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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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information about flooding, heard reports from the head of the ministry of emergency situations and governors. the most difficult situation is in the orenburg region; the president sent construction minister erek faizulin there. ruslan bikbulatov and margarita semenyuk report from the disaster zone. rescuers are transporting paramedics to the old city. the area that was hit the hardest. half the houses are under water, one glance is enough to understand that you can’t live here. but about 120 people still
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remain in their homes, to the minister of health of the orenburg region i have to personally persuade her to evacuate, maybe she’ll go to sea, i just asked to drive a hole in, i didn’t have time to take it, well, of course , they can bring the pills now, but it will be better there under the supervision of doctors, seventy-six-year-old nina leonidovna has been living on the roof for several days now, eating what that the volunteers bring, after a quick inspection, the pensioner is still able to be convinced to come down from the roofs. everyone who refuses to leave their homes comes to the local temple, here they feed and distribute humanitarian aid, there were complaints of heart pain and intestinal syndrome, 10 multidisciplinary specialists came here today to help. in orsk, of course, this is an area of ​​special attention for us, and we primarily focus on the number of calls from people who have an intestinal infection clinic. on average in orsk, and there are up to
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eleven calls per day with these symptoms. we drive through residential areas of orsk. these are apartment buildings. this is what the entrances look like. they have completely gone under water and can no longer be opened. if someone wants to evacuate, they can now do so. will only be from the second floor of the building. there are almost 7.0 houses in the disaster zone and have already been evacuated . residents, our house was damaged to the roof, we have goats, rabbits, chickens on the roof, everything is there, there is a lot of work for medical psychologists, a supply of medicines has been collected, there is a great demand, but sedatives, people are experiencing extreme stress, everyone has stress, pressure, pressure there were 200, well, nothing helped everyone, in principle, no one was sent to hospital yet, lawyers and bank employees work at temporary accommodation centers, they help restore documents, fill out applications for... they bring whole boxes of pies and
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sandwiches, water, hot tea and coffee, you know how people cry here who have lost everything, even feel sorry for the dog, yes, but people, what can we say about people, there were tears in my eyes, a touching meeting with a faithful friend, for 5 days ksenia was looking for her beloved dog named fluff. this is my dog. at first i thought that there was no hope anymore, that there was a dog, but it turns out that it’s nearby, animal food is packaged in bags and transported to on the other side, animals have been saving themselves on the roofs for the fourth day now, from there they are delivered frozen, hungry, dehydrated, they were pulled out and now they will go to the shelter, of course, because any life saved is valuable, the last. the catastrophic,
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as it was called, flood in orsk occurred in 1957, the level of the ural river then rose by 12 m, incredibly quickly, people woke up from the splash of waves on the walls, water poured onto the second floors, furniture floated through the streets, residents were rescued with the help of boats and helicopters, filmed from the roofs of houses and so on, as today they transported preobrazhenskaya mountain to the rescue island, then 11 schools, nine hospitals, and almost 7,500 houses were flooded. in 2013, by... or a dam, if you look at the map, it’s not even one, but two embankments along the ural river, they were supposed to become like two great chinese walls protecting the city, but this year due to the snowy winter and the sharp melting snow from the ireklinsky reservoir, the discharge of water was six times more than usual, however, all surrounding reservoirs began to discharge it, powerful streams poured through streams into the urals flooded the city in a few hours; the dam, built with violations, could not stand it. to the disaster zone by order.
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construction minister ileg fayzulin has been sent to russia; he must inform the population about the upcoming restoration of infrastructure and housing; it is now difficult to assess the damage from flooding, but the authorities promise to pay compensation to everyone. of course, there will be commissions that will assess the damage, compensation will be in accordance with the calculations for the construction of one square meter of housing. he brings bread and water to ors, orenburg region, trucks travel from moscow, the urals and volga regions. doctors recommend not drinking tap water, boiling it, but rather using bottled water. vaccination against hepatitis a has begun at temporary accommodation centers. the first day during the flood, in orski, there are no sirens calling for evacuation. red-hot. emergency phone numbers are running cold, over the past few hours not a single request for rescue has been received, the peak of the flood in the city has passed, the water is slowly receding. ruslan bikbulatov, oksana serzhantova, dmitry cherkasov, alexander bozhenov, news: orsk, arenburg region, probably closer to
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eleven, there was water, there it was, well, i don’t know if it’s visible or not, sidewalk, sidewalk, yes, she stood there, look, oh, no wow, this is it. you see a black mark, i placed a stick about two hours ago, yeah, but here you can already see, there’s probably already a lot of water coming, the peak of the flood is just waiting, the large-scale construction of a new private house in orenburg had to be stopped, the flood changed everything plans, now gagik mazmanyan is helping his brother strengthen the foundation of the building, stretch a thick film, cover the object with sand, try to protect the house, yesterday in general... it was here, it was completely dry, this path was completely dry, we are booking, we don’t know how we can save the house, we don’t know, what will happen, the ural river near orenburg is approaching a critical point, there is about 20 cm left to the peak, here the ural is with us,
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here it is 100 m, we are already on the banks of the urals, a disappointing forecast for sakmara, in a few hours the inflow is 3 cm. snt dubovy plus this street was dry this morning, now it is fully. in the water, since the level of the ural river has now exceeded critical levels, this is 9 and the water continues to remain, literally in a few hours the street went under water, now local residents are trying to save their households, but law enforcement officers continue to be on duty here along with boats in order to quickly evacuate people. now more than 2 thousand household plots are flooded, more than 1,500 households, rescuers, police, and national guardsmen are evacuating people,
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buying bread, gingerbread and cookies for stew. brought by local residents to be distributed to neighbors who have not yet left for a safe place. we didn’t expect this, we thought that a little bit of a scare would go away, this is a serious matter, well done, these people really help from the heart, right, but how they help, well, they help, whoever can do what they can, they’re bringing food, yesterday my nephew came , the furniture has been raised, the approaching water is ready. veronica karimova is ready, documents and things have been collected from...
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the house inside below is facing one of the most severe floods in the orenburg region, the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov visited the region with the governor region by denis pasler, they flew over the entire area affected by the flood. the minister looked at the conditions in which those evacuated to temporary accommodation centers live. now it is important to minimize the consequences of floods in the region, and for local authorities to quickly process statements from victims; more than 15 thousand of them were received. such tasks were set at the meeting by the authorized representative of the president.
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now they mostly use disposable tableware, vaccination against botkin's disease has begun. we got 50 from the federal budget of 50,000 doses, of course all are subject to... the victims who fell into the flood zone, these are children from 3 years old, adults, well , first of all, up to 35 years old, there was indeed a hotbed of morbidity associated with the second site, 27 cases were recorded there, now this area has also been located for two days, people have already been evacuated from there, because it fell into a flood zone, we have stopped receiving patients from this microdistrict.
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russia and kazakhstan, in a telephone conversation , discussed joint measures to overcome consequences of floods in the border areas of the two countries. an agreement was reached to strengthen the coordination of russian and kazakh departments involved in responding to the emergency situation. the prime ministers also discussed current issues of trade and economic cooperation. residents of the orenburg region are also helped by the military in hard-to-reach areas; engineers from the yastensky missile formation deliver drinking water and food. medicines, fuel for diesel generators have already transported over 20 tons of cargo. participates in the work
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more than 100 military personnel and 18 units of special equipment. in addition, they will help strengthen river banks. state duma deputies from regions where flooding has begun must immediately go there to help people right on the spot. this was stated by the chairman of the lower house vyacheslav volodin. the parliamentarians of the orenburg region have already done this. the issue of eliminating the consequences of floods. are monitored by relevant committees, and data received from colleagues who visited the flood zone will help to make decisions effective measures to minimize the consequences of natural disasters. some kind of misfortune happens in our constituencies, we need to be with the people and help them. and we see that now there is a flood situation, it is very difficult, alarming in a number of regions, so i appeal to those who have not yet left... constituencies, you can do this immediately, just support us, let’s
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ask ourselves, colleagues, and more effectively let’s start helping people who are waiting for help, and of course we’ll draw conclusions so that this doesn’t happen in the future. russian army repelled 15 in su, in the avdievsky, donetsk and south donetsk directions, our units occupied more advantageous positions. soldiers, mercenary officers, a tank and six other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 21 self-propelled guns and howitzers, mostly western-made, air defense systems shot down 236 combat drones, and the united states has spent $300 billion on ukraine since 1914, this was stated by republican senator tomi tuberville, at a hearing before the armed services committee , demanded that the head of the pentagon explain why such gigantic sums were being allocated alone.
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we are printing in ukraine burning 80 thousand dollars per second, 4.600 dollars per minute, we can no longer support such expenses, there are better ways to spend our dollars. the pentagon inspector general announced 50 criminal cases related to money sent to ukraine, one of the most corrupt countries in the world. can you comment? the beginning of the conflict, within 2 years, american aid to ukraine exceeded $113 billion, and
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europe added almost 90 billion euros. all this so that ukraine under no circumstances did not agree to peace negotiations. as a result , kiev is now on the verge of collapse. zelensky is waiting for new handouts. few people want to fight with the russians; in the donbass, the ukrainian armed forces are simply neglected. this was told to journalists in warsaw by one of the polish mercenaries. it's absurd that artillery. there are no shells at all, and ukraine itself has not bought a single ammunition since august, they are just waiting for someone to give them all this for free, they are losing people, the scale of losses is increasing, morale... the ukrainian troops have no, everyone is already motivated lie in cemeteries. in in kiev at the beginning of the conflict they were friendly towards us, in kharkov it was no longer the case: they passed by, remained neutral, in donbass they simply showed us indecent gestures. ukrainian militants hit the training center of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. nuclear terrorism in kiev will be discussed at an emergency session of the magathe board of governors on thursday.
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over the weekend, the rusatom state corporation categorically condemned the unprecedented attack on... the nuclear power plant and its infrastructure, calls on the agency's leadership, as well as the governments of the eu countries, to immediately respond to direct security threat. elizaveta khramtsova is monitoring the situation. the future of the station and its safety are in the spotlight. the first deputy head of the russian presidential administration visited the zaporozhye npp on a working visit. sergei kirenko has led rosatom for more than 10 years and continues to actively participate in the development of the industry. at today's meeting we talked about what the team is doing. to ensure safe operation of the facility. the trip took place against the backdrop of a large-scale series of attacks that began over the weekend. currently there are signs there was no damage to critical nuclear and physical safety systems at the site. all efforts of the station personnel are aimed at maintaining a safe operating mode. however, in addition to protected power units, there are a number of
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facilities at the nuclear power plant site, such as a spent nuclear fuel storage facility, diesel generators that ensure uninterrupted operation from... the station, large reserves of diesel fuel for emergency diesel generators, damage and destruction of which can lead to a disaster. today i was under attack educational and training center, a unique facility. zaporozhye npp is the only station in the world where there is a full-scale reactor shop simulator, in which the reactor is real; it was once brought from crimea from a non-operational nuclear power plant. the only thing missing here is nuclear fuel. zaes employees undergo training and work here. technological operations, including in the reactor hall, as a result of the attack, neither the employees nor the equipment of this unique center were damaged. the fact of the attack was recorded by employees of the international nuclear energy agencies, which have been working at the site for more than a year and a half, and the attack happened just 10 minutes after inspectors drove past the building. the explosion report matches magathe's observations.
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there is no direct threat to nuclear safety this time, but the latest incident once again underscores the extreme seriousness. situation, the inspectors, as always , omitted that the threat comes from ukraine, that russia is interested in cooperation with magatay and the un secretariat on the issue of attacks on a nuclear facility, said sergei lavrov, but the answer, the minister insists, must be direct without any prevarication, when we agreed to the presence of magat experts, a permanent presence at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, we were, among other things, guided by necessity. for them to give an objective assessment of what is happening there, how the plant is managed, how nuclear and physical security is ensured there, but of course, we assumed that such attacks against the largest nuclear power plant in europe would be recorded. kyiv patient stable. the ukrainian energy atom stated that
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there was no drone attack, and the kremlin is allegedly trying to hide the consequences of some kind of accident that has already happened at the plant. daytime support in this information war came from germany. agent duveli released a story called drone strikes on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, and on the cover they wrote: russian drones are attacking energy facilities in ukraine, that is, they did everything possible to make the viewer think that russia is hitting its own. in the story itself, they quote stuff from kiev propagandists. main directorate of intelligence the ukrainian ministry of defense blamed the incident on russian troops, calling the drone strike a simulation. the us state department said that it was aware of the drone attack on the zas , continued to monitor the situation, routinely called on moscow to return kiev to the station, and did not admit that it was the strikes from the ukrainian side that created a nuclear threat. even nuclear terrorism is perceived in washington as a good thing if it is directed against russia, noted the ambassador to the united states, anatoly antonov. encouraging the criminal
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zelensky regime is akin to walking on a blade knife concerned about the direct hit. spoke on the phone with the head of magathe and stated that the country is calling for a meeting of the un security council to discuss global nuclear security, but official ljubljana is also silent about the fact that it was kiev that attacked. we call on the leadership of european states to immediately respond to direct threats to os security. we also demand that the ukrainian armed forces immediately stop shelling at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. russia, soon after the start of the series of attacks, advocated the convocation. according to preliminary data, such a meeting may take place the day after tomorrow at an extraordinary session of the iata board of governors. ilzaetromtsov to lead. launch of the angara heavy launch vehicle. wednesday was postponed again, on tuesday the start was stopped by the automation, and evgeniy nipot found out what happened. april 9, 11:58
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moscow time, the angara a5 heavy-class launch vehicle is preparing for the first launch from the vostochny cosmodrome. a start cancel command has been issued . the automatic system worked, the start was postponed for technical reasons. 2 minutes before the possible start the automation stopped start process. due to a failure of the central unit oxidizer tank supply system, in this situation fuel drainage is provided, we will finally understand the reasons and the launch is tentatively scheduled for a reserve date for tomorrow. let me remind you that the state commission made a decision to refuel the launch vehicle on april 8. earlier, angara a5 was taken out to the launch pad of the amur space rocket complex from the installation and testing building at the end of march. the flame from the rocket is diverted through this gas duct, its length is 140 m, its depth is approximately
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24 m, which is comparable to an eight-story building, the launch of angora from the east marks the beginning of flight design tests of the amur space rocket complex with heavy-duty launch vehicles. the hangar, first of all , is a space heavy-lift truck, whose performance exceeds the currently used proton m, the service life of which. is coming to an end, and angara must be replaced. the main advantage of this new russian rocket is environmental friendliness. proton fuel is toxic heptyl, and angara has an oxygen-hydrogen pair, which allows it to be used for output and automatic and manned vehicles in advanced orbital and interplanetary missions. in total, during the tests, heavy and light versions of the angara family of missiles made six launches from the plesetsk military cosmodrome. if the launch is postponed, experts say,
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the launch, which is tentatively scheduled for wednesday , april 10. evgeny nipot, mikhail devyatkin, ivan kuznetsov and alexander prokhunov, presenter: vostochny cosmodrome, amur region. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, like that. different, but dear to everyone, all russia is before your eyes, come to
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the international exhibition forum russia. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on april 10 , 1864, mexico became an empire, and it was the first to immediately notice it. the last emperor was the austrian archduke maximilian. this did not happen in mexico, in maximilian’s castle on the adriatic. a mexican delegation arrived to see him and he accepted a new title for himself. it all started with military intervention in mexico, france, britain and spain, due to the fact that she refused pay off debts. the british and spaniards soon left, but the french remained, wanting to subjugate this latin american country and transform it.
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years ago, on april 10, 1944, the red army liberated odessa. the nazis declared the city a fuhrer fortress, but this did not help. the offensive was carried out on land, at sea and in the air. our units crossed the southern beech, limany, the window-mechanized group of general isypliev entered the german rear from the west. kuban cossacks and tanks overwhelmed the enemy and burst into the streets of odessa. at the same time, an order was given to the artillerymen not fire. and the pilots did not drop bombs, they took care of the city, historical buildings, cultural monuments, the germans mined the famous opera house, but it was saved by soviet sappers, in the evening of that day moscow was...
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given to germany for adoption, others were used as donors for their wounded soldiers, kill the sick. the partisans managed to transfer the children to their camp in the forest, but they had to be transported to the mainland. commander... we flew one at a time, without navigators, saved space in the cockpit, evacuated almost 200 children in 2 months, took out in groups at night, alexander mamkin, an experienced pilot at 27 years old, also made eight flights. april 10 was his ninth flight to pick up children, here are some miraculously preserved newsreels taken from the partisans by cameraman
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maria sukhova; she died soon after. mamkin puts the children on the plane. seven children were seated in a cabin for two, three more and a teacher in a container under the fuselage. in containers under the wings of two seriously wounded partisans, a total of 13 people. in front of the front line, already on the night of the eleventh, the plane was shot down. the cockpit caught fire, the pilot was wounded in head, but he held the helm. his legs and arms caught fire, his glasses melted into his face, the cabin partition burned down, and the children’s clothes began to smolder. nurses. held the helm, was able to fly to his own, landed the car, everyone remained alive except him. mamkin’s hands were burning, his face was burning, everything was burning, he himself died, and we all remained alive, but we will never forget the pilot, mamkin, in our lives. he died already in the hospital. during the operation, star guard lieutenant alexander mamkin saved 90 children, and
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took them out in just 2 years of service. rear more than 280 wounded. to him monuments, obelisks were erected, streets, an airplane, and even a variety of black currant were named in his honor. on april 10, 1981 , the memorial museum of cosmonautics, one of the largest scientific and historical museums in the world, opened its doors for the first time in moscow. it is located in the basement of the 17-millimeter monument to the space conqueror navod. and forms one whole with it. this impressive titanium obelisk in the style of soviet modernism was installed during the lifetime of yuri gagarin. the museum is unique. about 100 thousand storage units. among the exhibits is the first artificial earth satellite. the space suit of the first six cosmonauts, the cardiogram of the birth certificate of the first cosmonaut yuri gagarin. the real soyuz spacecraft, the real first lunar rover to travel 10 km on the moon, base. block of
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the mir orbital station and much more. in front of the museum there is a park with an alley of space heroes, busts of astronauts and rocket pioneers. this is what this day in history was like. protect your home. fire detector, safety begins with you, the russian ministry of emergency situations. alisa seleznyova will want to find her mother. what if mom shot her in the past, maybe the pirates are there are they holding? we will see this 100 years from now. i understand that you miss your mother, i believe it too. i don't just miss her, i'm going to pull her out. soon.
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