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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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seemingly voluntary, the cooling-off period has increased, when you can return money for imposed services, advertising of loans with almost zero, essentially unrealistic rates, which in fact were surrounded by such conditions that the cost of the loan turned out to be in double digits, has disappeared, very soon it will come into effect in may by virtue of another law that will allow citizens to transfer money between their accounts for free... the law removes those artificial barriers that prevented people from freely managing their savings and completely solves the problem wage slavery. a little later, in july, a new law on combating cyber fraud will come into force; in particular, it introduces a two-day cooling period for transfers to suspicious accounts. and this period is needed so that a person can understand that he is...
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being deceived, in order to refuse transfers. this year, the long-awaited law on self-prohibitions on loans was also adopted, with the help of which anyone can protect themselves from receiving a loan in their name. i would like to say that at all our annual report meetings you raised issues of fraud. we have not yet succeeded in achieving success in the fight against scammers, we are hitting their tails, we talked about this at...
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knows no boundaries, launching another pyramid scheme on the internet does not require large expenses, therefore we consider it extremely important to draft a bill banning organizations that do not to attract investments from citizens under the supervisory bank of russia. these bills are being prepared for second reading, and new initiatives to protect consumers are being discussed. you often come to our attention. to certain
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unfair schemes for selling financial products, we fight them and see a certain result, including a reduction in the number of complaints, complaints about misselling and unfair sales decreased by half last year, but all our experience in recent years suggests that it is still necessary to increase fines for violating the rights of consumers of financial services. so that it would be economically unprofitable to violate, now in many cases this is not the case, especially, for example, if the bank is large, and for it a million rubles is a penny fine, an intangible fine, millions of violations, we have identified such cases only a million, a million rubles of a fine, in our opinion, a fine for deceiving consumers, for dishonest enrichment, it should be increased multiple times up to 1% of...
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so that the consumer still sees all the important terms of the installment plan and can adequately estimate, and the total debt burden did not become unbearable for him. cars used for personal purposes remained at the level of 7.4, 7.400 rubles, that is, the real price, taking into account inflation, even decreased. at the same time, complaints about denials of registration decreased fourfold policies. you remember what a big
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problem it was. this is both the result of our supervisory measures over insurance companies and the effect of the reinsurance floor, where insurers go. are giving away, transferring potentially unprofitable policies, extremely important measures to reduce fraud osaga, which our regional working groups are now taking, taking advantage of the fact that there are remote representatives of the regions here, i would also like to draw attention to this, although the number of regions with high risks in this sphere, in the field of fraud has decreased by more than half from 12 to five, and before moving on to...
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their large incomes, the second is strengthening the protection of people from excessive debt, and i also talked about this, and here we are ready to take all necessary measures. third is the fight against fraud in the financial market, since people with low incomes are the most vulnerable. fourth, measures to support citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations. these are credit holidays, but a complex issue needs to be resolved.
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the rates were low, people with small in terms of income, this initiative guarantees the opportunity to receive fairly high interest on the card balance in the range of up to 50 thousand rubles on a deposit of the same amount, in addition, make payments without commission in the amount of up to 20 thousand rubles per month, according to preliminary estimates, this additional support could be used more than 8 million people, and of course. special financial literacy programs that reduce people’s risks, help them navigate the complex financial market correctly, use the opportunities of the financial market to save their income to increase. in conclusion, i would like
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to thank the state duma, because a lot of what i said is the result of our joint work: balanced macroeconomic policy:
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i had a little time, thank you ilvish hebzadovna, dear colleagues, this was a broadcast from a willing row, chairman of the central bank elvira nabiulina today addressed state duma deputies with a report on the work of the central bank for 2023. every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own, a desire to stand out. the desire to act and don't get distracted by the fuss. business works
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card is beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. the government has increased payments for class teachers in schools and group supervisors in colleges and technical schools since march, they began to receive 10,000 rubles monthly, which is twice as much as before. the decision was made on instructions from the president, which he gave following his address to the federal assembly. by the end of the year , almost 3 billion rubles will be allocated from the federal budget to increase payments. already known. also that from september 1 a monthly increase of 5,000 rubles.
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advisors to directors of education in schools and colleges will begin to receive. gagauzia will take action if moldova loses its independence. this statement was made by the head of the autonomy evgenia hutsul in an interview with my colleague natalya solovyova. in 2014, we had a referendum in goguzi that...
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local media reported that police officers cordoned off the building of the state university, where sandu’s meeting with city mayors was to take place. most of those gathered tell reporters that they came to express their dissatisfaction with the policies of the current president. the rector of the university is also our gogous deputy, who
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must defend interests, without his knowledge, i am sure that he is european. i'll note also that presidential elections are due to be held in moldova this coming fall and sanda has already announced plans to run for a second term and has actually begun her election campaign. the head of the spiritual administration of muslims of russia, mufti ravil gainuddin congratulated his fellow believers on the holiday of uraza and bayram and called on them to love defending the fatherland. he delivered a solemn sermon in the cathedral mosque.
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see the report by artur mustaev. here comes one of the most important bright holidays of muslims, idelfitr, the day that without exaggeration, all believers, adults and children, are waiting, because today in every home tables are set and gifts are prepared. but first, everyone rushes to the collective holiday prayer, the believers try to take the first rows in the mosque, they listen attentively to the sermons, the mother repeats the takbir, the exaltation of the almighty, in the words allah is great. the month of strict fasting of ramadan is behind us, believers refused food and drink from morning to evening prayer, which is about 14 hours, but the essence of fasting is not only this, the main desire is to cleanse yourself of sins through diligence in prayer, godly deeds of repentance. i would like to congratulate all muslims of the chechen republic on this great, great
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holiday, so that next year we can do the same. it’s already good to meet and celebrate eid al- fitr. in the akhmadov house today there is a double reason for joy, the eldest son magomed returned from the front line on leave. my son has arrived, i am happy about this, and i would like all parents to rejoice as much as i do. being with their families, servicemen do not forget about those who celebrate the holiday in the trenches. chechens they have always been warriors, they show themselves very worthy, that is. i was never ashamed of a single chechen there. as a sign of special respect, believers try to first congratulate the neighbors of their closest relatives. the head of the republic first visited his relatives in akhmatyurti and prayed with his fellow villagers. i congratulate everyone on the italfiter holiday, i want to wish that our soldiers return home with a speedy victory, and may the almighty reward them for their
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diligence in combat, and reward their families a thousand times more for their patience. i. on occasion on the offensive of idolfitor, the authorities declared a holiday weekend in the republic. arthur mustaev, zelimkhan buntashev and aslan loluev. news grozny. russia is overcoming the digital divide. thanks to the federal sphere project, the internet will work in the most inaccessible areas of our country. the program includes five satellite constellations, the first satellite has already been launched into orbit. alexander usatenko has all the details. on board the launch vehicle is a modern skifd satellite. from the launch from the vostochny cosmodrome to the given orbit a little more than 10 minutes. this is the apogee of the great work that has been done on earth.
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at first, any innovation is a project on which dozens of specialists work. this center brings together engineers of different levels and from different regions. everything to ensure that the satellite turns out right the first time. the most valuable thing here is when the developers. interact, being online with each other, all the components of the spacecraft, mechanics, electromechanics, avionics, radio links, design, are found here in the form of 3d models, which are then embodied in form of layouts. here, as part of the federal project sphere, a new satellite demonstrator skifd was created, named after the nomadic peoples, it travels in outer space in... in low-earth orbit, providing voice communications and the internet to hard-to-reach territories of russia, including the far north and the arctic. this is a space system for broadband internet access,
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it includes 12 spacecraft. currently, we have begun developing the design of the first two spacecraft, which we plan to launch in twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh year. this will solve the problem of digital inequality in regions where installing a fiber-optic cable is either expensive or not at all. in order to contact mikhail, the signal needs to travel 1600 km, while
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the communication delay will be minimal. mikhail, hello, please tell us about the satellite thanks to which we are talking to you now. good afternoon, alexander, 12 spacecraft are enough for us to completely cover the russian federation with continuous satellite communications. besides. in as part of this spacecraft, we have installed a number of instruments and payload equipment, promising, domestic design, this device allows us to carry out a lot of experiments, such as, for example, organizing video communication with you, such as checking operating modes in different directions. this system works like this: a signal from a cell phone is transmitted to a base station, then sent to a satellite, and then returned to the ground to the base station. data transfer rate at this reaches 6 megabits per second. low delays are achieved due to the fact that our satellite is not in gestational orbit, at an altitude of 800 km. accordingly,
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our height is four times lower, the delay is four times less. users receive services with the same comfortable conditions as in terrestrial networks. the satellite was sent in october 2022 and signs with drawings of children with cancer who launch dreams into the universe were attached to the body of the device. cooperation between roscosmos and the charitable foundation. by using the innovative spacecraft will not only allow you to make calls and send photos via instant messengers, it will work for both business and the public sector. after the project reaches full capacity, the space megabit will be available to everyone at an earthly price. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, elena goleeva, news. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture.
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launches from google from the most relevant for ordinary users in android smartphones, a full-fledged one has appeared. function to find a lost device in the sense that it searches for it is now available even if the phone is offline, well, for example, the sim card has been removed from it. find my device works the same way as in apple devices, on the principle of key fobs trackers. the smartphone, even if it is not online, constantly exchanges bluetooth signals with all phones that are nearby. and these phones already transmit information about the lost smartphone to the cloud, so the owner can see where the device is right now, and not where it was when the connection was lost. surprisingly, smartphones. google pixel will transmit information, even if they are turned off altogether. the service will be available for all phones running android 9 and newer, and this is starting from 2018, moreover,
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some headphones, and since these are not apple, third-party headphones too, at least a couple of sony and gbl models. later they promise to open the interface of this service for key fob trackers. at the start, the system will be launched in the usa and canada, and other countries will be added gradually, but overall this is a natural breakthrough. android is the most popular mobile operating system in the world with billions of active devices, an incredible amount of covered with smartphones searching for lost items. another interesting news from google: the search engine showed a service that is capable of creating videos using neural networks based on a text query, which few people can do in itself, but what is interesting here is a purely corporate application, that is, if the open ai presented at the company’s workshops draws incredibly beautiful or realistic video, then google's views part of the office software package makes corporate presentations. in any case, in the demo video
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the company. how can the user write text promct, select a style, upload some files and add a text document with details, edit it into the script based on the results . the neural network generates a ready-made video, the company promises that users will be able to either voice the video themselves, or choose the voiceover using non-network voices. well , the russian internet governance forum continues in moscow today; this is an annual meeting of virtually everyone who is in one way or another related to the network and its functions. from legislation and law enforcement to ensuring its physical existence. in this year , more than 700 people from 20 countries are participating in person and remotely, which is significant for a national event. among the main topics are the economics of data and the development of artificial intelligence , the possibility of regulating this industry. for now , there is a declaration of responsible attitude towards neural networks. during the forum , several more companies joined it,
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traditionally signing it. smartphone, but there is already a proposal for formal legislative regulation, well, several discussions were devoted to different aspects of information security. a safe internet is a safe - a safe digital life in our country today is not just a declaration, but a rule of law, and as for this experience, other countries can certainly take advantage of it, for this it only takes a little bit for this country to exist. interested in its own digital sovereignty, and it is important to note that our system, it, of course, differs from how the internet is organized in china, in countries with a rather, let’s say, tough political regime, where things simply happen gateway, where the activity of most foreign resources is prohibited, where there is no possibility of any other social networks, in russia this is completely
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different. an important feature of the russian... for internet management is that it is russian not in the sense of internal, on the contrary, it is like runet, the russian segment of one big initiative, and accordingly, the decisions made here can have not only local significance. the forum itself is part of the global ecosystem of the united nations, accordingly those proposals that are prepared at the national level are then transferred to the regional level, at the end of the year a global forum on internet governance is being held, this year it will be held in saudi arabia, in riyadh, and there already... joint approaches to issues that, in theory , are being developed are just very poorly regulated at the international legislative level, we have very few regulations that are truly legally binding, and historically the internet is an area where a lot is based on self-regulation, based on bottom-up initiatives, that is, the industry itself sets the rules by which the internet develops, however, right now a global digital agreement is being discussed, which should
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become some kind of... comprehensive, it is expected that it can be signed as early as next year at the world internet governance forum. another 400 places. we continue our news review , let's start with news from tyumen, they are preparing for the arrival of big water in the peahen zone.


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