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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you and this is the typical novorossi program. our name says it all. we are talking about a territory that has returned to its historical roots. about novorossia, with the help of a careful
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look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, find typical features and recognizable signs of the past, that’s what we’ll talk about today: the preservation of culture under barbaric shelling, the experience of ascetics, what kind of heritage will descendants get and what will be included in it... conversation with a program expert. history in bronze stone, unkillable memory. preserving our own culture and the best examples of the world is one of the main tasks of any civilized state and society. for this purpose, museums are created, concert halls and music schools are built, exhibitions are organized and art collections are collected. preserving culture
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is a labor-intensive process, especially in conditions when hostile forces are trying to completely destroy it. the donetsk museum of local lore was destroyed twice by powerful ukrainian artillery shelling in august on the fourteenth, several halls were laid out. valuable exhibits were taken out from under the ruins according to all the rules of archaeological excavations. in 2018, the museum was completely restored, but in the winter of twenty-three. it came under fire again, and the roof was partially damaged. however, the museum continues to operate this year to celebrate its centenary. there are many facts about attempts to destroy cultural institutions in donbass. for example, in gorlovka in the fall of 2022, the palace of creativity and libraries were hit with khaimars missiles, in february 2024 an enemy with a special furious... hit the donetsk city
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library named after krubskaya. and yet, museums, palaces of culture and libraries in novorossiya are being restored and new equipment is being given to them. according to the minister of culture olga lyubimova, last year 14 libraries, 15 theater institutions, 11 museums, 10 virtual halls, and 40 cultural centers underwent such reconstruction. renovations have been completed at the henichesk regional history museum and public library. in the konchak palace of culture, the country's federal museums took patronage over all 7 folk museums republics, kherson and zaporozhye regions. since the entry of four new regions into the russian federation, more than 80 cultural objects have been restored. but preserving culture is not only about restoring walls, it is also about supporting the people who work in them. almost all cultural institutions
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in vorosia have been preserved thanks to enthusiastic leaders, dedicated to their work, who did not leave in 1914, did not abandon their teams. twenty-fifth year they will be supported within the framework of the federal zemsky program cultural worker, benefits and subsidies, and those who move to work in a new region from other parts of russia will be paid a lump sum of 2 million rubles. nevertheless, those who remain today in the halls of museums, in palaces of creativity behind library counters, in the regions of new russia, think not only about making money, but about their own mission, preserving and enhancing the cultural heritage of their land. anna efimova's story is about these people. director of the kherson philharmonic vladimir
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yatsenko tensely walks along the seats of the auditorium. in this small recreation center in his genius team is rehearsing an important program. now all efforts are being devoted to preparing for the anniversary concert of the philharmonic. exactly 80 years ago, the kherson philharmonic, which was formed on april 5 of the year forty, at the beginning of june the artists began to perform, so we want to perform, and not only do we, but we want to give such a good, powerful concert in moscow . after the evacuation from kherson, the team actually had to be reassembled; the problem arose of providing musical instruments, sound engineering equipment, but the main thing is personnel. some of the artists remained on the right bank, others went to different cities of russia, but the philharmonic did not disintegrate, it was revived, talents were selected bit by bit, they were searched for in local cultural centers, the entire creative process was built almost from scratch. we already have a chamber orchestra, which is
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very important for me, as an academic singer, to sing not to a soundtrack, not to a minus track, but to really sing to a live orchestra, to feel it. conductor, please turn it off in the hall, in conditions of hostilities, music and art become the thread that continues to connect people, in order to involve as many people as possible in this process, especially children, the conductor of the kherson philharmonic orchestra in his free creative time tries on himself and the role of a manager and the role of a producer in one person, serves for ... applications for grants, the latter is currently under consideration by the presidential fund for cultural initiatives , looking for young talents. in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics of kherson and zaporozhye
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regions today there are about a thousand libraries, almost a thousand cultural centers and 170 art schools, specifically in this starobeshevo, 150 people are now studying, music and choreography are taught here. painting the topic of this lesson is the approaching day of victory. i wanted to become an artist, a painter, because i really like working with gouache especially, and since i was 8 years old i decided that. i want to go in this direction. i like the way i draw, i can't say that yes, i have talent, i just like it, i i draw for the soul. we are making every effort from the entire staff of our school to ensure that the children preserve their childhood, so that they laugh and smile, because these are the recent events that children have experienced. of course, things have become a little different, you know, they have begun to smile less, art is such a tool, if you can call it that, it relaxes, it rehabilitates somewhere, it heals the soul. the golden age of donbass, shock
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five-year plans, the war is still far away, the revolution is already behind. stakhanovites extract record tons of coal at the irminok mine, concert of leaders arts it seems to be a bright contrast, miners with... calloused hands among the audience and ephemeral people of art on stage, but in the soviet country it didn’t just look, it was harmonious, long live the masters of coal, long live the masters of art, vyrmin palace of culture was opened in the mid-thirties years of the last century, then the club bore the name of lenin, and its creation was timed to coincide with the eighteenth anniversary of the great october revolution and the labor feat of alexei stakhanov. this place survived both fascist occupation and collapse with... with the subsequent devastation of the nineties, after the coup in kiev and the start of the war in donbass, the team remained working almost at full strength. 2014, a difficult year, of course, but everyone made their own choice, everyone had their own arguments, whether to stay or leave, but for me this is my home, here is my
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family, here are my loved ones, here is my favorite thing, at that time i already worked here 15 years later, a team was created that i love very much. each employee is a pearl for me; leaving them at a difficult moment would be an act of betrayal on my part. today, both teachers and students are in search of new forms, traditions remain, but they are transformed, keeping up with the times, on the stage of the troupe’s cultural center the troupe is rehearsing the report performance for the year, it should be shown in may, the picture is coming out from the very beginning, waiting, waiting, after that, the voice comes out to the artists, this is a performance about difficulties, about life in a disadvantaged environment and about goodness, which, despite... everything , there is always a place, because there are people ready to lend a helping hand. stage guys literally
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live, and many, as they themselves say, are hopelessly sick of the theater and connect their future only with the world of art and the temple of melpomene. and i started looking for where i could do theatrical art and found this place, now i don’t want to leave here at all, i would like to stay and live here. the collective has existed for a long time, i took it from the tenth year in... so i made it exemplary , we are gradually confirming the title, 16 people, children, two groups, junior, senior, they are all together now, the collective is an opportunity, an opportunity to create, an opportunity to create with children, the opportunity to make children better, and the support of such specialists goes to the federal level, by analogy with the programs of the zemstvo teacher and zemstvo doctor , work will begin in russia in 2025... the zemstvo cultural worker program, which will help attract and more young specialists have settled in the villages. where
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truly ascetics work in culture is precisely where people, not just in difficult material conditions, but even with a threat to their own safety, continue this activity, understanding how important it is. in principle, it is impossible to even evaluate this work, like this in moral terms, there is simply no price for it, but it is absolutely obvious that, of course, first of all, we must show that... the homeland values ​​​​it, that the state values ​​​​it, that for this there are now special support measures, culture cannot have borders, although for many years in donbass they tried to artificially divide it into russian and ukrainian, they tried to ban it, but it continued and continues to exist in spite of to everything: as long as the heart beats, it is ours.
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or are there no priorities and you need to save everything? there are priorities, but everything needs to be preserved, it just needs to be done in different ways, each within their own competence, there is a cultural monument of national significance, there is a regional one, there are just local ones, for example, there was a drama theater there, there was one in mariupol, suffered during the fighting, practically disappeared, it is being restored by the central government,
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because it is an element of all-russian culture, and let’s say there is... a picture gallery of a local artist, well, who is a good artist, but not leonardo davinchik, there are local galleries, they will never be included in the tv show, but this is an element of local culture, yes, that means it is also important to preserve, local authorities are involved in this, because everyone you won’t see an artist from the kremlin, this is not a theater in mariupol, which is alone, there are generally problems that concern only the local community, that is , a town there or even a rural settlement.
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there is no need to get rid of them, well, if you have them, let’s say, canvases by ukrainian artists, yes, which reflect elements of ukrainian reality in these regions, why don’t we burn them, let them remain, if there are some there - in local history museums and elements of ukrainian folk life, they are mixed there in the donbass too, which means you won’t be able to figure out what’s southern russian or ukrainian there, but there are things that will die out on their own, like the language, yes, even about it themselves... ukrainian nationalists spoke, and not in the donbass, they about they talked about it, they talked about it in kiev, they they talked about this in vinnitsa, but besides galicia, they said that if the ukrainian language is not forcibly imposed, it will disappear, because then the population will not speak us, excuse me, in an independent ukrainian state, that in your opinion, from the ukrainian culture of new russia will definitely
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become a common part of the current cultural space there is the same thing that, in principle , has become common. there, to say, the cultures of little russia and great russia, yes, these are certain, let’s say, elements of peasant life, these are folk songs, which, therefore, have remained are preserved, the fact is that outside of this kind of regional culture, yes, well, actually everyday culture, we do not have a separate ukrainian culture, we have several works, that means, by ukrainian writers, mainly western ukrainian ones, which means that they still worked there almost under the austrian empire.
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world-class culture. thank you very much for the interesting story. april marks the international day of monuments and historic sites. it was established to draw attention to the problems of protecting the conservation of the world cultural heritage. monument day was invented by unesco not so long ago, in the eighties of the last century. this is the first decree in russia. the storage of architectural heritage was signed by peter ii back in 1722. we were talking about the ancient city of bolgar, the capital of medieval volsk bulgaria. today, the focus is on navorosiya, its monuments of soviet or pre-revolutionary times - part of history that in ukraine in recent years has been denied and tried to rewrite. in 2022, in
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record time, in just 3 months , the destroyed dpr was restored, in the fourteenth during the battles, the saur mogila memorial, the memory of those who died liberating donbass from the nazi occupiers. in total, from 2015 to 23, in the new territories , the russian military historical society alone restored and opened 17 memorable places. the most difficult reconstruction work was carried out at the invictus memorial complex in the lugansk people's republic. it is dedicated to members of the krasnodon underground youth organization “young guard”. the monument was erected in eighty-two. it consisted of 300 cast iron. elements, all these the parts had to be disassembled, repaired and reassembled . what other memorable places of novorossiya have received a new life, and which ones will
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soon receive a story from olga mokhova? each monument has its own history: in october 1943, the light soviet tank t-71 burst into german-occupied melitopol. but two enemy shells hit the combat vehicle, its crew was killed. they decided to immortalize the feat of the fighters; the tank on a pedestal became the first military monument of this type in the soviet union. many years later, the dream of the melitopol residents was to revive the t-70 and put it on the move in the canon of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the city from the nazis was performed by specialists from the leningrad region. of course, when they saw what they had to face, of course, they regretted it. that they agreed, but there was nowhere to retreat, we were not used to working like that, in 4 months, from basically spare parts, in fact, from
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a destroyed tank, they made a masterpiece, this tank, which started moving, and how local residents thanked for this decision, for the fact that it was a success, this, of course, you know, is more important any awards, because it answers the question, why are we doing this? in august 1941, by decree of the state defense committee , three mining divisions were formed from donbass miners: slavyansk, stalin, present-day donetsk in roshlovgrad, now lugansk. these were truly fearless wars, a real threat to the enemies. in september 2023 , similar monuments to miners and defenders of donbass appeared in donetsk and lugansk, symbolizing the unbroken continuity of generations. a prototype for the miner who period of the great patriotic war. the war was grigory pavlovich verlanov, a hereditary miner, who is 105 years old, by the way, yes, and the prototype for the creation
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of a modern miner who rose to fight ukrainian nazism was his grandson, dmitry verlanov. when restorers began researching the sharp grave memorial in lugansk, it turned out that it was virtually destroyed; in another year or two, visiting it would have become unsafe, and yet this mound was 198 m high. in memory of the heroic defense of the city by the red army soldiers and residents in 1919. on the one hand, the white army, denikin’s volunteer army were rushing here, because their goal was lugansk with its very important cartridge factory during the civil war, on the other hand, specifically from russia. two divisions were transferred here, moscow and inzinskaya, plus from all over, so to speak, the region , red guard working militia detachments gathered here,
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after the victory in the great patriotic war , another monument appeared in the soviet army next to the mass grave, and later a sculptural group " the banner never dies." in nowadays, the memorial has been supplemented with figures of representatives of four generations of defenders of lugansk. and in mariupol, an important event for the residents was the restoration of the monument to... a native of the city, the world-famous artist arkhipokuindzhi, although not everyone believed that his statue on the greek square, damaged during the recent battles , would be able to return to its original appearance, the occipital part was very badly damaged part, that is, literally half was not there, it was simply demolished, most likely by a tank shell, perhaps they were aiming at the mountain executive committee, perhaps in a military conflict, perhaps on purpose, that is, by that time the fighting in the city was quite serious and i would not be surprised if they simply... purposefully destroyed the city’s cultural heritage sites. another point on the map of restoring historical justice to the nova nature reserve in the kherson region. it opened here in february 2024.
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monument to the military geographer and explorer of asia pyotr kozlov. at the beginning of the 20th century, at the request of the reserve management from another expedition in the steppes of mongolia, he brought several horses that were most valuable for science prozhivalsky. i traveled with them to novorussia for six months and here, for the first time in the world , this species gave birth in captivity. in 1917, during such a difficult, difficult period of change and revolutionary events, he was here, and thanks to him and the team. the reserve was not allowed to be destroyed and the unique heritage of askania novo was lost. in difficult conditions in the vicinity of military operations, the lives of architects, sculptors, and builders are often at risk, but the work to restore the cultural heritage of new russia does not stop. according to experts, more than a thousand were destroyed here. monuments, the wishes of local residents are paramount in making decisions about the restoration of a particular object. the people
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of this. they are waiting for signs of a peaceful life, these are the signs of a peaceful life, monuments are being restored, they are trying to lead us to believe that the explosion of monuments is the liquidation of memory, but we do not allow this. donetsk is awaiting the opening of the donetsk sea memorial cemetery, the place where heroes and victims of the tragic events in donbass are buried. in the zaporozhye region they dream of properly perpetuating the memory of the red army soldiers who died. at storming the german defense of the eastern wall, in the red beam of the lpr to give a new meaning to the mius front complex, because monuments are always both personal and universal, evidence in stone that it is impossible to forget. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery savelyev, typical novorossiya. that's all we wanted to talk about today. kirill vyshinsky was with you. see you soon.
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i, i, i, solemnly swear allegiance to my fatherland, the russian federation. i swear, i swear, to sacredly observe the constitution of the russian federation, to strictly implement requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders. i swear, i swear, i swear, to fulfill my military duty with dignity, to courageously defend freedom, independence and constitutional law. russian people and fatherland. thanks to those who are true to these words. become a warrior. service under rf contract.
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let's return to the main topics, in the kremensk direction, our colleagues, the film crew of the state television and radio broadcasting company lugansk, came under fire from the ukrainian armed forces. the director of state television and radio broadcasting company lugansk, nikolai dolgachev, told us the details. during filming. combat work of our units on in the kremensk direction, the vesti lugansk film crew came under artillery fire, our guys, cameramen correspondents were accompanied by officers from the ministry of defense, well, at the moment it is known that the correspondent received a shell shock, the cameraman received shrapnel wounds, now first aid was already provided to them on the spot, now are heading to the hospital.


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