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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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the kiev regime tried four times to respond with something like offensive attacks, but never achieved success, from the front line in the artyomovskaya area, reporting by nikolai dolgachev. the assault unit on motorcycles is preparing to leave; now any equipment is used to move quickly and mobile. stormtroopers. specially trained to fire on the move, right hand on the steering wheel, with the left machine gun, the most important thing on a scary motorcycle is one of the tactical superiorities, that is, you tactically bypass, faster, more maneuverable, you move towards the trench, you shoot at this moment from a motorcycle, that is, a lot, a lot can be done on it, which cannot be done on foot, you don’t expect action, then you are on a motorcycle, here the group is rushing to enemy positions through fields pitted with craters, a large the enemy will find the equipment faster, connect...
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the fighters of the legendary 123rd brigade brought trophies, the strong point was recaptured, the enemy was driven back, the flag just from the positions recaptured today is now in our hands and chevron, edelweiss is a unit that...
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carry out rotational activities , means, the enemy is complaining, negotiations, yesterday and today showed that the enemy is complaining, but they are not allowed to leave their position, those barrier detachments that are behind, and yet they still leave their positions, flee, roughly speaking, in fear, but there are some of them who fight to the end, well... it’s not the calm at the front that saves us, ours attack, maneuver and positional actions replace each other, the enemy is forced to retreat further and further, suffering losses . nikolai dolgachev, magomed bashir aliev, ekaterina tehmanovich, news! ministry of internal affairs russia has put the once unknown journalist and now foreign agent mikhail zygor on the wanted list, although there has been some overlap, it’s more likely z igor’s husband or wife, who will sort them out. this is exactly zygor,
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he had previously become a defendant in a criminal case for disseminating fake news about the armed forces, in this regard they wanted to bring him to justice, and first they were going to seek an arrest, but the truth will most likely be in absentia, since zygor has been hiding abroad for quite a long time , and by the way, promotes by personal example so-called western values, to the point that he managed to become very closely aligned with the trends of extremist lgbt people. let me add that over the past six months, mikhail and zygori were fined twice for not marking a foreign agent, but a created one. they supposedly recognized the educational foundation as an undesirable organization. russia and china are ready to continue cooperation in the fight against terrorism and jointly solve key security problems. such statements were made today in beijing during negotiations between sergei lavrov and the chairman china xidzenping. well, a little earlier, the head of the russian foreign ministry had a long meeting with his colleague wang yi. our special correspondent boris ivanin will tell you what exactly was discussed. bilateral negotiations between foreign ministers.
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lavrov and the vans take place in this palace complex, which eight centuries ago was created as a country residence for chinese emperors. it's called diaa tai. literally, this is a fishing platform. and there really are ponds everywhere. residence, despite the fact that it is almost in the center of beijing is surrounded by greenery, apple trees bloom here, this is such a peaceful backdrop for a thorough exchange of opinions. in china, the head of russian diplomacy was given a warm welcome, my friend calls sergei lavrov his colleague one. but the topics are also hot. the situation in the asia-pacific region is heating up by washington and its allies. they are trying to intimidate china with military-political pressure, putting pressure on the sore point of taiwan and threatening sanctions for cooperation
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, which will be confirmed by an official statement published by both sides. sincere the words of greetings not only to sergei lavrov, but also to president vladimir putin are said by the leader of the people's republic of china, sidin ping. he receives the head of russian diplomacy at the house of people's assembly on the square, where important
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government meetings are held. he calls the minister a long-time friend of the chinese people, who has done a great job of promoting relations between moscow and beijing. two countries, it is important, with an eye to the service of diplomacy and the heads of state, to carefully implement the agreements reached by me with president putin, to strengthen strategic relationships on world stage. the foreign policy connection between moscow and beijing, of course, is the locomotive of efforts that are gaining more and more supporters to form a more equitable, multipolar world order to ensure security on the eurasian continent. minister. agreed to strengthen partnerships on international platforms within the framework of the shanghai cooperation organization at the brics summit, which will be held in kazan in october. the agreement was not only signed, but also celebrated with glasses of champagne. we have made great progress
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at the negotiations, they created a standard of partnership between neighboring states, it is not aimed against other countries, but towards development towards peace and democracy. case and the conflict in ukraine. china has long been proposing a peaceful settlement plan, reasonable and clear, as sergei lavrov noted. but for this, the west needs to abandon the cold war mentality of bloc confrontation with the participation of nato. the main message of the negotiations in beijing is creation, accumulation of both political and economic capital. over the past year, russia and china achieved record trade turnover is 240 billion dollars. this is the business district of beijing, which sets the rhythm of the entire metropolis. here is the headquarters of china central television to the common people. pants, so this building is called for its bizarre shape, and next door there are skyscrapers, in which the entire financial life of the middle kingdom is concentrated, and new ones are being built there, as a symbol of the fact that record economic indicators, including in trade turnover with russia, are far from the limit . moreover, this year is an anniversary year for our countries, 75 years since
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the establishment of diplomatic ties, when the soviet union was the first of all states to recognize the people's republic of china, there will be a large-scale celebration, and after that russia and the prc will hold a crossroads. fatherland responsibly fulfill the creative mobilization task, have social significance and in general are highly qualified masters of their craft. this is exactly how the ministry of culture of ukraine explains the reservation from service in the armed forces of ukraine for clowns and acrobats. and we are not talking about the zelensky administration at all. the ministry of culture recognized the traveling circus of ukraine as critically important enterprise for the country. this means that... his employees can not run from the military commissars, but continue to entertain the society, however, this very society does not understand the dachas in the form of spectacles, to put it mildly, it demands the minister to stop protecting his own and send to the front everyone who can hold weapons, including the journalists of the propaganda telethon,
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they were also recognized as critically important for the culture of national security, and of real value, the kiev regime, on the contrary, is in a hurry to erase from the consciousness of the population as as soon as possible within the framework of infinity. decommunization, claims appeared against the aircraft designer sikorsky, who was born in kiev, what exactly did not please, evgenia petrukhina figured out, square was crazy.
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igor sekorsky is not just an outstanding designer, he was also... a public figure, a deeply orthodox man, he used his own money to buy icons that were exported
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from the soviet union, on an industrial scale and sold, he saved our culture, it was deeply russian person, diagnosed as ukrainophobe, so they diagnosed bulgakov, he too a resident of kiev, this is so, decided the pseudo-experts of a dubious institution called the ukrainian institute of national memory, but it is rather an institution for erasing national memory, with the conclusion that bulgakov is ukraine. fob, adequate literature vedas, historians clearly do not agree, here is the reaction of the bulgakov museum in kiev, they say that the judgments of the commission of the institute of national remembrance are overly categorical, fight first with bulgakov, then before with pushkin, now with sikorsky, and you know, here the most paradoxical thing the fact that many of the people listed, well , absolutely everything, they were not enemies of the young russians, they did not experience any absolutely... negativity towards this territory, yes, and moreover, all these people are the heritage of
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world culture, mind you, in our country now relations with the collective west are strained , it’s simply impossible, but for some reason it doesn’t occur to anyone to suggest, it’s even funny for me to say this, to demolish the monument to himinguey in the ryazan city of sasovo, for some reason it doesn’t come to mind, because himinguey is a world heritage. red-hot with iron, everything connected with russia, in kiev, for example, tchaikovsky street, has either already been renamed, or is about to be renamed noland street, but it’s not for nothing that the woman was handing out cookies on the maidan, there are already streets in honor of american senators, for example, the street of the late senator makein, in kiev in honor of the terrorist dzhakhar dudayev, even several streets, sometimes this leads to some monstrous things, so to the place of executions
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of jews in kiev, the famous babi yar, yes, bandera avenue now leads to this place , pushkin, bulgakov, glinka, sekorsky, come out almost enemies of ukraine, if we run out of names of american senators, then we’ll have to call the streets of kiev after the names of the susuushniks, or what? the concept of ukrainianness as anti-russia. it shows its complete, absolute failure, this is precisely what, in fact, is the cause of all the disasters that are now happening in ukraine, no more and no less, it cannot be any other way, because this concept of ukrainianness as anti-russia , it contradicts the very nature of the people of the south of russia, because this means denying ourselves, fighting with ourselves, it basically cannot lead to anything else, this is schizophrenia, you know, in its pure, pronounced form, the building was divided... usa
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the white house announced a new agreement between and japan in the field of defense and security, this is one of the results of negotiations between biden and japanese prime minister kishida, after a break of 9 years, he came to washington on a state visit for... before the congress, kishida himself said that he was going to send some signals about the future to everything the world, what to expect from the american-japanese alliance in a report by our correspondent in the usa, valentin bogdanov. the path to world politics. a man laying a wreath at the graves of those who of course, it’s interesting that he might feel wearing the same shoulder straps that were on the crew members of the american b-29 that dropped a nuclear bomb on the city where
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fumiu kishida’s whole family is from, maybe he’ll tell joe biden at dinner ? he will become only the second japanese leader to address a joint session of congress. the first was shinze abe in 2015 under obama. 9 years ago about plans kept quiet, but now it is known that the us president and the japanese prime minister, of course, will discuss the issue of japan’s future participation in the trilateral defense alliance aokus, which, in addition to america and great britain, also includes australia. there's just a security forum in sydney, where there's not much.
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britain has provided money for ukraine this year, as has the european union. america must do this too. i'm going to talk to speaker johnson. it is already clear that there will be no meeting with johnson, instead there will be a meeting with trump in maralaga, which seems to be located there decision-making center on the allocation of money to ukraine. i think in terms of cameron's decision, in some ways it is wise to meet with both rivals, who may become political allies in the future. why cameron has become so wise is not
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very clear; in 2015 he called trump a stupid fool, but what about the trumpists’ opinion about kemera? billions in aid for the country in addition to this, there are discussions about 65 being quite high on the list of corrupt states, so voters have some suspicions. 18 in april, congress will again go on vacation, it is possible that again without a decision on the allocation of military assistance to kiev. another mike pompeo was sent to process mike johnson;
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the former secretary of state under trump also harped on russian propaganda. yes, just that. the republican speaker is not yet planning to become a former speaker, so before putting the issue of financing ukraine to a vote, johnson will weigh everything 10 times. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and timofey mukhin, usa news. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. prepared in france the bill to legalize euthanasia in canada is already being actively used. those in need ask to be euthanized, and how western politicians euthanize the desire to live. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service
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this, by the way, can be seen from the statistics: for 20 years, the laws of the country have encouraged this process, and france is preparing to take a similar path, where a law on the end of life will soon be considered. why does the west choose death - anastasia ivanova wondered. the right to life is not in the style of pseudo-western democracy, so the right to death is quite a convenient way for the authorities to avoid responsibility for their citizens. in france, however, this is called the right to a humane death. literally tomorrow. the government of the fifth republic will consider the bill on the legalization of euthanasia, if the initiative is supported to administer a lethal substance, it will allow the patient independently or with the help of a physician, it is not completely
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clear. there aren’t enough medical workers for everyone, there aren’t enough now, and how can you be french then? society is taught that one can die and
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there is no, so to speak, sin... there is none, it is your right whether you continue to live or not, and thus commit suicide, post-christian europe, the post-christian west, is doing everything possible to get as far as possible from christian traditional values. in canada, this has already been done; last year, 4% of all deaths registered there were deaths by euthanasia, why? because it was legalized? according to one of the social workers, people in need come with...
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but so far the propaganda in the west is stronger. almost everyone is influenced by social trends, even those that we are told are absolutely innate and absolutely unchangeable. recently, the concept of self-identification has increased many times, especially among young people, who are more impressionable and have a more malleable mind. is it because of premiums in water, because of a genetic defect, or is it because we are susceptible to social trends? western parliamentarians with the hands of a doctor. get rid of their citizens, namely, they allow euthanasia for those already mentally ill to people. the british telegraph publishes articles about euthanasia in a positive way. here is a smiling family, in which, by the way, there are no longer daughters, the parents allowed her to die. reason: the girl suffered from anorexia and did not want to live anymore. the state received a convenient lever, and to get rid of fulfilling its financial obligations to
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the most vulnerable, and even if some judge said, i think this is not a sufficient reason for suicide there , the doctor recalled, there is no supervisory role in the law for the court, that is the court cannot to challenge a doctor's decision, a doctor's conclusion or a patient's decision... life is expensive in every sense, and is it much easier to allocate money to death in the west than to try to save?
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vladimir putin promptly receives all the relevant information about flooding, having heard reports from the head of the ministry of emergency situations and governors; the most difficult situation is in the orenburg region, the president sent construction minister erek faizulin there. ruslan bikbulatov and margarita semenyuk report from the disaster zone. rescuers are transporting medical paratroopers to the old town, district the one who suffered the most. half of the houses are under '. one glance is enough to understand that it is impossible to live here, but about 120 people still remain in their homes, the minister of health of the orenburg region has to personally persuade them to evacuate, maybe i just asked for prolon, i didn’t have time to take it, well, of course we have now brought the pills , but it will be better there under the supervision of doctors, seventy-year-old nina leonidovna has been living on the roof for several days, eating what volunteers bring, after
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the pensioner still has an operational... examination


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