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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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there was a path to the slaughter, you know, it was a path to the slaughter and at the expense of this they allowed these corrupt scum who seized power in ukraine to get drunk, by the way, about the corrupt scum, where is benya? benya is on the kiche, waiting for us, waiting for us, all sorts of videos appear here, it seems that it’s either some kind of party on the kiche, or benes kichi on the party, with this money you can arrange a disco there along the length, no big deal , you know, maybe he should be calm there. well, there must be some kind of court decision or what did beni say: i’m here i’ll sleep, you don’t wake me up until the whole boil is over and no one from the americans is re-elected, yes, well, i still hope that we will be there earlier, so to speak, he would also like to look in the eyes, you know, for those for every muscovite 10 thousand dollars, i would like him to answer for much, much more, with this beney with this beney beney they shot down, and therefore yes, therefore...
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ukraine just needs, you know, the horror is taking over, the horror is seizing , when germany attacked the soviet union, the soviet union had no other options, yes a huge country was rising up, so to speak, for us, we had no alternatives, they immediately declared a war of extermination on us, no one touched ukraine, well, don’t be anti-russian, don’t take this path and hundreds, millions of people would live and be alive , there would have been a prosperous country, but for these creatures who simply stole all these years, they kept the money in the west, they were grabbed by at least one creature, you know, at least one.
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americans understand this, and so to speak, and the whole world understands this, they are leading you like sheep to the slaughter, you might think of it someday to the people who are on the front line, and to the same officers, these same generals, well, they are no longer complete idiots, well, look who controls you, don’t give a damn about your accounts in the west, save them, you can’t live a single life keep it, if you go to negotiations with our military and spit on the political leadership and directly begin to say, well, in the end, well, something reasonable to you. human to remain, you know, but i am sincerely sorry, i am sincerely sorry for ordinary people who are grabbed on the street and sent to this place, they themselves admit that even without preparation, the same syrsky, well, he’s a russian man, you will grow up however you like, but in the end, they still consider themselves orthodox, how can you put up with the fact that orthodox churches are being destroyed, that schismatics are seizing churches, language yours was taken away, your children are sent back to pedophile pretons for organs, they tell you about independence, excuse me, maybe
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there’s not enough evil for all this, there’s not enough evil, you know, well, someone out there can start this uprising against this mirzota throughout, and any general, for example, was very the popular general zaluzhny, well, where did he and nowhere did he choose money instead of honor and enough of a tank, our zaluzhny, well, what about nus bandera standing next to yes, yes, and where is zaluzhny, well , that means they deserve to end up, so to speak, with how they all end up. so you showed vadim karasev, yes, listen, this is a surprise, yes, so what is happening, yes, we didn’t agree like that, yes, you thought you would protect us, but you say, we have to die for you, yes, but i remember how many times he stood in this studio, and we told him they didn’t say this, yes, how many times did you tell him this one, yes, what is this, you will eat for us, yes, yeah, that is, well, well, you told all this, and he came to ukraine and he said: yes, yes, nato will protect us,
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yes, we are hobblers there, this is nato - this is a great force, and so on, well, who is to blame now for the fact that you find yourself in such a, sorry, i’ll say it diplomatically ass, that is, well, of course there are many here now they blame someone there, aristovich now feels calm and blames everyone, as if he not at all, he is an officer by age, he should be at the forefront of other positions.
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now let's see, he
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will also meet with johnson there, that is, accordingly , yes, he works very actively there, the british really hate the british, this is understandable, yes, and especially biden, by the way, but... leaving for the profitable united states of america on what he considers his fateful voyage, he clearly explained what it was for, what he would tell the americans, you don’t understand, this is what you get from accepting these 60 billion dollars for you, you are creating a lot of workers in america. places, passing a similar law, and we all together weaken our common enemy russia, this means they are telling trump, this is what he is telling the americans, this is just necessary, now we need to understand the american psychology, that is, some british guy comes and tells to us,
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the americans, who we pay our taxes, how we should manage our taxes, that is, for a few years you ruled us as colonies, are you generally fucking crazy. more ukrainians who are the same to us russians, this is a simple logic, which we here too to this karasev, but to everyone else, not only to him, of course, they tried to explain more than once, they asked the karasevs what his nationality was, he always answered as paval andrevich, you are a spy, seers, ukrainian, he always answers, as in a well-known joke,
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about the conversation, and at the same time you find out that in ukraine this regime continues, now they are passing all these laws on total mobilization,
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he says that this is all russian propaganda when they say that we have massive losses, total mobilization, yes, but for some reason this law is signed, for some reason such stories appear on the german state channel, this is something, this is also russian propaganda, but at the same time , look, the rascal gives an interview to a politician and says: yes, in general, not everything is so bad, you look, not everyone left ukraine, so you open the borders, you allow them to leave, yes, it’s clear that there are many...
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i’ve quoted their main propagandist here more than once, who is working with the ukrainian special services, maxim tucker, yes, material appears, how great, but no only there. they grab, yes, the generals have compromised themselves, the ukrainians, these are the ones who grab people on the streets, even he admits, yes , look, a young girl, i think she’s 21 years old, her last name is kashka, look how cool she is, new technologies, she uses tiktok, there are posters there, that means, hanging, beautiful, yes, well, at the same time he writes, yes, they are recruiting, like this, using revolutionary methods, modern methods, they are recruiting into a regiment, into a brigade, which the russians fear most,
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as a rule, there is always an elected president, and this one, who is ex- the president who transfer rights before the inauguration, well, not a single violation was found in the presidential elections in ukraine, zero turnout, zero violations, zero spoiled ballots, zero reputation, zero, in this situation he is trying to flirt with the west, he is trying to promote them for new ones aid packages, we understand why this was done, today the senate will sit, watch, and the house... their representatives will once again be forced to allocate those 60 billion. but in fact, the situation is quite
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deplorable and serious, because that front shows different results, we see that our movement is ongoing, and what is happening now in the clockworks does not mean that anything can be done there to stop this conveyor of death, which comes in the form of gliding bombs, and for foreigners it has become americans, for analysts, he says, so the russians made another glide bomb, this is an interspecific a... glide bomb with a diameter of 30, that is , centimeters, which can be launched from the ground with multiple launch rocket systems, then it glides with a small engine on its wings, in including from airplanes, this suggests that the total daily salvoes will increase, and we will not see them, and that this can be countered by air defense, suddenly it turned out that the number of air defense systems in the world, as they say, can be counted on the fingers of three soldiers, there just aren’t enough of them, the americans made patrious complexes insanely expensive and left them.
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this is a direct descent into fascism. if bareilles seemed to be sad, then she’s just gone, she’s threatening a sovereign state that if they don’t act in line.
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speaking of the fact that we cannot depend on the leadership in washington, we must create something of our own, well, it generally sounds unclear when they were and will be dependent, but there is a very interesting position in the white house, called the dpr, the director of national intelligence, this is a woman, which means mrs. avril haines, who heads 17 intelligence agencies of the united states of america, including the cia, this is her employee, he is now the director of the cia in some part of her...
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after all, to fulfill almost ultimatum conditions, this is the swiss conference on security, 50 countries will judge us , they will tell us what we should do as a result, this big isolation, as they like to call it, they like to create such a magnificent pie that has nothing to do with reality, the chinese said, no, it won’t be like that, we, like the russians, were strong as a rock, and we will remain so, and here the americans
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have yet another failure in this regard, but ukrainian experts now still continue to think: what kind of exit could there even be for ukraine? they already said today that the situation is critical for people, in terms of money, in terms of resources, there is nothing they can do in time, the most important resource is time , they don’t have it, they don’t have time, and maybe a million shells will be sent in a year, but it’s too late they need it now, there’s no motivation, well this is also why the country lost motivation, and the elite ran, and well, six months ago there were no such speeches, political scientists were probably afraid to talk about it, there was a certain political scientist there who said, listen, let’s see... the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is indicative, the head of magathe has arrived, saw
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strikes once, then he leaves, his group passes, the second drone hits the workshops there. says that this is actually nuclear blackmail, we are being forced to respond, let me remind you that the foreign intelligence service said that all expensive anti-aircraft missiles are stored near nuclear reactors, and we do not strike there, although we know this, there are carriages right there, it was specially done so that there would be no explosion, and this is actually blackmailing the europeans, that look, it will go against you in the other direction, they are trying to do it against us influence the americans, but i think this story will end quite sadly for all of them.
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they created an industry for wasting their lives for mercenaries, in the end all this money was invested in the venetian economy, here we are not talking about mercenaries, about our own people, who, in general , were drawn to the front with quite beautiful slogans, convinced that they were defending their homeland, then they were robbed by danitki the same scheme, and if we talk about the same ukrainian elite, i caught another paradoxical statement on one ukrainian telegram channel from...
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that everyone has thrown money into restoration , they are always there, family-loving people, don’t disturb them, they
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will restore anyway, no, steal, question, question, where will the war end again, yes, i think, i think, that it will end in a completely different way, by the way, i’m sure that zelensky didn’t think that far, well, we’re inventing something for him that he doesn’t have, and of course he was counting on victory in some form, with a low level of education, which does not understand anything about anything, which is unteachable, does not try to improve his professional level, all these benhodjis there told him everything else, that now we’ll put pressure in 2-3 months, now the sanctions will all collapse, but none of the forecasts came true, boris johnson told him, don’t worry, you fight, we’re with you next, everything will be fine.
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ursula is no longer german, she has long since broken away, they have a different problem, they have the problem that in fact the european commission has no rights to run the military economy, it has neither an army under its command, nor a military industry. that is, they talk with their tongues, but security issues are still abandoned by the national state and not only security, they don’t even have a mandate, there is no constitution for the european commission, so
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that’s what i’m talking about, the constitution of the european union, but they interpret that if there is no law, then anything is possible so that they they just understand that there’s no way, so they understand that the next government will come and start checking and say, you have a peace fund, why did you spend the money in this way and it’s no coincidence that barel is twitching, he understands that they can all plant because de facto what they did was misuse of a resource, they could be imprisoned in any case, remember the incident when they found money, barel and, if i’m not mistaken, the vice-speaker of the european parliament in the bedroom, it was also very understandable a bell that it is already possible to plant, it is already possible now, they have, in general , already stolen quite enough, in this regard they are in an unenviable situation, they will comply with the requirements, and they, in general, will fall under the investigation that they were talking about, they will to fulfill, there is already something to squeeze them for.
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stronger, more terrible, because the political leadership of the country probably did not hear what their western partners or masters were talking about, i don’t know what kind of negotiations anyone had, who was there in private conversations, who promised what, we cannot this is based on, but i, for example, do not think that nato has somehow changed its rhetoric there, they have always said absolutely honestly, absolutely honestly, we will not fight the russians, we will do everything to ensure that we do not entered into this... conflict, they said it publicly, they demonstrated it, they took and or took all the actions to ensure that there was no direct conflict, i don’t know who heard the promise that nato, here you start, and we will come there and together with you we will defeat the russians, no, they and they recognized, nato members included, that even through war, even through such an instrument as war, they solved the main task of containing russia, that is, well
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, it seems to me that this was absolutely publicly open. just like they talked about the prospects for ukraine joining nato, here win, you will be in nato, but if any literate person looks at the starting positions, there is not even a war yet, let’s say no, yes, well, just compare the economic potential, there is the military-industrial complex, mobilization resource, well, that is , there is no chance, but the political leadership of ukraine made such a decision or accepted such a proposal, so they can... nod as much as they want at nato, at the americans, at the british, at anyone, this is the political responsibility of the country’s political leadership, this is their responsibility for the decision made, they there was a right not to make such a decision, now regarding the war, you know, all the ukrainian experts, well, everyone agreed that there would be a russian offensive in the spring and summer, so all
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the experts without exception say, let them guess. in the tea leaves, where this may be, some say priority is kharkov, others say there, relatively speaking, russia will set the task of reaching the borders of the donetsk region, but everyone, absolutely everyone is sure that such an offensive will happen, in these conditions zelensky would be trying to undertake some actions, it seems to me, not entirely adequate to somehow solve the problem with arms supplies, it seems to me that he is doing it so clumsily and unprofessionally that nothing good comes of it, because... there he wanders all over the country with his piece of chair concrete, finds some destroyed premises there , tries to give interviews in which he says that everything is bad, we don’t have weapons, we don’t have enough shells, now he has already started talking about the possibility of defeating ukraine, yes, that is, on the one hand i understand why he it does this, well, as if trying, well, through fear, like, excuse me, what kind of idiot an investor must be, well, yes, in order to invest, i don’t
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know, but the fact that this has a negative impact within the country is obvious, from here, from here, yes, that’s for sure, and hence all these mobilization problems and many others, mobilization has failed, that’s already clear, there’s even nothing to argue about, there’s nothing to argue about, you know, there are no, no options here.
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