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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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a ukrainian drone attacked the area of ​​the cargo port, a direct threat to security has been created, we are one step away from a nuclear disaster, these are the words of the director of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant about the situation on the ground. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was subjected to an unprecedented attack in its history by unmanned aerial vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. in connection with a series of sunday attacks on monday night, c.e.o. mgt rafael grossi said that for the first time since november 22 , europe's largest nuclear power plant became direct interference for military operations. strikes by unmanned aerial vehicles threaten the nuclear and physical safety of the zaporozhye npp.
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all measures of state social support should be equally available to residents of all regions of russia, this instruction was given by vladimir putin, the president discussed this issue with the head of the ministry of labor anton katyakov. the topics of conversation also included the appointment of pensions to residents of new regions and the personnel of all enterprises that are now restoring their work in the donbass. the results of this important conversation anastasia efimova. much has been done, but a number of decisions to support families with children still need to be made. the assessment of the minister of labor, which he voiced at a meeting with the president. as anton katyakov noted, the state tries to provide such measures in the simplest and most convenient format possible, regardless of geographic location. situation
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or economic characteristics of the region, they do this at the expense of the social treasury, which is essentially the name of a single mechanism that will be fully implemented before the end of this year. let’s start our meeting with the activities that you and the ministry are carrying out to achieve the goal of equalizing social support measures in different regions of the country. we started our work at the federal level.
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we have already touched on 11 support measures, now in 2023 we make appointments in such a proactive format, either when
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a life situation arises, or if we lack some information, we create a draft document, that is, the so-called fish documents, which send the citizen to her personal account, citizen. checks the necessary information, puts an electronic signature, based on this we make an appointment, it is in this mode that we now make the appointment of an old-age insurance pension. another example of proactive work with our citizens is an electronic sick leave certificate, that is, previously a citizen had to bring and confirm on paper so-called certificates of incapacity for work at enterprises, which indicated that he was on sick leave. today information from medical organizations. goes directly to the social fund, it is electronically received by both the employer and the citizen in their personal account, thus the citizen does not need to provide any information to the employer and funds are automatically accrued for sick leave, but the social treasury format applies not only to payments, but to
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services , for example, medical and social examination. if previously a person with a disability had to collect certificates on his own, sometimes bypassing several medical institutions more than once. attempts to obtain the necessary papers, now document flow is transferred to electronic format, which greatly simplifies the process. an exception has been made for now for new regions, where many mechanisms are just being debugged. starting from the first year of the twenty -fourth year, all social support measures that are provided for by federal legislation are implemented on the territory of new subjects, but with certain features, or in terms of a package of documents, because residents provide documents in paper form. sometimes documents are provided in paper form in a language other than russian, and in this case we do not require translation, as if we immediately accept them for consideration by processing them independently. sometimes we see that people lack a package of documents due to loss, or
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some problems with confirmation, conditional length of service or some other information, in this case, created by interdepartmental groups, they take a consolidated position on this or that citizen. one of the most important stage of integration. president, from march 1, the amount of monthly payments to class teachers in schools, as well as group supervisors in colleges and technical schools, has been doubled. we are talking about settlements where less than 100,000 people live. according to the documents, the amount of such monthly payments has been increased from 5 rubles to 10 thousand.
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almost 3 billion rubles will be allocated from the federal budget for these purposes in 2024. let me remind you that the decision was made on behalf of vladimir putin, which he gave following the results of the message. during the government report in the state duma 3 april, starting september 1, also on behalf of the president , advisors to directors of education in schools and colleges will receive a monthly bonus of 5 thousand rubles. in total, this will affect about 37 thousand employees. for headaches , there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. well, credit card debts have a steep interest rate, you need a handyman. you take out
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credit cards, transfer debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily . it’s not necessary like this, it’s like this, like this, like this, i understand, like this at the karcher wash megamarket for only 26,390 rubles. alpha friday. supercake every week from alfabank, this friday, april 12, receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandexgo. and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive a superkick on alpha fridays. not just profitable, alpha profitable. on easter, russian lotto unites people. and when we are together, our help is greater. in the charity easter circulation. from every ticket sold, 10 rubles will be donated to charitable causes, we will draw 1.00 cash prizes, every
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second ticket wins. one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection, here maybe, but i ’ll call you back again, i can’t do it anymore, just take an optical photo now for my followers, where can i go from this connection? hello, nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because the megaphone can pick up even here. megafon is the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed. catching a firebird's feather is not easy, but getting a fire rate anyone can deposit up to 16.5% per annum with gazprombank. open a deposit on what do we bring back from savito’s travels? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback. great car, i agree, ideal, just need to change the oil, let's stop by, and you have
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the author. a credit card is beneficial at any time situations, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, notification services are free forever, which is why the credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. a mechanism for international payments in digital currencies is necessary, but the central bank is still against the circulation of cryptocurrencies in russia. elvira nabiulina reported on the work of the regulator for 2023 in the state duma, spoke about monetary policy and the prospects for the domestic economy. nika yankova will continue the topic. thanks to tight monetary policy. politics, the peak of inflation in russia is behind us, the head of the central bank, elvira nabiulina, stated this when presenting
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the annual report of the security council for the twenty-third year to the state duma. the bank of russia began raising the key rate in july 2023, and as a result , in december the figure reached 16%. the regulator will begin to reduce the rate when it is convinced, i quote, that the slowdown in inflation has gained the required speed and inflation expectations are returning to normal, elvira nabiulina said. let me remind you that the next meeting on... monetary policy will be held on the 26th april, the peak of inflation is behind us, if you look at the current price growth, that is, from month to month, you can see that from july to november this indicator per year was double-digit, inflationary pressure was very strong, in december-january it was noticeable it has now decreased by about 6%, and if we had not raised the key rate, then inflation... would have been much higher than the 7.4% that we received at the end of last year.
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moreover, it would continue to accelerate now. in the fall, there were many fears that raising the key rate would put an end to economy, the head of the central bank noted, but they did not materialize. at the end of last year, gdp grew by 3.6%. and operational indicators show that in the first quarter of this year the economy continues to grow, and at a high rate. monitoring of more than ten thousand enterprises carried out by the regulator shows that business, despite the high rate, is actively making plans to expand production (business climate index) for the twelve-year period. maximum. in addition, the high key rate led to an increase in deposits in russian banks. in august an important turning point has occurred. an active influx of money into deposits began. for 5 months, until the end of the year, citizens’ deposits increased by 5.3 rubles. this is a record pace. and thanks to high rates, citizens
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earned almost 1 trillion rubles in the second half of last year. interest on deposits. inflow of funds to deposits. continues for the first quarter of this year it amounted to almost 2 trillion rubles. an additional effect of a higher rate is that it contributes to a more stable ruble exchange rate. to support the market, the bank of russia proposes to increase insurance for long-term deposits from 3 years to 2 million rubles. from the current 1.4 million and for irrevocable certificates up to 2.8 million rubles. the regulator also considers it necessary to reduce bank contributions. insurance so that they can offer more favorable conditions for depositors. as for the situation on the mortgage market, every second borrower in the country, according to the central bank, is heavily overleveraged. in the fourth quarter of last year, 45% of borrowers received a mortgage with the prospect that they would have to spend more than 80% of their income on payments. also continued the gap between prices for decent and secondary
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housing will also grow. the head of the central bank emphasized that it is necessary to move from mass preferential mortgages to targeted ones. and the central bank is now involved in such work. another topic that elvira nabiulina touched upon was the development of non-cash payments, as well as payments in national currencies. the exchange of financial information within the country has switched mainly to our system for transmitting financial messages; internal russian exchange through swift has been completely stopped. spfs has become much more actively used for external calculations. total joined her. the system has more than 160 foreign participants from 20 countries. in addition, we expanded our correspondent network with banks from friendly countries and continued to create conditions for settlements in national currencies. they now make 2/3 of payments for exports and imports. the dollar and euro have ceased to be the main currencies in
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russian foreign trade. elvira nabiulina did not ignore the topic of floods in the orenburg region. cbr. believes that the law on credit holidays will help people. hundreds of requests have already been received from victims, banks we managed to arrange more than 200 credit holidays. the regulator recommended considering the application in a simplified manner, understanding that people now have no time to collect certificates. in terms of the fight against unfair schemes for the sale of financial products, the bank of russia advocates increasing fines for banks for dishonest enrichment and deceiving clients, up to 1% of capital, said the chairman of the central bank. magnet - the price is what you need. 2999. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever.
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that is why the sberbank credit card is the best in the country. complete it. everything will be the way you want, what men are silent about, painful urination, problems with erection - these are symptoms of prostatitis, langidaza helps to break down fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the consequences of prostatitis, langitaza against prostatitis, what we bring from savito’s travels, a little sea, delicious traditions. cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. oh, i'm pleased, it's 44.900. oh, yes, of course. yes, for sale. psb credit card double
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cashback. increased cashback on everyday purchases. every second ticket wins the russian lotto charity easter draw. from each ticket sold, 10 rubles will be donated to charitable causes; buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. whoever helps, always hurry, aim precisely for pain, pain in the knee, pain in the back, in the neck, it doesn’t matter, the shoulder may fail, let’s call pentalgin, extragel as soon as possible. pentalgin extragel against pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. one of my friends decided to take a break where there isn't. lucy, you are super, where can i go from this connection? hello, nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because the megaphone
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can pick up even here. megafon is the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed. it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on it’s not necessary like this, it’s like this, like this, like this. it’s clear, i understand, just like that at the karcher wash megamarket for only 26,390 rubles. magnet, price, what you need. sausages fagot 1399. lif 52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lif 52 - expert in liver cleansing and restoration. alpha friday. supercake every week from alfabank. this friday april 12th. 50% on our card when ordering a taxi in yandex goal, and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive a supercake on alpha fridays, it’s not just profitable, alpha
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is profitable. muslims celebrate today the holiday of eid al-adha, the day of the end of the holy month of ramadan and strict fasting. the head of the spiritual administration of muslims of russia, mufti ravil gainuddin, delivered a solemn sermon in the moscow cathedral mosque in the morning. he congratulated congratulations to fellow believers on the holiday and encouraged them to love defending the fatherland. festive prayers were held throughout russia in ingushetia on the occasion of uraza, three official days off. on these days , it is customary to visit family and friends, visit the cemetery and give alms. the holiday of eid al-fitr is also celebrated by muslims in crimea. for the first time , a collective prayer was held in the main cathedral mosque of the republic in simfepol to
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mark the end of the muslim fast. early in the morning, almost 3.00 people gathered both in the courtyard and in the common hall for prayers to celebrate one of the main muslim holidays. about how uraza bayram is celebrated in tatarstan, report by diana dasaeva. with the first rays of sun, believers rush to the mosque. it is customary to celebrate the sacred holiday of uraza berem in collective prayer with families. for tamirlan, this was the first holiday prayer; he did not leave his father’s side, listened attentively to him, and repeated the prayer after his father. at one time i made promises that i would mentor my future children.
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for a month, believers performed good deeds, helped those in need, tested themselves, i had to give up food, water during the day , bad thoughts, the days of fasting are over, allah will reward the believers. the mosque is named after ahmazaki hazrat safiulin; for more than 20 years he was the imam of one of the oldest mosques in kazan named marjani. it was opened exactly 2 years ago on the day of uraza bayram. it was a long-awaited mosque with elements of tatar national architecture, with a spacious, bright prayer hall. more than one prayer is performed here every day. 100 believers, hundreds of believers here today on prayer mats spread out right on the street, pray for peace, unity, family happiness, because according to tradition , the holiday is celebrated in every family, after the gayet
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prayer, the men return home, it is customary to set rich tables, the wife prepares pancakes, then we get together with the family, drink tea with pancakes, then we’re going - as a matter of fact, the main holiday service was conducted by the mufti of tatarstan kamel khazrad samigulin, he read a prayer in the goley mosque, and took part in it. from tatarstan rustan minikhanov. after lunch , a stage will be set up at the ahmadzaki mosque. for children will conduct a master class on reciting verses of the koran. celebrations are planned throughout the city; the main traditional ramadan festival starts on the kremlin embankment. in which you will really find it. so tenderly and lovingly the guzel puts on the skullcap for nursultan. today is a doubly important day. on the holy holiday of eid al-fitr, a nikah wedding ceremony will be held for the couple. in the meantime, the last preparation is to iron the scarf. to pick up decorations, zaksa called us and said that we have such a holiday, yes, in tatarstan this is considered such a big holiday, so they offered it to us on such a, so to speak,
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significant day there. to start a family and we, of course , agreed, because well, this is very solemn for us. the ceremony will be part of the ramadan festival. there will be two main children's stages on their stages, artists of the republic will perform, more than forty master classes, traditional games are planned, and they will be treated to dishes of national cuisine. we will have rubber bands like this, hats like this and scarves like this. the products of tatarstan craftsmen will be presented at the nahalal fair with accessories, treats, paintings made of epoxy resin, embroidered skullcaps, caps, scarves, hand-made. work , we will have an area where girls, women in general, of different ages will be able to try on a scarf, will be able to take pictures and can also take it with them. the end of the holy month is also dedicated to the festival of raza bayram isketatar in the old tatar settlement; it is customary to celebrate raza bayram widely, giving gifts, going to visit. diana dasaev, iskandar tyumenev, lead tatarstan. and now we return to the topic of floods in russian regions: in orenburg
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it was exceeded by more than a meter. everything that happened on the ural embankment in orenburg, in the morning it floated away, the river did not spare the recently erected skate park, massive structures are carried away downstream, the water level in the urals reached 10 m 9 cm, this is more than a meter above the level of the dangerous phenomenon. over the course of a day, the water rose by more than a meter, all that means for residents of coastal
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areas. yesterday, private. the sector on chkalova street has just begun to flood, today everything is already in the water, on the main street there are rescuers in boats, they are conducting door-to-door visits, against the backdrop of a sharp increase in levels, we need to make sure that all residents evacuated, in an extreme situation they often forget about the animals left in the flood zone, the employees of one of the eco-hotels in orenburg evacuated, but left on the territory ... a camel tied like a city, they are now looking for ways to get it out, at the same time they are urgently doing embankment at the hippodrome, which is adjacent to flooded areas, we are talking about saving 100 horses. in the kurgan region, in the zverino-golovsky municipal district , there is no longer time to convince local residents of the need to leave their homes. the day before late in the evening a forced
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evacuation was announced. over the course of 24 hours, the tobol river in this area rose by almost 3 m. today, in 8 hours , another almost 40 cm. water in the villages began to enter houses. the situation is aggravated by the fact that in some places traffic jams form on tobol due to ice and debris. as water makes its way through, the level rises sharply. moreover, eyewitnesses recorded the appearance of whirlpools on video. in kurgan, they are creating floods in anticipation. new and strengthen existing embankments and dams, one of them is already above the level kirovsky bridge. today , a cold atmospheric front will move across the south of the urals and western siberia, so that the sky over the region will be covered with masses of rain clouds. on the northern line yekaterinburg-kurgan , snow may be mixed with showers, and the heaviest precipitation is expected at the end of the day. in
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flood-stricken orenburg and southern bashkiria. for example, in orenburg the rains began in the afternoon, by the evening about 8 mm of moisture will pour into the city. usually this amount is collected in total during one ten-day period of april. all this moisture will go to reservoirs, fueling the already extreme floods. according to our calculations, precipitation can add at least more to the flood crest. 10-20 cm. in the center of the country, the first loads rumbled last night. if they did not bring heavy rains in the capital, then real tropical downpours hit the northern moscow region. in dmitriov , a total of more than 20 mm fell, or almost 2/3 of the april precipitation norm. it’s interesting that these shots came from the outskirts of dmitrov.
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during a flood.


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