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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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downstream, but residential areas of the city are still flooded. thousands of houses remain in the danger zone, which will need to be restored after the flood passes. and now in direct contact with the studio, my colleague, our special correspondent, stanislav bernwald, stas, greetings. tell us what the situation is in the city today, the day before the weather forecasters spoke about rain. sash, hello, well, as you can see, there is no rain, it doesn’t seem to be expected, the weather is good, which is good news. municipal authorities are starting authorities of the region, in the orenburg region, regional and to eliminate the consequences of the flood, according to the official news that has been coming from the last 24 hours, a decline in water was noted in six municipalities, in 14 settlements, 38 residential buildings were freed from water, a total of 400. 92 personal plots,
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a decrease in water discharge was noted from the riklinsky reservoir to a level of up to 1342 m per second, well, that is, indeed, here we are now standing in a new city on gagarin square, it is clearly visible visually that the water is leaving, we are guided by this, by this stelly, i love the city of ortsk, it is almost freed from water, but at the peak it was not.
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in particular, humanitarian aid was also delivered there tonight, this work does not stop for a minute, at the moment, if we are talking about the entire orenburg region, there is a group of more than 4,000 people and more than 800 units of equipment working here, more than 800 units of equipment, more than 150 floating assets, all these forces and funds are aimed at both preventing floods and, yes, eliminating its consequences. but first first and foremost, saving people’s lives and health. if we are talking about orsk, then more than 2,500 people were evacuated, but there is a part of orsk on a hill, which is located, there are literally several streets that were, let’s say, cut off on all sides, but not flooded, so water and food are periodically delivered there food, medicines, also to ensure stable clear communication a generator was sent there,
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now, of course, the most difficult situation is directly in orenburg, let's hope that the water there will not be so critical approach, as it was here, we continue to monitor, alexander, you have the floor, thank you, we are waiting for the next live broadcast, stanislav bernwald was with the latest information about the flood in orsk. re-launch of the launch vehicle.
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hangar a5 will take place today at the vostochny cosmodrome. the day before, the launch was postponed due to problems with the automation in the central unit of the rocket. a new launch is scheduled for 12:00 moscow time. the state commission has already approved it. let me remind you that this will be the first launch of the angara, again from the cosmodrome in the amur region. the rocket is equipped with the arion test upper stage payload. a rocket of the angara family, a heavy class, all the details about its characteristics are in our reference. angara a5 is a three-stage heavy- duty launch vehicle, part of the angara family. these are the latest russian launch vehicles from light to heavy classes, which can launch up to 38 tons of payload into low earth orbit. the angara family should replace the proton m carriers. unlike them, the angara are environmentally friendly rockets. they use kerosene and liquid oxygen as fuel. space rocket the angara complex was developed in the khrunichev center. in the production of rockets
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, only russian components are used; the characteristics of the engines exceed those used by spacex. with the commissioning of angara missiles, russia will be able to launch from its territory. on april 12 , a meeting of the security council will take place, at which it is planned to discuss the attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, this was stated by the first deputy envoy of russia to the un, dmitry polyansky. let me remind you that earlier the armed forces of ukraine hit the training center of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, nuclear terrorism in kiev thursday will be discussed at an emergency session of the board of governors. the state corporation rosatom categorically condemned the unprecedented attack on the nuclear power plant and its infrastructure and calls on the management of the agency, as well as the governments of the eu countries, to immediately respond to a direct threat to security. elizaveta khramtsova has all the details. the future of the station and its
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safety are in the spotlight. the first deputy head of the russian presidential administration paid a working visit to the zaporozhye npp. has led rosatom for ten years and continues to actively participate in industry development. at today's meeting we talked about what the team is doing to ensure the safe operation of the facility. the trip took place against the backdrop of a large-scale series of attacks that began over the weekend. there are currently no signs of damage to critical nuclear and security systems at the site. all efforts of the station personnel are aimed at maintaining a safe operating mode. however, in addition to the protected power units on the site. there are a number of facilities here, such as a spent nuclear fuel storage facility, diesel generators that ensure uninterrupted operation of the station, large reserves of diesel fuel for emergency diesel generators, damage and destruction of which can lead to disaster. today , the training
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center, a unique facility, came under attack. zaporozhye npp is the only station in the world where there is a full-scale reactor workshop simulator, in which the reactor is real, it was brought in at one time. from crimea with an unstarted nuclear power plant. the only thing missing here is nuclear fuel. employees behind the nuclear power plant pass here training, practice technological operations, including in the reactor hall. as a result of the attack, neither the employees nor the equipment of this unique center were damaged. the fact of the attack was recorded by employees of the international atomic energy agency, who have been working at the site for more than a year and a half, and the attack happened just 10 minutes after inspectors passed by the building. explosion message according to
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ukraine stated that there was no drone attack, and the kremlin is allegedly trying to hide the consequences of some kind of accident that has already happened at the station. fire support in this information war came from germany. agent duchveli released a story called drone strikes on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, and on the cover they wrote: russian drones are attacking
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ukrainian energy facilities, that is, they did everything possible to make the viewer think that russia is hitting its own. in the story itself , they quote stuff from kiev propagandists. headquarters. intelligence of the ukrainian ministry of defense blamed the incident on russian troops, calling the drone strike a simulation. the puppeteers are also not were original. the us state department said that it was aware of the drone attack on the zas , continued to monitor the situation, routinely called on moscow to return kiev to the station, and did not admit that it was the strikes from the ukrainian side that created a nuclear threat. even nuclear terrorism is perceived in washington as a good thing if it is directed against russia, the ambassador to the united states noted. anatoly antonov. encouraging zelensky’s criminal regime is akin to walking on the edge of a knife. slovenia expressed concern about the direct hit on the ac. head of the ministry of the republic spoke on the phone with the leader of maga and stated that the country is calling for a meeting of the un security council to discuss global nuclear security. but
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official ljubljana is also silent about the fact that it was kiev that attacked. we call on the leadership of european states to immediately respond to direct threats to the security of the au. we also demand that the ukrainian armed forces immediately stop shelling the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. russia , shortly after the start of the series of attacks, advocated convening the iaea board of governors at an extraordinary session. and according to preliminary data. such a meeting could take place the day after tomorrow. elizaveta khramtsova, news. at bigfest, a hamburger costs 39 rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. there are door sausages. dad will help! alfa friday - a supercake every week from
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we continue to broadcast footage from the government house now. dear gennady eklovich, first of all, i would like to once again congratulate the russian academy of sciences on its three hundredth anniversary. great work over these centuries by our scientists, the best minds of russia and a solid foundation has been created for our technological schools, scientific schools, which produce their results and help the country develop. when the president met with the academy, he said that our academy of sciences should become such a headquarters for the development of domestic science,
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our country faces the task of strengthening technological, economic sovereignty, development of almost... all sectors that cannot be solved without the participation of our scientists. at our previous meeting, we talked in detail about the role of the russian academy of sciences, but now i would like would like to hear how you assess the results of 2023, please have the floor. thank you very much, mikhail vladimirovich, i would like to note that of course, at the general meeting in may, which we will have, we will sum up the work and determine the best results.
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we launched such large programs, they are called large scientific projects, from 24 to 26, 100 million for each work per year, this is very important, because new such chains are formed there from universities, scientific research works, institutes and high-tech companies, we
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have advanced a lot in expert activities by one and a half times, we have increased the expertise, we... here we have also done a lot of work on our scientific councils, today we have 45 of them under the presidency, 1005 re-departments, they are very important because they work there not only a member of our academy, but in fact everything, the entire scientific landscape, these are representatives of university science, industry, high-tech companies, and there we solve big problems, a very important task that we now face...
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st. petersburg branch, well, you know, because there was a higher order from this government, we have new regional branches, we started working with new territories, we created associations of the southern regions, which included not only crimea, but also included all our new territories, this is donetsk , lugansk, zaporozhye, kherson, which is the most
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important thing... and for us these are integral parts of scientific activity, well, 300 years of celebration, i wanted to say that the date is not only ours,
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it was included in unesco, it was the forty-second unesco assembly, where such an international calendar of events is included in the date. it is very important that all fundamental research, applied research, and developments correspond to the spirit of the times, so that they are related to the tasks that we face today. with national development goals, with technological, economic, financial sovereignty, all this together should be in demand by large enterprises, this is how it is possible, among other things, to revive the best traditions that were in today’s difficult, let’s say, innovation market, technologies, this is what will lay the foundation for further technological independence in solving problems in critical areas, the president recently spoke about this at the council. in science education, and just then, in my opinion, you discussed the strategy for the country’s scientific and technological development, taking into account current challenges, how the landscape
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of russian science in general will be built in the future, that is, how you organize planning, including scientific research and design work, because we are now trying, based on budgetary possibilities, invest more and more in extra-crore, research and development, and design work in almost all sectors of the economy.
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we formed tasks for ourselves, we sent these tasks to us for examination, then a report, but when you analyzed, in general, if, then here is the next slide, you can see how we generated 6,000 tasks, of which 2,200 are important and 3,800 are such also important, but not the first priority, as it were, when we analyzed, we saw that the result is the following: the picture is that our institutions were chosen from the most important ones only half, and of the most unimportant, well, let’s say, the first category, only 1/3, it turns out that
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1/3 in total were chosen, and 2/3 they were not, yes, moreover, when we analyzed further, we saw that there , where they chose, there was one topic or one direction, 52 institutes, 49 institutes, that is, we saw that here - this is the system that was characteristic of that time, there 3 years ago, maybe it was suitable , when there are more articles, the topics are relevant, but we did not close the entire area of ​​​​activity, firstly, this is bad, because there are accidents where great achievements are made, then one in two thirds of us cannot even find a specialty, and secondly, the name of the institutes does not even correspond to the subject matter.
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deeper planning should be done so that , firstly, they are in demand, so that they correspond to the themes of the name of the institute and so that they are picked up by others, we believe that this will more effectively use the budget money that is allocated for science, you identified a whole range of issues, a wide range of issues on which, of course , it is necessary to move together, and here we are the government as a part, including... it is very
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important that investments in research and development work increase, it is very important that we prioritize those scientific areas that will give maximum effect both for technological development, our sovereignty, and for increasing income at all budget levels, but most importantly, they will be built on competitive solutions so that we can compete, compete in the world as a whole a number of branches of science and technology and would like to wish you, your... represented by the entire staff of the academy of sciences, our scientists, graduate students, students, these are also young scientists, in many ways, good luck with the holiday once again, happy anniversary of the academy. these were shots from the government house, mikhail mishustin talked with the head of the russian academy of sciences gennady krasnikov. the government has allocated 3 billion rubles to increase payments to class teachers and group supervisors in
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technical schools and colleges. on instructions from the president, which vladimir putin gave on the results of his message to the federal assembly. the changes will affect educational institutions in cities and towns with a population of less than 100,000 people. the message on the cabinet website also states that from september 1, a monthly increase of 5.00 rubles will be given. advisors to education directors will also receive the same.
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argentine president javier miley begins his foreign tour, today he will visit
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the usa, meet with... musk will stop by the tesla plant in texas, and from there he will go to europe. the day before, meley said that his next visit to the old world would include ukraine. sergei brilyov will tell you about the agreement between miley’s statement. this meeting between the new president of argentina and the commander-in-chief of the us southern command, which took place last thursday in tierra del fuego, would have been left behind the turn of history. if not for what became known today, today, today, firstly, meleus himself, in turn, went to america. secondly, this thursday argentine newspapers came out with headlines that the previous head of the argentine republic, fernando hernadez, had his and his piran players' assets frozen by the court pressed. and it was under him that the argentine parliament approved the idea that the chinese would build their own in the argentine province of mioken...


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