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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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we are starting to release the situation in orenburg in the region there. more than 12 thousand houses have already been flooded, according to the governor. according to him, the flood could affect all buildings along the rivers, almost 7,000 people were evacuated. and our correspondent, margarita semenyuk, gets in direct contact from the region. margarita, i greet you, tell us what the situation is at this hour and how many people are in temporary accommodation. yes, tatyana, greetings, indeed, the situation in orenburg now is quite critical, the water level in the ural river will exceed.
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a traveler, but she didn’t even come up to the house, she was right next to me, i have a sick person at home, i need to evacuate him, because without light, without heat it’s bad. i will also note that the water is rapidly coming into the city, drowning snt, drowning apartment areas, it is coming quite quickly, so you can watch today night footage from nt energetik, which was still there in the evening.
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they are calling for evacuation so as not to be held hostage by the water elements. i will also note that at night the water entered new territories in the southern microdistrict, now blagoslovenka, near the urals, krasnaya street and snt energy, which i already mentioned, have been flooded. let me note once again that the water level in the ural river is 942 cm, which is 12 cm above the dangerous critical level. i would also like to note that over 12,000 houses have already been sunk in the orenburg region. now it is very important to quickly evacuate to temporary accommodation centers. tatiana. margarita semenyuk spoke about the flood in orenburg. margaret, thank you. almost 40 regions of russia are struggling with floods, this is information from the ministry of emergency situations. the most the difficult situation continues in the regions on the border with kazakhstan. the water level in the ural river near orenburg has risen by about another
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meter. in the kurgan region today they promise a peak flood. preventive evacuation was carried out in three districts, as well as in gardening communities. difficult situation in the south of the volga region. houses and roads were flooded in bashkiria, samara, saratov, ulyanovsk regions, mordovia and tatarstan. in the chelyabinsk region, large waters are receding, approximately 80 household plots are flooded. in the altai regions there are almost two hundred in the water houses. the authorities called on the heads of cities and districts to postpone personal meetings. until the end of the flood, the flood on the rivers of the kama region is expected in about a week, 400 specialists and 800 units of equipment are involved in eliminating the consequences. and now crews of fagut anti-tank systems are working at the entrance of a special military operation in the southern donetsk direction. rocket.
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they penetrate even the thickest armor, and the destructive power of atgms is so great that almost nothing remains of the militants’ equipment. report by our war correspondent eduard punigov. as soon as aerial reconnaissance detects enemy equipment, and the crew of the anti-tank missile system of the eastern group of forces immediately moves to the forefront. soldiers move unnoticed through the forest belt, avoiding open areas of the terrain. a couple of minutes of preparation and a shot sounds. throw it away. this is the fagot atgm, it is also called mobile artillery. a cumulative projectile penetrates armor up to 80 cm thick, and a thermobaric projectile burns out enemy fortified points. the complex is quite lightweight, so mobile payment is not tied to terrain. soldiers quickly move along the entire front line and provide fire support to infantry units. basically , we work when reconnaissance provides targets
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that have already been specifically specified. this crew , led by me, with the platoon commander , moves to a position, already to a ready position. we create a disguise. and specifically we are already waiting for this or that column to move, these are armored vehicles, unarmored vehicles, maybe an ambush specifically on the dugouts. during breaks between combat work , crews must practice their skills shooting at a special training ground, which is located near the front line. pogod is capable of hitting targets at a distance of approximately 2.5 km, mobile crews carry out targeted strikes on enemy armored vehicles, tanks and manpower, the missile’s hit accuracy is almost. the bassoon has enormous destructive power, it is capable of penetrating even serious armor, for example, here is a training target, as a result of a missile hit, the body was torn apart, everything inside was burned out, essentially nothing was left of the car. strikes by mobile atgm crews, the enemy suffers very painfully, it is extremely difficult to detect them, and the damage
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they cause to the ukrainian armed forces is too expensive. eduard punigov, alexander bodkin, lead the south donetsk direction. statements encourage the ukrainian armed forces to attack the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, this was stated by russia’s representative at international organizations in vienna, mikhail ulyanov. the head of european diplomacy pointed out that drone attacks at the station increase the risk of a nuclear incident. he just turned, for some reason, not to the kiev authorities, but to moscow, calling for the withdrawal of stations are precisely russian troops. mikhail ulyanov noted that this sounds like encouragement of further ukrainian attacks and emphasized that the foreign policy of the european union is.
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in russia, industries that lag behind in labor productivity will be forced to develop the necessary measures, the government will hold a separate strategic session, maxim reshetnikov said following the results of the statistical session on the development of supply-side economics, which was held on tuesday. he named the situation on the labor market as one of the main limiting factors. the restrictions we currently face the economy is facing a limitation on the labor market, and what else needs to be done here, including we discussed labor productivity a lot today and even agreed to hold a separate strategic session on those sectors that are lagging behind in terms of labor productivity growth. we will extend the national project. maxim reshetnikov noted that now it is necessary to especially actively develop the auto industry in the fields of transport and tourism, as well as the agro-industrial sector, as russians’ demand for relevant products and services is growing. in the agricultural sector, where we need to increase the volume of production there
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of dairy products, poultry products, and other areas, yes, because our population’s incomes are growing, our demand structure is shifting. towards more such products, including dairy products, meat and so on, it is very important to see all this on the horizon before the thirtieth year, in order to now initiate those, including investments, investment projects that are needed to ensure that this demand to satisfy. at the end of march , the volatility of the ruble exchange rate reached minimum levels since the third quarter of twenty-one, the central bank came to this conclusion. the weakening of the exchange rate observed in january-february 2020 was mainly explained by a decrease in sales of foreign exchange earnings by exporters, which were on average 20% lower than in november-december 2023. in march, this trend continued, however, in the last week of march, sales increased significantly; by the end of the month, they exceeded
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the november-december value by 10%. however, this did not lead to a strengthening of the exchange rate. at the same time, the volatility of the ruble continued to decline at the end of the month and reached its lowest levels since the third quarter. in 2021, the regulator assessed the results in the lending sector: the corporate portfolio in february increased by almost 20% in annual terms, and the retail portfolio by more than... 23%. in march, according to preliminary data, activity in both segments increased slightly. the price of norilsk nickel shares increased by more than 7% in tuesday trading. by closing it reached 164 rubles. active growth on the moscow exchange is in its second session contract. the reason is that trading in securities resumed after their splitting. this process was completed in early april from one share to 100. there were more securities, but the price of each decreased significantly. previously they were worth it. rubles, and few investors were willing to pay such an amount, after splitting up
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purchases there were more and quotes went up. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are dollar 92.74, euro 100 rubles, 74 kopecks. that's all i have for now. fedor mikhailovich dostoevsky. it was as if he foresaw that at 21 century, a layer of people will appear who are called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero. everyone is broadcasting a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit
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an offense against the law, and this victim turned out to be me. the re-launch of the angara launch vehicle will again take place today at the eastern cosmodrome, the day before the launch was postponed due to problems with the automation in the central block of the rocket, evgeniy nita has all the details, the state commission has cleared the hangar launch vehicle for launch again. with test payload, booster the block after separation of the rocket stage helps to launch the cargo into the required orbit, doing this with the highest specified accuracy. let me remind you that the day before the release command sounded 2 minutes before the possible start, at 11:58 moscow time it worked. the launch was postponed for technical reasons, the general director of roscosmos
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yuri borisov made a statement, he said, i will quote, the process was stopped due to a failure in the system of the supernatant oxidizer tank, the central unit, meaning the rocket launcher, in such a situation the fuel was drained, the launch was scheduled for a reserve date, that is, i repeat, for today, april 10, in the event of a postponement of the start, experts say, the reasons for the situation are carefully analyzed, the emphasis is on safety, it comes first, in just... during the tests, heavy and light versions of the angara family of rockets made six launches from the military cosmodrome plesetsk, and now the launch is planned from the civilian cosmodrome vostochny. the hangar, first of all, is a space heavy truck, superior in its performance to the one currently in use proton m. its service life is coming to an end. i angara must come and change. the main advantage of the new russian rocket is environmental friendliness. the fuel is protons, toxic heptyl, and angora has an oxygen-hydrogen pair, which allows it to be used for launching both automatic and pilot vehicles. vehicles in advanced orbital and interplanetary missions. this launch will be observed by our film crew,
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as well as journalists from other media. the roscosmos broadcast will begin at 11:30 moscow time. you can see it on our channel, as well as on the resources of the state corporation and for the first time on street video screens in major cities of the country. evgeny nipot, mikhail devyatkin and victoria dadoyan, lead. amur region. gagauzia wants to continue living as part of an independent moldova about measures.
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today, one of the main holidays in islam, eid al-fitr, is celebrated from the very morning across the country in mosques with solemn sermons and collective prayers. up to 200,000 people are expected at the moscow cathedral mosque for the holiday prayer. eid al-fitr marks the end of the holy month of ramadan. believers completed a thirty-day fast. according to tradition, after during the festive prayer, muslims go
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connect megapower there will be jaga jega only in the megaphone. we take loans, it’s easy to apply, we are in the soviet bank, we take loans, we were approved quickly, up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, comfort at low prices on the yandex market, from small things to significant things, buy a coopersberg dishwasher with a 34% discount. magnet - price, what you need, chocolate. from 49-99. burger tastes better on fire. burger. american private military companies, with the participation of the authorities
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, are recruiting representatives of mexican and colombian drug cartels in us prisons. in order for them to fight on the side of the kiev regime, gosleb, meanwhile, found a loophole to provide at least minimal military assistance to ukraine. which one, about this emil mirsaev will tell you. the us state department has approved the urgent sale of military assistance to ukraine for the maintenance of khavk missile systems, the issue price is $138 million. the funds will be used for the design of communications systems, tool kits, spare parts, and training for soldiers in co. there is an emergency situation. demands the immediate sale to the ukrainian government of the above-mentioned negotiable goods and services in the interests of us national security. thus, the requirement of congress to review this transaction is canceled. really rely on congress is now a losing strategy for american hawks. there is still no clarity about whether the lower house of parliament will approve a tranche to kiev for at least
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$60 billion. however, in terms of the amount , it seems that not everything is so clear. first. it’s the turn for the legislators themselves, who are demanding that the white house report the total amount of financial assistance to kiev, all because the biden administration’s spending on ukraine turned out to be much higher than expected in previous aid packages. official reports did not include $5.5 billion, follows from a report from the white house office of management and budget. in total, these figures increase the amount of aid allocated by the administration to ukraine to $125 billion, and the volume... of funds that it can transfer to ukraine to more than $120 billion. we require a list of accounts from which funds can be debited. in the upper house of parliament. there is no money left for ukraine, so i can only assume one of three things: first, the war
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will end, second, the united states will no longer allocate a single dollar, and third, this is a dishonest request for additional funding. a member of that committee was told that another $100 billion request could be part of the problem. is that the biden administration has not laid out an exit strategy; it is a blank check for a war that, without any clearly defined goals, will be endless. schmit's opponent at the senate hearings was chief lloyd osten. he unexpectedly admitted that if he were in russia’s place , he would not want nato to expand to the east. secretary of state blinken said last week that ukraine will soon become nato member. do you agree with this? this is the goal of nato members: to accept ukraine into the alliance, to give it what it wants to see. and if you were in russia’s place, would you want this too? no, of course, if i were
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russia, i wouldn’t want this. i would also not like to see finland and sweden as part of the north atlantic alliance, but they are already there. however, ukraine’s accession to nato, quote, is not possible, even partially, if it is divided, the german press is sure. cdf notes that if hostilities continue, zelensky will still have to surrender the territories, however now, until this happens, writes bloomberg, the eu and us authorities are reaching into the pockets of their own citizens to pay for defense, we are talking about more than 10 trillion dollars over 10 years, not counting today’s spending, all by cutting social spending. there is an alternative, and these are peace negotiations; german politicians once again called on olaf scholz, whose country is one of the most significant sponsors of kiev. this time from brandenburg. arms supplies do not solve conflicts and are morally unacceptable, especially given german history. we we demand a return to germany’s refusal to supply
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weapons to crisis areas. however, for the chancellor, the situation seems to have developed without a day off. and although germany is currently the leader among donors to ukraine with an indicator slightly above $7.5 billion, the efe authorities are not willing to share new weapons with ukraine, despite pressure from brussels. acting alone is still scary for scholz, otherwise. germany the us president called the action of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in the gas sector a mistake. biden about this said in an interview with spanish media. the head of the white house made his statement while commenting on the attack on cars with humanitarian workers. cease fire on medical care for all those in need. over the next 6-8 weeks, as well as provide access to food and the american television channel cnn emphasized that these are
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biden’s harshest remarks against nathan. the scandals surrounding the booing corporation continue. journalists from the new york times spoke with one of the concern's engineers, and he spoke about serious defects in the body boeing 787 dreamliner. the employee also filed a report on the deficiencies with the federal aviation administration and stated that parts for the body are supplied by different manufacturers, and the elements at the joints have different parameters, components may not be properly fastened, and this creates safety hazards during flight. in addition, technical problems arise during the installation process. the russian museum of st. petersburg decided to extend the exhibition of the work. surikovo has already received a colossal success with a quarter of a million spectators. a creative evening within the framework of the exhibition was held by the master’s relative, director andrei konchalovsky. and dmitry
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akimov has all the details. interest in the surikovo exhibition at the russian colossal museum. it has already been visited by 250,000 people, so many people want to come and look at these paintings that the russian museum is even forced to open its doors on its legal day off. on tuesday, this has not happened for 70 years, but this is an exceptional case, the russian museum has never collected so many individual visitors at one exhibition, so at the winter and spring during the school holidays, the caretakers had to go to work, another exceptional occasion was the arrival of director andrei konchalovsky, a tour for him was conducted by grigory goldovsky, russian deputy general director for science. in the next room
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, it becomes clear why director konchalovsky is given a personal tour, and how he knows almost everything about surikov’s paintings. these are your relatives, that’s all, take augustovna, your wife, sasha, yes, alexander ivanovich, yes, surikov’s wife, maiden name elizaveta share, director konchalovsky is his great -grandmother. exhibition title. my surikov has fundamental, personal significance for andrei sergeevich. look, vasily ivanovich surikov is here. we move down the family tree, here he is, andrei sergeevich mikhalkov konchalovsky. therefore, the director can conduct excursions here himself. he remembers the smell of oil paint from these paintings from childhood, and he knows the paintings themselves by heart. even in the corner i had to stand with
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a view. years, all these were familiar things, when i was punished, then a film script about the life of my great-grandfather, i looked at it. now the director is considering vasily surikov. he spoke about this at a creative meeting, which took place here; the hall was also sold out. the tickets were sold out within a few days. dmitry akimov and sergey. news from st. petersburg.
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and now let's talk about sports alexander in the champions league, the first matches were held at the 1/4 final stage, tell us more. tatyana, good morning, manchester city and real madrid played with the score 3:3, arsenal-bayern also drew 2:2. let's start with hockey. game four the semi-final series of the gagarin cup between avtomobilist and metallurg became one of the most surprising in this playoffs. for the metallurgist, everything started more than successfully. at the beginning of the first period the game was going well, magnitka's advantage was overwhelming, so it was already. in the seventh minute of the first period , andrei razin's team led with a score of 3:0. and then there was a wonderful comeback from the motorist. the ekaterenburg team scored two goals in the first period. anatoly golushev made the score 3:3 at the end of the second period, and 7 seconds before at the end of the third period, the driver scored the winning goal. when everyone was already preparing for overtime, stepan khripunov realized a two-on-one goal. after the throw-in , the driver managed to throw the fifth puck into the empty goal. here.


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