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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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snow may be mixed with the showers, and the heaviest precipitation at the end of the day is expected in the flood-stricken orenburg region and the south of bashkiria. for example, in orenburg the rains began in the afternoon, by the evening about 8 mm of moisture will pour onto the city. usually this amount is collected in total during one ten-day period of april. all this moisture will go into reservoirs, feeding and draining water. extreme flood, according to our calculations, precipitation can add at least another 10-20 cm to the flood crest. in the center of the country, last night, the night before the first loads rumbled. if they did not bring heavy rain in the capital, then real tropical downpours hit the northern moscow region. in dmitrov, a total of more than 20 mm fell, or almost 2/3 of the april precipitation norm. suspension bridge,
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only a person with good coordination and excellent physical training can now cross from one bank to the other. i would like to note that in the leningrad region the waters just recently receded; just a week ago, children from villages near tikhvin were taken to schools on boats. during the flood it was flooded. more than 50 local areas, but tomorrow a new atlantic cyclone will break through to the north of european russia. the heaviest precipitation in its zone will occur in karelia, komiya and pomorie, and on the coast of the barintse sea in the foothills of the polar urals almost the entire april volume of moisture will fall, but in orenburg in orenburg the crest of the anticyclone will begin to advance and it will displace the fields of frontal clouds further. deep into siberia, so in
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the coming days in orenburg it will be mostly sunny, only on saturday a new portion of rain is possible in the city, but this weather also there is a negative side: the temperature regime will be significantly warmer than the climate, on friday -saturday up to +18:19, so snowmelt in the mountains will intensify and melt water will continue to feed the flood on the ural river, so... in the zone of the new atlantic cyclone, on the contrary , rainy conditions will prevail and cool weather. in st. petersburg, after today's +20, the thermometer tomorrow will rise only to +11; by the beginning of next week , almost 2/3 of the monthly volume of moisture will pour into the northern capital. on the territory of the region there are no a second wave, already a rain flood, is excluded. the flood situation in russia
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remains difficult; the water level in rivers in the southern urals continues to rise; in general , more than 13 thousand residential buildings, almost 20 thousand household plots and 146 bridges have already been flooded in the country. as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said, the situation requires , quote: energetic efforts from representatives of all levels of government. the most difficult situation is in... the regions on the border with kazakhstan. the kurgan region is expecting the most powerful flood in the entire history of observations. the peak of the flood is expected in the coming days in orenburg. houses and roads are also flooded in the south of the volga region, in bashkiria, samara, saratov, ulyanovsk regions, mordovia and tatarstan. in the chelyabinsk region in the altai regions, large waters are already receding, but dozens of household plots are still flooded. the tver, kostroma and kemerovo regions are also at risk.
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the region of the orenburg region most affected by floods, if in orsk the water is gradually receding, then in the regional center the situation is the opposite, a heavy influx has begun here and the flood is only gaining momentum. the water level in the urals has reached 10 m; just this morning it was at a level of 996 cm. i note that 930 cm is considered critical. the mayor of the city, sergei salmin , stated that today, around noon , everything in orenburg was exceeded. dangerous marks. according to the ministry of emergency situations, there are more than 2.0 plots and the same number of houses in the flood zone, 865 people have been evacuated. a special board of the ministry of emergency situations delivered 3 km of water dumps to the city, they are necessary to reduce the consequences of the flood, protect residential buildings and household buildings from water buildings the il-76 aircraft also delivered 1,500 blankets for those staying in temporary accommodation centers. our correspondent margarita semenyuk continues to work in orenburg, she is in... direct contact with the facts
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margarta, hello, tell us what the situation is in the city now, what you have and welcome again, with reference to rosgid experts write that they are dangerous phenomenon on...
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our work using the ac-10 tank truck delivered more than 20 thousand liters of drinking water to flood zones for providing assistance to residents, i would also note that by decision of the governor of the region, all victims
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will be paid money, this is 20 thousand rubles , a one-time payment of 50 to 100,000 for the loss of property yes... thank you very much, we just wish you to save as much as possible, be safe, we are worried about that we'll be waiting for you to see what's going on in our next broadcasts. margarita semenyuk was in direct contact with us from orenburg. credit sbercards are beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period of 120 days begins. forever, that's why credit card month, service notifications are free , the best in the country, get a credit card, everything will be the way you want, what is a good car for you, mileage, condition, comfort, for
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, get 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandex goal, and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and get a superkick on alpha fridays , not just profitable, alpha profitable, and we continue to monitor the situation with floods in russia. regions, in total , more than 12 thousand residential buildings were flooded in orenburg, 7.5, more than 7,500 residents were evacuated in the region, more than one and a half thousand people are in 36 temporary accommodation centers, flooded at least 11 thousand hectares of the buzuluksky bor national park, the water level in the samara river near it reached almost 9 m. the federal government will provide a subsidy to the region, which means in accordance with the law. in terms of payments, in terms of the compensation procedure, this will all happen, one more thing i would like
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to say is that in all our territories where we are undergoing restoration, both business and people are always involved, that is , the creation of a fund - this was also our recommendation of some kind, but denis vladimirovich said that this had already been created, implemented, in this regard too, which means... non-budgetary assistance will also mean implemented for the victims. in the kurgan region, due to flooding, dams are being built and residents are being evacuated. today , the water level in the tabol river near the village of zverinagolovskogo has risen to 9 m 52 cm. at a critical level - 850 cm. in kurgan itself , the river has reached 3.5 m. the head of the region, vadim shumkov, made a disappointing forecast. according to him, the water level in the river will rise. up to 11 m. at the moment , about
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4,500 residents, 92 temporary accommodation centers with a capacity of more than 30,000 people were deployed in the region. the arrival of high water in kurgan is predicted from the eleventh, from april 11 to 14. apartment buildings are also at risk. there were 181 residential buildings and 281 adjacent areas in the flood zone. one low-level bridge and nine sections of highways; now there are two municipal districts in the flood zone - tsilinny and zvernogolovsky; there are six settlements in the flood zone. we are talking now about those points where we have already arrived water. of course, all the forces of the remedy work in the same way. they are preparing for a major flood in the tyumen region. high water levels are expected in tabol and ishim. more than 400 temporary accommodation centers have been prepared in the region. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander
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kurenkov, went to the most flood-prone yalutarovsky district. previously, he worked in the orenburg and kurgan regions in tobolsk. may enter a possible evacuation zone. more than 3,500 people, the head of the city called on them to pack an alarm bag. in the city today there are 25 temporary placements, today there are volunteers who are actively doing door-to-door visits, issuing reminders, sms messages, saying that we will have a big flood, at least right before the sign, because people don’t want to evacuate quickly, our task is to ... we still need to convince them and evacuate them, a call center has been created in the city, all calls are received there, and we quickly accept applications and will implement them, place whom at what address for a temporary accommodation center, pets too we have a good nursery prepared, the places have already been prepared for placing pets . the regions of the southern urals
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faced record floods this year. the most difficult situation has developed in the orenburg region; let me remind you that on friday, april 5 , a fire broke out there. she defended orsk from the ural river. a state of emergency was declared in the city, and authorities carried out a mass evacuation of residents. in the region itself, a federal emergency was introduced. according to the government of the orenburg region, damage from the flood could amount to 21 billion rubles. a difficult situation is also developing in the kurgan and tyumen regions. in some municipalities, authorities are evacuating the population. according to forecasts, the water level in the tobol river will exceed 11. in addition, neighboring kazakhstan also suffered from floods. the country's authorities say that the current flood is the largest in more than 80 years. hello, my friend, as promised,
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in the kremensk direction , our colleagues came under fire from the armed forces of ukraine, this is the film crew of the state television and radio broadcasting company lugansk. the director of state television and radio broadcasting company lugansk, nikolai dolgachev, told us the details. let's get a look. during filming, the combat work of our units in the kremen direction. the vesti lugansk film crew came under artillery fire. our guys, correspondents and operators were accompanied by officers from the ministry of defense. well, at the moment it is known that the correspondent received a shell shock, the fragmentation operator injuries. now they have already received first aid on the spot, and are now heading to the hospital. uh, so far we are getting, well, scant information, communication. it’s quite difficult to establish a stable one, including during movement, but we are waiting for our guys, and the process of providing assistance,
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in general, is still on the way, upon arrival too, and a very hot direction, the active work of our units, and of course our guys, lead lugansk other journalists cover, work, observe, unfortunately, during... actions cannot be done without such situations. russia will seek recognition from relevant international organizations of what is happening around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant in general around ukraine. this was stated by official representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs maria zakharova. natalia goncharova has all the details. drone strikes from kiev against zaporozhye are once again in the spotlight of the world media. magathe's board of governors called an emergency meeting afterwards. a series of attacks that lasted for several days. the state corporation rosatom immediately categorically condemned the unprecedented attack on facilities nuclear power plant and its infrastructure. and
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she called on the leadership of magathe, as well as the governments of the eu countries, to immediately respond to the direct threat to the safety of the zaporozhye npp. however, in addition to protected power units, there are a number of facilities at the nuclear power plant site, such as a storage facility for spent nuclear fuel and providing diesel generators. could lead to disaster. russia will seek recognition from relevant international organizations of the dangerous situation around the zaporozhye npp. maria zakharova emphasized that western media hide from their audience the criminal actions of the kiev regime. mead's spokeswoman called this choice reckless. we intend to seek recognition from... relevant international organizations of what is happening not only around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, but around ukraine in general. this should be
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an open, direct, fact-based conversation. i think he's already overripe. and the situation around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is the clearest confirmation of this. at the same time, of course, we are aware of the the fact that the westerners have taken the path of silence, they are literally blocking the emergence.
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a journalist in the mysl-polska publication emphasizes that this country now controls nine nuclear power units, and there you can always arrange a provocation with the help of some kind of stray missile, followed by accusations against russia. it’s even easier to try to do this in relation to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which, as noted in the article, is practically on the front line. the likelihood of an energy disaster incident on the scale of chernobyl or fukushima is high. near europe near poland. there could be a nuclear disaster with clouds of radioactive dust drifting westward, although it will be difficult to convince the public that these stubborn russians continue to fire at themselves, but it’s not for nothing that this has been drummed into us from the very beginning of the conflict, so there will probably be some explanation . the purpose of such provocations for polish experts is obvious: to introduce new sanctions against russian nuclear energy, according to the authors of the article, given the madness
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that reigns in european...
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it’s easy to make a deepfake, change your voice. we will expose all fakes.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. vladimir putin instructed to work on equalizing social support measures in different regions of russia. the president discussed this issue with the head of the ministry of labor anton katyakov. the topics of conversation also included the appointment of pensions to residents of new regions, provision of personnel for all enterprises that are now are restoring their work in donbass. let's start our meeting with those. events
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that -


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