the situation, report by state television and radio broadcasting company bryansk correspondent lyudmila gusarova. from the village of klimovo to the border with ukraine a little more than 10 km, the shells flew
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into the very center of the village. today turned out to be an unspring day here, warm and sunny... from the boy as he rode his bike from school. the volleys in the village were from rszzo, a total of five to seven arrivals were recorded. in one building where children's classes were held, the windows were broken. the tutors and four preschoolers were not injured. the village is constantly being shelled, so people know that indoors they have to lie down on the floor. it was literally 5 minutes when... and the first explosion was heard above the building, the second one was right next to the university, a cluster bomb exploded, well, no, it didn’t throw, so the car was damaged, the car was damaged, crashed, but they managed to enter the building in time , in total as a result of the attack in klimovo , according to the authorities, three people were injured, all of them were taken to the regional hospital, one was
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seriously wounded, the rest had light and moderate wounds, more than ten cars were also damaged, now the entire center of the village... is covered, the territory is being examined, work is being done on the spot operational and emergency services. lyudmila gusarova, andrey mazonin, vesti bryansk from klimov. president of moldova maisandu today canceled her planned trip to gogauzia, citing some work, that is, she actually did not dare to visit an inconvenient chisinau region, even in the absence of its leader. the head of the autonomy, evgenia gutsol , just completed her visit to moscow today to hold negotiations with the management of promsvyaz bank.
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pensioners will be able to sign a contract at the very latest, so by may 1st we already want public sector pensioners to be able to receive gaguuzia. and what they deserve to improve the lives of the residents of the ggu autonomy, we asked the management
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of promsvyaz bank so that we could provide the residents of gogozi with humanitarian assistance, that is additional funding from our partners. according to evgeniy gutsol, no matter how the moldovan authorities try to denigrate russia, the residents of the country see who is a friend and... ready to lend a helping hand in a difficult moment, but in the information field chisinau has launched a real war. moldovan foreign minister mihai papsoi, while on a visit to berlin, said that if not a day, then a hybrid attack, if not a protest, then russian propaganda. moldova is trying its best to cope with hybrid attacks. we use various means for this, both in the security area, where we invest in defense capabilities, and in the area of ​​responsibility of our intelligence services. right now it’s moldavian. the military, along with colleagues from nato countries, are participating in the sea shield 2024 maneuvers; they are taking place in romania, a state of unification with which the chisinau authorities are trying with all their might. the prime minister of romania
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recently stated that he supports the idea, including through the republic’s accession to the european union. in gagauz they said that if moldova agrees to this, the autonomy will leave its composition, declaring about your own independence. it is clear that gagauzia is a small state entity. is located in the south of moldova and probably does not have its own resources, including armed forces, but there is no question that the gogause people have the right to self-determination. there is no doubt that the situation has reached a critical point; in kamrat the forecast on this score is gloomy; it does not exclude that chisinau will send troops and dissolve the gogaut autonomy, if announced.
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minsk, the first train passed about an hour ago, the routes have not been changed, but traffic is still in reverse mode; during the day , 95% of the rubble on the railway track was cleared away for cars instead. a temporary road will be built in this section of the collapsed overpass; our correspondent ekaterina kuzmina assessed the scale of the restoration work. the rubble on the railway tracks is being cleared by four special trains, the work is carried out continuously, since the structure that fell on the tracks is very strong, and accordingly it is being divided, crushed into fragments that can be lifted by crane. of particular danger was the threat of a rupture of the main gas pipeline. which passed over the bridge, it was turned off in a timely manner, but because of this, several thousand consumers were left without gas; gas supply is gradually being restored. this is what part
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of the span of a fallen road bridge looks like. initially, it lay on the railway tracks, then they managed to crush some of it, and then remove some of it. for passengers, railway workers organized compensation buses. they run according to the schedule swallows that stop in vyazma and semlyova. between them is half an hour of travel along the minsk highway. we were traveling from smolensk to vyazma and were very worried about how we would get home from semlyov. it turned out without any problems at all. the same trains await passengers at the stations to continue their journey. i'm from america.
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in 1980 it still had not been thoroughly renovated. at the end of the year last year, we carried out a survey, and a specialized organization that deals with such work made a report in which the bridge was not recognized as damaged, but current repairs. the prosecutor's office of the smolensk region initiated an inspection of the maintenance of the collapsed bridge, as well as an inspection of other crossings in the region, and the investigative committee opened a criminal case under the article negligence. are being carried out. seizure of documentation relating to the maintenance of the overpass and its ongoing repairs carried out in 2023. as a result of the bridge collapse, a thirty-six-year-old woman died, five people were in hospitals in serious and moderate condition, three were transported for treatment to moscow. the family of the deceased will be paid a million rubles, those who received injuries from 200 to 500,000. the authorities plan to build a new bridge on the site of the collapsed crossing. news
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