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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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nerse zinping, who met in beijing in the fall for negotiations, paid special attention to the fact that it was thanks to the diplomacy of the leaders that relations between moscow and beijing reached an unprecedented high level, noted sergei lavrov. the chinese press regards his own visit as strengthening the strategic partnership between the two countries. lavrov may be paving the way for president putin's first foreign visit since his re-election, but the final confirmation will be an official statement released by both sides. sincere words of greetings the leader of the people's republic of china, sidinpin, speaks not only to sergei lavrov, but also to president vladimir putin; he receives the head of russian diplomacy in the house of the people on the square, where important government meetings are held. he calls the minister a long-time friend of the chinese people, who has done a great job of promoting relations between moscow and beijing. it is important for the foreign ministry of the two countries to carefully implement what i have achieved with an eye to serving the diplomacy of the heads of state.
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a peace plan for settlement, reasonable and clear, as sergei lavrov noted, but for this is why the west needs to abandon the cold war mentality of bloc confrontation with the participation of nato. the main message of the negotiations in beijing is neighborliness and the accumulation of both political and economic capital. over the past year, russia and china reached a record trade turnover of $240 billion. this is the business district of beijing, which sets the rhythm of the entire metropolis. here is the headquarters of china central television, popularly known as pants. this is what this building is called because of its nature. shape, and in the neighborhood there are skyscrapers in which all the financial life in the middle kingdom, and new ones are being built there, as a symbol of the fact that record economic indicators , including in terms of trade turnover with russia, are far from the limit. moreover, this year is the anniversary year for our countries - 75 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties, when the soviet union was the first of all states to recognize the people's republic of china, will be celebrated on a large scale, and after that russia and china will hold cross-years of culture. however, in beijing. can often be heard and even seen in
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the shopping district, where many signs on language of pushkin, and sellers are waiting for guests from russia for the chinese tea ceremony. boris ivanin, dmitry dunaev, news: china, beijing. washington wants to conclude new military agreements with tokyo. prime minister kishida has arrived in the united states and is scheduled to speak before congress. the head of our american bureau, valentin bogdan, found out what to expect from this union. the path to world politics, which led him here to arlington cemetery, for the current prime minister of japan began with the first multi-member constituency jeroshima prefecture. of course, it’s interesting how a person might feel laying a wreath at the graves of those who wore the same shoulder straps that were on the crew members of the american b-29 that dropped a nuclear bomb on the city where fumiu kishida’s entire family comes from, maybe...
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at dinner will tell, he will become only the second japanese leader to address a joint session of congress. the first was sinze in 2015 under obama. 9 years ago they kept quiet about plans, but now it is known that the us president and japanese prime minister, of course, will discuss the issue of japan's future participation in the trilateral defense alliance aokus, which, in addition to america and great britain, also includes australia. there's a forum there in sydney. china and russia certainly support each other, and this is a concern; they are moving in the wrong direction, that is, here the rules-based world reveals itself in the unsettling sensations of its rampant militarization. we oppose individual countries.
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in the first part of the list, in addition to china, there is also the dprk, in the second, with an additional load of ukraine, which kishida mentioned in every interview before his visit to the united states. watching russia's fighting in ukraine and the conflict between israel and palestine, i came to the conclusion that the international community was facing a historical turning point.
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britain has provided money for ukraine this year, as has the european union. america must do this too. i'm going to talk to speaker johnson. however, it is already clear that there will be no meeting with johnson, but instead a meeting with trump in maralaga. there seems to be a center for making decisions about allocation money to ukraine. i think in terms of cameron's decision, in some ways it is wise to meet with both rivals, who may become political allies in the future. why memeron became so wise is not very clear. in 2015, he called trump a clueless fool, but the trumpists' opinion of
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cameron is already known. david cameron has his own country to worry about and frankly, he can kiss my ass. still going on vacation. greene hung up speaker johnson, promising to begin the procedure for his resignation if he colluded with democrats and will still accept a package of military aid to ukraine. the easiest thing to do here is to blame it on the eccentricity of one single congresswoman, but only she is focused on her voter. we're not seeing progress, and then there's talk of $65 billion in aid for a country that ranks pretty high on the list of corrupt states, so... the voters have some suspicions. on april 18, congress will again go on vacation, it is possible that again without a decision on the allocation of military assistance kyiv. another mike pompeo was sent to process mike johnson; the former secretary of state under trump also harped on russian
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propaganda. but the republican speaker is not going to be a former speaker yet, so before putting the question of financing ukraine to a vote, johnson. he will weigh everything 10 times. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and timofey mukhin, usa news. the president of moldova, maia sandu, canceled her trip to gagauzia, she was afraid to visit the chisinau region, which was inconvenient for her. meanwhile, the head of the autonomy evgenia gutsul flew to moscow and met with the management of promsvyaz bank. natalya solovyova will tell you what issues were resolved. this meeting in moscow is fundamentally important. autonomous gogauzia is located. but should have gone to finance social infrastructure and economic projects.
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unfortunately, we are now faced with a lot of pressure, both on the authorities of gogolusia, as on the residents, and we have partners. we have international friends who would like to help gsu, but unfortunately, the current government is all about block. access to the russian payment infrastructure will help overcome the economic blockade. promsvyaz-bank will provide a convenient platform for transfers, and will also open accounts for public sector pensioners of gagauzia. it is important for us to provide cross-border payments. it is important for us to provide this opportunity. the use of other products, and we even agreed that those, in a good sense, representatives or relatives, residents of gagauzia who live here in russia, will receive an additional bank - special, let’s say, services at a separate rate, under a separate
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program, so that, as they say, they can expand the scope of this kind of humanitarian, as they say, what kind of humanitarian support. in the near future, about 25 thousand residents of this region will be able to receive financial assistance on mir cards and make cross-border payments. in the department of health and human services. otherwise gaguze pensioners will be able to sign a contract at the very latest, so by may 1st we already want goglubuzia state pensioners to be able to get what they deserve to improve the life of the residents' autonomy, we asked ... the management of promsvyaz bank so that we could provide the residents of gagluzi
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with humanitarian assistance, that is, additional financing from our partners. according to evgeniy gutsol, no matter how the moldavian authorities try to denigrate russia, the residents of the country see who is a friend and is ready to lend a helping hand in a difficult moment, but in the information field chisinau has launched a real war. the minister of foreign affairs of moldova, mihai papsoi, while on a visit to berlin, said: what... what is not a day is a hybrid attack, what is not a protest is russian propaganda. republic of moldova. moldova is trying its best to cope with hybrid attacks. we do this through a variety of means, both in the security sector, where we invest in defense assets, and in the areas of our intelligence services. right now , the moldovan military, along with colleagues from nato countries, are participating in the sea shield 2024 maneuvers. they are taking place in romania, a state that the chisinau authorities and the prime minister are trying to achieve with all their might. romania recently stated that he supports the idea, including through the republic’s accession to the european union.
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the gagauzians said that if moldova agrees to this, the autonomy will leave its composition, declaring its own independence. it is clear that gagauzia is a small state entity, located in the south of moldova, and probably has its own resources, including armed ones. does not have it, but there is no question that the gogause people have the right to self-determination, there is no doubt that the situation has reached a critical point, kamrait has a forecast on this matter gloomy, it is not excluded that chisinau will send troops and dissolve the gogaut autonomy if its independence is declared. the official authorities of moldova have so far refrained from commenting, but tomorrow the region is going to visit the country's president, maessanda. natalya solovyova, olga albukhina, lead. the launch of the heavy angara launch vehicle was again postponed wednesday. on
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tuesday, the start was stopped automatically. evgeniy nipot found out what happened. april 9, 11:58 moscow time, the angara a5 heavy-class launch vehicle is preparing for its first launch from the vostochny cosmodrome. a start cancel command has been issued. the automatic system worked, the start was postponed for technical reasons. in 2 minutes. to the launch pad of the amur space rocket complex from the installation and testing building to the launch complex of site 1a.
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the flame from the rocket is diverted through this gas duct, its length is 140 m, its depth is approximately 24 m, which is comparable to an eight-story building. the launch of angora from vostochny marks the beginning of flight design tests of the amur space rocket complex, with heavy-duty launch vehicles. the hangar is, first of all, a space heavy truck. in terms of its performance, it is superior to the currently used proton m, whose service life is coming to an end, and the angara must be replaced. the main advantage of this new russian rocket is environmental friendliness. proton fuel is toxic heptyl, while angara has an oxygen-hydrogen pair, which allows it to be used for launching both automatic and manned vehicles in promising orbital and interplanetary missions. in total, during the tests, heavy and light versions of the angara family of missiles completed six tests. descents from military cosmodrome plesetsk, in the event of a postponement of the launch, experts say,
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the reasons for the situation are carefully analyzed, safety comes first, everything is controlled by computers that are in the bunker, protected, and they process information from sensors, yeah, so some sensor showed an abnormal work, the computer immediately stopped the startup process, yeah, that is, people couldn’t say, this is nonsense, let’s fly on. they need time to understand why this remark is serious, or because of this remark the rocket can fly. now angara they are again preparing for launch, which is tentatively scheduled for... wednesday, april 10. evgeny nipot, mikhail devyatkin, ivan kuznetsov and alexander prokhunov, presenter: vostochny cosmodrome, amur region. someone is always in a hurry to help. wholesome pain. knee pain, back pain, neck pain, it doesn’t matter.
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the shoulder may give out. let's call pentalki soon. every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own, a desire to stand out, a desire to act and not be distracted by the hustle and bustle of business. works to make your cherished dream come true, start the path to your dream with sber, free business account sberbusiness card with 10% cashback, sberbusiness bonuses thank you, sberbusiness.
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to russia in the ukrainian crisis, otherwise they will face serious consequences. what the article notes, despite external ones. i would like to emphasize that western countries should not denigrate the normal state relations between china and russia, and should not
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damage the legitimacy of china and chinese enterprises. china has taken significant measures to protect its legitimate position. beijing's rather harsh rhetoric is understandable. russia and china are strategic partners. the volume of trade between countries in the first 2 month of this year reached $3.7 billion, which is 9% higher than the result of the same period last year. exports from china to russia increased by 12.5%, imports by almost seven. at the end of the twenty-third year, the volume of trade between countries reached a record 240 billion dollars, an increase of 26%. russia and china have actually completely switched to payments in national currencies, rubles and yuan. we can characterize relations between russia and china as very stable. china. understands perfectly well that its stability the world system is based on equal relations with the united states and russia, so, of
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course, there is no need to say that china, for some reason, can surrender russian interests . the main topic of the us treasury secretary's negotiations in beijing was the consequences of overproduction of chinese goods, which, according to washington, could negatively affect american ones.
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vladimir putin promptly receives all up-to-date information about flooding. after hearing reports from the head of the ministry of emergency situations and governors. the most difficult situation is in the orenburg region, where the president sent the minister of construction, erek faizulin. ruslan bikbulatov and margarita semenyuk report from the disaster zone. rescuers are transporting paramedics to the old city, the area that was hit the hardest. half the houses are under water, one glance is enough to understand that.


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