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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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in the orenburg region it flooded overnight. 300 households, authorities urged residents to leave the potentially dangerous area. the city of orsk suffered the most from the floods, where a dam broke last week. the water level, according to experts, is already declining. and what is the situation in the region, let me know my colleague, stanislav bernwald. stanislav, i greet you. what are the forecasts today for when the water may completely recede? yes, hello, well, probably for the first time in a long time, as it seems to us. one might say
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good morning, indeed in orsk the flood situation is improving, that is, it is becoming much easier, tonight it’s still -28 cm and the water has gone, and we see it here in the new city, and stella, whom we are focusing on, is already visible, stella, i i love the city of ortsk, it is almost completely free of water, well, that is, somewhere deep, probably here on the approach of water, well...
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there are fewer problems, there are only more problems, the water is leaving, people are trying to return to their households, it's unsafe because that the ural river, which flows practically in the city with an active current and it is extremely, extremely unsafe to get to your homes, is also a very difficult situation with the pit situation, which is now being carried out. vaccinating everyone against hepatitis c, the disease of dirty hands, is a serious thing, so doctors say, don’t neglect it, come and get vaccinated, it’s very important, and of course, everyone is afraid of intestinal diseases, so the same doctors say that only consume boiled water, or better yet bottled water, about the epitome of the situation, said the vice vice-governor about...
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well, now volunteers are arriving in the city in large numbers, indeed their help here is extremely, extremely important, they help, they helped take people out of flooded areas, now they are helping social sector specialists, in general the work is ongoing, the work does not end , there are more than n thousand people in temporary temporary detention centers, and they receive comprehensive care there. including the social plan
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, mfc volunteer specialists help to draw up documents for payments to those who suffered from the flood, we continue to monitor situation, all the latest news on our air. stanislav, thank you, stanislav bernwald is monitoring the development of the flood in ursk. almost 40 regions in russia are struggling with flooding, this information is from the ministry of emergency situations. the most difficult situation remains. in subjects on... the border with kazakhstan. the water level in the ural river near orenburg has risen by about another meter. in the kurgan region today they promise the peak of the flood. preventive evacuation was carried out in three districts, as well as in gardening communities. difficult situation in the south of the volga region. houses and roads are flooded bashkiria, samara, saratov and ulyanovsk regions, as well as in mordovia and tatarstan. in the chelyabinsk region, large waters are receding, approximately 80 garden plots are flooded. in the regions.
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there are almost two hundred houses in the water, the authorities called on the heads of cities and districts to postpone personal vacations until the end of the flood, the rivers near the kamya river are expected to overflow in about a week, liquidation of the consequences is busy. “400 specialists and 800 pieces of equipment, and now we will show footage of telegram channels - this is the usa, not far from newark airport, bushes caught fire. the fire ended up being quite strong; the flames impeded traffic movement, but local authorities reported that there was an emergency at the air hub. had no effect. the re-launch of the angara a5 launch vehicle will take place today at the vostochny cosmodrome. the day before, the launch was postponed due to problems with the automation in the central unit of the rocket. the new launch is scheduled for 12 o'clock moscow time. the state commission has already approved it.
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let me remind you that this will be the first launch of angara a5 from the cosmodrome in the amur region. the rocket is equipped with an arion upper stage and a test payload. rocket angara family. heavy class. read more about its characteristics in our help. angara a5 is a three-stage heavy-class launch vehicle, part of the angara family. these are the latest russian launch vehicles from light to heavy classes, which can launch up to 38 tons of payload into low earth orbit. the angara family should replace the proton m carriers. unlike them, the angara are environmentally friendly rockets. they use liquid and kerosene as fuel. angara space rocket complex developed at the khrunichev center, only russian components are used in the production of missiles. the characteristics of the engines are superior to those used by spacex. with the commissioning of angara rockets, russia will be able to launch all
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types of spacecraft from its territory. this will provide our country with independent, guaranteed access to space. and now economic news. loan portfolios of russian banks. in russia , industries that lag behind in labor productivity will be tightened up in order to produce necessary measures, the government will hold a separate strategic session, the head of the ministry of economic development, maxim reshetnikov , announced this following the results of the statistical session on the development of the supply-side economy, which was held on tuesday, one of the main... limiting factors, he called the situation on the labor market. the restrictions that the economy is now facing are restrictions on labor markets, and what else needs to be done here, including we discussed labor productivity a lot today and even agreed to hold a separate session on those industries that lag behind in terms of
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labor productivity growth. we will extend the national project. maxim reshetnikov noted that now it is necessary to especially actively develop the auto industry, transport and tourism. as well as the agro-industrial sector, as russians’ demand for relevant products and services is growing. in the agricultural sector, where we need to increase the volume of production there, dairy products, poultry products, and other areas, yes, because our population’s incomes are growing, we are shifting the structure of demand is in the direction of more such products, including dairy products, meat and so on, it is very important to see all this on the horizon. until the thirtieth year, in order to initiate now those, including investments, investment projects that are needed to satisfy this demand. at the end of march, the volatility of the ruble exchange rate reached its minimum levels since the third quarter of 2121, central banks came to this conclusion. the regulator
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also assessed the results in the lending sector. the corporate portfolio increased in february by almost 20% in annual growth, and retail by more than 23%. in march, according to preliminary data, activity in both. segments increased slightly. the price of norilsk nickel shares increased by more than 7% in tuesday trading. by the close it reached 164 rubles. active growth on the moscow exchange is underway for the second session in a row. the reason is that trading in securities resumed after their splitting. this process was completed in early april. one share was converted into 100. there were more securities, but the price of each decreased significantly. previously they cost about 15,000 rubles. and few investors. were ready to pay that amount, after splitting up purchases there were more and quotes went up. at the end of the issue , i would like to remind you of the exchange rates for today: dollar 92.74, euro 100 rubles. 74 kopecks. that's all i have for now. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see
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part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. it's easy to make a deep fake and change it. the flood situation in kurgan due to the flood increases the number of duty teams from among utility workers. according to forecasts, the zone apartment buildings may also be flooded. our correspondent albert musin gets in touch directly. albert, i greet you, tell us when the peak of flooding is expected in the region. yes, good morning, tatyana, well, as you can see behind me, kurgan is now actively preparing for the arrival of big water, it is expected in the next few days, or even most likely today. therefore, the work goes on around the clock, and the banks of the tobol river, in its
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key places where it can overflow, are strengthened with such dams made of sandbags by students, cadets, volunteers who barely have time to replace each other, you can also see how city cleaning equipment helps deliver bags to the most remote sections of the river, so that there is not a single gap left where water could pass, literally right now we... are standing on the bank, where, perhaps 50 meters away from us , there are already apartment buildings, they are located somewhat in a lowland, so if water goes through this dam, then of course everything here will already be flooded, uh, now what could all this lead and can lead to, we saw the day before, since the largest flood wave was experienced by the zverennogolovsky district of the kurgan region, this is such a remote area near the border with kazakhstan, there are several villages there. were flooded and completely evacuated, dozens, dozens of houses and streets went under water, and this
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preventive evacuation also continued all night. the village of ust-uyskaya turned into an island, all the access roads to it were flooded, so now you can only get out of there by boat. however, some are in no hurry to evacuate; they believe that big water has already arrived and a recession awaits them. however, uh, sms, which literally now even arrive on the phones of all residents of the region, they say. the fact is that, on the contrary, the water is just coming, and the rschs and the ministry of emergency situations demand people to evacuate as quickly as possible, collect all their things, messages came at 2 a.m., at 3 a.m., at 5:00 a.m., so i think that we can expect a decline in the active activity now it’s definitely not necessary, also the day before , the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov arrived in the region, together with the governor vadim shumkov and the plenipotentiary president vladimir yakushev, he flew around the flooded areas, stated that it is necessary to continue preventive evacuation every hour, promised every minute to further
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increase the emercom group, if necessary. this was also discussed at the operational meeting of the regional headquarters. but i repeat that now work continues to strengthen it. we see how sand is already being transported by trucks, bags are being transported so that literally the entire length of the tabol river, which passes through kurgan, is reinforced with such bags. peak flood i continue to say that we expect lima today the other day, and this work also continues around the clock. tatyana, albert, thank you, my colleague, albert musin, told me about the flood in the kurgan region. and now let's talk about sports. alexander, washington forward, alexander ovechkin set another record. tell us what it is this time. tatyana, good morning, ovechkin became the first player in history. who has scored at least thirty goals per season in eighteen seasons already.
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washington forward alexander ovechkin set another record in the national hockey league. last night, ovechkin became the first hockey player in the history of the league to surpass the symbolic gm milestone of 30 goals in a season for the eighteenth time in his career. ovechkin scored his thirtieth anniversary goal this season in the second period of the match against detroit. in the scoring episode, washington took advantage of detroit's loss. in the middle zone, ovechkin ran towards the goal and scored with a wrist shot into the near corner. captain washington's puck helped the capital win an important victory in the fight for getting into the playoffs. the fourth game of the semi-final series of the gagarin cup between motorist and metallurgist became one of the most surprising in this playoffs. for the metallurgist, everything started more than successfully. at the beginning of the first period the game was given. the advantage of magnitogorsk was overwhelming, so by the seventh minute of the first period the team. andrei razin led with a score of 3:0. and then there was a wonderful comeback from the motorist. the ekaterinburg team
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scored two goals in the first period. anatoly golushev made the score 3:3 at the end of the second period, and 7 seconds before the end of the third period, the driver scored the winning goal. when everyone was already preparing for overtime, stepan khripunov realized a two-on-one goal. after the throw-in, the driver managed to throw a fifth puck into the empty goal. as a result, 0:3 in the match turned into 5:3, motorist. results. real madrid and manchester city produced a match that, in terms of entertainment and internal drama, will go down in the history of the champions league. it all started with a quick goal from mancity. bernardo silva scored from the free kick. next at the twelfth minute ruben dees cut the ball into his own goal, a couple of minutes later rodrigo scored 2:1 in favor of real, just in the fourteenth minute of the first half. in the second half
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, phil foden and joszka guardiol scored two miracle goals (3:2) in favor of mancity. real escaped defeat thanks to... a beautiful one-touch goal from valverd. as a result, a 3:3 draw and the fate of reaching the semi-finals in this pair will be decided in the return match next week. london arsenal hosted bayern and the match ended with a score of 2:2. after the first half bayern won 2:1 for most of the second half , tomos tuchel's team successfully held arsenal back in their attempts to come back. but everything was decided by replacement leandro trossard. he scored with 15 minutes left. in added time , arsenal could. even to snatch victory, but the main referee of the match did not award a penalty for touching striker bukayo saka. the return match in munich will take place next wednesday. in the vtb united basketball league, st. petersburg zenit remains the best team in the second stage of the regular season. the day before the team javiera pasquali won her eighth victory in nine matches of the second stage in group a.
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this time zenit beat krasnodar lokomotiv kuban away. 91:86. after this victory. place in the top three at the end of the regular season. the locomotive, on the contrary , lost this opportunity. before the final playing days of the regular season, three teams at the top of the table have the same balance of victories and defeats. unix, cska and zenit. each of these teams scored 25 victories in thirty-five matches. each of these teams remains in the regular season play only one game each, so the final distribution of places before the start of the playoffs will almost certainly be influenced by additional indicators. the main chess tournament of the year, the candidates tournament, is taking place in toronto these days. in the fifth round game , russian vice world champion ian nepomniachtchi played a draw against his opponent from india, ramesh babu, prag nanandhe. nepomniachtchi played with black pieces, already at the beginning of the game he could have suffered a crushing defeat in it, but nepomniachtchi got out of a difficult situation and on
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the forty-fourth move the opponents agreed to a draw. in five games of toronto tournaments, nepomniachtchi played three times and won twice in the standings; he shares first place. the candidates tournament will end on april 23, and ian nepomniachtchi has nine more games ahead. well, let me remind you that the winner of this tournament will play a match for the world title with the current title holder, the chinese . that's all about sports for now, see you next hour. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. muslims celebrate today. one
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of the main holidays in islam bayram holiday sermons have begun at the moscow cathedral mosque; up to 2,000 believers are expected in total. fifty temporary sites have been prepared for prayer in the moscow region. for those who cannot visit the mosques, online broadcasts will be organized. in a number of regions where many muslims live, today is a day off. eid al-fitr symbolizes the end of the holy month of ramadan. according to tradition, after the holiday prayer, muslims go home, set tables with treats, invite friends and exchange gifts. minister us finance janit helen completed an official visit to china, where she met with high-ranking officials and entrepreneurs. we agreed to start a dialogue
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about excess chinese capacity. anna lazareva summed up the results of the six-day negotiations. sino-russian trade can withstand pressure from america, this was the headline of an article following the visit of us treasury secretary jeannette yelin in the state-owned chinese publication global times. the illustration for the article is eloquent. brown bear and panda at gunpoint american weapons. the publication was a response to the statement of the head of the us treasury that chinese companies should not provide material support to russia in the ukrainian crisis, otherwise they will face serious consequences. what's in the article? note that despite external pressure, china’s readiness to continue trade and economic cooperation with russia will not change. moreover, beijing may take retaliatory measures. china has not yet loudly declared its... protest against such wording, well, it simply warned that how always, no one will be able to quarrel between russia and china, china did not say this answer, but it is very
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likely that these will be restrictions on the actions of any american companies in the chinese market. in an article , the global times notes that the reasons for western pressure on china because of its trade with russia are not only in the ukrainian conflict, it is related to...
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russia and china have actually completely switched to payments in national currencies, rubles and yuan. and china as very stable, china understands perfectly well that its sustainability the world system is based on equal relations with the united states and russia, so, of course, there is no need to say that china, for some reason, can surrender russian interests. the main topic of the us treasury secretary's negotiations in beijing was the consequences of overproduction of chinese goods, which, according to washington, could negatively... affect american companies. the global market is filled with chinese products at artificially low prices, threatening the viability of american and other
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foreign companies. we have seen this story before, and i have made it clear that president biden and i will not accept this reality again. judging by the statements of janette elin, the states were satisfied with the results of the negotiations, although for now the agreements are of a framework nature. the chinese side expressed. this is how it was formulated, there was a fundamental agreement regarding the reduction in the volume of industrial output, however, it is important to emphasize here that specific volumes were not agreed upon, and, among other things, were not discussed in terms of certain specific forms of products. during her visit to china, helen emphasized that china is a key market for american goods and services. the us is not seeking a break. catastrophic consequences for both economies. militants
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of the banned russian volunteer corps admitted that attempts to break through the russian border are hopeless and they will no longer attack directly. according to them, such raids are not advisable. our fighters who defend russian borders give them a tough rebuff, and anton will confirm this. the terrorists of the rdk are clearly tucking their tails between their legs, the notorious russian volunteer corps, which is not russian, because there is no one there, german, romanian mercenaries, staff members of the ukrainian guru, and not the corps, because the losses are such that the terrorists only have time to count them, so here they write that the time has come to honor the memory of the fallen soldiers, what damage there must be, that the neo-vlasov claaka is not even able to hide it, but because... the soldiers from the group covering the state border gave them a lot of unforgettable impressions. here is footage from the camera of one of the eliminated militants. a group of terrorists landed by
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helicopter, they froze for a while among the trees, then ran to the houses, well , apparently, to take up defense. well, here’s a clear result from the objective control footage: these bright spots of the appendages, some have already been destroyed, some are still on their feet, now there are craters, all that’s left of them. as for saying goodbye, it means that with comrades in arms, they are not each other’s comrades, it’s as if there’s no one left to say goodbye, and no one at all. rdk themselves found themselves under such harsh trolling on the part of the ukrainians, who sheltered them in order to use them as some kind of disposable device, did not justify itself in the form of rdk in principle, so they will be quietly merged, or they will be left behind. by the end of unitalia, when they
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were bullied at the border, this is the reincarnation of the very vlatsovites who were in the great patriotic war, the lasovtsy of the 21st century, in fact, usually tik-tok troops, that they can finish, they didn’t start anything, we can finish it with them once and for all. they filmed videos in ukraine, passing off their villages as ours, rdk and other trash, like the legion banned in russia, have been so raked from our troops that now all they have left is...
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well, let him not dream, they don’t even know about him, the militants also refer to schoolchildren, saying they are 90 years old the russians who watch his videos have seen their videos on social networks, well, it’s difficult to discuss this seriously, of course, terrorists have no support in russia. there was never a net, only foreign agents were hanging around. they found maximum tiktok support in the liberal tiktok troops, and even then it was minimal and actually purchased. this is this fifth column that the west formed in russia. and this column was always distinguished by the fact that they knew how to speak loudly, but when it came to specific matters, they were incapable of doing serious work. in this case, combat work. there were actually only a few of them anyway, and
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they were hiding under their guise. gura special forces, who also died with them, but they wanted to disrupt the elections in russia, but in the end there was no media audit, the fake videos did not attract views, much less no success on the battlefield, here are gorgeous shots of a tank with a blue terrorist rag on the tower, getting a lancet into this very tower, everything is standing, burning, this is how the hot phase of the neo-vlasovites ended, and now what will happen, funeral and disintegration? russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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