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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

2:30 am
you look around everyone treats us well and is just friends until we lose consciousness, but if suddenly something starts, then friends get lost somewhere along the way, so it’s important here that we don’t repeat the mistake with america, that is, here you go you can be right, less hugs, more pragmatism, no wave of investment, where something would be bought for pennies, the presence of chinese citizens is also regulated, although i don’t quite agree with this, we still need no visas, i think, i hope that when - then we... it will be discuss for businessmen, this surprises me , vladimirovich, kazakhstan is also very afraid of the chinese, well, there are serious anti-chinese sentiments there, takaev gave the opportunity for visa-free travel for businessmen for two weeks, belarus 90 days, belarusians, no, but we don’t, only as part of a group, two -three people, then you register a tourist group, it’s difficult, it’s not very convenient for the chinese side, it should be mutual, no, the chinese ambassador zhang hui said that we are not against it, but no one has applied so far, that is... .but
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let's see about the visit, most likely there will be one it’s also quite bright and saturated, i hope we’ll discuss advertising later.
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you know what can happen, now there is a lot of all kinds of speculation, there is a telegram channel called sipahai posdarran, this is a guard corps, it’s not difficult to guess which guards, but there i’m called almost... targets, yes, where i’ll hit, i won’t name which countries, which embassy and so on, at the same time it is launched that supposedly iran through oman, aman always plays the role of a mediator, the united states agrees that, in principle, they may not interfere, but in exchange the fact that israeli troops will leave the gaza strip, yes, but it won’t either, which bibi won’t agree to, no, yes, that means, at the same time, that means we see that in israel... several thousand people have been mobilized there mainly air defense specialists, that is, they are preparing in full for a possible attack directly on israeli territory, but i assume that the iranians will not launch direct strikes on israeli territory, then why won’t they, well, because it will clearly be a big war in
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the middle east, the red lines are in iranian policy now means that we should under no circumstances interfere ourselves, unless, of course , it interferes on our territory, well , this is... an attitude, and there is, of course, in the leadership, which means iran, the security forces, including syria , people who are ready for such a war, in general, they have even partially - they have now pulled up their missiles, which means incoming batteries, that means the system of the islamic revolutionary corps, uh, that means a unit of disposable drones, that’s what i said rh2, which reaches hayva, and television, but they will be looking for some opportunities in every possible way, and maybe in kiev they will screw them, how? they will hit kiev asymmetrically, for example, i understand what’s the matter, if they hit, they have to hit someone, that’s israel, yes, and also if the embassy, ​​the embassy is located closer to iran, they cannot hit somewhere , god knows where, yes, there are several such embassies, i
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won’t name them, they are constantly being talked about, yes, so the bet is more on the possibility that proxies will attack as always, and it seems that hezbollah leader hassan nasrula came up with such it means there, moment by moment, that it’s time, the point is, it’s time to move from defense to offense, and khzbollah has such systems, these are missiles, drones, capable, in fact, of reaching any object on israeli territory, which means inflicting a significant blow, which means a strike, but khzbollah has the problem is of an internal lebanese nature, it’s complicated there in lebanon, but everything is complicated, so what will the houthi comrades say, and the houthis are ready to strike. this will depend on whether they have missiles capable of reaching israel, not just ilat, according to they hit ilat with drones, they post a video there, which means it’s filmed in some way, which means ilat reaches there, but beyond ilat, if they have such missiles, although they have a missile, they have a kuts missile, which
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uses some proxies outside, they have they had a hyper sound, which means, well, you know, i don’t know how much of this hypersound, i think, if there was a period like this...
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everyone is waiting for this decision, today is the last day according to the logic of things, tomorrow is the holiday
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of breaking the fast, they should they'll kick you, yes, that is, they'll kick you the day after tomorrow, well, i don't know, that means but since the supreme leader of iran also made a statement, it means great khamenia and leadership and a lot of other things, but they must answer, they cannot help but answer, why they cannot, first, if they do not make the authority of the current government in the eyes of the iranians , the lizard will fall, and little worse than that, this authority will fall. sit as we call proxies, he will say, we are fighting, we are striking, we are losing people, and as long as you can continue, you somehow connect to this, don’t think that all these so -called proxies, they are like that, you know , puppets, there are no puppets there, this is a separate topic, a whole big topic, everything is not so simple there, and this could cause serious damage to iran, so iran will be forced to strike, yes, at the same time this strike is on the representation, we will say the embassy , a consulate, as everyone can be called, but... an ambassador, it means that netanyahu was specially made to provoke such a thing,
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netanyahu dreams, but they started, he doesn’t hide it, that’s the most interesting thing, the beginning of a big war with iran, how many years before i said this every time, after 2 weeks there will be an atomic bomb, in 2 weeks it will be, we need to force a strike, and he will do it, he is forced to do it, why are we now in the gas sector, well, they can’t agree, everything seems to have been agreed, the cia director flew to cairo . which means, well, not everyone is like this, well , marwan bargood, i once told you here, he
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’s been in prison for 22 years, five life sentences, plus 40 more years, yes, well, that means, and of course they want to get him out of there, because these are prospects, this is the new leader of palestine, because with all due respect, let god of health and so on, mahmud abaz will be 89 years old this year in november, he needs a replacement, and if such a person comes out, it will be another one, i said and will be. and so on, which means nuclear weapons, which they supposedly don’t have, well, everyone knows that they do, of course, in that regard, because
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no one has imposed any sanctions against israel for having nuclear weapons, that is , in fact, if israel still uses nuclear weapons, this could put an end to the entire non-proliferation policy, that is, after this everyone will have nuclear weapons right away, but the technology is not difficult, saudi arabia in the first place, everyone will immediately say, what are you all about, that is, it will all go away. we live in a fun time, fun, korin georievich, first of all, i would like to say that i am very impressed by the latest release of my friend, nikita sergevich mikhalkov, his besagon, but in principle, it is dedicated to the twist of the sieve, events and analysis of the whole situation, i should say, of course, and we talked about this here a lot, many. ideas and this is all and this, but i must say, with the inherent, in general, outstanding
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masterful director, he managed to systematize it all so clearly, present it all so clearly and convincingly that it looks very convincing, very convincing, in general , i can’t really imagine what arguments there could be against a simple and clear idea, the traces lead to ukraine , and not there? if they are there, they could not have happened without the participation of the leader of ukraine; such a terrorist attack cannot be sanctioned, so to speak, without without without participation.
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all around, as they say, enter, the president supported, no, as if there is some wall that doesn’t want to do this, although in fact it’s very easy, put a home theater in the classrooms, god, show it once a month for 2 hours, you don’t even need special teachers, probably in
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every school there are fans who love cinema, pay them 10 thousand extra there, they will still discuss movies with the children. there are probably boys, he just didn’t show them, and what will happen then, and as they say, everything will just happen by itself, this is apparently what they are talking about there in the west, when they are planning, so to speak, dismemberment russia is going for exactly this, lenin
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was not a fool when he said that cinema is the most important of the arts, this is when cinema is no art. we will understand, but this is only one of the measures, it is quite possible that we need others, i don’t know, the power of cinema, we still haven’t had it, it hasn’t been the most important, then he understood , for example, i know that i don’t know will confirm no one, will not confirm, i heard that in china, by the way, they actually passed a law prohibiting children under 16 years old from spending more than two hours on the internet, there is no law, but the restrictions are very serious, very correctly and passionately, like a real patriot, citizen, he embodied them, i advise everyone to watch it, who hasn’t seen it, about
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this iran thing, i got caught up in your thoughts, something like that, maybe i’m wrong, of course, you know , in our political analytics we can make all sorts of guesses, in fact, only god knows how everything will be, yes, so i have a feeling that iran will not... answer, i have a feeling that it will not answer, it seems to me , he’d be a fool if he answered, it seems to me, it seems to me, he’s provoking him, he doesn’t want this, firstly, he sees an example, our example, it is clear that we were provoked into war, well, it is clear that they provoked us, it is clear, they were skillful, they pushed us into it, they dragged us into the war, in essence.
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always to israel and the americans. why not? the second point is interesting, here we see mr. biden. yes, so to speak, but strictly
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speaking, it is more and more doubtful that this character can qualify for any elections. what if there is war? and if a war starts, it will be a more serious war. it will still be a serious war with saran. that's why i admit that in general. so i think he won't answer, the iranian people, i think they will understand, i think they will understand, i think i don't, it's, well
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, anyway, i have that feeling, but i have the feeling that it is quite possible that in general the americans and israel would like, perhaps first of all, the americans would generally like to resolve the war today, to resolve the issue with iran, because in their opinion there may not be another chance. let's see how the event develops. two words about china, you know, as they say, still, let me remind you that not for the sake of a nice word, in fact, for many years i have always supported the idea of ​​​​russia's rapprochement with china, and i will remind you that this always took place against the backdrop of very, so to speak, skeptical smiles of many opponents, china was treated like this to say, to a large extent, as they say,
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they are cunning, and they should be a gift here, like this, oh, they are so cunning, they are very aggressive, that aggressive, you said correctly, in general, if you look at history, we took beijing, by the way, without any reason, absolutely, there was no never, in general, the russian-japanese war took place on the territory of china, which, by the way , is not at all happy with china, by the way, the japanese war was fought in alliance with china, we essentially defended interests. with china, that we defended, okay, you were in i was in dalian, you know, a distant former distant portord, here are two cemeteries, the first cemetery of russians, russian soldiers of the russo-japanese
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war. well, ours, ours are watching, so to speak, a large poster in chinese in russian, soldiers of the russian army who fought are buried here in the imperialist war on the territory of china with the japanese, that is, it was emphasized that this was not a war of china at all, well, how did they approach this, well, why should they be happy there was no soviet cemetery nearby, by and large, let me finish, so to speak, not this, they threw it, there is a soviet cemetery nearby, in perfect order, i arrived, i look, chinese pioneers, chinese pioneers, there it is, let’s kneel introduction, so to speak, there at the cemetery of soviet soldiers, bury there in the beautiful, this is magnificent, this is a museum nearby, so to speak, the soviet army is included in china, so to speak, from this point of view, that’s all
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i have...
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bravo to the missing, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i have to find him, nadezhda markina, he looks very much like him, sergei gorobchenko , tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that ’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, then, then i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope. there is always hope, call sign passenger, militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
3:00 am
you didn’t conquer beijing from the chinese, well from whom, how from whom, listen, well, if the chinese came from you here in moscow and then told you it would be nice, well, anyway, for them it’s foreign aggression.
3:01 am
it's clear that.


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