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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and the honest detective; also subscribe to our investigation and daily releases on the platform; go to the broadcast tab and turn on the honest detective. and our episode is now complete, maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you on the russia 24 tv channel at 21:30. well, right now on the russia-24 channel again the main facts of this day in the studio georgy podgorny and natalyatovka, that’s what we’ll tell you about. the flood forecast is unfavorable; there is now high water in the area the kurgan and tyumen regions were also under threat; according to the ministry of emergency situations, 40 regions were under threat. where is the most difficult situation now and what amount of compensation for lost housing has been outlined.
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three of you, let’s talk about irek faizulin’s work in the flood zone. ukraine continues to shoot at russian journalists. this time the vesti lugansk film crew was injured. our colleagues worked in the kremensk direction. the operator was wounded in the leg by shrapnel, the correspondent received a concussion. targeted strikes by the armed forces of ukraine on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant must be stopped, unambiguous assessment of those who answer. for nuclear safety. russia continues to call on the international community to react, otherwise the provocations of the kiev regime could lead to unpredictable consequences. the fight against poverty and scammers, when will the key rate be reduced and how does the bank of russia assess the state of the economy? elvira nabeulina presented the central bank's report for last year to the state duma. details of the regulator’s work and prospects for the financial sector. and almost
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three dozen more types of assistance in the simplest, most convenient form for people. what measures social support in russia is being transferred from the regional to the federal level. details of the meeting between the president and the minister of labor and social protection. well, let's start with the urgent messages that are now arriving on the news agency's feed, written by the governor of kursk.
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as another criminal act of the zelensky regime and demands appropriate reactions and measures from relevant international structures, maria zakharova stated this. doctors assess the condition of our colleagues who came under fire from the ukrainian armed forces as stable. correspondent of the lugansk branch vgtrk artem yundes, artyom yundes received a concussion, cameraman denis shum was wounded in the leg. at these moments he is undergoing surgery in a military hospital. doctors remove a shell fragment from his leg. the head of state television and radio broadcasting company lugan spoke about this.
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peskov, the situation requires, quote: energetic efforts, as stated by presidential press secretary dmitry, from government officials at all levels. the most difficult situation is in the regions on the border with kazakhstan. the kurgan region is expecting the most powerful flood in the history of observations. the peak of the flood, in the coming days in orenburg. houses and roads are also flooded in the south of the volga region, in bashkiria, samara, saratov. in the ulyanovsk regions, mordovia
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and tatarstan. in the chelyabinsk region in the altai regions, large waters are already receding, but dozens of household plots are still flooded. tver is also at risk. ostroma and kemerovo regions. the region most affected by floods is the orenburg region. if in orsk the water is gradually receding, then in the regional center the situation is the opposite. a heavy influx of water began here and the flood just gaining momentum. the water level in the urals near orenburg, as of 8:00 pm moscow time, was 10 m and 22 cm, that is, an increase of 12 cm over the last 4 hours. well , in the morning the water level was at 996 cm. i note that that 930 cm is considered critical. the mayor of the city stated that today, closer to noon, all the most dangerous levels have been exceeded in orenburg. according to the ministry of emergency situations , there are more than 2,000 plots and
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the same number of houses in the flood zone, 865 people have been evacuated. a special board of the ministry of emergency situations delivered 3 km to the city water dumps, they are necessary to reduce the consequences of floods. water protection. residential buildings and outbuildings, and the l-76 plane delivered 1,500 blankets for those who are in temporary accommodation centers, here we have already intercepted water, the equipment is working, now we will strengthen this dam and continue it further, respectively, upstream, we have also now received water-filling dams from the ministry of emergency situations, it will be located from the upper part of the dam, where it was once apparently damaged by additional asphalt. also a structure a meter high and, accordingly, to the point that will prevent water from flowing here into the residential area. in total , more than 12,000 residential buildings were flooded in orenburg, and more than 7,500 residents were evacuated in the region.
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there are more than one and a half thousand people in 36 temporary accommodation centers; at least 11.00 hectares of the buzuluksky bor national park are flooded. water level in the samara river near. it reached almost 9 m. well, as already noted, in orsk the water is gradually receding. in 5 hours, the water level in the ural river is in the flooded area decreased by 8 cm and amounted to, well, 891 cm to be precise. we find out what the situation is in the flooded city now from our special correspondent, stanislav bernvalin. the water is receding, receding slowly, but a start has already been made for it and... the most important thing is that 40 cm of water has left the city today, at this rate, as experts say, if the water continues to recede , it will take about a week to reach zero, well, about a week one and a half, only after this we can really begin to evaluate the losses that occurred in
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the city in the region, while we’re talking about it, well it’s premature, let’s say, nevertheless , the minister of construction and housing and communal services of the russian federation entered into housing, and this work will be organized by the municipality of the city of orsk, well , other settlements, after all , the orenburg region - unfortunately , affected 23 settlements where flooding occurred, while we don’t see, in general
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, the amount of damage that will be introduced in orenburg, we examined it, after that a decision is made, if it’s completely lost... then there’s a decision, well , here we’ll decide together on the certificate, that means, based on 68, today the current cost according to the ministry of construction is the first quarter of twenty-four, which means, well, perhaps in the second quarter the price will change while all these procedures are completed, so this is in case of a complete loss, where the repair procedure means payments will also be made by the minister . said that extra-budgetary funds will be attracted to restore the city. the federal government will provide a subsidy to the region, which means that in accordance with the law, in terms of payments, in terms of the compensation procedure, this will all happen. here's more about what i would like to say is that in
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all our territories where we are undergoing restoration, both business and people always participate, that is, the creation of a fund is also something. our recommendation was of some kind, but denis vladimirovich said that this has already been created, implemented, in this regard too, which means there will also be non-budgetary assistance. i consider the damage to be carried out, at one time governor pasler spoke about the energy sector, which was significantly damaged by the flood, it is necessary to assess the damage and begin restoration immediately energy sector, we already understand how many of our energy supply facilities have been disrupted in terms of poles and substations, of course, today they are purchasing accordingly, yes, or some of the equipment is already being delivered accordingly, we have two companies operating in orskaya, which have
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appropriate resources, so i have no doubt that from the point of view after the water recedes, accordingly, that we will immediately begin restoring all these energy devices, it is not always necessary wait until it dries or needs to be changed, yes, so there are a number of other relevant measures, so we will definitely, of course, deal with this story. the minister of construction and housing and communal services, at a meeting with residents, said that the federal center has extensive experience in urban restoration, the scheme has already been tried and tested and there will be no problems with the restoration of urban infrastructure, there will be no housing construction, if we do, then the ministry will say that.
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will be discussed when the big one leaves water. stanislav bernwald, sergey ukhvarenok, danilo kuznetsov, conductor orsk, orenburg region. but in continuation of what is happening in the edinburgh region, 175 calls for medical help related to the consequences of flooding were recorded in this region. 16 people are in hospitals. journalists were informed about this by the press service of the ministry of health. and it is also known that drugs for the prevention of hepatitis were delivered to the orenburg region. and other infections, i will note and quote what the message says
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the ministry of health, the fact that additional volumes of drugs for the prevention of hepatitis a infectious diseases have been supplied to the region, 17 mobile vaccination teams and stationary offices have been created and are operating, which also provide vaccination to the population. well, now let's move to the kurgan region, where due to the flood they are building dams and evacuating residents. today , the water level in the tabola river is near selaina. rose to 9 m 52 cm at a critical level of 850 cm. in kurgan itself, the river reached 3.5 m. the head of the region, vadim shumkov, made disappointing forecast. according to him, the water level in the river will rise to 11 m. at the moment , about 4,500 residents have been evacuated from areas of possible flooding. 92 temporary accommodation centers with a capacity of more than 30 thousand people have been deployed in the region. the arrival of high water in the mound is predicted from april 11 to 14;
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apartment buildings also fall into the risk zone. our correspondent, stanislav vasilchenko, is in the kurgan region, he is in direct contact with us, stanislav, welcome. yes, stanislav, hello, let’s look at the feeds news agency that the water level in the tabolo river near kurgana, just near selano-golovskaya, which we just mentioned, continues to rise, here is the level. the state of emergency continues to operate in populated areas , sirens are constantly heard, which inform about
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the preventive evacuation of the population from the flood zone, residents are asked to urgently leave their homes and areas, without waiting for the arrival of high water, evacuation is underway, temporary accommodation centers have been organized, let me remind you, that the day before the tobol river in the area border village of zverina-golovskaya has reached the floodplain, the water level is growing rapidly and is now approaching. to the 10 m mark. by this hour it is known that 181 houses and 281 personal plots were flooded. there are now 12 settlements in the flood zone. about it. reports the ministry of emergency situations. currently , more than 1,800 people and more than 600 pieces of equipment are fighting the flood in the kurgan region. also the day before, the head of the department , alexander kurenkov, arrived in the region in order to check how the region is preparing for the flood and to fly over the region by helicopter, the minister of emergency situations performed together with the presidential plenipotentiary representative in the ural
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federal district vladimir yakushev and the governor of the kurgan region vadim. now kurgan itself is actively preparing for the flood, there is a bridge in the city called kirovsky, and next to it , work has been going on for several days in a row to strengthen the dam, strengthening it with sandbags. the work is going on around the clock, and not only employees of the ministry of emergency situations are doing this, but everyone who cares, among them volunteers, and the military, and of course, simple caring locals. everyone understands that the situation is difficult, but none of them lose heart. and i, of course, could think, and i, of course, could think when i looked at the blue pipe, its smoke,
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let me remind you once again that, unfortunately, the forecasts are disappointing, the level. water in the tobol river may rise to 11 m, this is more than 30 years ago, when there was the largest flood in the region, this time the entire right bank is in the flood zone, water, according to forecasts, may enter the center, the vostochny microdistricts, malaya chausovo, kulak and other territories. it is worth noting that even in such a dangerous situation , not all local residents are ready to leave their homes for various reasons, although evacuation, let me remind you.
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in the tyumen region, high water levels are expected in tabol and ishim; more than 400 temporary accommodation points have been prepared in the region. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, went to the most flood-prone yalutorovsky district. previously, he worked in the orenburg and kurgan regions. in tobolsk , more than 3,500 people could be in the possible evacuation zone human. the head of the city called on them to pack an alarm bag. in the city today there are 25 temporary accommodation points, today there are volunteers who are actively doing door-to-door and door-to-door visits, issuing reminders, sms messages, saying that we will have a big flood, at least right under the groves, because people are not they want to quickly evacuate quickly, our task is to convince them and evacuate,
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a call center has been created in the city, all calls are received there and we quickly accept applications and will implement place. who at what address is the temporary accommodation center for pets? we also have a good nursery prepared, the same place has already been prepared for marking pets, the pain can be different, it doesn’t matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgen, a universal remedy for different types of pain, pintalgin, we can do without pain, we take... loans are easy to get, we are at sovcombank, we take out loans, and we got them quickly, we are at sovcombank, loans that everyone knows, comfort at low prices on the yandex market, from small things to significant things, buy a coopersberg dishwasher with a 34% discount. hey, guy, are you sure
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7:21 pm
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the law stipulates, among other things, that persons included in the register of persons liable for military service will be deprived of the right to travel abroad, to use their cash and also drive a car. egor grigoriev will tell you more about the situation. the stack with the bill on mobilization in ukraine barely fits on the table. 4,000 amendments. the initial document was submitted to parliament at the end of last year, against the backdrop of failures at the front , zelensky needed human resources, there were many casualties, people wanted to compensate for losses in equipment and the need for ammunition. many sacrifices are required. is ukraine ready to make these sacrifices for us, or sacrifices, or even die? the bill ultimately became tougher than the version amendments, now every man from 18 to 60 years old must always have a military registration document with him and present it upon
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request, although it is unclear to whom the calls from employees of territorial recruitment centers no longer work. ukrainians have stopped being afraid. they impose these
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gigantic fines corresponding to those who work in the acquisition center, this head of the acquisition center, he didn’t like someone or they just want, well, someone’s property cannot be taken away within the means of these fines, they can impose these fines in unlimited number, limited number of those fit for service will be sent again for examination by all those liable for military service... they must clarify the data in the shopping center, they assure that this is just a formality, however, in practice, after such data verification, ukrainians find themselves in the trenches, - say prisoners of war, recently they they became active, they catch literally everywhere, bus stations, metro, bus stations, well , large areas of crowds of people, they should catch and send, that’s it, he’s not interested anymore, he checked the box that i’m with...
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but those who sign the contract are promised a certificate for the purchase of the vehicle and nothing that it may soon have to be equipped with a manual transmission. at the same time, the bill exempts from mobilization , of course, employees of the national police, the prosecutor's office, the executive service of punishments, heads of state authorities and local self-government, some civil servants, council deputies and up to two of their assistants, from
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ordinary ukrainians on... russia will seek recognition from relevant international organizations what is happening around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant in general around ukraine, this was stated by the official representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, marya zakharova. read more, natalya goncharova. drone strikes from kiev are once again in
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the spotlight of global attention. magatte's governing council called an emergency meeting after a series of attacks that spanned several days. today rosatom, together with law enforcement agencies, is doing everything possible to ensure the safe operation of the zaporozhye station. i want to emphasize once again that the station is not only power units with reactors loaded with nuclear fuel are a complex mechanism with a large number of auxiliary production subsystems. disruption of the work of which can lead to irreparable consequences and most importantly, the zaporizhzhya station is, first of all, its personnel. today, the ues employs 5.00 employees, these are truly courageous people who are keeping the city of energodar and the whole of europe from the consequences of a possible nuclear disaster. the state corporation rosatom immediately categorically condemned the unprecedented attack on nuclear facilities.
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station and her. infrastructure and called on the leadership of magathe, as well as the governments of eu countries, to immediately respond to the direct threat to the safety of the zaporozhye npp. however, in addition to protected power units, there are a number of facilities at the nuclear power plant site, such as a spent nuclear fuel storage facility, diesel generators that ensure uninterrupted operation of the station, large reserves of diesel fuel for emergency diesel generators, the damage and destruction of which can lead to a disaster. chapter. administration of the city of energodar eduard senovos said that recently the number of attacks by ukrainian drones in the city itself and in the area of ​​the zaporozhye nuclear power plant has increased significantly. the air raid siren sounds almost every day. according to him , the ukrainian country does not even try to assess the consequences of striking an energy facility. the consequences of such attacks can cause damage not only to the region, but in general we can also talk about europe, because...
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it is now difficult to imagine the scale of the accident after such fire from ukraine. russia will seek recognition from relevant international organizations of the dangerous situation around the zaporozhye npp. maria zakharova emphasized that western media are hiding the criminal actions of the kiev regime from their audience. meade's spokeswoman called this choice reckless. we intend to seek recognition from relevant international organizations of what is happening not only around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, but around ukraine in general. this should be an open, straightforward , fact-based conversation. i think, he's already overripe. and the situation around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is the clearest confirmation of this. at the same time, naturally, we are aware that
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the westerners have taken the path of hushing up. they literally block.


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