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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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they thought anastasia ivanova was an american tragedy. vladimir putin constantly monitors the flood situation in russia, receives information from the field and coordinates the work of everyone in this government. kremlin spokesman dmitry peskov spoke today about the president’s work tasks. he noted that the ministry of emergency situations continues to receive unfavorable forecasts for floods in different regions of the country. the most difficult situation at the moment is in orenburg. the water level in the urals is rising, 2.0 houses in the regional capital are already flooded. flood approaches the high-rise buildings in the city center. meanwhile, in orsk, where the dam was previously broken, the peak is already. water left several hundred houses.
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read more about the stop in the reports of our correspondents ruslan bigvulatov from orsk and margarita semenyuk from orenburg. the road leading to the flooded part of the city, along which people go to their homes, check the situation, pick up at least some things. there, he says, you can go waist deep. what will you do there? i need to pick up the generator. nothing to see, refrigerators surfaced, everything surfaced, i had nowhere to put them, the garage, that is, the garage doors were already torn out, it’s already possible to get to the flooded houses by trucks or rowing boats, the motor ones touch the asphalt, fail, the water even decreases, but i’m still a lot , and in some places there is such a stylish current, so in order to pass we pulled a rope, which we hold on to, there have already been several cases today when people... were carried away, in the village
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of pervomaisky, which was one of the first to flood, the depth in some places exceeds human height. hello, big land. nikolai and his son did not leave their house during the flood; they lived on the second floor for almost a week; when the dam broke, they only had time to get up with the dog. the car in the garage, furniture, appliances, everything was under water. there was also upholstered furniture, everything too.
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payments will occur, which means you, that is, the resident, makes the decision himself whether he will do it himself or decide to work with the municipality. the minister said that extra-budgetary funds will be attracted to restore the city from april 11 at one of sites in the city of ortsk , a mobile office of yurmobil will operate. residents will have the opportunity to receive free qualified legal assistance in obtaining compensation. irek fayzulin personally inspected the flood-affected areas. it goes on in the courtyards of private houses.
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everyone was drowned, and parents, sister, no one had anything left, the staff of the perinatal center are trying to console you, protect yourself from unnecessary worries, although some of them themselves were deprived of housing, everything, everything will be fine, we will never leave you in life, home hope too flooded, the two older children live with their grandmother, i honestly, i cried my eyes out, i couldn’t, but when packages, diapers, baby things started arriving, someone called, they’ll bring a stroller, someone, this, this incredible support, it makes you realize that you are not alone in such trouble, that they really support you. 384 pregnant women lived in the flood zone; they were taken care of in advance and evacuated even before the water arrived. a temporary stay center for
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postpartum women and babies has been created, which is based at the base of the novotroida city hospital. there at each mother will have her own room, of course, hot and cold water, three meals a day, maybe even four meals a day, so they will stay there until the housing issue is resolved. more and more flood victims continue to arrive at the temporary accommodation center. we need a bed, mattresses, but at the moment they brought us 30 new folding beds, some of which have already been dismantled. there is not enough bread and drinking water in orsk stores; essential goods are brought from neighboring... regions of the urals and volga region, including from ufa, kazan, yekaterinburg. volunteers are not deterred by the fact that due to floods and blocked roads, the journey takes much longer than usual. usually we specialize in delivering additional assistance to fighters in the northern military district zone, but since today
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we have such a situation, we decided not to remain indifferent, we will deliver and accompany. work to eliminate the consequences of the flood is not stopping. we'll take the poor thing, but it's unlikely that we'll take a pig. in one of the districts a cow and two calves, the owner was unable to evacuate the livestock on his own, a platform was built for evacuation, and the animals were successfully transported to land. orsk is still flooded, this is what the center looks like from the air, its streets are square, but
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there is already a steady dynamic, the water level has dropped by 40 cm, another week or two, and the city will live as before. well, it's just a flow. the water is going away, don't panic, right? ruslan bikbulatov, oksana serzhantova, dmitry cherkasov, alexander bozhenov, conductor orsk, orenburg region. the consequences could be catastrophic for everyone, but the collective the west has taken the path of silence. this is how the russian foreign ministry today commented on the persistent reluctance of the american and european media to cover the attacks of the armed forces of ukraine on nuclear facilities and , above all, on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, where the air threat regime is still in effect, and magathe experts are fully aware of what is happening, but do not dare condemn kiev, details in the material by alexey konopko. this is the first day since last friday that the station’s perimeter has been protected from ukrainian attacks. we have air defense to thank for this. air mode danger operates constantly. even with the reactors shut down
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, rosatom employees have to ensure the operation of nuclear power plants under extreme conditions. the industrial site of the nuclear power plant also houses spent nuclear fuel storage facilities and mobile diesel generators. large supply of diesel fuel for emergency systems. the defeat of any of these objects could provoke a nuclear accident. since sunday , the state corporation rosatom has been calling on the authorities of european countries imagte to influence the leadership of ukraine in order to stop direct aggression against the largest nuclear power plant in europe. the daily number of raids by the ukrainian armed forces, according to the energodar mayor’s office , has increased significantly over the week. today another drone crashed near the city. almost every day the city receives notification of an air threat; literally today the administration interrupted its work several times; the consequences of such attacks can cause damage not only to the region, but in general we can also talk about europe. the day before
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, the magathe mission almost came under attack at the station, the same one that for almost 2 years has been talking about its absence from its composed of ballistics specialists, which means it is impossible to understand where shells and drones are coming from. is an ominous development because it demonstrates a clear willingness to continue these attacks, despite the serious threat they pose to nuclear security and our repeated calls for military restraint, whoever is behind them... is playing with fire, and if at the beginning of a new wave of attacks, everything was obvious even to the western media; publications from the bbc to the new york post directly wrote about ukrainian drones, then after washington's editorial office, where mat miller , who was responsible for everything, named russia, left the press with no options. the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine blamed the incident on russian troops, calling the drone strike a simulation, that the army in such a scenario is shooting at friendly forces at agents of the german wave does not bother... the station has 500 employees, three of whom are in the hospital, the chief european diplomat commented this is in
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the sense that it is good where there are no russians. jazep barrel. reckless drone attacks on zaporozhye nuclear power plant must be stopped. great. what's next? russia must leave the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. this sounds like encouragement for further ukrainian attacks. indeed, eu foreign policy is in a very bad state. this is how the permanent representative of russia under magath had to counter. they are expecting an extraordinary meeting there tomorrow. maybe even in europe itself after chernobyl the radioactive cloud went to the west and the winds have not
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changed much since then. ukraine is a keg of atomic gunpowder. russian attacks avoid nuclear sources, but it is so easy to imagine that an unidentified missile will fall on a reactor in ukraine, because so many of them have already fallen on conventional power plants. such a provocation can be explained by a stray bullet, but russia can be directly accused of a deliberate attack. considering the madness of the media, no one will...
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we are working to provide social support measures in the simplest and most convenient format for our citizens throughout our country, starting from july 1 of the twenty-second year, we organized electronic document flow between healthcare institutions and medical and social examinations, the electronic format of documents has allowed us to significantly reduce the time required to conduct a medical and social examination; today it does not exceed 10 working days, and for certain categories of citizens by participants in the assessment, especially if the person has an imputation, we it was reduced to three working days, to say that starting from the first school year of the twenty-fourth year, all social support measures that are provided for by federal legislation,
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are implemented on the territory of new subjects, but with certain features, either in terms of packages of documents, because residents provide documents in paper form, sometimes documents are provided in paper form in a language other than russian, and in this case we do not require translation, but rather we immediately accept them for consideration by processing them independently. let's return to the first topic of the issue - floods in the orenburg region and the capital of the region, as promised by margarita semenyuk's report. every 2 hours , measurements are taken every time, the indicators are scary, yet at night the water level was almost 9 m and 2 m, by the evening it was 10 m and 22 cm; more than 300 houses were flooded in 24 hours. it was very badly damaged, there was a flood of more than 2 meters inside the basement. the house itself has not yet, so to speak, reached the main house,
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and my basement is large and there is more than two meters of water, so the guys asked, they say there will be even more water, more than 200 houses in orenburg are under water, they are now building them in the city a water-filling dam along the bed of the urals, flood control systems were brought on behalf of the minister of emergency situations of russia alexander kurenkova, we have already intercepted the water here, the equipment is working, now we will strengthen this dam and we will. to continue it further, respectively upstream, we have also now received water-filling dams from the ministry of emergency situations, we will have it located from the upper part of the dam, where it was once apparently ...
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after another they are hiding in flooded alleys, they are returning already with people and animals, we are evacuating, the dog is yours, no, this is not our dog, the owners asked for it, how many dogs have already gotten out of the animals, from here for now first, in total more than 50 of our services were taken out, taevsky was taken out, so everything is fine, students of the orenburg state medical
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university went out on the water in kayaks, if necessary, they will provide assistance and evacuate quickly, we are engaged in the tourism section, that’s just it... one of our areas is kayaking, water hiking, and we actually decided to show off our skills and abilities here. after sente and nearby villages, large waters headed towards residential complexes, permanent houses go under water. the situation in orenburg is quite difficult, the water is rising, and rapidly, but in order to get into the entrance, you need to overcome almost one and a half meters of water, which practically came here.
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it’s not yet passed, it’s dangerous to stay, people agree to leave for safe places, within 2 hours, probably, i arrived at half past ten, and already right at 2 o’clock, as if after 2 hours, as if right away she arrived instantly, that is, that is thank you very much, guys, you’re healthy, you’ve put us together, we’ve joined in for help and the military, engineers of the yasninsky missile formation, organized the daily distribution of drinking water to residents of hard-to-reach areas; during our work , using an as-10 tank truck , more than 2000 liters of drinking water were delivered to flood zones to provide assistance to residents. the water level is rising and may affect new areas; all emergency services are working around the clock in enhanced mode. margarita semenyuk, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov, lead orenburg. the united states intends
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to change the structure of its troops in japan from so that she. corresponded to the challenges of the 21st century, these are the statements heard today in washington, where joe biden held talks with japanese prime minister kishida, and although formally we are talking about a meeting of equal allies, in reality the agenda rather indicates the relations of the owner of the humble satellite, our correspondent was convinced of united states dmitry melnikov. japanese cherry blossoms in washington are a gift to the winners from the vanquished. the atomic bombs dropped by the united states on jeroshima and gosaki fused the two nations. strong a military-political alliance, making japan an eternal satellite and the main outpost of the united states in asia, right next to russia and china. the day before, first lady jill biden talked about the menu of the gala dinner that the president would give in the evening in honor of fumio kishida: beef with sesame sauce and
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beans, but the main political dish was openly anti-chinese and anti-russian. japan, according to washington's plan, should become the second column of the aokus military bloc, whose task is to contain beijing and continue tokyo must put sanctions pressure on russia. just a few generations ago, our countries faced each other in a devastating conflict, but now we have become the closest of friends. the inclusion of japan in aakus without full membership involves the joint development of underwater and... hypersonic weapons, the united states, australia, japan and the philippines held the first joint naval and air force exercises in the south china sea, a kind of prelude to the conclusion of a new one. a third-party alliance against china under the auspices of the united states. about its creation washington, tokyo and monila are set to announce tomorrow, when biden and quisidi will be joined by philippine president marcos.
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despite the fact that formally only anglo-saxon countries are included in the aocus. it is japan that should become the basis of the new contour of containment of beijing that the united states is building. japan will extend its hand to our american friends and together we will face the challenges we face.
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ukrainian confiscated iranian kalashnikov assault rifles, machine guns and rpg-7 grenade launchers intended for the yemeni houthis, and washington also demands that kiev stop attacks on russian oil refining infrastructure. at a hearing in the senate , pentagon chief lloyd austin advised choosing other targets so as not to provoke a global fuel crisis. of course, these attacks could have a domino effect on the global energy landscape.
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changing situation, i would not like to predict what president zelensky will decide. last week in brussels , secretary blinken said ukraine would soon be in nato. do you agree with this? this is the goal nato members will at some point accept ukraine. if you were russia you would want this, we are playing games with russia now. i just want to understand why we need this. of course, if i were russia, i wouldn't want this. if american money for the war with
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russia is not yet going to ukraine, coffins with american citizens continue to arrive in the opposite direction. according to the russian ministry of defense, more than a thousand american troops are currently fighting in ukraine, and more than half of them have already been eliminated. here's a fresh one grave of retired marine grady. at arlington cemetery near washington, was liquidated 2 months after the start of a special military operation, but his remains were buried only a week ago, until that moment he was considered missing. the closer we get to the elections, the more desperate the biden administration’s attempts to demonstrate at least some foreign policy successes. it will no longer be possible to classify ukraine and the middle east as an asset. and the confrontation with china is the only area where the white house remains until the elections. will try for months at least look like a winner, although even the old allies of the united states, including japan, understand the fragility of the agreements reached now, and if the anti-chinese vector
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in washington’s policy is unlikely to change with the advent of trump, then the degree of participation of the united states itself in the confrontation with beijing is the main concern. what if, having started a war with china, america itself will be eliminated, and then those who are least ready for it will have to fight. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrik. news from washington. triathlon competitions at the olympic games in paris are in danger of being disrupted due to dirty water in the hay, the organizing committee is going to cancel the swimming part. e. coli was added to the bugs and rats, and the medals were not ready. but the mayor of the french capital continues to pretend that everything is in order. our european correspondent, anastasia popova, found out whether the problems will be patched up before the summer. 100 days to go, countdown, but at the same time, more and more stress to accept. since september
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2023, we have taken 14 samples, for twelve of them we received pollution levels higher threshold recommended by the ministry of health. an excursion to an underground city made of precise pipes of purification facilities is impressive, but how soon will everything start working and, most importantly, will the idea work so that the hay becomes clean? french journalists laugh as they imagine how athletes will be forced to swim in a river surrounded by garbage and feces. this is not swimming, but an obstacle race, you maneuver between a tire, a rental bicycle, a mafia corpse and come out of the water in such a state that you are ready to participate in the paralympic games. imagining how the mayor will emerge from such water paris and dalgo and president macron, both promised to take a bath in the hay, the journalists almost
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missed the point, the head. you know, that's one of the biggest challenges, when we decided to do this canopy competition, we knew it was going to be a big challenge. the opening ceremony will still not be canceled in the fall, although the security risks are unprecedented, as are the measures being taken. for the first time in history, the skies over paris will be closed to flights, and car traffic will be stopped almost everywhere in the city. during the competition, each the olympic site will be turned into a super-protected fortress, around which four security zones will be created at once, one of which, the red one, will be prohibited from entering by car and to get there you will need to present an identity document and a qr code. drones will be launched into the sky, and a record number of police officers and gendarmes will be deployed on the streets for such events. all of them had their vacations canceled in the summer. scale is
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a prime target for jihadist organizations. attacks were planned at almost every international competition, which, fortunately, were prevented. the ministry of internal affairs is purging the ranks of those who will provide security and logistics. more than one and a half hundred people have been identified who are on the list of those especially dangerous to the state, of which about a hundred are radical islamists. one of them was going to carry the olympic flame at one of the stages, his pass was canceled. since the beginning of the year, we have prevented two terrorist attacks, and over the past 15 days we have detained five people. all of france, churches, synagogues, tourist sites, sports facilities, all these are targets for terrorists. dress rehearsal for security services. today's champions league quarter-final between psg and barcelona. there are a thousand police officers around the stadium today. anastasia popova, lio bernacki, irina kudesova and evgeniy konanov. news: france.
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