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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century there would appear a layer of people who are called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreigner, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for , they are enemies, but they are pathetic. we are concentrated and angry, they seem to keep all their shares in the west, and many of them have property, funds invested, do you have any property in germany? yes, i have a portion here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they would commit an offense against the law, and i was the victim.
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hello, the correspondents of the program will talk about the main legal events of the day , the duty department and i, maxim movchan. a group of black bankers was shut down. voronezh police, according to operatives, seven resourceful businessmen organized a large financial laundry, engaged in so -called cashing, laundered money, allegedly since january 2020. a wide range of criminal services, including cashing out money, were carried out thanks to an intricate network one-day companies. the security forces counted 27 fake companies through whose accounts funds flowed. the attackers took a small percentage for their work. thus, the criminal turnover reached the figure of 400 million rubles. during the searches, the police found computers, stamps from... related companies, bank cards, all
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documentation, a criminal case was opened on illegal banking activities, it is reported that all the defendants hastened to admit the trouble. the case of a hundred trillion in the chelyabinsk court began the process of collecting the gigantic assets of the former regional governor mikhail yuryevich and former state duma deputy vadim belousov. according to the prosecutor's office, in violation of the law, they closely intertwined high positions and their business, which allowed them to amass a huge fortune. the increased interest of journalists in the meeting in the central court of chelyabinsk is quite understandable. here they began hearing the search of the prosecutor general's office for the recovery of property from the makfa company and thirty-four other affiliated companies. and so far the main beneficiaries, ex-governor of the chelyabinsk region mikhail yurievich and former deputy state duma vadim belousov is hiding abroad, their interests are represented at the trial by 12 lawyers. at a preliminary hearing for defense counsel. there wasn't even enough space, we had to
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put in extra chairs and a table. previously, the accounts and assets of relatives of belousov and yureevich were arrested. for the astronomical amount of 100 trillion rubles. according to the supervisory department, the assets of mikhail yuryevich and vadim belousov are of corruption origin, since they combined business with work in government bodies. vadim belousov was among the top 100 richest deputies and officials in the country. he became famous after he made an important statement, proposing to legalize the flight of bees. and in conclusion i would like to turn to the topic of bees. until now, these insects fly without law. and later , mr. belousov and his mother-in-law got into a corruption scandal, they were convicted of receiving the largest bribe in the history of the country, 3.5 billion rubles. in august 2022 , the verdict was read out in the moscow city court for 2 days. on the first day, mr. belousov appeared at
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the trial. how do you feel about the accusations? to you. and then he disappeared, his lawyers vaguely made excuses to journalists. was going to show up today. we hope that everything is fine with him, now we will deal with this issue, but you somehow tried to contact him, call him, we called him, but his phone does not answer. the defenders were sad in vain then; everything is fine with mr. belousov; according to media reports, he managed to leave the country and is now abroad. bank accounts belonging to belousov and his mother-in-law, land plots, non-residential premises and 78 apartments last december it became known that the supreme court upheld the cassation appeal of the ex-deputy's defense and overturned the verdict, and the case was sent for a new trial. the former governor of the chelyabinsk region, mikhail yurievich, is also involved in the same case, this is how belousov spoke about him. who do you think stole this money? i
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say again, target-like. in the urals , everyone knew that yurevich and belousov had long been connected by common business interests. yureevich, by the way, once also impressed the press with his knowledge of the composition. chelyabinsk meteorite, hard gas, ice from gas, gas ice or something like that, interplanetary bodies. mr. yurevich, according to some media reports, hid in london for several years, has cypriot citizenship, but neither he nor the fugitive deputy belousov have lost ties with their homeland; they continue to control business in the urals through third parties. some of the assets were allegedly transferred to a cypriot offshore and dividends were received through it. according to rosfinitoring...
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in the murder of one policeman and the wounding of another in the moscow region, this was reported to the russian ministry of internal affairs. let me remind you that on sunday afternoon in the area snt azon law enforcement officers were tracking down the drug pawnbroker, but he opened fire to kill, firing at least five bullets at the police, then fled on a motorcycle. according to investigators, the biker, drug dealer, thirty-four-year-old muscovite, vasily buryakov. based on this fact, the investigative authorities have opened and are investigating a criminal case. our employees are taking all necessary measures. moscow region, as well as st. petersburg and linoblast, where the killer allegedly went, directions have been sent to other nearby regions, as well as to airports. the suspect may be extremely dangerous if armed, so if you have
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information about buryakov's whereabouts, do not try to talk to him or detain him and immediately notify the police. philological octopus. the cheryomushkinsky court in moscow arrested two former ones at once. employees of the state institute of russian language named after alexander sergeevich pushkin. according to the researcher, they actually traded in the russian language. for money, they gave migrants certificates of speaking skills, knowledge of the history of the country and the foundations of our laws. details from andrey romanov. a lady of intelligent appearance, the convoy slowly enters the glass cell of the cheryomushkinsky court of moscow. this is marina balburova. now she is the director of a capital recruitment agency, and some time ago she worked at the pushkin institute of the russian language. according to investigators, balburova helped emigrants illegally obtain certificates of knowledge of the russian language. the criminal case is unindicted and her lawyer has not yet commented. now everything is very it’s unclear, so at this stage my personal opinion is that the accusation
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is quite doubtful. and this is another probable participant in the criminal scheme, gennady tarasenko, he is also one of the heads of the recruitment agency, according to the investigation , tarasenko was looking for people willing to buy the certificate. from knowledge of the russian language , he directed them to balbura; in total , five people were detained in this case; judging by the footage of the investigative actions, behind this door in the twenty-second audience, the accused negotiated with migrants who... did not want learn the language and were ready to pay for a certificate; judging by the results of searches, they took home part of the work from the probable organizers of the corruption scheme. what are these documents? people handed over documents, i don’t remember whether it was a temporary residence permit or a living permit. and here is another one of the defendants in this case in the bedroom on the edge of the bed, he is reading the investigator’s arrest order, the room is a mess. it appears that the security forces have just completed a search of the researcher's home. is it clear what is suspected? yes. according to the investigation, participants in the crime the schemes allegedly helped
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almost half a thousand foreigners illegally obtain certificates of knowledge of the russian language. the defendants in the criminal case, depending on the role of each, have been charged . confrontations were held, during which the latter confirmed the testimony they had previously given. the interrogation of persons who received certificates illegally continues, after which the issue of revoking the specified migration documents is being decided. according to the main investigative department of the moscow lawsuit, the department is currently investigating two more similar criminal cases about organization of illegal migration. as for the institute of the russian language, which was at the center of the scandal, it was founded back in the sixties of the last century. the university was initially conceived as a center for the study of russian as a foreign language, essentially fulfilling a humanitarian and educational mission. now branches of the institute operate throughout the country and actively provide migration services to foreigners. today , any of the visitors can apply to the institute, undergo the necessary training here, pass exams and
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receive a certificate for knowledge of the russian language. unfortunately, among the employees of the educational institution, according to investigators, there were those who managed to turn this good cause into a tool for personal enrichment. the institute building is surrounded by a high fence, and the territory is periodically patrolled by security guards. an interesting detail: in the presence of television cameras, chop employees are turning around a large group of students who were guiding. to the exit, it seems that the situation in the educational institution is tense, but the press service does not officially confirm the detention of employees. the state institute of russian language named after alexander sergeevich pushkin does not have official data on the detention of any of its staff members. the pushkin institute provides comprehensive assistance to law enforcement agencies in the matter of bringing to criminal and administrative liability those guilty of violating the testing procedure. the specific roles of the defendants in this case remain to be established by the investigation. by court decision, marina balburova was placed under house arrest, her probable accomplice gennady torasenko is in pre-trial detention. andrey romanov,
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dmitry frolov, kirill kryuchko, vesti, duty department. so, large waters are arriving in the orenburg region, rescuers continue to evacuate people from houses that have been damaged by flooding or are under threat of it. meanwhile, the police are carefully patrolling the area to prevent incidents of looting. in the kurgan region, there is also active preparation for a possible flood; the river level there is also rapidly rising. alexander's report. big water has reached orenburg, helicopter footage shows a flooded private sector, roads are washed out, the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov has again arrived in the region. the areas hit by the disaster are clearly visible from a bird's eye view. the area of ​​flooded areas has grown over the past 24 hours, the situation in orsk is critical, people continue to be evacuated en masse. in some areas, water entered courtyards. the first floors of residential buildings are flooded along the street. boats are plying, helping residents escape the captivity of the elements, and rescuing pets.
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eight additional ones operate in the orenburg region groups of the ministry of emergency situations of russia from other regions. two mi-8 helicopters were also sent to the region. in the flooded areas of the villages, electricity and gas were cut off. in orskie , police groups are being strengthened to protect against looters. more than 900 employees of the ministry of internal affairs were involved. they patrol flooded areas around the clock so that... residents do not fear for their property and leave their homes faster. flood victims are being accommodated in temporary accommodation centers that have been deployed throughout the region. one of these points is located at a school, all conditions have been created here for accommodation. packages of bottled water are delivered to this tap by truck and distributed to residents. hot meals are provided here. those who are registered at a permanent place of residence and have no other place of residence, or are registered in another place, we record all this. how to prove that a person lived? if people live on a permanent basis, do they have lists there that
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once again confirm whether a real person lives there or not? straight from orenburg , alexander kurenkov went to the kurgan region, where, due to the threat of flooding, chess mode the level of the tabol river is gradually rising. in the capital of the region, the peak of the flood is expected by the middle of the week, but preparations for the flood have been underway for several days. they strengthen the banks and build dams. an airmobile group of the russian ministry of emergency situations flew into the zone. washed out, traffic is blocked, so in kurgan on the section of gagarin street, from the airport to the irtysh highway it is now impossible to travel, traffic police inspectors show residents an alternative route, now you will go back to the highway and there the omsk ring to the omsk, now in the flood zone in orsk, shoulder to my colleague andrei ivlev works alongside the police, this is what he says about the situation: this is a water patrol with
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police officers on a motor boat, we are heading now. in houses where everything is in water, the task of the police officers is to monitor the situation, prevent looting, and, in general, keep order. meanwhile, in kurgan, at a meeting of the government commission, the development of the flood situation was discussed. the most difficult situation today is observed in the orenburg region. negative forecasts come to regarding the kurgan and tyumen regions. in accordance with the instructions of the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimovich putin. a government commission has been created, today as part of its work we are hearing speakers about the current situation with floods, the tyumen region is now under threat of flooding, the forces of the ministry of emergency situations have been put on high alert. andrey ivlev and khalimat kuchmezova, lead the duty department. in moscow, in a solemn atmosphere, a memorial
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plaque was opened to the hero of the soviet union, participant the great patriotic war to dmitry vasilyevich kaprin. near a residential building on marshall street. russia, general director of the moscow research oncological institute named after hertsin, academician of the russian academy of sciences, andrei kaprin, i have a large family, and children and grandchildren, i am of course proud that they will see this house where dad lived on the second floor.
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one and a half times, they committed especially serious crimes by a third. chairman of the investigative committee alexander bastrykin met with his colleagues from the regions, where violent activity of teenage groups was noticed. about how the fight against such street gangs is carried out, sultan dziganov. chairman of the investigative committee of russia alexander bastrykin holds an operational meeting with the heads of regional departments of the agency. juvenile crime is on the agenda. alexander bastrykin briefly summarizes the situation in a number of regions.
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summer hooligans attacked random passers-by for fun. in january of this year , the belgorod gang of fighting bumblebees, that’s what the juvenile hooligans called themselves in social networks, almost took over the local shopping center. they drew inspiration for their violent videos from films about the dashing nineties. i am here, standing for this street. for no reason, teenagers attacked strangers, among the victims. a foreign student at a medical university, they hit me, they hit me , and two guys from the belgorod outback, i thought it would be a normal conversation, as always, but there was already such a conversation, but there already was, in general , as soon as we approached them, a fight began. it is not possible to establish the identities of the labor gang members amounted to, among them college students, already
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expelled students, one was convicted of drugs, the security forces call the 17-year-old boy amil gafurov the most aggressive. in addition to hooliganism, he is charged with inciting national hatred and attempted murder. now see for yourself. it is noteworthy that in the investigator’s office the young groupers repent and regret; it is very difficult to believe in the sincerity of these feelings. some, however, are not even satisfied with such a theater. for example, the young leader of the so -called tambov wolf cubs, seventeen-year-old karina decided to make the victims themselves guilty of everything. i understood, yes , for sure, having gathered the same teenagers around her, she bullied and beat anyone she didn’t like, but the chieftain’s walks around the neighborhood ended sadly, karina was sent to a cell. detention center, can you explain the video, what happened there, why it was necessary today, because before that they humiliated me,
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insulted me and beat me. often, juvenile delinquents admit that they harbored grudges against people when they themselves suffered. however, questionable content on the internet, and some popular films about youth gangs also contribute to the formation of such special personalities, but even in the cinema, after boyish romance, gray everyday life. behind barbed wire or a hospital bed with a broken head, these are shots from a bar alley in ulyanovsk: young people here staged massacres, so they sorted things out among themselves, and not only fists were used, but also soft bats, security forces detained five druchen, three more put on the wanted list. there was some kind of scuffle, it started with a fight, i was beaten in self-defense, i didn’t hit anyone on the head he hit, hit on the legs, gave two blows somewhere to two people, why... he did it, because it seemed to me that they wanted to fight with me. law enforcement agencies hastened to declare that
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there are no youth groups in ulyanovsk. however, word spread among the townspeople. skirmishes in a bar alley are nothing more than an open confrontation between rival gangs. here is another outrageous case from volgograd. young thugs, in front of witnesses , beat a man with their fists and... kicks simply because he reprimanded them, they started to fight when he opened the door, they had already dragged this victim out into the street, they knocked him down and began to attack the one who was trying to separate them on the street. in the courtyard of a residential building , the hooligans found a new victim, but soon the police detained these volgograd hooligans as well. the investigative committee opened a criminal case, many of those involved are under eighteen, but given the frenzy with which they knocked people down, you shouldn’t count on... an age discount, representatives of the legal community note, the beginnings of youth groups a clear signal to pay attention to the problems of teenagers. for a teenager, especially when
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hormones are playing, he has both black and white. and it is clear that the processes that are taking place in our society certainly affect teenagers, too, because if a teenager spends all day on the computer on social networks, what kind of social networks does he use? teachers at school are playing in this whole story, so the investigative committee of ostra paid attention to the problem of teenage crime, a month later
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alexander basttyrkin demanded reports on the work done in this direction, a special demand from the heads of those investigative departments in whose territory the situation is most aggravated. sultan zeganov, eduard petrov, andrey skrobat, denis novozhilov, ekaterina romanova, vesti, duty department. a suitcase of money was seized by koltsovo customs officers from an alleged smuggler at the yekaterinburg airport, the passenger planned to fly with such remarkable luggage to georgia, but did not declare the money, took heading towards the green corridor, and there the inspectors were already waiting for him. good morning, how much cash are you bringing with you? yes, how much? a case of cash smuggling on an especially large scale was opened. the tourist himself stated that he received a large sum of money as
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a result of the sale of his mother’s business, allegedly he planned to use the proceeds to buy himself a brand new premium car in georgia, whether all this is true or not, the security forces are finding out, one way or another, now there are no cars, no travel, instead it's time to look for something good lawyer. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and honestly the detective. subscribe, also our investigation, daily releases on the platform watch, go to the broadcast tab, turn on honest detective, our release is completed, maxim movchan was in the studio, see you on the russia-24 tv channel. april 10 is a memorable date in the military history of russia, april 10, 1944, the liberation of odessa, the troops of odessa general malinovsky liberated odessa from the nazis, noon before the formation the red flag was raised over the opera house by the distinguished units. odessa is one of the first. received the high title of hero city. the occupation of the city by romanians and germans lasted 907 days and claimed the lives of 82,000 inhabitants. russia,
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russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you only see ... part of the big picture: the pursuit of views changes entire locations. we will expose all fakes.
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welcome to asia, this is where the heart beats continent.
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we begin the issue with the situation in the orenburg region, where more than 12 thousand houses have already been flooded. the governor provides such data. according to him, the flood could affect all buildings along the rivers, almost 7,000 people were evacuated. and our correspondent margarta semenyuk gets in touch directly from the region. margarita, i greet you, tell us what the situation is at this hour and how many people are in temporary accommodation. yes, tatyana, greetings, indeed, the situation is now in orenburg.


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