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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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vladimir putin promptly receives all relevant information about flooding, having heard reports from the head of the ministry of emergency situations and governors. the most difficult situation is in the orenburg region; the president sent minister of construction irek fayzulin there. ruslan bikbulatov and margarita semenyuk report the disaster from the zone.
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we are driving through residential areas of orsk, these are apartment buildings, this is what the entrances look like, they have completely gone under water, it is no longer possible to open them, if someone wants to evacuate, then they can do it, now it will only be possible... from the second floor of the building, in
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there are almost 7.00 houses in the disaster zone, about 2,500 residents have already been evacuated, our house was damaged up to the roof, we have goats, rabbits, chickens on the roof, everything is there, the medical psychologists have a lot of work to do, a stock of medicines has been collected, there is a lot of demand, but there are sedatives, people are worried extreme stress, everyone had stress, blood pressure, blood pressure was 200, well, they helped everyone, but in principle no one has been sent to hospital yet.
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value, the last catastrophic, as it was called, flood in orsk occurred in 1957 , the level of the ural river then rose by 12 m, incredibly quickly, people woke up from the splash of waves on the walls, water poured onto the second floors, furniture floated through the streets, residents were saved with the help of boats and helicopters, removed from the roofs of houses, and just like today they were taken to the island of salvation, preobrazhenskaya mountain , then... 11 schools, nine
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hospitals, almost 7,500 houses were flooded. in 2013 , a dam was built, if you look at the map, it’s not even one, but two embankments along the ural river, they were supposed to become like two great chinese walls protecting the city. but this year due to due to the snowy winter and sudden melting of snow , the water discharge from the ireklinsky reservoir was six times greater than usual. however, all the surrounding reservoirs began to dump it. powerful streams poured through streams into the urals and flooded the city in a few hours; the dam could not stand it. built with violations. by order of the russian president , construction minister irek faizulin was sent to the disaster zone. he must inform the population about the upcoming restoration of infrastructure and housing. it is now difficult to estimate the damage caused by flooding, but the authorities promise to pay compensation to everyone. of course, there will be commissions that will assess the damage, compensation will be in accordance with the calculations for the construction of one square meter of housing.
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all the time of the flood, a day in orski, when the sirens calling for evacuation do not sound, the hot telephones of emergency services are cooling down, over the past few hours not a single request for rescue has been received, the peak of the flood in the city has passed, the water is slowly receding. ruslan bikbulatov, oksana serzhantova, dmitry cherkasov, alexander bazhenov, lead: orsk, orenburg region. it was probably closer to eleven, there was water, i was standing there, well, i don’t know. visible or not, sidewalk, sidewalk, yes, she stood there, look, oh, wow, it’s already here, you see, a black mark, yeah, i put the stick about two hours ago, yeah, right here you see, three centimes are probably already there, a lot of water
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is coming, the peak of the flood, they are just waiting for a large-scale construction of a new private house in orenburg, they had to stop it, the flood changed all plans, now gogik mazmanyan helps... my brother to strengthen the foundation of the building, they stretch a thick film, cover the object with sand, try to protect the house, yesterday it was here, it was completely dry, this path was completely dry, we reserve it, we don’t know how we can save the house, we don’t we know what will happen, the ural river near orenburg is approaching a critical point, about 20 cm remains to the peak, here we have the ural, here we have 100 m, we are already on the banks of the urals, disappointing forecasts for sakmara. a few hours inflow of 3 cm. snt dubovy plyos in the morning this street was dry, now it is completely in water, since the level of the ural river has now exceeded critical levels, this is 9 m. and the water continues to remain, literally in a few hours the street went under water. now
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local residents are trying to save their households, but law enforcement officers continue to be on duty here along with boats to quickly evacuate people. now over 2 thousand household plots, more than one and a half thousand households are flooded, rescuers, police officers, and national guardsmen are evacuating people from a dangerous about 800 people were brought to the zone, 40 of them were children, some residents are still staying, beef stew, who brought it, these are the children, grandma lives there, so they came, they brought it, this is from the city, but not anymore, but not for the first time, the day before yesterday they brought a lot of water, it’s full of everything. i’ve already distributed bread to everyone, yeah, black, you love black, let me give it to the people there at those posts, give it to everyone, everyone, stewed meat, bread, gingerbread and cookies are bought and brought by local residents to distribute to neighbors who have not yet left to safety place, we didn’t expect this, we thought it
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would scare us away a little, this is a serious matter, well done, people really help from the heart, but how they help, well, who helps with what? maybe he’s bringing food, yesterday his nephew came, they lifted the furniture, veronica karimova is ready to walk up in the water, they collected documents and things, turned off the power, removed the sockets, they lifted the refrigerators onto bricks, yeah, that’s what they could, they lifted it, the bag with the top with carrying bags, documents, everything is ready. meanwhile, water is rapidly covering the streets and houses in orenburg, where even in the morning it was dry, the rivers can only be reached by rubber boat, well, while we were swimming in the reach, now we decided. to reach me, it is completely flooded there, the house, yes, the house, yes, there is somewhere a depth of about 2 m, the house is located below, in orenburg there is one of the heaviest floods, the region was visited by the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov with regional governor denis pasler, they flew over the entire area affected by the flood. the minister
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examined the conditions in which those evacuated to temporary accommodation centers live. now it is important to minimize consequences of floods in the region, and to local authorities promptly. in cases of intestinal infection , disposable tableware is now predominantly used in temporary accommodation centers; vaccination against botkin's disease has begun. we received 50 from the federal budget 50,000 doses. of course, all
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victims who fell into the flood zone are subject to this, including children from 3 years of age, adults, well , first of all, up to 35 years of age, there was really a hotbed of morbidity. it fell into a flood zone, we stopped receiving patients from this microdistrict, but the risks the development of intestinal infections is, of course, very high. employees of the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of internal affairs and the national guard are on duty at snt around the clock. the latter evacuated 13 people today. the regional authorities will compensate all victims for losses, provide financial assistance, and support businesses. alfa group shareholders will allocate 1 billion rubles to help those affected by floods in the orenburg region. drinking water will be delivered in the coming days. margarita semenyuk, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov. news. orenburg.
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the military also helps residents of the orenburg region hard-to-reach areas, engineers of the yasninsky missile formation deliver drinking water, food, medicine, and fuel for diesel generators. over 20 tons of cargo have already been transferred. more than 100 military personnel and 18 units of special equipment are involved in the work. in addition, they will help strengthen river banks. deputies of the state duma, where flooding began due to floods, should immediately go to their regions to help people right on the spot, said the chairman of the lower house , vyacheslav volodin. parliamentarians from the orenburg region has already done this. the issue of eliminating the consequences of floods is under the control of relevant committees, and data received from colleagues who visited the flood zone will help take effective measures to minimize the consequences of a disaster. if some kind of trouble happens in our electoral districts, we need to be with people,
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help, we see that now the flood situation is very difficult, alarming in a number of regions, so i appeal to those who have not yet gone to their electoral districts, you can let’s do this immediately, just support, let’s colleagues ask ourselves and start helping more effectively. who are waiting for help, and of course we draw conclusions so that this does not happen in the future. the russian army repulsed 15 attacks in so; in the avdeevsky, donetsk and south donetsk directions, our units occupied more advantageous positions. zelensky lost about a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers, a tank and six other armored vehicles, as well as 21 self-propelled guns and howitzers, mostly western-made, were destroyed. air defense systems shot down 236 combat drones, about the situation on the front line
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nikolai dolgochuv. the assault unit on motorcycles is preparing to leave; now any equipment is used to move quickly and mobile. stormtroopers specially trained to fire on the move: their right hand on the steering wheel, their left - a machine gun, the most important thing is not to wait in horror, a motorcycle is one of the tactical superiorities, that is. you tactically bypass, faster, more maneuverable, move towards the trench, shoot at this moment from a motorcycle, that is, a lot, a lot you can do it on it, which you can’t do on foot, you don’t expect action, then you’re on a motorcycle, here’s a group rushing to enemy positions through fields riddled with craters, the enemy will detect large equipment faster, connect artillery, on foot it’s too long, a motorcycle is optimal, rushes through the entire gray zone and the attack aircraft are already in the enemy trenches. the enemy is pinned to the ground by artillery and kamikaze drones. the drones
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operate close to our attack aircraft, precision weapons. regarding fpv drones, now they are very, very helpful, so to speak, because you yourself correct all this in flight, that is, you hit the targets exactly, open dugouts, hit personnel, hit vehicles. the intensity is constant, we constantly send during the day, komikaze as well. night comedy shows are now available. scout call sign beard, hitting the dugouts with drones, secured the flanks for the assault squad. i say hello to my family, friends, hello to everyone, everything is fine, we are winning. one assault and using motorcycles, in pividrons, with the support of artillery, the brigade expanded the zone in an hour control over several square kilometers. we went even further towards the city of seversk. this is the brigade that liberated rubezhnoe, severo-donetsk and lesechansk. just from the positions recaptured today, the soldiers of the legendary 123rd brigade brought trophies,
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a stronghold was recaptured, the enemy was driven back, the flag is now in our hands and chevron, edelwees, this is the unit that holds this section of the front, but is running, retreating, suffering losses, we are like always, we cannot sit still , although we have an active defense, we are always leading.
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from the village of klimovo to the border with ukraine is a little more than 10 km, the shells flew into the very center of the village. today was not a spring day here, warm and sunny,
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there were a lot of people on the streets. a forty-four-year-old woman and a twelve-year-old child died on the spot. the shell exploded literally at 5 m. the bomb exploded, well, no, it didn’t throw, the car was damaged, the car was damaged, crashed, but they managed to, well, enter the building in time. in total , three people were injured as a result of the attack in klimovo, according to authorities. people, all of them were taken to the regional hospital, one was seriously injured, the rest had light and moderate injuries, more than ten cars were also damaged. now the entire center of the village is cordoned off, the area is being examined,
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and operational and emergency services are working on the spot. lyudmila gusarova, andrey mazonin. news from bryansk from klimov. well, ukrainian militants also hit the training center of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. nuclear terrorism in kiev will be discussed on thursday at an emergency session of the board of governors of the magat. state corporation rusatom is still on the weekend categorically condemned the unprecedented attack on the nuclear power plant and its infrastructure. calls on the agency's leadership, as well as the governments of eu countries, to immediately respond to a direct security threat. elizaveta khramtsova is monitoring the situation. the future of the station and its safety are in the spotlight. the first deputy head of the russian presidential administration visited the zaporozhye npp on a working visit. sergey kirenko has led rosatom for more than 10 years and continues to actively participate in the development of the industry. at today's meeting it was discussed that the team does to ensure the safe operation of the facility. the trip took place against the backdrop of
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a large-scale series of attacks that began over the weekend. there are currently signs of damage to critical nuclear and physical systems. there is no security at the site, all efforts of the station personnel are aimed at maintaining a safe operating mode, however, in addition to protected power units, there are a number of objects on the site, such as a spent nuclear fuel storage facility, diesel generators that ensure uninterrupted operation of the station, large reserves of diesel fuel for emergency diesel generators, damage and destruction of which can lead to disaster. today the training center came under attack. the object is unique. zaporozhye npp is the only station in the world where there is a full-scale reactor workshop simulator in which the reactor is real. it was once brought from crimea from a non-operational nuclear power plant. the only thing missing here is nuclear fuel. zas employees undergo training here, practice technological operations, including reactor hall. as a result of the attack, neither
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the employees nor the equipment of this unique center were damaged. the fact of the attack was recorded by employees of the inter... nuclear energy agency, who have been working at the site for more than a year and a half, and the attack happened just 10 minutes after the inspectors drove past the building. the explosion report matches magat's observations. there is no direct threat to nuclear safety this time, but the latest incident once again emphasizes the extreme seriousness of the situation. inspectors as always, they omitted that the threat comes from ukraine, that russia is interested in cooperation with magatay and the un secretariat on the issue of attacks on a nuclear facility, he said. zaporozhye nuclear power plant, we, among other things, were guided by the need for them to give an objective assessment of what is happening there, how the plant is managed, how
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nuclear and physical safety is ensured there, but of course, we proceeded from the fact that this kind of attack is against the largest nuclear power plant in europe will be recorded. the kiev patient is stable. the ukrainian energy atom stated that there was no attack. there were no drones, and the kremlin is allegedly trying to hide the consequences of some accident that has already happened at the station. fire support in this information war came from germany. agent duchveli released a story called drone strikes on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, and on the cover they wrote: russian drones are attacking energy facilities in ukraine, that is, they did everything possible to make the viewer think that russia is hitting its own. himself the story quotes stuff from kiev propagandists. main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine. blamed the incident on russian troops, calling the drone strike a simulation. the puppeteers were also not original; the us state department said that they were aware of the drone attack on zas
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and were continuing to monitor the situation; they routinely called on moscow to return the station to kiev, and did not admit that it was strikes from the ukrainian side that created a nuclear threat. even nuclear terrorism is perceived in washington as a good thing if it is directed against russia, noted the ambassador to the united states, anatoly antonov. encouragement. zelensky’s criminal regime is akin to walking on the edge of a knife. slovenia expressed concern about a direct hit to the nuclear power plant. the head of the ministry of the republic spoke on the phone with the head of magathe and said that the country is calling for a meeting of the un security council to discuss global nuclear security. but official ljubljana is also silent about the fact that it was kiev that attacked. we call on the leadership of european states to immediately respond to direct os security threats. we also demand from the armed forces of ukraine. russia, soon after the start of a series of attacks, advocated convening an extraordinary session of the magathe governing council; according to preliminary data, such a meeting could
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be held the day after tomorrow. ilzaetta khramtsova, news. money for terrorist attacks on russian territory, including the murder of public figures, was allocated, among other things, by the ukrainian oil and gas company burisma, which is directly connected to the biden family. the involvement of specific us and nato officials in the financing is now being revealed terrorism. this was reported by the investigative committee. at the beginning of the year, russian special services have already prevented 27 attacks on civilian targets planned in ukraine. alexey golovko has all the details. russian security forces today showed how special forces over the past months have detained terrorists who tried to damage important infrastructure and military facilities on our territory. averted 27.
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russia has been identified as the enemy, while the main efforts are aimed at destroying traditional russian spiritual and moral values ​​and multinational culture. here is the last striking example, as an analysis of video footage now shows , filmed before death by saboteurs who tried to break into the belgorod region, among them were several us citizens, one of the americans was called the commander by the fighters, and probably a number of foreign fellow soldiers. among the ukrainian armed forces fighters will only increase. the russian foreign intelligence service reported today that american private military companies are recruiting in us prisons with the aim of sending military personnel to the ukrainian theater
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actions of imprisoned representatives of colombian and mexican drug cartels. the fbi drug enforcement administration has given its blessing for the recruitment. the first batch of thugs is planned to be sent to the combat zone this summer. the ban formation will consist of several hundred mexicans and colombians. in case of consent. on a business trip, they are promised a complete amnesty in the expectation that they will never return back. the united states and its allies are supplying ukraine with mercenary instructors with increasingly powerful weapons, while repeating how mantra: the west is not a party to the conflict. any emerging facts are blocked by powerful propaganda. active promotion of stereotypes of the modern west in the media sphere leads to the erosion of traditional forms of social and spiritual life. identity and national consciousness, this is the path of civilized degradation, the most striking example is
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ukraine. according to russian security officials, there are traces of the most monstrous terrorist attack in recent years: the shooting of spectators in the crocus concert hall, ukrainian neo-nazis and their western patrons organize or are ready to actively support the commission of the most barbaric crimes on our territory by participants in the international terrorist underground. evidence of this is the recent tragic events in krasnogorsk with numerous civilian casualties . this american boat with a ukrainian warhead on board, found off the coast of romania, can be considered a symbol of terrorist symbiosis. a drone with a charge of 500 kg of explosives could sink any civilian ship sailing in the black sea. western countries actually refused to investigate the terrorist attack on the nord streams, although they have every opportunity to do so. russia suspects that american participation or funding is behind many of the terrorist attacks organized by
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the country's main intelligence directorate. ukraine, the purse for gur is the notorious oil company burisma, not the least of which was held by hunter biden, the son of the current us president. joe biden was vice president in those years, oversaw ukraine , and literally pushed through this appointment. for what republicans in congress initiated impeachment proceedings. and now state duma deputies have appealed to the investigative committee of russia with a request to investigate the facts of terrorist financing through the burisma company. it was established that funds. received through commercial organizations, in particular the oil and gas company burisma holdings, operating on the territory of ukraine, over the past years have been used to carry out terrorist acts in the russian federation, as well as abroad, in order to eliminate prominent political and public figures causing economic damage. this means the murder of daria dugina, vladlin tatarsky and other crimes of ukrainian intelligence on
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russian territory. were sponsored with the participation of foreign structures; at the request of the deputies , a criminal case was initiated under the article of financing of terrorism. alexey glovko, maxim shchepilov, lead. russia and china are ready to continue cooperation in the fight against terrorism and jointly solve key security problems. sergei lavrov discussed these issues in beijing with chairman of the people's republic of china sidinpin. a little earlier , the head of the russian foreign ministry had a long meeting with his colleague wang yi. what's in the center?
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against double containment, and more than once our leaders, president putin, chairman xijin ping, have emphasized the determination of russia and china to counteract attempts to slow down the formation of a multipolar world, to slow down the long-overdue processes of democratization and justice, which are simply knocking on the door of the modern world order. upcoming
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contact. beijing in the fall at negotiations special attention, it is thanks to the diplomacy of the leaders that relations between moscow and beijing have reached an unprecedented high level, noted sergei lavrov. the chinese press regards his own visit as strengthening the strategic partnership between the two countries. lavrov may be paving the way for president putin's first foreign visit since his re-election, but the final confirmation will be an official statement released by both sides. he expresses sincere words of greetings not only to sergei lavrov, but also to president vladimir putin the leader of the people's republic of china, sidin pin, the head of russian diplomacy, he receives at the house of the people on the square, where important government meetings are held. he calls the minister a long-time friend of the chinese people, who has done a great job of promoting relations between moscow and beijing. it is important for the foreign ministers of the two countries
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to carefully implement the service of diplomacy of the heads of state.


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