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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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you didn’t conquer beijing from the chinese, well , but from whom, how from whom, manju, listen, press, well, if the chinese came from you , took moscow here, then they told you it would be nice, well, of course. well, anyway, for them this is external aggression, well, what can i say , well, yes, why, why, if they were liberated from the americans, it would be nice, so they are there, but that’s how it was, in fact, no, it’s not was, stopping, okay, well, in short, i’m saying, and this, they’re cunning, they’re not helping us, i don’t know, they’re helping us and they’re not helping us, but in my opinion, i’m looking along the streets of moscow, i’m thinking, it’s not the chinese, if it weren’t for the chinese, i don’t know what our car structure would do.
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i look at this matter with enthusiasm, another question is that i don’t think that, of course, america and the west will ever join brix, there will be a confrontation between two huge eurasia, which will include russia, and as orval predicted, russia, china, there’s also vietnam, mongolia, korea, maybe india, i don’t know, the west will be on the other side, it’s inevitable, that’s how this world works, but in my opinion, of course.
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that the people who are responsible for this whole matter, when next spring comes, will remember that when snow melts, it turns into water, and if a lot of snow melts, then there is a lot of water, it’s like just a law of nature, it probably makes sense think about this a little more in advance, so as not to lead to such situations, i would be happy to transfer some funds if there... this fund is opened,
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before i give the floor to dmitry, i want to read to you, i have there is no this video yet, some interesting quotes: dick senate of the us congress, tommy taberville, a republican, in the armed services committee of the senate-congress, stated the following: my understanding of the conclusion of my apparatus is that since the fourteenth year we have spent 300 billion in ukraine, now we are printing or burning. in ukraine 80 thousand dollars per second, 4.6 million dollars per minute, we can no longer maintain this rate of spending, we must find better ways to spend our money, the conclusions were challenged for the minister of defense on financial shirts and cords, who took part listen, for me this estimate sounds too high, we spent about 300 million a year on ukraine for a number of years, and only in the last 2 years we spent about 40.
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about the children, so to speak, who is raising them, and so on , you see, i am very understanding of the initiative to really show them our good movies, old, new, well, can you imagine how this show will take place, well, the children will sit in this thing, they will look at the screen, at school , everyone is sitting here, go,
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try, take the phone, go, try, take the phone, no problem at all, oh, this, this is a wild problem, these are inexpensive electronic warfare radio solutions. look, here there is one, there is one very serious thing here, there are a number of teachers, specialists, child educators, they say one simple thing: giving a smartphone to a child under 10 years old is just murder, period, let’s at least we will discuss this, we will carry it out, i am more than sure that if this is not murder, then at least significant, as it were, psychological trauma inflicted by a child, moreover, most so to speak, children are somewhere around this age and 8 9 10 a little later, everyone has a vpn, everyone is subscribed to anyone, go, parental control is the main reason for litter in a family with teenagers, parental control , an attempt at parental control of smartphones, maybe for some this has been resolved, but in the vast
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majority of families this is so, even if the school will hand over phones, and it’s also interesting, well, of course, without deceiving so to speak, it’s clear teachers, they will be there right away get into these cars, houses, it means that if you want to raise a new generation, then there are two ways out of court, the first way is tough, repressive total, it’s realistic to follow these rules now and remember, if your parents give you a phone number, you will have to even deprive them of parental rights, because what else, but how, and what kind of measure is this, well, fines, right away, well, half a million, which could be spent on a child, but what fines, 50.00, he will give, so as not to quarrel with the child, well, corina georgievich, well, it won’t work out this, or or, well, then do nothing, here’s china...
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it’s clear, more or less, the second reason, the second, the second version of how to solve this issue, after all, this, of course, is to educate those who want to be raised from children, this is unfortunately , it’s a complicated thing, who wants to study there, so to speak, of course, to become a military man or a representative of the managerial elite or a good engineer, well, they persuade them, they go, but this is understandable, this will be the education of a maximum of 10%, all the rest will be imprisoned there, and the more prohibited the social network is, the more popular they will be among young people, well... this is how these networks are structured, they are structured on algorithms that fundamentally find out what a person is interested in, they hit this point, this is the internet, well, this is just, well, in a hearing in congress, it’s like everything was known, it means you have already banned everything here, now you are like the main enemy of children, that is, everything is clear,
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i’m in charge, yes, it will be amazing, children under 10 years old should not be given a smartphone, but one way or another it doesn’t matter this humanity will come the one that survived, well... well, i will to discuss a little with dmitry, it means that about this very thing it will fall off, let me, let me express myself as i said, let me express myself, so to speak, as follows, well , no matter how the damn mother is cut, it may not fall off on its own, it’s too parasitic a system, that’s it as if this is really serious, and if approaches to this are found in the very near future, it will probably be... the most important event in general, in principle, well, and secondly , regarding barel, it seems to me that barel how since i said everything clearly, it’s just such a manner, they have this kind of thing, to make such a speech or such an article for the sake of one paragraph, well , now i’ll talk about this a little later, in my opinion, in fact, in principle, we
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are living now in such a world, when you can’t trust anyone, everyone says, in fact, everything is really like that, well, look how it is for a very long time, i can, well, i mean. for years they said that they were a defensive alliance and were actively expanding, they said, well , first of all they said the united states, well what is nato without the united states, what is it aimed against north korea and iran, they are now saying, yes, no, no, but against us, yes, now there is another interesting thing, which, by the way, barel partially spoke about, now it turns out they are all preparing for war. well, really, well, if now i want to look at the figures, so to speak, of industry for the first quarter, they have not yet come out in the european union, there is no, so to speak, upsurge there, there is no preparation for war, as far as i understand, conscription figures may be increasing, while all this is, as it were , actually talk about what is behind this, it seems to me that barel honestly said everything, he
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said that the united states can no longer, in fact, does not want to provide an umbrella over europe, another thing is that he said that this is a military umbrella, an umbrella from a point. security, different options are possible here, because there are different parts of europe, different interests of different american groups, but the most important umbrella over europe, and barel of course kept silent about this, is the most important.
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that's another question, we need to get away ourselves, yes, well, we need to fuck off ourselves, that ’s absolutely accurate, so to speak, but at the same time, by the way, speaking of a curious thing, canada has already openly stated, so to speak, before this was considered unacceptable, as if unacceptable behavior, acceptable rhetoric, canada openly enters the alcus, which, by the way, i ’ve been talking about for a long time, that’s it, canada is now in the new west, this, so to speak, indian pacific, it still goes there on both sides, therefore, but the main thing is to protect its interests in the arctic ocean, well... once again, the northern place, it was a lot of things were said, it was said about antarctica and a lot of things were said, the most
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important thing was that she wants submarines, the same ones that australia will build, the most important thing is that she wants exactly this configuration of the west, which is nothing like in principle, no nato is envisaged in this configuration, although let me remind you of nato, so to speak, canada let me remind you of a member of nato in this sense, although logically, of course , canada has interests in europe that are much less convincing than, well, that’s also yes, but how to my own time.
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in the current world, when because of this, so to speak, a rather serious storm is already flaring up, it’s like, this, this is kind of serious, that is, it’s like it’s necessary to speak more harshly in my opinion, apparently, this is happening again some, so to speak, well , there were internal disputes, but the same things were said that were said by francis at the very beginning, where it all began, the liberalism of the vatican, that nevertheless we must accept everyone into the church , including openly gay people, so to speak, and this is of course a departure from the same canon of faith, well, let's do it this way.
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what exactly does the holy table mean, i also look, but if he comes, i wanted to say the bad word fagot, i realized that it is impossible, that is, he is a homosexual, then he comes to church, yes, he realizes his sinfulness, well , yes, he comes and repents, he can come, of course, but just well, well, yes, as if it doesn’t speak about this to all members of this lgbtq community, there’s even an abbreviation, but at the same time there’s an important point that... it’s said that for us it’s all a sin , not the norm, well, in general, in short, that is, simply for the first time in many years, because it already seemed that they had filled the entire church, it was said, just a minute, we want to remind you, definitely, this is all a sin, well , i wish i could i wouldn’t believe it now myself in fact, also say so to the holy see, because it is clear that they simply did not please you now, no, today, by the way, i am actually the second part of kozlevich, as a matter of fact. i started with the fact that in general you can’t trust anyone, well , i wouldn’t really believe this either seriously, for one simple reason, because
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, as it were, what does the holy see want there, what internal political alignments does he have there, that he is obviously losing influence, for example, on the same latin america and part of north america, obviously, it was necessary with something - to come out like that, but the fact that before that there was, so to speak, almost continuous lgbt propaganda from that side is also obvious, so you don’t have to accept it, it’s like, well, there’s again a split among the catholics, in general, it’s as if there’s just no necessary. people of goodwill around the world, please
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that in general, of course, we understand that, so to speak, anti-americanism, i would here, i would doubt that this is the main ideology of the modern communist party of china, when janit yerin, the prime minister of china, came, he said that the main task of china is to be united the states are not opponents, but partners, this is just a direct quote from an official statement, in this sense, i perfectly understand china’s national interests, we shouldn’t make such eyes about this, they tricked us into something else like that , no, it’s simple. once again believe strongly, you see, there , no one can take friendship, the good intentions of someone, so to speak, into what we are told, in this sense, well then the statement, as nikolai nikolaevich says, cannot be trusted, if we do not believe anyone, then you don’t have to believe the statement of the chinese minister of finance either, yes, by the way, yes , by the way, yes, by the way, yes, don’t believe anyone, including me, it is, of course, of course, in this sense, unlike, unlike the phrase i
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’m lying , yeah, like this thing, this thing, like you don't have to trust anyone, including me, in this sense, what does this actually mean? and this means only one thing, that our long habit, which developed not now and not 30 years ago, and even so to speak, not 50 years ago, this habit of always focusing on, so to speak, someone, it in today's world, well, it's counterproductive. in fact, we now have all the possibilities and we have no other way out, we ourselves need to be the engine of change in the world, we ourselves need to be, so to speak in this very example, and ourselves generate the line that can be based on their own interests , others can join, so.
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division, it’s either an anti-aircraft missile division, or an anti-aircraft missile battery, it’s different for everyone, again in this regard, this number of launchers sometimes even flows into, well, quite official reports, that’s when it’s reported, like during the fire strike, five launchers were hit , for example, there was an s300 or a patriot, well, i take recent messages from the ministry of defense. for example, well, this is not a criticism of the ministry of defense, but again, everywhere you need to see the main thing, for example, in the same s300 anti-aircraft missile division, there can be 12 of these launchers, and if five of them are fired, this does not mean at all that the division has lost its combat capability, but what exactly is there , then the most important thing is where the heart, in fact, is of this main tactics of the fire unit, these are, by and large
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, two things, this is the illumination and guidance radar, it is most often called the pbu, the combat point. vertical position, it casts a shadow, and she is clearly visible when she stands at her, of course, everyone is aiming there, you still have to hit the heart, the heart of this unit, the radar and the combat control point, that it reminded me of a classic film, who is strangling like that, for
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you need an apple for an apple, but why am i telling you this, that everywhere in the whole business you need to see the main thing. because he pulled out the keystone, the whole structure collapsed, he hit these few people there, again , it takes years, years to prepare them, i ’m talking about all this, again, to the fact that blows, blows in terms of air defense capabilities of the ukrainian armed forces, the aerospace defense forces should be sharply strengthened, precisely in this context, but these are military-technical issues, and now let’s move on to some operational-strategic matters, that’s when the collective west formulated... strategic the goal of the conflict in ukraine, then they usually say: to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, but this is never laid out point by point, what needs to be achieved first, second, third,
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what you are trying to achieve during this conflict, because if you come up with your theses about the battle of good and evil, light and darkness, autocracy and democracy, bring such theses to the operational department of any general staff, there the operator officers’ brains will rot, they will not be able to write operational directives, instructions to the troops, nothing is formulated on the basis of such military-political tasks, again, so what do you want and how do you assume the development of the geopolitical... situation for 5, 10 years ahead, how do you see the future, but it doesn’t seem at all, based on this these, from these stupid and stupid statements about inflicting
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a strategic defeat on russia, again, if you are going to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, then there must be a tool with which you will inflict it, this tool so far is only the armed forces of ukraine, in the state in which they now, by definition, they cannot solve this problem, again, does this mean that it is necessary? dramatically increase the provision of their weapons and military equipment, and again set their funding to new levels, well, what’s possible will be done in the near future, but let’s formulate the question differently, change the coordinate system a little and look at the whole thing, but on the other hand, okay, then, in order to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, you need at least one of the armed forces of ukraine to create an army that will not only be comparable in combat operational capabilities to
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several aircraft, but all this costs a lot of money, a lot of money, and the ukrainian side assumes that all this will be decided by the collective west, exclusively on a gratuitous basis, but they only demand that give us 20, give us 30, give us 50, give us 100, and give it for free, it turns out, again, how do you propose to solve this problem, i would like ask, and there are not even any historical examples, so... even if we turn to the experience of the second world war and lindlease, which was carried out in relation to the soviet union and some other countries, the same soviet union
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paid for all this lendism in gold and strategic materials, how ukraine will pay off, or how you would also like to hear yourself, because well, if you set yourself geopolitical military-political goals of such magnitude, you are ready to finance this whole thing for free for... a long time a deadline with an absolutely unclear geostrategic and geopolitical result, you yourself don’t see it yet, so i would like to ask again, guys, where are you going, how can you clarify the course, azimuth angle, where are you going? the old man answered this bernstein, the goal is nothing, the movement is everything, yes, yes, yes, for them, the biden procession is much more important , there are tons of trotskyists, then this is not a trodskyist.
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and yes, about mercenaries, yes, in fact, the last few days have given us, as it seems to me, the first such
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reinforced concrete evidence during a special military operation... that, not only that, the americans are involved in combat control and planning the actions of militants kiev regime, so they also decided to run around on earth, to fight, amazing for me, in fact it was a story, because why it’s categorically incomprehensible, well, i have one version, but in order to somewhat cement the moral and psychological state. detachments of special forces of the main intelligence department, the ministry of defense, everything turned out quite the opposite, what i’m talking about, yes, the americans took part in attacks on the belgorod region, they walked straight, they shot, they died there as a result of the actions of our fighters, the life time of the americans, i don’t even i know what to call them, are they mercenaries, or are they guys like that?
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from the kharkov region and, accordingly, their analyzed together at about the same time, that is, it was clear that the presence of the americans on the battlefield caused some kind of slavish uplift in the ukrainian military, although damn it, it’s generally unclear why, because the americans didn’t do anything outstanding on the battlefield showed, of course, they behaved approximately like how rangers behave in american films in... nestana, yes, well, with the exception of the ending in the films, everything is somehow different, but there everything is quite fast and not not not very beautiful, especially for them, americans are starting to receive coffins, you know, here are the hornbeams home, and so quietly, also not in the american tradition, without these beautiful flags from the plane, without the crying widows in the television cameras, no
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, quietly, quietly, and the guys from... the fbi for sure they explain in the house that there is no need to demonstrate our misfortune and grief in the public sphere, since we have begun to receive this evidence, accordingly the scale of application is growing, yes, that is, well, this is logical, yes, since information begins to break through one way or another, either from -behind sloppiness, well, who, because they don’t care, the scale of the use of a... in operations against us, american foreigners, in particular, is growing, and accordingly, not only the combat use on the ground is growing, the scale of participation of the military curators of the kiev regime is also growing , in certain staff actions.
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