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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 9, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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how to assess the quality of the urban environment? a special index was first introduced 6 years ago; it is calculated based on 36 indicators from safety to road quality. what is important is that this rating is not a competition between cities, it shows the vector of further local development. to make decisions that will change the face of the megapo.
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with a favorable environment increased to 68% over 5 years. their number reached 759. the average index value was 200 points. compared with in the nineteenth year it grew by 18%. i would especially like to note that all three achieved indicators are above the planned values ​​of the national project. for comparison, when the index was first calculated based on the results of 2018, the share of cities with a favorable environment was approximately three times less - 23%. what is important is that the index connects national and federal projects with local programs, because the synchronized development of cities in key areas, infrastructural, social, cultural, sports, is necessary, all this allows not only to create a new level comfort, but also to maintain the interest of investors, this is how this integration works, it allows city teams to make the right management decisions, where it may be necessary to place a bus stop, where to lay out a park, where to create that point of...
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in the city that will attract everyone absolutely residents, but it is certainly impossible to implement this with one national project, so we can safely say that the index includes exactly those important indicators of all national projects implemented in country. but this is not only about assessment, but about mechanisms for improving people’s quality of life. a simple example, the index is noticeably higher in those cities for which the russian federation is developing a master plan or financing the construction of housing and infrastructure facilities. house of the russian federation upon request. regions is now carrying out a lot of work, in general we started it, probably five years ago, to develop master plans not only for large territories, but for small public spaces, here we are trying not only to apply the experience of moscow, but also international experience in order to find the best solution for small cities, medium-sized cities, large cities, and we have already proposed more than 300 such solutions, more than 100 have already been implemented, and in 2023 we held an international competition to develop a city master plan. the winner's idea is to improve
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the connectivity of the territories, including connecting the city's districts into a single network of public spaces using a green frame. chechnya will be the first subject for which a separate master plan will be prepared, taking into account the great potential of the region. already, according to the results of the index calculation, six cities the republics are recognized as favorable for life. does it have an impact on the economy, of course, definitely, yes, business begins to feel confident, accordingly, it begins to come, people are interested.
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creativity in their public spaces and listening to their opinion, they began to create simply those very objects that in the future provide a positive factor in increasing the index of the quality of the urban environment, that is , people’s satisfaction, it’s all just the geography of master plans from kaliningrad to the far east, by the way, for twenty-two far eastern cities and agglomerations have already prepared such development strategies; in his message to the federal assembly, vladimir putin proposed adding another list of tasks. more than 200 cities and towns throughout the country. landscaping makes it possible to attract tourists; accordingly, tourists create additional added value for various city services, and new jobs are created in trade in the catering sector. but in addition, the most important point is that any
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quality improvement is a sporty, correct, healthy lifestyle, which means an improvement in demographics, people stay longer in their city, accept some less... architects of the russian federation. every year, 100 specialists are selected from all over russia, who become acquainted with the best world practices. one of the graduates, alena protoseevich, is now the chief architect of the chuvash republic.
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chebaksary, in particular, is a very convenient, green, compact city, where it is convenient to live, raise children, and you can open the website of the ministry of construction and look at it. what is truly unique about it , try it through planning architectural and urban planning solutions truly create a unique environment and make it comfortable. the experience and competence of the domrf, according to experts, will help fulfill the goal for 2030. increase the average index value by one and a half times and increase
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the share of cities with a favorable environment to 80%, so that the standard of living will ultimately increase anywhere in the country. what do we bring back from savito’s travels? a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. i'm the new nice active. when your back hurts, i easily penetrate to the source of pain. we quickly disappear, it’s time for training, meet a new nice asset, one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection, she’s begging, but i’ll call you back, i can’t do it anymore,
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, 1945, koeningsberg commandant otto lyash capitulated to the troops of marshal alexander vasilevsky, although the main city of east prussia was very well defended, the red army managed it in 4 days. 76,000 of our soldiers and officers were awarded the medal for the capture of koeningsberg. today it is a cultural heritage site of kaliningrad, beloved by tourists. 79 years ago, it was still a fort number 5, named after the king of prussia, frederick william. a hexagonal impregnable fortress, surrounded by a moat and camouflaged by trees. on top there was a concrete dome, inside there were barracks, arranged with completely german attention. good life, autonomous ventilation, water supply, sewerage, walls 5 m thick could
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withstand any shells, there were 17 such forts in total, they formed a chain around the city, the germans called it the night pirina of kunexberg, hoping that with such fortifications one could always sleep calmly, especially around the city of the administrative center of the province of the third reich of east prussia, there were several lines of defense, some sources write about... three or even four lines of defense around kennicksberg, but you need to understand that there was the largest line of defense that went farthest from the city center, it covered airfields, various industrial facilities, it had already been broken through by the time of sturmagsberg, because soviet troops, even before the assault on keniksberg, took the ninth fort, which appears in various documents or like a ponart or like a don, they took it on the basis of this particular fort and compiled a detailed brochure describing fortifications of this kind and
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how to actually storm them. detailed plans, practicing the assault on a model, all this was done, but the fifth fort was very powerful. on april 5, artillery fire destroyed the fortification only partially. this is where the assault began and the red army soldiers were not immediately able to cross the ditch. sappers worked under enemy fire. after 2 days, at night they were able to lower the crossing means into the ditch. terrible fight. they walked inside the fort at night, only on the morning of april 8 the german garrison capitulated. the assault on the fifth fort lasted 3 days and was the most difficult. for this assault, 15 soldiers of the 43rd army of the third belarusian front were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. the red army's offensive in january 1945 went from the baltic sea in the north to the carpathians in the south. and the east pruz operation, which began on january 13, was one of them. components of this grandiose and rapid offensive, forces of three fronts took part in it, by the end of january
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kyuniksberg was blocked from the south-west by the forces of the third belarusian front, under the command of army general ivan chernyakhovsky. the assault itself began more than two months after the red army blocked the city. our troops were waiting for reinforcements, since the main forces were sent to berlin. kenicksberg was very seriously fortified. in 1944, german engineers created additional strips of minefields and firing points in the city itself. houses have been turned into defensive structures, streets are blocked with barricades. specially created dug trenches, trenches between houses, houses are connected to each other by basement passages and for 2 months of intense work the headquarters of the third belarusian front worked on the assault on koeningsberg, intelligence units were sent there to look where
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there were passages that german units left for themselves, so-called secrets, directly into the city itself. sabotage groups. by the time the red army approached the capital of prussia, the main part of the city was destroyed. responsibility for this lies with the british royal air force. raids occurred in august 1944. if the first raid occurred on the outskirts, then the second - on the center. 100,000 civilians lost their homes, several thousand died. each of the raids involved just under two hundred heavy four-engine lancaster bombers, which dropped the order. this was done in order to cause a so-called fire tornado, when the city began to burn, all this was carried out according to the so -called duet doctrine, which was developed in the interwar period and said
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something like this: you need to carry it to the enemy irreparable moral damage. destroying his communications, destroying his means of control, logistics, and thereby forcing him to withdraw from the war. kant island with the cathedral and tomb of the great philosopher. now the island is open, a park has been developed here. in 1944 it was completely built up with wooden houses, which burned down after the bombing. the 14th century cathedral was practically destroyed. miraculously, the grave of immanuel kant remained untouched. a soviet officer wrote over the grave: now you know.
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to advance in a continuous front, to create individual such assault groups, assault detachments, which advanced in fairly narrow areas, broke through the defenses, and after them the rest of our units should have entered. koeniksberg had to be taken, because the british, americans, and their allies dreamed of sending their troops here for 30 years. in addition, it was an iconic city for germany, köningsberg, prussia, home of the german guard, the regular german fleet. the germans fought especially fiercely for this city. volksurm militia units were created on october 14, 1944, they were elderly people or boys 13-15 years old, poorly trained and poorly equipped. and if in other cities of germany the volkssturmists were engaged in clearing the rubble, then in köniksberg they took to the streets with false cartridges on their shoulders and
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disposable anti-tank grenade launchers. fanatical, they were ready to die for hitler and their prussia. just like the professional german military, it is appropriate to say here that the king of pusia since 1740 was frederick ii or frederick the great, frederick the conqueror, an excellent soldier, under him the territory doubled, hitler's germany had a cult of frederick ii, and this was an excellent connection between all units in the army, strict discipline that did not allow retreat. this once again reminds us that the red army was very cruel and terrible. bad weather at the beginning of the assault did not allow the planes to take off. on april 7, the weather improved; usually our long-range aviation operated at night.
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pregel in the city center, north of the port and railway station, these are the shots. on april 8, the eleventh army reached the river the kaliningrad zoo is one of the best in russia, its territory is an impressive 16 hectares, it is located in the city center, there are 260 species of animals, peacocks in huge enclosures. on april 8, 1945, a very difficult battle took place here. the red army soldiers needed to take this bridge. below is a river that crosses the zoo. the bridge was very seriously guarded by the nazis and was mined. and then a group of fighters. the command of lieutenant vasily lopshin destroyed the nazis in hand-to-hand combat, some with knives, some with the butts of machine guns. the bridge was taken. vasily lapshin, for this feat
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was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. there were only a few animals left at the zoo in april 1945. it is impossible to say for sure, there are no documents about this. according to some reports, four remained, a hippopotamus, a doe, a badger and a donkey. they starved for many days and were very frightened. biography. it is known that he arrived in künexberg in 1930, he was no longer young and during the assault he hid in his pool, he was wounded several times, he was assigned to the treatment of the hippopotamus, apparently in the peaceful specialty of animal science, in fact, a twenty-seven-year-old machine gunner vladimir polonsky, not only did vladimir polonsky manage to cure the hippopotamus hans, his treatment continued for 21 days, the man and the animal also became friends. one of the most famous photographs in the annals of the kaliningrad zoo is vladimir polonsky riding a hippopotamus. after the war , vladimir polonsky remained to work at the zoo, and then headed it. hans lived
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a long life and died in the 1950s. many pavilions and enclosures that were burned or destroyed were restored, according to historical photographs. but there is a lot here that reminds us of storming of koeniksberg. bear rock or the bear enclosure was built in 1936. and survived fighting in the zoo during the assault on künexberg in april 1945. these stones contain traces of shots, but ballistics experts have yet to establish what kind of weapon they were made from. the bunker museum is located in the center of kaliningrad; it was opened to visitors in 1968 at the request of veterans of the storming of künnixberg. descent underground to a depth of 7 m. concrete walls, corridor , very small rooms. the bunker is completely... but far from the luxury of where the last hours of the fuhrer’s life passed, this shelter was built hastily, on the night of march 6-7, 1945,
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the headquarters of the commandant’s office of the koeningsberg garrison, headed by infantry general otto lyash, moved here, and general wehremacht, hans mikoz, also came here , with its own headquarters. when it was not possible to break out of the encirclement on april 9, the commandant of the city and fortress lyash began to think about a ceasefire, not about surrender. right here underground is the bunker of the headquarters of the german commandant's office, and behind my shoulder is the building of the university of kengsberg, which was occupied by the ss. on april 9, already in the afternoon, fonlage decided that he needed to surrender, but he did not sign the act of surrender for a very long time, because he understood that as soon as he signed, they would come for him from the neighboring building. through proxies, lyash sent the package to the eleventh guards division of nikolai tsiganov. this is footage from a reconstruction film filmed by the museum. in them we see how parliamentarians led by lieutenant colonel pyotr yanovsky came to the bunker. head of the exhibition mikhail badamshin, in his
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spent time asking yanovsky about this historical moment. i asked: you must have been very proud to be given such an honor? i answered this: no, i was very afraid. i didn't believe it. comrade general, you are an officer, you have passed. so many members of the finnish company were awarded, well, i don’t think they celebrated the coward there, the war was ending, i just got married, i have a beautiful wife, we recently got married, i gave her a captured lady’s pistol, a wedding gift, here we go into the enemy’s mouth and you don’t know whether you will get out of there, the lie intended to surrender in captured personally without headquarters, but then they tried me in the bunker.
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april, after lyash signed the surrender. but these are probably the most famous shots. a red flag flies on the don tower. many years later it became known that one of those who destroyed the banner was tombov resident mikhail egorov. and in these frames there is a column of prisoners. according to archival data, there were about 75 thousand of them, including.
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there is kaliningrad, the soviet union thus received an ice-free port of the southern baltic, a seriously destroyed city, which in 1946 was renamed kaliningrad, restored by the whole country, they decided not to completely restore the royal castle on the hill, on the site of many. parks appeared in the neighborhoods, the cathedral on kant island was restored in the late 1990s, look around, now it’s 20024, 100 years from now, everything will be different, moscow.
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vladimir putin promptly receives all relevant information about flooding, and heard reports from the head of the ministry of emergency situations and governors. the most difficult situation is in the orenburg region; the president sent minister of construction irek fayzulin there. out of the zone disasters are conveyed by ruslan bikbulatov and margarita semenyuk. rescuers are transporting
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paramedics to the old city, the area that was hit the hardest. half of the houses are under water, one glance is enough to understand that it is impossible to live here, but about 120 people still remain in their houses. the minister of health of the orenburg region has to personally persuade them to evacuate, maybe we’ll go for a fruit drink, i just asked for brolo, i didn’t have time to take it, well, of course they brought me the pills now, but it will be better there under the supervision of doctors, seventy-year-old nina leonidovna has been living on the roof for several days now, eating what...


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