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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. vladimir putin instructed to work on equalizing social support measures in different regions of russia. the president discussed this issue with the head of the ministry of labor anton katyakov. the topics of conversation also included the appointment of pensions to residents of new regions and the provision of personnel for all enterprises that are now restoring their work in the donbass. let's start our meeting with those events that... you and the ministry are working to
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achieve the goal of equalizing social support measures in different regions of the country. on today, just on your instructions , we are working to provide social support measures in the simplest and most convenient format for our citizens throughout our country; starting from july 1, 2020, we organized electronic document flow between healthcare institutions and medical and social examination institutions. the electronic format of documents allowed us to significantly reduce the time required for conducting copper. examination today does not exceed 10 working days, and for certain categories of citizens, according to for co participants, especially if the person has an amputation, we have reduced it to three working days. i want to say that starting from the first row of the twenty-fourth year, all social support measures that are provided for by federal legislation are being implemented on the territory of new subjects, but with certain features, or in terms of packages of documents, because residents provide documents in paper form, sometimes documents are provided: possible form
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in a non-russian language, and in this case we do not require translation, but as if they were immediately we take into consideration through their independent processing, it is simply impossible to solve the problems of strengthening the country’s technological sovereignty without the participation of russian scientists, mikhail mishustya stated this today at a meeting with the president of the russian academy of sciences gennady krasnikov. the head of the cabinet of ministers congratulated the head and the entire staff on the three hundredth anniversary of their wounds.
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a solid foundation has been created for our technological schools, scientific schools, which produce results that help the country develop, when the president met with the academy, he said about that our academy of sciences should become such a headquarters for the development of domestic science, the construction of an integral scientific landscape, an important direction of the academy’s activities, the kurchatov institute has already come under the leadership of the wounds, and in the near future the zhukovsky institute will be added to the list. we already have an application under consideration, this is nits zhukovsky, we have the same center, which also wants to come under our scientific and methodological leadership, it is very important that we agreed with the ministry of science to abolish the categorization of institutes that are under the scientific and methodological guidance of the academy of sciences; together with the ministry of education and science , a competition has been announced for financing major scientific projects for the next 2 years. a total of
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50 winners have already been selected, these are scientific organizations and universities. up to 300 million rubles will be allocated for each project. particular attention at the meeting was paid to scientific research in the interests of defense and state security. president ran also noted that active work is being carried out with new regions of russia. a very important question, this is the sixth subroutine, thanks to her, in general , the defense was launched for the first time in 20 years, and since the twenty-third it has been working. we think this is very important for the country. we started working with new territories, we created associations of the southern regions, which included not only crimea, but also included all our new territories, these are donetsk, lugansk, zaporozhye, kherson, which and most importantly, there is experience of interaction here, that is, crimea shares its experience when he was part of the team. russian federation. and,
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of course, where would we be without young specialists? more than 100 basic wound schools have already been opened, where 25 thousand schoolchildren are studying. at the meeting , the prime minister noted how the stomach was. in 1724, when peter ii ordered the establishment of the academy of sciences and arts, he could not have imagined that today vran would have more than 800 academicians in all areas, from mathematics, physics to archeology and philology, but the academy would include scientists from more than 50
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countries. i would like to wish you, in your person, the entire staff of the academy of sciences, our scientists, graduate students, students, these are also young scientists, in many ways. good luck with the holiday again, happy anniversary of the academy. alexandra perfileva, to lead. and now about the soldiers who show courage in the special operation zone. one of the heroes is the commander of the bmp of the seventieth guards regiment of the dnepr group. his crew was awarded medals for bravery for the rabotino raid. anton stepanenko talks about their feat. junior sergeant medvedev inspects his infantry fighting vehicle. the chances were great in the last battle.
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it was difficult, the only thing was that it was simpler and easier to get out, that we followed our own steps, but to enter it was that we were making our way, there was heavy shelling, we were accompanied, so to speak, they were waiting for us we saw, that’s what was difficult, that they were controlling us, alexander had been at the front since november, he worked at home in construction, mother, wife, two children, he recently became a grandfather, but from his own he volunteered. the family, to be honest, didn’t know what you were hiding, hiding, that is, you presented it with a fact, yes, it presented you with a fact, when you had already concluded everything, got ready, already had tickets in hand, then you just said, their reaction, well, it was
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riotous tears, tears, sadness, sadness, worries, yes, confronted with a fact, when i had already concluded everything, got ready, and how can i not let him go, he’s like a dog that can be tied on a leash, but he’s a man, he makes such a decision, and all i can do as a wife is accept and support him, she supported him... the time when he fought in chechnya, i supported it now, then he returned with a zhukov medal, and the zarabotinsky raid, the crew of his infantry fighting vehicles were awarded medals for courage, you tell them in general what is happening here, what you are participating in, where, no, no, of course, i’m not in i don’t go into details, i say, everything is fine, everything is fine,
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so that no one experiences all sorts of thoughts, i say, everything is fine, everything is in order, yeah, well... so we take care, we know your order, well, well, we can’t talk about details, as they say, no one experienced all sorts of thoughts they didn’t visit, he doesn’t say, but i feel, according to his feelings, the raid took a maximum of 30 minutes, each on this way there, and also back, like an eternity, in front of the enemy’s eyes under constant fire, they arrived, landed troops and returned back , and you - felt some responsibility for - the landing, then what are they?
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anxiety, such anxiety, it is incomparable to anything , it cannot be conveyed, it is in the soul, and then he called, svetlana finally exhaled, a bright moment when our commanders met us, that everything was fine, we were congratulated that we well done there, guys, this was a bright moment, well, for me personally, he’s in front of the camera, so he’s choosing words to describe how and with what kind. they were actually met with them after the raid, his grandfathers returned alive, after all, he
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will not break the tradition, it will not be broken, and he will also come home, alive and well. anton stepanenko, valery vinakurov, vesti, zaporozhye front, now economic news, briefly: deputy prime minister alexander novuk instructed oil companies to maximize the supply of gasoline and diesel fuel to the domestic market and for exchange trading. the issue was discussed at... a meeting of the government headquarters, they also talked about the need to actively use the free capacity of refineries and keep prices for agricultural producers under control. according to the ministry of energy, the fuel situation remains stable. the european union lifted sanctions against the founder alpha groups of peter avin and mikhail fridman. the court of first instance in luxembourg approved their application. he admitted that the grounds for inclusion in the sanctions lists did not meet european standards, and the measures themselves were excessive. at the same time, as reuters found out, the court decision concerns only sanctions for the twenty-second and twenty-third years. in
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march, their validity was extended, so technically they are still in force. let me remind you that earlier, the abolition of eu restrictions was achieved by the founder of yandex arkady volysh, as well as the russian racer nikita mozepin. qiwibank is beginning forced liquidation proceedings. this decision was made by the moscow arbitration court following a claim by the bank of russia. the deposit insurance agency will control payments to creditors. according to the central bank, the surplus of funds in kiwibank exceeds 28 billion rubles, which makes it possible to fulfill obligations in full. let me remind you that in february the bank lost its regulatory license due to violation of laws. and the big four oil service companies increased their profits in russia by one and a half times. we are talking about weatherforth and schlumberger, russian divisions, american companies, as well as aburservice and ofs technologies. these are now former structures. over the past year, they earned almost 31.5 billion rubles, as
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reported by gazette. let me remind you that the four have been reducing their presence in russia since the spring of '22; the business of haliburton and baker hughs has already been sold to russian management. it was economic news, briefly. gagauzi is gripped by unrest amid the arrival of the president of moldova to the autonomy. maya sandu arrived in the capital of the region, comrade, but for a meeting with mayors, for example. had to sneak through the back door. the fact is that the flag of the european union was hung on the facade of the building and that the local residents naturally, of course, met it with hostility. well, experts are sure that sando’s trip to gagauzia is a hasty response to the visit of the head of the autonomy, evgeniy guzzul, to moscow. in russia, she discussed export benefits, gas discounts, and access to the russian payment system. natalya solovyova will continue the topic. we demand that you let us see the president. dozens of police barely contain the crowd. the capital of gagauzia is buzzing like a disturbed beehive. in comrade under
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the president of moldova arrived under heavy security. let my hada go here, we want to see my hada. because she is afraid to simply go out quietly and communicate with people, she is afraid of people, she is afraid of her own people. and so the visit to the autonomy was either announced or cancelled, obviously trying to confuse people, but people found out anyway. hundreds of gogauz people came to the building of the local university, where the meeting of the head of state was announced. for the sake of relations between chisinau and kamrat, people have the right to ask the president a question, but you or yours hands, today they blocked off this territory, and today people will not be able to ask a question. official chisinau considers autonomy problematic; the gogozov’s sympathies with russia irritate the president with a romanian passport. the vector of her policy has long been known. sandu dreams of joining the european union, which she again stated at a meeting with university students, even remembering it on this occasion.
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for gagauzia, the benefit is not so obvious that chisinau is ready to force the comrade into the european family; autonomy is actually deprived of economic independence. suffers colossal losses, the ways of its financing are blocked, the authorities of gagauzia are forced to take emergency measures so that the population has a basic opportunity to survive.
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comrat and chisinau are facing a debate about the possible merger of moldova and romania, which has unfolded in the information field in recent days. given the republic’s desire to become an anti-russian outpost in the region, pressure on gagauzia will most likely only grow. natalya solovyova, lead. well now the story of a farmer from the usa who decided to move to russia, for permanent residence i chose the primorsky territory, where i traveled for more than a day from origon. and it just so happened that our country is his historical homeland, however, the american had never been here before, ekaterina kornacheva will tell you why he decided to move. a total of a thirty-hour flight, here it is, a return to your historical homeland, almost everything you know about it is only from the stories of your parents, however, they were born in china,
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exciting and a little scary, the language is different, you have to learn it all again, new you take land and build everything. wan and beijing, and according to the program, reimbursement of expenses is provided for direct non-stop communication. well, it’s clear that you can’t fly directly from the united states to vladivostok, so this, this is the choice of route, these are the requirements that were laid down 20, almost 20 years ago, they need to be revised today. moreover,
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the number of people wishing to move is growing. today we have 51 families living here. these are 225 people, these are immigrants from south american countries, over the past 3 years we have about 26 families - that's 88 people arrived. foday is married and has three grown sons while they are in the united states, but by winter the family intends to reunite on coastal soil. ekaterina kornacheva, platon volkov, lead primorye. argentine president javier miley begins his foreign tour. today he will visit the usa, meet with elon musk and stop at the tesla plant in texas, and from there he will go to europe. the day before, emilei said that his next visit to the old world would include ukraine. what are miley's statements? agreed, sergey brilev. this
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is a meeting between the new president of argentina and the commander-in-chief of the southern command that took place last thursday in tierra del fuego. the united states would have been left behind the turn of history if not for what became known today. today, today, firstly, melei himself, in turn , went to america. secondly, this thursday, argentine newspapers came out with headlines that the previous head of the argentine republic, fernando gernandez, had his assets frozen by court. he and his piran players are being pinned down. and this is with him the argentine parliament approved the idea of ​​the chinese building a ken in the argentine province. deep space tracking station, it is important that the chinese authorities invited representatives of third countries to this station so that they could be convinced that it was aimed at solving only civilian problems, but in the united states they claim that this is... not so, that there are also military tasks, to in order to double-check this station, opened under his predecessor, miley now added the idea that his government was also considering the idea of ​​military
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assistance to ukraine. first reaction from the old ones russians of the argentine republic. the coordination council of the organization of russian compatriots in argentina expresses deep concern and strongly rejects the recent statement by president javier meley that his government. is exploring the possibility of sending troops to ukraine, this step would be tantamount to argentina de facto declaring war on russia. once again, miley said all this after a meeting with the head of the us southern military command. currently, the us southern command is headquartered in greater mayabe, but for decades it was located here, on the isthmus of panama, in the panama canal zone. and it is precisely with this part of the world that some special actions of those of that time are connected. the argentine armed forces participated jointly with the united states in the naval blockade of revolutionary cuba and actions against the sandinista nihoragua. considering this, how did the argentine
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military hope that in 1982, when they landed on the islands of the blizzard atlantic, over whose allegiance boynos airos has an eternal dispute with london, that argentina will be supported by the usa. but then in washington they preferred teicher to the british. for this reason, as the argentine newspaper pajinado points out, the american guest refused to be welcomed by the opposition melei governor of the province of tierra del fuego, but this did not prevent melei himself from saying in a subsequent interview that the visit of the american general richardson to tierra del fuego was a step towards restoring argentine control over the neighboring disputed islands, and also designate tierra del fuego as the gateway to neighboring antarctica. we are here to promote creation.
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celebrates today one of the main holidays , eid al-fitr. it marks the end of the strict fast that lasted during the holy month of ramadan. today, believers begin with prayer, and then it is customary
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to set tables, invite guests and distribute donations. in ingushet, on the occasion of uraza, there are three official days off. muslims in crimea also celebrate eid al-fitr. for the first time , a collective prayer was held in the main cathedral mosque of the republic to mark the end of the muslim fast. very early in the morning there. the supreme mufti of russia called on the people and followers of all faiths in our country to unite in the name of lasting peace. today he led the festive prayer in the cathedral mosque in ufa. gulshad valeeva will talk about how one of the most ancient muslim holidays is celebrated there. the morning in this ufa high-rise building began quite cheerfully and unexpectedly for many.
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therefore, repentance and rituals must be undoubtedly sincere. the head of bashkartystan also took part in the festive prayer. radi
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khabirov also congratulated muslims on completion. live in peace, agree to build our native bashkatastan together. i sincerely wish your families peace, goodness, and prosperity. the holiday of breaking the fast, like eid al-fitr itself, has always been among the most revered among devout muslims. they wait for the holy month of ramadan with special trepidation. uraza, for me, is... a month of cleansing, and not only when we give up food, but also spiritual cleansing, this is a connection with god, a connection with spirituality. eid al-fitr marks the end of strict fasting. within a month ramadan believers could eat and drink only before dawn and after sunset. it was necessary to comply with a number of other requirements, but now on this holiday all prohibitions are lifted. devout muslims are allowed to gather at a rich table, offer
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food and have fun. to enjoy life, canonically preparing any special dish for the holiday is not required, but it just so happens that in bashkartystan the main treat has always been halal pilaf. believers will traditionally celebrate the end of the holy month for 3 days. at this time it is important strengthening family ties with meetings, calls, signs of attention, but quarreling and offending loved ones, on the contrary, is absolutely forbidden. it is also believed that eid al-fitr is a holiday of generosity and mercy; at this moment it is especially appreciated when a person... well, now let’s return to the topic of floods again, here we have the opportunity to show photographs of orenburg, this is the orenburg embankment right now, it is known that the peak of the flood is recorded in orenburg at these very minutes, well, in orsk there is a tendency for it to decrease,
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here is orenburg, this is also apparently the sea station, we see that the water has gone far beyond the river bed, more photographs, this is what orenburg actually looks like now at these very minutes, but about the situation in orsk there has been a decline, the governor of the orenburg region denis pasler previously told reporters, in total more than 12 thousand residential buildings were flooded there, more than 7,500 residents in the region were evacuated, in thirty-six.
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at the meeting, he discussed assistance to residents with local authorities. in total, the country has already flooded more than 13,000 residential buildings, almost 20 thousand there are about 150 bridges in the pre-garden areas. russia will seek from relevant international organizations recognition of what is happening around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant in general around ukraine, stated the official representative of the ministry of russia maria zakharova. natalia goncharova has details.
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drone strikes from kiev on zas are again in the spotlight of the world media. magate's governing council called an emergency meeting after a series of attacks that spanned several days. today rosatom, together with law enforcement agencies, does everything possible to ensure the safe operation of the zaporizhia station. i would like to emphasize once again that the station is not only power units with reactors loaded with nuclear fuel. this is a very complex mechanism. with a large number of auxiliary production subsystems, disruption of which can lead to irreparable consequences. the state corporation rosatom immediately categorically condemned the unprecedented attack on nuclear power plant facilities and its infrastructure. and called upon the leadership of magathe, as well as governments of eu countries to immediately respond directly to the threat to the safety of the zaporozhye npp.


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