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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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the moment when the engine turns on and she rushes into the heights with a terrible roar. yes, of course, we will see the moment of launch, we will see how the engines start working, and this should happen in literally less than 30 seconds. so, well, nothing is happening yet, and our news agency’s feed doesn’t report anything, it reports about me that there are 5, about 5 seconds left, already less, exactly. we are waiting for 12:00 in the afternoon, obviously the start has begun, and radovosh, what
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could it be? well, judging by, unfortunately, the sound issued a command to cancel the launch, the manager work, prepare for the first one, eat, prepare for a twenty-four-hour layover, that’s it, the launch was postponed again, yes, a twenty-four-hour layover, we saw at the moment when the launch was supposed to take place that a white puddy came out of the rocket.
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will be canceled if they started to release the pressure, no, no, well, this white smoke is coming out, it’s already after the time, and after that, yes , well, apparently, if i don’t know how much time is behind us here, yeah, that’s it after a while, that is, it even made noise , i think it was a pity they don’t include it here broadcast, noise, it seems to me that the engines were turning on, that is, there was some noise, i heard something more like the wind, it looked like the wind was blowing, but really. now they will sort it out again, either in a day, or even further, yeah, right now it’s hard to determine. igor adolfovich, thank you very much, but of course i’d really like to comment with you live on the launch itself, but we’ll wait until all systems are finally complete, our super-heavy one. the mountains will be ready again
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so that the descent really took place, the launch went really perfectly. i would note that it is very important that all these malfunctions and failures are caught by the automatic system, yes, because it is worse when this all happens, an accident during the flight, when these failures, some kind of overlays, they are not caught on the ground during testing, and an accident occurs, and we lose equipment, we lose billions, but here, just think. put together for a while another reason about the countries and that’s it, maybe it’s the launch complex again, maybe it’s a rocket, i i looked at the statistics on the soviet proton and there is about a 10% launch accident rate, i don’t know what it is now, there were 400, that there were about 44 unsuccessful launches, well, it ’s difficult to count there, because the proton is very reliable, but usually they count with the first proton, and the first protons exploded there every other time, because...
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thank you very much, i will remind you that we spoke live with the scientific editor of roscosmos-media, igor marinin. a credit card is beneficial. any situation,
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the interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever, which is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want, let’s do it this way, and now skoto, there are other ideas, of course, let’s pay the bills, jur, without a qr code for a long time, online, the camera itself calculates everything, well, how did it happen, of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card, vtb, together everything will work out, on easter russian lotto unites people. and when we are together, our help is greater. in the easter charity draw from every ticket sold 10 rub. will be transferred to works of mercy. we'll be giving away thousands of cash prizes. every second ticket wins. lotto. alfa friday -
12:06 pm
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there were a lot of questions about financial fraud, but i’ll start with why tight monetary policy, why monetary policy remains tight, and how does this affect the economy? let me remind you that since september 22, we kept the key rate at 7.5% for 10 months. together with government measures, this greatly helped the economy recover. when the recovery was completed, inflation began to rise rapidly, we raised the key rate by 8.5% points. and in the fall there were many concerns, we discussed with you, that raising the key rate would put an end to economic development, but we see that this is not
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the case. economic growth in the fourth quarter slowed down slightly but remained significant. at the end of the year, gdp grew by 3.6. russian monetary policy is precisely aimed at ensuring that the pressure on the economy
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from demand is not excessive and is not destructive for growth. this can be figuratively compared to a marathon race, where it is very important to correctly distribute forces over the entire distance. growing demand that grows too quickly forces the economy to chase it faster and faster, and for some time it can do this at the limit of its capabilities, but the cost will go through the roof. the production of goods and services, unraveling bottlenecks in the transport infrastructure, takes
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time; if production lags behind the very rapid growth of demand, then prices will go up, demand itself and consumer investment will increasingly shift to imports. imports require currency, and if exports, as in our case, do not grow, then increased demand inevitably leads to a weakening of the ruble, and we observed a situation such as... when excess demand results in rising prices and a weakening of the ruble, we observed last summer, at we responded to it with a raise key rate, we are already seeing the first results of our policy, the peak of inflation is behind us, if you look at the current price growth, that is, from month to month, you see on the slide, these are gray bars, you can see that from july to november this figure is in terms of for the year was double-digit, inflation pressure was very strong, in december-january it
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decreased noticeably and is now around 6%. and if we had not raised the key rate, inflation would have been much higher than the 7.4% that we received at the end of last year. moreover, it would continue to accelerate now. and i would like to draw special attention to the fact that we really protect with a high rate. the income of citizens is a direct contribution of monetary policy to the fight against poverty. inflation hits the pockets of poor people the hardest, including because prices for essential goods accelerate first; there were plenty of such examples last year. but high, high inflation is exactly the same tax on industry as on the poor. majority enterprises already feel that the increase in costs, which... is inevitable with high inflation, bites even more than the temporary increase in interest costs,
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the company's managers also talk about this, and we hold many meetings with them, our analysis of costs in the manufacturing industry. in the current conditions, a tight monetary policy does not contradict the development of the economy and the interests of the real sector, as is sometimes presented. what other results of raising the key rate, besides slowing inflation, do we see in present day? in august, an important turning point occurred; an active influx of money into deposits began. over the 5 months until the end of the year, citizens’ deposits increased by 5.3 trillion rubles. this is a record pace. and thanks to high rates, citizens earned almost 1 trillion rubles in interest on deposits in the second half of last year. the influx of funds into deposits continues; in the first quarter of this year it amounted to almost 2 trillion rubles. the additional effect of a higher rate is that it contributes to a more stable exchange rate
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ruble the ruble exchange rate, of course, is determined primarily by trade flows. last year, exports decreased, as you can see on this slide, but imports increased, the ruble exchange rate naturally decreased, and in the summer this decrease accelerated because the demand for imports increased. on the exchange rate chart you see a cutoff, this is an increase in the rate. on august 15, immediately by 3 and a half percentage points to 12%. this stopped the weakening of the ruble, although additional rate increases were required in order... to finally stop the growth of inflationary and devaluation expectations, other factors also played a role, including rising oil prices, but the influence of monetary policy, according to our estimates, was the main one, including due to the increased attractiveness of the ruble as a store of value. another significant effect is that credit has returned to a more
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balanced growth rate compared to last year's very high record levels. over the year, the corporate loan portfolio grew by 20% or more than 12 trillion rubles. the volume of corporate bonds increased 4.6 trillion rubles. this financing made an important contribution to economic development. this money was also used to purchase equipment, replace external debts, purchase businesses from departing foreign companies, and import substitution. and it hardly has.
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the real sector showed good financial results last year, the company's consolidated profit grew by 35%, exceeding 33 trillion rubles, this is also a record. if we compare with the nineteenth year, with the point before all the trials of recent years, the profit has doubled and even adjusted by more than one and a half times the accumulated inflation. this means that businesses feel more confident. high profit reduces the need for borrowed funds, but even if it is necessary to borrow, it allows you to do this even at high rates. and by the way, it is on this scale that the profits of the banking system need to be assessed. for the entire last year, it was comparable to the profit that the corporate sector earned in 1 month. banks lend, contribute to
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economic development, and profits allow them to increase lending. this is the main one. their source capital. what else supports lending activity? over the past 2 years , the share of the company's loans at floating rates has increased significantly. and in february issues it was already 54%. and, by the way, this suggests that business remains confident that we will return inflation to the target and move on to lowering the rate. why do we continue to keep the rate at 16%, despite the fact that inflation has more than doubled.
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heats up demand, and even supply, which is even growing, but it does not keep up, we saw in the example of mass preferential mortgages, growth of the mortgage portfolio by 35% per year. such growth leads to an increase in the price of housing and an increase in the debt load of citizens, we see that over the past 2 years the share of mortgages to people with a high debt load has increased by one and a half times; in the fourth quarter of last year , almost every second borrower, 45%, received
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a mortgage with the prospect that payments he will have to spend more than 80% of his income. the gap between prices for primary and secondary housing continued to grow; at the end of last year, this gap was 44%, uh , with the historical norm being somewhere around 10%. the accelerated rise in housing prices in recent years has led to the fact that the insurance indemnity limit on the iskra account often no longer covers the cost of the apartment, so we propose that we discuss together its doubling according to the law. this is now 10 million rubles to 20 million rubles. the example with mortgages, in our opinion, is instructive; the last thing we would like... is for similar processes to begin in other segments of the economy. based on low inflation, the availability of credit will increase again, as it already did when we reduced
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inflation to 4% by the seventeenth year. remember that it was then, without any broad preferential programs, that mortgages began to grow rapidly. and mortgage rates on market mortgages decreased, people were able to take it out at 8-9%. without state support, without costly subsidies for the budget. and our goal is for credit to once again be equally available and accessible to everyone, with low inflation and moderate market rates. last year we launched incentive banking regulation. for those projects that the government named priority for import substitution and technological development. and these incentives allowed. finance projects important for the economy in the amount of about 300 billion rubles. but in your questions, you rightly noted
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that the potential that we envisaged is much greater. what is needed for incentives to be fully used? it seems to us that it is important that, as originally intended, they are more closely combined with government support instruments, that is, a project that corresponds to the taxonomy. fractional life insurance company, that is, in each sector of the financial market needs to extend funds and measures are provided for this, we suggest that you discuss
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additional incentives for ruble deposits from 3 years, that is, for longer deposits, as well as for irrevocable savings certificates, to reduce bank contributions to the insurance system so that they could offer more favorable conditions for them, in terms of long... placement of shares, moreover, last year in terms of placement volumes became the most successful for the domestic market in 12 years, over the year the number of active investors increased by one and a half times,
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the influx of new money into the securities market exceeded one million 300 billion, trillion 300 billion rubles, with the help of various measures we began to solve the problem of assets of russian investors that were frozen. in foreign infrastructure. and at the end of last year, access to assets amounting to over 3 trillion rubles was restored. these measures have affected at least 2.5 million russian investors, and we continue this work together with the government. now about payment calculations. at the end of last year, the share of non-cash payments in retail turnover exceeded 83%. let me remind you that this share in the fourteenth year was only 25%. this growth speaks of citizens’ trust in non-cash payments, their convenience and demand.
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and it is important that, despite all the severe sanctions, people did not feel any difficulties in making payments within the country. the entire line of payment instruments is being developed, including world cards and fast payment systems and banks’ own payment services. in the fast payments system we again saw a multiple increase in transactions, i must say that he uses transfers through it every second resident of our country, every third pays for purchases through sbp. more recently, this system did not exist at all. since the beginning of april, the service of payments through sbp, between legal entities, has become mandatory for banks. and we see that it is very important for business that money is available to the recipient instantly. 24x7, this year we will expand the possibilities of paying for services in the budget system, for example, through sbp it will be possible to pay for kindergartens and theater tickets. and people
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will be able to save on commissions, since all payments through sbp are free for citizens. in we also plan to introduce a universal qr code so that people can choose for themselves which bank to pay through. the exchange of financial information within the country has switched mainly to our system for transmitting financial messages; internal russian exchange through swift has been completely stopped. spfs has become much more actively used externally.
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wallets, transfers between citizens, payment, simple smart contracts, we plan to gradually expand the circle of participants in the pilot and the functionality of the platform; based on the results of the piloting, we will decide on the timing scaling of the digital ruble, but according to our estimates, this will not be earlier than the twenty-fifth year; already now we are conducting a dialogue with those countries that create similar platforms on opportunities and cross-border operations.
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digital currencies of central banks. here, of course, not only technical readiness is important, but political readiness is important. just as actively as payments, the use of financial technologies is developing. we see that people's demand for digital profile services is steadily growing. over the past year, citizens began to use this service twice as often. they have issued more than 30 million loans and insurances.
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formalize, we recommended that banks consider the application in a simplified manner, understanding that people now have no time to collect various certificates, we will closely monitor and control this. there is already a law on the full cost of the loan, this indicator is very important for people; now all additional services and payments are included, which previously remained behind the scenes, because
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they were supposedly voluntary. the cooling period has increased when you can get your money back for imposed services, advertising of loans with almost non-zero, essentially unrealistic rates, which in fact were surrounded by such conditions that the cost of the loan turned out to be very double-digit, disappeared. very soon, in may, another law will come into force, which will allow citizens to transfer money free of charge between their accounts in different banks, in fact. changes. the law removes those artificial barriers that prevented people from freely managing their savings and completely solves the problem of wage slavery. a new one will start working a little later in july law on combating cyber fraudsters. in particular, it introduces a two-day cooling-off period for transfers to suspicious accounts. and this period is needed so that a person can figure out what is his.


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