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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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russia is overcoming digital. thanks to the federal project spheres, the internet will work in the most inaccessible areas of the country. the program includes five satellite constellations. the first device has already been launched into orbit. details from alexander usatenko. on board the launch vehicle is a modern skifd satellite. from the launch from the vostochny cosmodrome to the given orbit it takes a little more than 10 minutes. this is the apogee of the great work that has been done on earth. at first, any innovation is a project
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on which dozens of specialists work. this center brings together engineers of different levels and from different regions, all to ensure that the satellite turns out right the first time. the most valuable thing here is when developers interact while online with each other; all the components of the spacecraft, mechanics, electromechanics, avionics, radio links, design, are here. are found in the form of 3d models, which are then embodied in the form of mock-ups. here, within the framework of the federal project sphere, a new satellite demonstrator skifd was created, named after the nomadic nations, it travels in outer space in low-earth orbit, providing voice communications and the internet to hard-to-reach territories of russia, including the far north and the arctic. this is a space system for broadband internet access, it includes 12 space systems. devices,
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we have now begun the development and design of the first two spacecraft, which we plan to launch in the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh year. this will solve the problem of digital inequality in the regions where to spend fiber optic cable is either expensive or not possible at all. in order for everything to work, it is enough to build a cell tower. and through satellite communications we have now reached the point where we can provide such services. not counting the physical connection, but the connection via satellite communication. ordinary users do not need to buy satellite phones; communication and internet access will be available from any smartphone. now we are in the center of parallel design, deputy general designer mikhail valov in a few kilometers from us, well, the skivd satellite is in orbit. in order to contact mikhail, the signal needs to travel 16.00 km, while the delay from... will be minimal.
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mikhail, hello, please tell us about the satellite thanks to which we are talking to you now. good afternoon, alexander. 12 spacecraft are enough for us to completely cover the russian federation with continuous satellite communications. in addition, within the framework of this spacecraft we have installed a number of instruments and useful equipment load, promising, domestic design. this apparatus allows us to carry out a lot of experiments, such as, say, organization. video communication with you, such as checking operating modes in different directions. this system works like this: a signal from a cell phone is transmitted to a base station, then sent to a satellite, and then returned to the ground to the base station of the interlocutor, the data transfer speed reaches 6 megabits per second. low delays are achieved due to the fact that we have a satellite is not in a stationary orbit, at an altitude of 800 km, correspondingly our altitude.
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less, the user receives services with four times lower latency and four times the same comfortable conditions as in terrestrial networks. the satellite was sent in october 2022, and signs were attached to the body of the device. with drawings of children with cancer who launch dreams into the universe as part of cooperation between roscosmos and a charitable foundation. with the help of an innovative spacecraft, it will be possible not only to make calls and send photos to messengers, it will work for both business and the public sector. after the project reaches full capacity, the space megabit will be available to everyone at an earthly price. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, elena galeeva. news. at bikfest you definitely choose a hamburger for 39 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and it’s even more profitable with 50% cashback from alphabank and it’s delicious, period. credit sbercards are beneficial in any situation. interest free period of 120 days
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suitcases with up to 40% discount. alpha friday, supercake every week from alfabank, this friday, april 12, get cashback. 50% on our card when ordering a taxi in yandex goll, and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive a superkick on alpha fridays, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable! russia is carrying out consistent charitable work to help african countries: a humanitarian shipment of 25,000 tons of wheat was delivered to zimbabwe through the ministry of agriculture and 23,00 tons of fertilizers from the ural group. in the country due to the catastrophic drought declared a national disaster from zimbabwe special report by georgy podgorny.
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modern zimbabwe is an africa that has retained its identity, or rather a country that is regaining its identity. at home, the once british colony goes its own way, no longer looking back at the decision of the crown. kharaar seems to be an ever-boiling capital with the usual. urban worries, the province is simple in its life and for the most part is below the poverty line. there are five children in this family; lunch is prepared right on the street; the fittings are something more reminiscent of a barn, where birthdays and weddings are held, and baptists gather on sundays. this is a church, every sunday anyone can come here, this. stage, and people are sitting here, a modest farm and a lot of worries,
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no one hides the fact that there are problems of poverty, they are looking for a solution, helping private farms, at least, replant their crops. the most important resource for a farmer, oddly enough, is time. for these places , the main direction of the economy is agriculture, but at the same time it so vulnerable, how many sunny days there will be, how much rain there will be. a hurricane will hit or it won’t, so fertilizer is of decisive importance; it’s hard to argue for the farmer, the most important thing is how quickly the fruits ripen in six months or in 3 months, the significance and difference is extremely significant, especially at this time, it’s autumn in africa, and arid, there was little rain, this year’s harvest will hardly be rich, without fertilizers it would be very bad, says vyzdom, he is just an ordinary
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guy from a local village who is 10 years old back he got a job on a farm and trained as an agronomist. we planted this corn in early november, and after 3 months we are already getting a harvest. if you don't apply fertilizer, there may not be enough nutrients in the soil for the plant to grow. how to help the poorest develop what they do best while preventing hunger from happening. the russian side offers a solution. friendship between moscow and harare is based on gestures; these bags contain help for the simplest citizens of the country. wheat here, fertilizer here. very soon they will go to ordinary households where they will provide real help. but here we look at the slogan: our friend in any weather, and this is the real attitude of zimbabians. both deliveries and grains of fertilizers to russia are the implementation of vladimir putin’s initiative to provide free
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assistance to african countries. the russian president also spoke about it at the russia-africa summit, and this work is consistently progressing. we import most of the fertilizers needed to feed plants. we need over 350 tons of such fertilizers annually, while at the time, our production capacity is only capable of providing about 50 to 70 thousand. the fertilizers we received were very good. according to the program of the country's president emerson nangagwa, they will go to those who need them most. there are only two or three beds in this garden, in which almost nothing grows, because it’s convenient.
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are now extremely relevant, thanks to them we will be able to expand the production area by at least 2500 hectares, from 2500 hectares we will be able to produce at least 250,000 tons of wheat, so it is not just 23,000 tons fertilizers, in fact, this is 250,000 tons of grain that you provided to our country, and we are grateful for that. previously, these fertilizers were blocked in european ports, there were about 300,000 tons of products that...
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because everyone needs food, when we say everyone, we mean absolutely everyone, including and above all those who most urgently need it. thanks to russian fertilizers, farmers will be able to get more harvest, improve their often difficult financial situation, in general, this is a significant contribution to food security, which is why the transfer ceremony fell into the interests of the emersons; the event, frankly speaking, was solemn, beginning with a dance by the leader of the republic. cooperation with russia
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is not new for us; zimbabwe once was. a british colony in our struggle for liberation from the british, russia supported our desire for independence, therefore relations with russia are not new for us, they are historical and revolutionary. as for wheat, russia supplied 200,000 tons of grain free of charge to six african countries, 50,000 tons were sent to somalia and the central african republic , 25 tons were sent to mali, burkina fasso, eritrea and zimbabwe. nikolai krosilnikov, ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary of russia to zimbabwe, participated in the transfer of grain. the diplomatic line of dialogue is expanding thanks to honest and open contacts and the desire to find common points of contact and mutual assistance. russia has demonstrated not only to zimbabwe, african countries, but to the whole world that we are ready to help those who
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need our support. and russia holds word, this is a very important contribution to ensuring food security in zimbabwe. part of the russian grain will go to this flour mill, the largest in the country, and a variety of flour products will be made from it, but this is not the main thing: once upon a time zimbabwe was a country literally the breadwinner of its neighbors, now resolving its food security issues, which without... conditionally there is other work underway: to regain its former name and title of exporter. in the gul workshops , grain is grinding non-stop, they show us the process, with special emphasis on quality, what fractions they process, where the flour is then sent, the process of sorting and shipment to the store, here they can produce
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about 200 currents every day. this is for local consumption. as soon as we have a surplus of products, we can start exporting it. our products are popular in the region, especially in southern african countries, such as batswana, zambia, there are a lot of zimbabweans there, they like to buy the same products that they buy here. russian supply of grain to a country that does not experience critical problems with cultivation of this crop will help local producers get work faster, and therefore contribute to strengthening the economy, he explains. in the past, zimbabwe bought wheat annually, now we are moving to independent production, we produce soft varieties of wheat, and russia produces hard wheat, it has a high gluten content, so we always import 30% of our total wheat needs. to
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understand how important such assistance is, you need to know the economic abyss zimbabwe is emerging from. there are western sanctions that are well known to russia, which are systematically extended every year. these restrictions have led to disastrous consequences. in 2008, at its peak , hyperinflation reached 79.5 billion. the ozilovian currency is the stuff of legends; 1 dollar used to buy a banknote worth several million dollars, for example, there are banknotes. it became cheaper at the speed of paper, and in fact now it’s the same, as many people say in candy wrappers, because pay attention, where we are, this is a normal market, here
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such banknotes are essentially already sold here exactly as goods, in zimbabwe itself freely. me sanctions against zimbabwe. it started in 2000, when we returned our land and were able to use it ourselves. they were not happy about this, especially the british, and mobilized the entire western world.
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dreamed of the united states and its satellites when they introduced restrictions against russia. during the toughest days for the zimbabwean economy, such as when its currency became worth less than the paper on which it was printed, the time had come to pay its external obligations. so, in order to pay off the external debt, china had to send about 130 elephants and 50 lions to shanghai. the united states has imposed personal sanctions against the president of zimbabwe; he literally fought for independence in his youth, and now he does not intend to put up with pressure. employees
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of the us agency for international development or usa, who allegedly oversaw democracy in the country, were expelled from the country, but in fact simply tried to interfere in the internal affairs of zimbabwe. during the ceremony of handing over the fertilizer grains, nangagwa directly said they were told not to affairs with russia. both our countries, zimbabwe and... the russian federation continue to be the object of illegal sanctions imposed by the western hegemon. russia, throughout this period , has been a reliable and independent ally of the people of our country. russia is under sanctions, zimbabwe is under sanctions. someone says: there is no need to have a dialogue with each other, what nonsense, we should talk to each other as much as possible. zimbabwe remembers well the state he wanted to plunge the entire supposedly civilized world into
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the most stereotypical africa, where there is only garbage and poverty, where there is no education, no production, nothing that would help this country get closer to such a high status of the western ideal society. but the reality is completely different; today zimbabwe is full of energy to actively develop. i washed it off the smell, but later we managed to find a solution. now there will be a sorting station and an incineration
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plant, electricity will be generated from waste, and what cannot be recycled will be carefully buried, so as to reduce environmental impact is almost zero. we are not used to seeing this kind of africa, or rather, these same western media are not used to showing us this kind of africa. now this businessman is looking for investors. including in russia. after i complete this project, i want to move on to other cities, i also need to go regional and then national. the development of business relations between russia and zimbabwe has a great future, thanks to the heads of our states. for us as entrepreneurs cooperation, exchange of ideas, exchange of technologies are important. the two approaches are so different, where the west is deprived. without influence, it is trying to strangle the country, using all possible levers, and russia, which builds partnerships, relying on mutually beneficial projects, mutual assistance and respect, different
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this is the russia 24 tv channel, right now the main facts of this day, in the studio of georgy podgorny. and natalya litovka, that’s what we’ll tell you about. the flood forecast is unfavorable. both the kurgan and tyumen regions are now in the high water zone. according to the ministry of emergency situations, 40 regions are under threat. where is the most difficult situation now and what amount of compensation for lost housing has been outlined in the ministry of construction, we will tell you about the work of irek faizulin in the flood zone. ukraine. the operator was wounded in
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the leg by shrapnel, the correspondent received a concussion. targeted strikes by the armed forces of ukraine on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant must be stopped, an unequivocal assessment of those responsible for nuclear safety. russia continues to call on the international community to react, otherwise provocations of the kiev regime may result. to unpredictable consequences, the fight against poverty and fraudsters, when will the key rate be reduced and how does the bank of russia assess the state of the economy? ilvira nabiulina presented in the state duma the central bank’s report for last year, details of the regulator’s work and the prospects for the financial sector. and almost more three dozen types of assistance in the simplest form convenient for people.


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