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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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water level in the ural river. it rose another half a meter overnight. how many houses are at risk of flooding and how are people being rescued from the affected area? there is no money left for ukraine. congress is demanding that the biden administration explain how much was actually spent on supporting the kiev regime, and why there were doubts about the integrity of the white house? our fighters are in the southern donetsk direction.
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the equipment of ukrainian neo-nazis is used by fagot anti-tank systems, we will show how our soldiers work on the front line. eid al-fitr is one of the main holidays in islam. muslims celebrate the end of the holy month of ramadan. we are waiting for the live broadcast of our correspondent from crimea. and we begin. the situation with floods, the water level in the ural river near orenburg rose by about another meter, another 300 households were flooded overnight, the regional authorities reported this, the administration calls on residents to leave potentially dangerous areas, margarita semenyuk will tell you in detail about the situation in the region, the situation now in orenburg is quite critical, the water level in the ural river has exceeded the critical level at 930 cm and now stands at 940.2 cm,
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more than 7,500 people were evacuated, of which 1,707 were children and 186 people were people with disabilities, who were helped to evacuate by the ministry of emergency situations staff of the ambulance gate . i would also like to note now that there are over 1,500 people in taps, of which 262 are children. in the early seventies, the water was more than 10, more than 10, that’s for sure . so that the water would go, well, into the polysalon, but at home it didn’t even come right close, i have a sick person at home, i need to evacuate him, because there is no light without heat, it’s bad, the water is rapidly coming into the city, drowning snt, drowning apartment areas, it’s coming quite quickly, snt energy, which in the evening remained the only area not flooded, has now completely gone under water, only the roofs of houses that... are in in this snt,
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of course, there are rescuers on boats, they sail through all the streets, inspect whether people remain in their houses, whether anyone needs emergency evacuation, they run almost around the clock in order to provide emergency services to everyone who is now stranded. in the danger zone to help, the authorities are also calling for evacuation so as not to be held hostage by the water elements, i will also note that at night the water entered new territories in the southern microdistrict now across...
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almost 40 regions in russia, this is information from the ministry of emergency situations. the most difficult situation is still in the regions on the border with kazakhstan. in the kurgan region today they promise a peak flood. preventive evacuation was carried out in three districts, as well as in gardening communities. difficult situation in the south of the volga region, houses and roads are flooded bashkiria, samara, saratov, ulyanovsk regions, as well as in mordovia and tatarstan. in the chelyabinsk region, large waters are receding, about eight were flooded. from personal plots. in the altai regions there are almost two hundred houses in the water. authorities urge heads of cities and districts to postpone personal vacations until the flood is over. on the rivers of the kama region, spills are expected in about a week. 400 specialists and 800 pieces of equipment are involved in eliminating the consequences. and now about the progress of the special
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military operation, the assault aviation carried out new blows to ukrainian nationalists. thus , in the severodonetsk direction , an enemy stronghold and infantry were destroyed, the crews of su-25 aircraft completed the combat mission, hitting targets, the pilots performed an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps and returned to the airfield, received a combat mission, prepared, made all the necessary calculations, and flew to at extremely low altitudes, carried out an air strike on the enemy, confirmed. slept well, back, returned without losses, task completed, the enemy will not pass, victory will be for us. in the donetsk direction, the fighters of the southern group of forces destroyed an artillery installation of the ukrainian armed forces. lancet loitering ammunition was used to strike it.
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enemy equipment was disabled by direct hits, target search, damage control and fire adjustment were carried out using the hall's drones. having completed the task, the crews quickly turned up and went to a safe area. in principle , anything can hit, rap, armored vehicles, artillery, rszz, in principle, just about anything, manpower, eshka did reconnaissance of the hall, discovered a mass network, began, well, began observations, they opened the mass network for testing, we raised the lancet, flew there for 15-20 minutes and worked, everything detonated. and there was nothing left there. with his statements, josep barel encourages the ukrainian armed forces' strikes on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. this was stated by russia's permanent representative to international organizations in vienna, mikhail ulyanov. the head of european diplomacy pointed out that drone attacks on the station increase
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the risk of a nuclear incident. and for some reason he just turned not to the authorities of kiev, but to moscow, calling for the removal from the station of precisely russian troops. mikhail ulya. noted that this sounds like encouragement of further ukrainian attacks and emphasized that the foreign policy of the european union is, quote: in a very bad state, on april 12 there will be a meeting of the security council, at which it is planned to discuss the attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, this was stated by the first deputy permanent representative of russia to the un dmitry polensky. ukraine’s involvement is clearer than ever, but for some reason the official representative of the state department, matthew miller, called on russia not to take any action.
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the future of the plant and its safety in the spotlight was the first to visit zaporizhzhya npp on a working visit. industry. at today's meeting we talked about what the team is doing to ensure the safe operation of the facility. the trip took place against the backdrop of a large-scale series of attacks that began over
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the weekend. there are currently no signs of damage to critical nuclear and security systems at the site. all efforts of the station personnel are aimed at maintaining the safe function mode. however, in addition to the protected power units at site c there are a number of facilities, such as a storage facility for spent nuclear fuel, diesel generators that ensure uninterrupted operation of the station, large reserves of diesel fuel for emergency diesel generators, the damage and destruction of which can lead to a disaster. today, the training center, a unique facility, came under attack. zaporozhye npp is the only station in the world where there is a full-scale reactor simulator. the workshop in which the reactor is real, it was once brought from the crimea from a non-operational nuclear power plant. the only thing here no - it's nuclear fuel. zaes employees undergo training here and practice technological operations, including in the reactor hall. as a result of the attack, neither
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the employees nor the equipment of this unique center were damaged. the fact of the attack was recorded by employees of the international atomic energy agency, who have been working at the site for more than a year and a half, and the attack happened just 10 minutes after. how the inspectors drove past the buildings. the explosion report matches magat's observations. direct nuclear threat there is no security this time, but the latest incident once again highlights the extreme seriousness of the situation. inspectors, as always , omitted that the threat comes from ukraine, that russia is interested in cooperation with magatay and the un secretariat on the issue of attacks on a nuclear facility, said sergei lavrov, but the answer, the minister insists, must be direct, without any prevarications when we agreed to the presence of magathe experts, a permanent presence at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, we, among other things were guided by necessity for them. give an objective assessment of what is happening there, how the plant is managed, how nuclear and physical
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safety is ensured there, but of course, we assumed that such attacks against the largest nuclear power plant in europe would be recorded. the kiev patient is stable, the ukrainian energy atom said that there was no drone attack, and the kremlin is allegedly trying to hide the consequences of some kind of accident that has already happened at the plant. support in this information war came from germany. released a story called drone strikes on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, and on the cover they wrote: russian drones are attacking energy facilities in ukraine, that is, they did everything possible to make the viewer think that russia was attacking its own people; in the story itself they quote stuff from kiev propagandists. the main intelligence directorate of the ukrainian ministry of defense blamed the incident on russian troops, calling the drone strike a simulation. were no longer original, the us state department said that they were aware of drone attacks on zas continuing
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monitor the situation, routinely called on moscow to return the station to kiev, and did not admit that it was strikes from the ukrainian side that created a nuclear threat. even nuclear terrorism is perceived in washington as a good thing if it is directed against russia, noted ambassador to the united states anatoly antonov. encouraging zelensky’s criminal regime is akin to walking on the edge of a knife. we are concerned about the direct hit on the nuclear power plant. expressed slovenia, the head of the republic spoke on the phone with the head of magathe, stated that the country calls for a meeting of the un security council to discuss global nuclear security, but official ljubljana is also silent about the fact that it was kiev that attacked. we call on the leadership of european states to immediately respond to direct threats to the security of the au. we also demand that the ukrainian armed forces immediately stop shelling the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. russia, soon after the start of a series of attacks, advocated convening an extraordinary one. session of the magath board of governors, according to preliminary data, such a meeting
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could be held the day after tomorrow. elisabetta khramtsov, to lead. the re-launch of the angara a5 launch vehicle will take place today at the vostochny cosmodrome; on the eve of the launch it had to be postponed due to problems with the automation in the central block of the rocket. and evgeniy nipod will tell you all the details. the state commission allowed the launch vehicle angara again of the heavy class from the cosmodrome. vostochny, which should be its first launch from a civilian spaceport. the launch is scheduled for today at 12:00 moscow time at 18 local time. the launch vehicle includes the rion upper stage with a test payload load. the upper stage, after separation of the rocket stage, helps to launch the cargo into the required orbit, doing this with the highest specified accuracy. let me remind you that the day before the launch command was sounded 2 minutes before the possible start, at 11:58 moscow time. the automation worked. the start was postponed. for technical reasons, roscosmos general director yuri borisov made a statement, he said, i will quote,
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the process was stopped due to a failure in the pressurization system of the oxidizer tank, the central unit, meaning the launch vehicle. in such situation, fuel draining is provided, the launch was scheduled for a reserve date, that is, i repeat, for today, april 10. if the start is postponed, experts say, the reasons for the situation are carefully analyzed. the emphasis is on safety, it comes first. in total, the tests were difficult. light versions of the angara family of rockets made six launches from the military cosmodrome plesetsk, and now the launch is planned from the civilian cosmodrome vostochny. the angara, first of all, is a space heavy truck, in terms of its performance superior, currently used proton m, which is coming to the end of its service life, and angara must replace it. the main advantage of the new russian rocket is environmental friendliness, the proton fuel is toxic heptyl, and the angara has an oxygen-hydrogen pair, which allows it to be used for launching both automatic and manned vehicles into the future.
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lagging behind in labor productivity, in order to develop the necessary measures, the government will hold a separate strategic session, the head of the ministry of economic development and trade, maxim reshetnikov, announced this following the results of the statistics session about development of supply-side economics, which took place on tuesday. he named the situation on the labor market as one of the main limiting factors. the restrictions that the economy is now facing are restrictions
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on the labor market, and what else needs to be done here, including we discussed labor productivity a lot today and even agreed on a separate one. draw a trajectory for those sectors that are lagging behind in terms of labor productivity growth. we will extend the national project. maxim reshetnikov noted that now we need to especially actively develop the automotive industry of transport and tourism, as well as the agro-industrial sector, as the demand of russians for relevant products and services is growing. in the agricultural sector, where we need to increase the volume of production of dairy products, including poultry. products there, and in other areas, yes, because our population’s incomes are growing, our demand structure is shifting towards more such products, including dairy products, meat and so on, it’s very important to see all this on horizon until the thirtieth year, in order to initiate now those, including including investments, investment projects that are needed to satisfy this demand. promotional production in ip
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increased by more than 6.5%. such data is based on the results. january-february reported the eurasian economic commission, they noted that growth was observed in all participating countries, the manufacturing industry grew especially strongly by almost 10.5%. at the end of march, the volatility of the ruble exchange rate reached its lowest levels since the third quarter of twenty-one. the central bank came to this conclusion. weakening of the exchange rate observed in january-february 2024, was explained mainly by a decrease from the outside. sales of foreign currency earnings, which were on average 20% lower than in november-december 2023. in march, this trend continued, however, in the last week of march, sales increased significantly; by the end of the month, they exceeded the november-december value by 10%. however, this did not lead to a strengthening of the exchange rate. at the same time, the volatility of the ruble continued to decline at the end of the month and reached its lowest levels since
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the third quarter of 2021. appreciated and results in the field of lending. the corporate portfolio in february increased by almost 20% in annual terms, and the retail portfolio by more than 23%. in march, according to preliminary data, activity in both segments increased slightly. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are dollar 92.74, euro 100 rubles. 74 kopecks. that's all i have for now. april 10th. a memorable date in the military history of russia. april 10, 1900. forty -fourth year of the liberation of odessa. the troops of odessa general malinovsky liberated odessa from the nazis. noon before the formation the red flag was raised over the opera house by the distinguished units. odessa was one of the first to receive the high title of hero city. the occupation of the city by romanians and germans lasted 907 days and claimed the lives of 82,000 inhabitants. american private military
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companies, with the participation of the authorities, are recruiting in prisons. usa representatives of mexican and colombian drug cartels, so that they fight on the side of the kiev regime. meanwhile, the state debt found a loophole to provide at least minimal military assistance to ukraine. which one, emil will tell you about it mirsaev. the us state department has approved the urgent sale of military aid to ukraine for the maintenance of khavk missile systems. the issue price is 138 million dollars. the funds will go toward designing communications systems, tool kits, spare parts, and training soldiers. wsso. there is an emergency situation that requires the immediate sale to the ukrainian government of the above defense goods and services in the interests of us national security. thus, the requirement of congress to review this transaction is canceled. really rely on congress is now a losing strategy for american hawks. there is still no clarity about whether the lower
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house of parliament will approve a tranche to kiev for at least $60 billion? however, to the question. the amounts do not seem to be so clear, primarily for the legislators themselves, who demand that the white house report the total amount of financial assistance to kiev, all because the biden administration’s expenses on ukraine turned out to be much higher than expected by previous assistance packages. official reports did not include $5.5 billion, follows from a report from the white house office of management and budget. in total, these figures increase the amount of aid allocated by the administration to ukraine. up to 125 billion dollars, and the amount of funds that it can transfer to ukraine - up to more than 120 billion dollars, we demand to provide a list of accounts from which...
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even partially, if it is divided, the german press is sure. cdf notes that if hostilities continue, zelensky will still have to surrender the territory. however , now, until this happens, he writes bloomberg, eu and us authorities are reaching into the pockets of their own citizens to pay for defense. we are talking about more than 10 trillion dollars over 10 years, not counting today's spending, all due to cuts in social spending. there is an alternative, and these are peace negotiations, to which once again olaf and scholz, whose country is one of them. the most significant sponsors of kiev were called upon by german politicians, this time from brandenburg. arms supplies do not solve conflicts and are morally unacceptable, especially given german history. we demand a refund
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to germany's refusal to supply weapons to crisis areas. however, for the chancellor, the situation seems hopeless. and although germany is in the top three among donors to ukraine with an indicator slightly higher than $7.5 billion. the erge authorities are not willing to share new weapons with square, despite pressure. he will not escape, if not by inciting conflict, then by inaction. emil mirsaev and maxim akimov, news, berlin, germany. and now it's time for sports news. alexander, the first matches of the champions league took place at the quarter-final stage. tell me how is the game over? tatyana, good morning, manchester city and real madrid played with a score yesterday. 3:3, arsenal-bayern also drew 2:2. let's start with hockey. washington forward alexander ovechkin set another record in the national hockey league. last night
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, ovechkin became the first hockey player in nhl history to surpass the symbolic grand master mark of 30 goals in a season for the eighteenth time in his career. ovechkin scored his thirtieth anniversary goal this season in the second period of the match against detroit. in washington's scoring episode took advantage of detroit's loss. gagarin between motorists and the fourth game of the semi-final series of the metallurg cup was one of the most surprising in this playoffs. for the metallurgist, everything started more than successfully. at the beginning of the game of the first period, the game was given, the advantage of magnitogorsk was overwhelming, so by the seventh minute of the first period andrei razin's team. with a score of 3:0. and then there was a wonderful comeback from the motorist. the ekaterenburg team scored two goals in the first period, anatoly golushev made the score 3:3 in the end
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the second period, and 7 seconds before the end of the third, the driver scored the winning goal. when everyone was already preparing for overtime, stepan khripunov realized a two-on-one goal. after the throw-in, the driver managed to throw the fifth puck into the empty goal. 0:3 in the match eventually turned into 5:3. avtomobilist won this match and evened the series score 2:2. the fifth match in this confrontation will take place in magnitogorsk tomorrow. the first day of play at the quarter-final stage of the champions league was marked by two striking draws. real madrid and manchester city produced a match that, in terms of entertainment and unpredictability of internal drama, will go down in the history of the tournament. it all started with a quick goal from mancity, bernardo silva scored from a free kick. then, in the twelfth minute, ruben diesh cut the ball home. the goal a couple of minutes later was scored by rodrigo, already 2:1 in favor of real in just the fourteenth minute of the first half. in the second half, two miracle goals were scored by phill foden and joszka guardiol 3:2 in favor of mancity. real escaped
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defeat thanks to a beautiful goal in one valverde's touch. the draw is 3:3 and the fate of reaching the semi-finals in this pair will be decided in the return match. london arsenal hosted bayern, this match ended with a score of 2:2. bayern were up 2-1 at half-time for much of the second half, and thomas tuchel's side successfully held off arsenal as they attempted to come back. but everything was decided above by replacing leandro trossard. in added time, arsenal could even snatch victory. but the main referee of the match did not award a penalty for touching striker bukayo saka's number. return match in munich will take place next wednesday. in the vtb united basketball league, st. petersburg zenit remains the best team in the second stage of the regular season. the day before , javier pasquali's team won their eighth victory in nine matches of the second stage in group a. this time zenit beat krasnodar lokomotiv kuban away, 91:86. after this victory.
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did not guarantee itself a place in the top three at the end of the regular season; lokomotiv , on the contrary, lost this opportunity. before the final game days of the regular season, three teams at the top of the table have the same balance of victories and defeats. unix, cska and zenit, each of these teams won 25 victories in 35 matches, each of these teams had one game left in the regular season, so the final distribution of places before the start of the playoffs will almost certainly be influenced by additional indicators. the main chess tournament of the year, the candidates tournament, is taking place in toronto these days. in the fifth round game , world vice-champion ian nepomniachtchi played a draw against his opponent from india, ramesh babu, prag nanananhi. nepomniachtchi played with black pieces already at the beginning of the game and could have suffered a crushing defeat in it, but he got out of a difficult situation and on the forty-fourth move the opponents agreed to a draw. in five games of the toronto tournament, nepomniacht
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played two draws and two. won twice, he shares first place in the standings. the candidates tournament will end on april 23, nepomniachtchi still has nine games ahead. well, let me remind you that the winner of the candidates tournament will play a match for the world title with the current title holder. chinese dean lying down. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour.
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