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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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drone strikes from kiev against zaporozhye are once again in the spotlight of the world media. magate's governing council called an emergency meeting after a series of attacks that spanned several days. today, rosatom, together with law enforcement agencies , is doing everything possible to ensure the safe operation of the zaporizhia station. i want to emphasize once again that the station is not only power units with reactors in which it is loaded. nuclear fuel is a complex mechanism with a large number of auxiliary production subsystems. violations in the work of which can lead to irreparable consequences. the state corporation rosatom immediately categorically condemned the unprecedented attack on nuclear power plant facilities and its infrastructure. and she called on the leadership of magathe, as well as the governments of the eu countries, to immediately respond to the direct threat to the safety of the zaporozhye npp. however. in addition to protected
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power units, there are a number of facilities at the nuclear power plant site, such as a spent nuclear fuel storage facility, diesel generators that ensure uninterrupted operation of the station, large reserves of diesel fuel for emergency diesel generators, damage to which could lead to disaster. russia will seek recognition from relevant international organizations of the dangerous situation around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. maria zakharova emphasized what the western media are hiding from their own. audience of the criminal actions of the kiev regime, the official representative of meade called such a choice recklessness. we intend to seek recognition from relevant international organizations of what is happening not only around zaporozhye nuclear power plant, but in general around ukraine. this should be an open, direct, fact-based conversation. i think he's already overripe. and the situation around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is the clearest
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confirmation of this, while, naturally, we are aware that the westerners have taken the path of silence, they are literally blocking the appearance of news on this matter. brussels called for an end to attacks on the energy facility. eu high representative joseph barel stressed that such actions increase the risk of a nuclear incident. at the same time, in his address he decided not to specify that it was the kiev regime that carried out these attacks. barrels commented on the statement. permanent representative of russia to international organizations in vienna mikhail ulyanov. this sounds like encouragement for further ukrainian attacks. indeed, eu foreign policy is in a very bad state. meanwhile, the polish media directly call ukraine, i quote, a powder keg, or rather a nuclear keg. energy expert andrzej szczęstniak in the publication mysl polska emphasizes that this country now controls nine nuclear power units. and you can always arrange it there. provocation with
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the help of some stray missile, followed by accusations against russia. it’s even easier to try to do this in relation to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which, as noted in the article, is practically on the front line. the likelihood of an energy disaster incident on the scale of chernobyl or fukushima is high. near europe, not far from poland, a nuclear disaster could occur with clouds of radioactive dust drifting westward, although convince the public that these stubborn russians. continue to fire at themselves , it will be difficult, but it’s not for nothing that this has been drummed into us from the very beginning of the conflict, so there will probably be some kind of explanation. the purpose of such provocations for polish experts is obvious: to introduce new sanctions against russian nuclear energy and, according to the authors of the article, given the madness that reigns in the european media, no one will pay attention to reasoning and common sense. natalya goncharova, lead.
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the flood situation in russia remains complex, the water level in rivers in the southern urals continues to rise. in total , more than 13,000 residential buildings, almost 20,000 household plots, and almost 150 bridges have already been flooded in the country. the peak of the flood is expected in the coming days in orenburg. in total, more than 12 thousand residential buildings were flooded there. more than 7,500 residents in the region were evacuated. there are more than one and a half thousand people in 36 temporary accommodation centers. lifeguard group. in orenburg , the ministry of emergency situations is increasing its emergency response; water continues to flow into the city. in the region that is currently the head of the russian ministry of construction, irek faizulin, suffered the most from the flood. at an operational meeting, he discussed assistance to residents with local authorities. the federal government will provide a subsidy to the region, which means that in accordance with the law on payments and the compensation procedure, this will all happen. here's more i'd like to say. this means
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that in all our territories where we are undergoing restoration, both business and people always participate, that is, the creation of a fund is also something. the students themselves lie down a little, a little work, so everyone feels what it means when they start moving you, how they take you by the hand, by the leg, that is, from
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personal experience they now understand how to position their hands, at what pace they need to do all this, so we offer an appropriate uniform for them, so that they lie down, get up, and work themselves. they themselves portray patients, this is a very good practice, well, now we have an unexpectedly big story with zimbabova, not just a big, but an interesting story, a special report, yours, gosh, where you visited on very important informational issue, we visited an african country that we are helping, delivered fertilizer and also grain there, but at the same time we must remember that if we help, then, for example, the west, zimbabwe , is putting pressure in every possible way, so we suggest you watch a special report about this. moscow kharaary after advertising. alfa friday - a supercake every week from alfa bank. this friday, april 12, receive 50% cashback on
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our card when ordering a taxi in yandex gol. and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive a supercake for alpha fridays. not just profitable. it’s profitable, like this, don’t need it, you need it like this, like this, like that, i understand, like this at the megamarket , a karcher car wash for only 26,390 rubles. appetite anywhere, dad can, dad can, only dad can tame it, dad can, dad can help, sausages, dad can, every second ticket wins the russian lotto charity easter draw, from every ticket sold 10 rubles will be donated to charity, buy it. and everyone can get an interest rate on a deposit in gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on, my stomach is bothered by premiums , chlorinated, pancreatic, we trust
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right on the street, next to it , something more reminiscent of a barn was put together from shipper and sheets of reinforcement, where weddings are held, and baptists gather on sundays. this is a church, every sunday anyone can come here, this stage, and here people sit. a modest farm and a lot of worries, no one hides the fact that there are problems here, they are looking for a solution, helping private farms, at least, replant their crops. the most important resource for a farmer, oddly enough, is time. for these places
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, the main direction of the economy is agriculture, but at the same time it is so vulnerable, how many sunny days will there be, how many rainy days will a hurricane hit or not, so fertilizer is of decisive importance, it is difficult to argue that for the farmer it is most important, how fruits will ripen quickly in six months or 3 months. the meaning and the difference is extremely significant, especially at this time in africa it’s autumn, and it’s dry, there was little rain, the harvest this year is unlikely to be rich, without fertilizers it would be very bad, he says on the road, he’s just an ordinary guy from a local village, who 10 years ago got a job on a farm and trained as an agronomist. we planted this corn at the beginning. november, after 3 months we already get a harvest, if we do not apply fertilizers, it may
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turn out that there is not enough in the soil nutrients for the plant to grow. how to help the poorest develop what they do best, while at the same time preventing famine from happening, the russian side offers a solution. friendship between moscow and harar is based on gestures, in these bags there is help for the most... ordinary citizens of the country, here is wheat, here is fertilizer, very soon they will go to ordinary households where they will provide real help, here we look at the slogan: our friend in any weather , and this is the real attitude of zimbabweans towards russia. both supplies and fertilizer grains - this is the implementation of vladimir putin’s initiative on gratuitous assistance to african countries, the russian president also spoke about it at the russia-africa summit, and this work is consistently progressing. we import most of the fertilizers needed to feed plants; we need over 350 tons of such
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fertilizers annually, while our production capacity can only provide about 50 -70 thousand. these fertilizers arrived to us in a very timely manner, so we will be able to produce large volumes wheat for the winter season. thanks to these supplies , we will be able to increase our productivity by at least 2500 hectares. the fertilizer, which was transferred to the zimbabwean country, is free of charge. the turks provide uralchem ​​groups as part of humanitarian aid. 23,000 tons for zimbabwe
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were taken from belgium and latvia. with the assistance of the un, they were taken to mozambique and from there they were sent by land to this african country. both of these supplies are extremely relevant right now. thanks to them, we will be able to expand production areas at a fraction of the cost. at least 25,000 hectares. with 25.00 hectares we will be able to produce at least 250.000 tons of wheat, so it is not just 23. tone of fertilizers. in fact, this is 250 thousand tons of grain that you provided to our country, and we are grateful for that. previously, these fertilizers were blocked in european ports, where they were located. kenya, malawi, nigeria. in total, we supplied more than 130 thousand tons of humanitarian fertilizers to africa. and 111 thousand
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tons of these fertilizers were supplied in close cooperation with the world. in the interests of emerson nangagwa. let's face it, it was solemn and began with a dance by the leader of the republic. cooperation with russia is not new for us. zimbabwe was once a british colony. in our struggle for liberation from the british, russia supported our desire for independence. therefore, relations with russia
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are not new for us, they are historical and revolutionary. and as for wheat. supplied 200,000 tons of grain free of charge to six african countries, 50,000 tons were sent to somalia, the central african republic, 25 to maliburfaso, eritrea, zimbabwe. participated in the transfer of grain ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary of russia to zimbabwe nikolai krosilnikov. the diplomatic line of dialogue is expanding thanks to honest and open contact and the desire to find common points of contact and mutual assistance.
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the milling plant is the largest in the country, a variety of flour products are made from it, but this is not the main thing: zimbabwe was once a country that was literally the breadwinner of its neighbors, now solving its food security issues, which of course exist, other work is underway, to regain its former self name and title of the exporter. in noisy workshops, the grinding of animals goes on non-stop, they show us the process. and they place a special emphasis on quality, which fractions they process, where the flour is then sent, the process of sorting and shipping to the store, here they can produce about 200 currents every day. this is for local consumption, as soon as we have a surplus of production, we can start exporting it. our products are popular in the region, especially in southern african countries, such as
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batswana, zambia, there are many zimbabweans there, they like to buy the same products that they... russian supplies of grain to a country that does not experience critical problems with growing this crop will help local producers quickly build work, and therefore contribute to strengthening the economy, explains the minister of agriculture of zimbabwe. in the past, zimbabwe purchased wheat annually, now we are moving to independent production, we produce soft varieties of wheat, and russia produces hard wheat, it has a high gluten content, so we all...
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and there are already very rare specimens, like us they said that 10 trillion dollars was 100 trillion dollars, and before this wave of currency was possible. to buy something, it became cheaper at the speed of paper, and in fact, now this is also, as many people say in candy wrappers, because pay attention to where we are, this is a regular market, these are the kind of banknotes that are essentially already being sold here.
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the west has always been wrong to impose sanctions on zimbabwe. it started in 2000, when we returned our land and were able to use it ourselves. they were not happy about this, especially the british and mobilized the entire western world, the eu, the americans to impose sanctions on us. we are still struggling with this. any step they take to ease sanctions does not matter to us. we want the complete lifting of sanctions on zimbabwe. due to sanctions in zimbabwe, it is difficult to transfer and withdraw money. for more than 20 years, a lot of restrictions have been in place, which at one point brought the economy to collapse. unemployment, poverty,
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hopelessness and apathy. the united states and its satellites must have dreamed of the same effect when they introduced restrictions against russia. at the very difficult days for the zimbabwean economy, for example, when its currency became worth less than the paper on which it was printed, the time came to pay its external obligations. so, in order... to pay off the external debt, china had to send about 130 elephants and 50 lions to shanghai. in early march, the united states imposed personal sanctions against the president of zimbabwe. even in his youth, he literally fought for independence ; now he does not intend to put up with pressure; employees of the us agency for international development, or usa, were expelled from the country. who allegedly oversaw democracy in the country, in fact simply tried to interfere in the internal affairs of zimbabwe. during the fertilizer grain transfer ceremony, nangagwa bluntly said they were told not to do business with russia.
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both our countries, zimbabwe and the russian federation, continue to be the target of illegal sanctions imposed by the western hegemon. during this period, russia was a reliable and independent ally of the people of our country. russia is under sanctions, zimbabwe is under sanctions, someone says: there is no need to conduct a dialogue with each other friend, what nonsense, we should talk to each other as much as possible. zimbabwe remembers well what kind of state it was and wanted to plunge the entire supposedly civilized world into that very stereotypical africa, where there is only garbage and poverty, where there is no education. no production, nothing that would help this country get closer to such a high status of the western ideal society. but the reality
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is completely different; today zimbabwe is full of strength to actively develop, says dilili shnuvaya, a local large businessman, with with which we kick the ball on a modern football field. at this place recently everything was completely different. huge mountains of garbage were right there . where we are standing now, the same as you see, they were there before and here, there was no road here, there was very strong air pollution, there was a strong smell, without a mask, it was impossible to be there if you came here by car, then for 3-4 weeks i washed it from the smell, but after that we managed to find a solution, now there will be a sorting station and waste incineration plant, which will be able to generate electricity from waste. what cannot be recycled will be carefully buried, so as to reduce the impact on the environment to almost zero; we are not used to seeing such an africa, or rather,
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those same western media are not used to showing us such an africa. now this businessman is looking for investors, including in russia. after i complete this project, i want to move on to other cities, i also need to go to the regional and then national level for business development relations between russia.
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today we celebrate one of the main holidays , eid al-fitr. it marks the end of the strict fast that lasted during the holy month of ramadan. the day began with prayer, and then it is customary to set tables, invite guests and distribute donations. in ingushetia , there are three official days off on the occasion of the rose. the festive prayer took place in all mosques of tatarstan. ramadan fest takes place in the squares in the parks of kazan. refreshments and competitions, national games and sports competitions were prepared for his guests. well about how muslims of crimea celebrate eid al-fitr, sabina sargubeno will tell you. finally, the long-awaited event happened. a collective prayer took place in the main cathedral mosque of crimea to mark the end of the muslim fast. early in the morning, almost 3.00 people gathered for prayer both in the courtyard and in the common hall to celebrate the main holiday, eid al-fitr. in crimea there are more than 150 mosques and 150.
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a site for the construction of a mosque, but then the decision was canceled, and believers laid shell stone on this site, i hope that one day the mosque will be built, and the dreams of muslims have become a reality, the foundation of the shrine was solemnly laid in 2017, and now construction has finally been completed. this mosque was a gift to us from the almighty from the president of our country, so we appreciate it. and crimean tatars, crimean muslims should always appreciate and be
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grateful. to a mosque in the byzantine-ottoman style traditional for crimean mosques from the 15th century, but it differs from others in its majestic scale. according to the contractor, the most difficult process the main dome was erected, its diameter was almost 20 m, its weight was 300 tons. it is rightfully considered the largest in crimea. four minarets rise almost 50 m. this is the height of a nineteen-story building. the wall domes are painted with religious symbols. the main ones are the tulip - the flower of the almighty and the eight-pointed star, a symbol of righteousness and justice. this is the skillful work of the best masters of turkey and uzbekistan. for tourists and believers there is everything you need: dressing rooms, ablutions, elevators to balconies, there is even a guest room on the territory house. soon they will begin to equip the premises of the museum of islam, located under the mosque building. despite the fact that the festive prayer has already been held, no one is canceling the opening ceremony; its date will be known in
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the near future. sabina sarguberova, oleg dyakov, vladimir danenko, lead crimea.
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