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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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aviation and packed everything in full, delivered hundreds of soviet air defense systems and missiles to the enemy, everything they could from s-125 to s-300, and opened their warehouses. the americans gave the ukranazis the vaunted hesamc and petriot, the europeans, the aspits, the cratals and the irises. the dryers were so intoxicated by abundance that they literally buried gifts in the ground. i know for sure that we destroyed several cheetahs, but...
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the second reason is the competent actions of our aviation, when the west saturated ukraine with air defense systems, russian pilots simply changed tactics and ammunition. we have appeared. pubs with planning these
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shirts, in this case they begin to fly further and further, this time, to hit the target more accurately, in this case we almost do not enter the affected area, we drop it flies, there are still 20, 30 km, that’s already it is enough for you to perform an anti-missile or anti-aircraft maneuver and go to a low maximum altitude, well, the third reason for the anti-aircraft failure in so is the strength of russian weapons, it turned out that the best... the machines have very low effectiveness against relatively simple targets, aircraft missiles and drones, but that’s not so bad. europe and the united states are convinced that we have hypersound, which even in theory none of their systems can shoot down. and this dealt a blow not so much to vysu’s combat capability, but to the west’s desire to help kiev. that’s why give modern weapons worth billions to a proxy army if they will burn anyway. local air defense remained with the kiev one. only in
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the kiev area, as for other cities, they have an even more or less strong air defense system in lvov, but this is understandable, lvov, the spiritual center of bandera is not at all covered by air defense systems, kharkov, sumy is not covered, chernigov is not covered, not covered, the enemy has very few air defense installations left, the west is not eager to supply the kiev junti with more air defense installations, because ours . the vks finds them, destroys them, in the west they understand that soon, in principle, they themselves will have nothing left, and this will not help the kiev junti either, things are very bad, since even such russophobes as berbock are beginning to disown supplies, so said today in the bundestag, there are not enough patriots themselves, and the americans spoke even more clearly, the other day they announced the sale of air defense-related equipment to ukraine, not just launchers or radars, but repair kits for obsolete...
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m3 seven howitzer, made in the usa, gun d-20, self-propelled gun, carnation, three cars, dozens of militants. according to reports from the russian ministry of defense, these are the current losses of the ukrainian armed forces in the kherson direction of the special operation in the zone of responsibility of our dnepr group of troops. her fighters methodically knock out enemy artillery on the right bank, well, ukrainian drones fly in response, but their effectiveness is not as high as the kiev regime would like, mikhail androv will confirm. hello, dear, let's work today, a fighter with the call sign kuze with nata's equipment, for many years in his native village he worked on tractors and combines, it is not surprising that in the special operation zone he became a mechanic-driver of a tank of the sumrak battalion, the management says, almost the same, two levers, gearbox, gas, clutch, brake, everything, absolutely nothing complicated, that's just you can’t accelerate a tractor to 70 km/h, but... t72 b3
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is easy. this video was filmed by ukrainian drones, kuzy’s crew on a combat mission. jaga-jaga! yake garne vluchannya, vrahovuychi. the joy of the ukrainian armed forces soldiers changes. they kept trying to stop the car, as if they were constantly hitting the engine room, trying to stop it, then finishing it off. two mines on the starboard side, another kamikaze drone strike in the stern, but the tank still doesn’t care. on that day, recalls the commander with the call sign black, they worked with direct fire on the ukrainian armed forces’ support unit, fired nine artillery rounds, hit the target, watching, they saw that they struck. and were even able to return back, everyone was alive and well, so the tank had to be sent for repairs, the heroic crew was given a new one straight from the factory, today cherny, kuzi and yukos have another combat exit, before each departure, after each load you check the ballistics, how many shells are recorded , everything is recorded
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correctly, you look, you understand, here are the fragmentation ones, 13 pieces are recorded, the roar of the tank spreads around the circle and the formidable machine takes off. neither sand nor forest windbreaks are scary, it passes everywhere quickly and soft. the tank has left cover and is rushing at the highest possible speed through the forest, a closed firing position. today he will work along the right bank, in the fortified area of ​​the bsu. t-72b3 tanks are the most numerous in units located in the special operation zone, workhorses, reliable and powerful. along a suspended trajectory, the projectile hits targets at a distance of up to 11 km. the rate of fire is... eight rounds per minute, so the tank does not stay at the firing position for long, the rocket system will clear the fortified area of ​​the ukrainian armed forces hail, we rush to the firing position together with the platoon commander with the call sign cat, childhood was like that, nervous, cat, cat, cat vasily, cunning, probably because, i don’t know, that’s what my friends
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called me, that’s why it somehow stuck with me. through the windshield of the urals, he carefully monitors the sky, clutching the baplaa bulat detector in his hand. kamikaze drones fly along the entire front line in such clear weather. therefore, the calculation works quickly, it takes less than a minute to deploy the installation and aim at the target. two sighting, adjustment again deafening roar rockets. the ukhrep area has been completely defeated and now it is important to quickly leave the firing position. the uav detector beeps, enemy drones are already combing the forest plantation. at first it was a little, and then it was no longer scary, everything was automatic. weapons are ready, look at... the ural drives into a shelter, today we were lucky, but this does not always happen, here we see the battle scars left on the sides of the vehicle after a kamikaze drone strike. it was caught a little by shrapnel, the tank was cut, cut, the package of the upper pipe was slightly cut, but since we shot, we were the first
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shots came out from all the corpses, there were no radioactive shells there, so there was no detonation, the code laughs, if he had nine lives, now there are eight left, coherence and skill in calculation - after each launch he waits and worries for us that we are her we won't feed you. leonid muravyov and andrey potapov, conduct the kherson region. the investigation will request a preventive measure in the form of detention. news from the capital's main directorate on the case of zalina marshinkulova, who became a defendant in a criminal trial for public acquittal terrorism. pr woman. that she tried to make a career based on her ideas about feminism, has not lived in russia for a long time, so she was charged in absentia, as the investigative committee clarified, marshinkulova’s activity on social networks, specifically some publications in her telegram channel, in who actually found
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signs of sympathy for terrorists. in the near future, the accused faces not only arrest in absentia, but also being put on the wanted list. by the way, on the list of persons in whom russian law enforcement agencies are very interested. army to the very real justification of terrorism. in particular, there is a certain zalina marshenkulova, she considers herself a feminist, and is a defendant in a criminal case under the article on justification of terrorism. after the bloody terrorist attack against vladlen tatarsky in st. petersburg , she wrote a quote. this bandit
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was blown up today, and then she clarified that she doesn’t think there is a need to sympathize with the death of a cannibal and aggressor. this is what the curators from the soros foundations advised her to do.
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ash made it clear to her home on social networks that we are talking about russia, here is the publication daria against the backdrop of the burning kremlin, she does not hide the fact that she wants moscow to burn, she does not hide the fact that she wants the ssu to win, to continue shelling our cities, if she wants ashes for her home, then she still has to be ready for...
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sirenko herself says that she has a quote: her psyche has floated, so maybe then take a break for a while in political judgments and try, as they say, to put her head in place, otherwise her recent plans to be elected to the moscow city duma look strange in themselves , she wishes ashes for her home, she more than once she herself admitted that she has... mental problems, she is running from some imperials, from some patriarchal men, perhaps foreign agent mikhail zigor is running from patriarchal men, well, his husband is in berlin after all, so by the way, he is all according to the canons of western values, but zygor, of course, does not forget to think about russia in a negative way, regularly publishes fakes about our army, remember about bucha, foreign agent zygor, because he directly wrote that... these are supposedly russian troops they left the bodies of civilians all over the city.
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western intelligence services very much asked our opposition figures and extreme liberals, especially those who live in the countries of the european union in the west, to actively feed information to their readers and into the western media that russia is allegedly committing some kind of evil. extremists from the lgbt community, in fact, are characteristic of his manner. zygor is lying openly to a large audience, and now he’s accusing suvorov of punitive operations, a pseudo-historical project he started with his friends, foreign agents, it’s clear under whose order, oh, it wouldn’t cost us a lot of money, his pro-western pen, and that money is no longer coming from russia, but it was not possible to challenge the status of the agent, but now how can he not just do a pseudo-historical project and at the same time not return to russia, otherwise he is now wanted. when such a person crosses the border of the
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russian federation, he will be detained in addition to the federal search, we have an international search, and if an interpol warrant is issued, then this person will be detained and the issue of his extradition to the russian federation will be decided, therefore so they can wave a hand at us from abroad as much as they want, but the legal mechanisms exist, they work; criminal cases will certainly not cure the plague against an agent. but it is quite possible that they will be put into a stage of some kind of remission for the period of serving the sentence, which neither marchenkulova nor the foreign agent zygor serenk seems to be able to avoid. on one side there are cossacks, on the other there are guardsmen, paratroopers, and also partisans. exactly 80 years ago, the fascist invaders fled in horror from odessa after 3 years of occupation. the city near the black sea was liberated. the operation was led by odessa resident, army general ardeon malinovsky. during the battles. he managed to preserve the unique historical appearance of his small homeland, although the nazis even mined
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the famous opera house. the city is celebrating its historic anniversary under the new occupation, but ilya kanavin will tell you what odessa residents themselves are waiting for. dear fellow countrymen, my dear odessa residents, liberation, liberation, happy birthday to you, dear odessa, happy liberation day. he kept it as future evidence for the court, which he is convinced there will certainly be, but the current occupation must end, the imposition really
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is by force, threats and terrorism, there is no other way to call it, this is the humiliation of people, this is generally , well, how can i say it. people are not taken into account at all, now people don’t mean anything at all, this is an occupation, then on may 2 and odessa was broken, after all, yes, morality. 1944, diary of hitler's ally, romanian army sergeant constantin bazajan. on october 24 , women, girls and children were herded into large wooden sheds on the outskirts of the city in the area tram depot, a bus arrived with... everything, they screamed, cried, but everyone was burned. odessa was liberated by odessa resident marshal malinovsky. in russia, donbass was liberated, including by its troops. and for him, odessa, of course, was his beloved, dear city, which
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, no matter what, had to be liberated, but liberated in such a way as not to damage those historical buildings that were still under construction.
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the general went directly to the port facility, this is in odessa, along the street 17 soldiers of his subordinates himself ahead of lastochkin, they made their way secretly from the germans, and suddenly they felt cold. they took the port, waited for reinforcements, and finally drove the germans out of odessa, then from romania and beyond. the fighting went on for two weeks, and the operation was prepared for even longer, clearly and cleverly, devastatingly for the nazis. malinovsky is credited with the phrase: “i want to be greeted not with coffins, but with flowers.” he really skillfully achieved victories with minimal losses, and he liberated his hometown especially tenderly. ilya kanavin, dmitry arkhangelsky, elena erofeeva, lyubov lomanova, news. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. moths, but who is to blame?
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the notorious democracy? why are there only girls of easy virtue on the streets of saddle, other states are drowning depending on... alpha friday - supercake every week from alfabank, this friday, april 12, receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandexgo, and if there is no card, order a free alpha card and receive a supercake on alpha fridays, not just profitable, but profitable, tires can be found conveniently and quickly, there is a search by car brand on avito, when you talk about your desires, we hear we create. practical solutions so you can rely on us. moskvich 3 from rub 1,590,000. without additional conditions. now we have become
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dollars, but still didn’t understand why nothing had changed in many cities. quote from a washington post article about the problem of homeless people in california; in this state there are more than 170 thousand people, and this is a third of all american homeless people. to somehow clear the streets of poetry. this activity has revealed an alarming lack of transparency at all levels. it was discovered that for one homeless person, while an audit of everything, it is not always possible to track where the money was spent in general, in some cases on renting social rooms for the homeless it took only a little less than what would be needed to build a new house. in general, we can conclude that the so -called fight against vagabonds is a very profitable business, so the more degraded wards, the higher the profits. well , where there are homeless people, there are other problems
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of total poverty. which ones exactly, will anastasia ivanova tell you? residents of setlo have no time to sleep. the aromas of love have not beckoned for a long time, and the name of aurora makes you involuntarily roll your eyes and sigh with sadness. it's all about just one, the busiest city street, with romantic, it would seem... i saw prostitutes, i saw drugs, i saw homeless people, i call prostitutes. i've been seeing all this for a long time, i've seen pimps, preying on girls, until you get rid of these girls, no matter in a legal or illegal way, then nothing will change. has already become an unspoken calling card of the city, girls come to light from many states of america, hence the local showdowns where the police are afraid to get out, shootings of pimps at night,
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local residents are accustomed to the fact that... as holders brothels divide the territory of girls and how could the authorities of the settlement not reduce the number of motels, there is no less prostitution, they don’t know what else to do, not only is it a port city, but where there is burulit it’s just vital, it’s also populated black large percent black 10%, and latins, when it means liberals gained full power in the state and began to support the minority.
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cows, they sell it illegally, but still on every corner: 3 dollars per pill, and how many consequences, amputation of a limb, if you’re lucky, the addict’s brain cells don’t matter die faster. the same drug cartels, they earn billions of dollars by hooking americans, and the american market is the richest in the world, yes, the most lucrative, for all these drugs, well, that is, it’s like the drugs are flowing through the open southern border of the united states , well
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, this... well, there they are trying, of course , to at least somehow control the law enforcement agencies, but it doesn’t really work out, gradually this fintanyl fever is starting to cover western europe, that’s where they seem to be actively coming to scotland, to britain, the spread of the substance is so rapid that in the usa they began to create special places for controlled drug use in small doses, but the situation only got worse. supervised consumption sites reduce the use of emergency services, of course, if... you prevent someone from overdosing, they won't die, but they will continue to use, most likely somewhere else other than supervised sites, they will eventually overdose, but the determining factor is not the place of consumption, but what they generally become addicted to the use of deadly substances. indeed, where it all began, from the notorious democratic everything a person can do ended with tents with drug addicts , homeless people in large american cities and
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prostitution, if it ends yet. this is certainly a personal merit, and in quotes , biden and the regime that he established, including the democratic party and the handful of terrorists, scum, corrupt officials who have accumulated around biden today, on the other hand, this is global a process that even trump will not be able to change, he will be able to freeze for some time, maybe this process, but in general within 10-15 years we will see further complete collapse of american statehood, the american dream remains only under the influence of drugs, so ... washington, apparently, has not yet figured out what to do about this in reality.
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ukrainian terrorists dropped an explosive device from a drone onto a car in the kursk region. three people died, including two children. militants in the lugansk republic the ukrainian armed forces have opened a hunt for journalists. our colleagues, denis shum and artyom yundos, were injured and concussed. they were accompanied by an officer from the press service of the ministry of defense, evgeny polovodov. he died. and the attack by extremists, nikolai dolgachev and artyom yundos. every day the film crew reports news from lugansk. they go on military reporting, as we call them, to show the work of our combat units. today our reporters artyom yundes and denis shum were together with the tank crews of zapadne kreminnoe, accompanied by the press service officer of the ministry of defense evgeniy polovodova. major polovodov died. denis shum is now in a military hospital , artyom yundes, despite the concussion, found a shrapnel wound in himself.


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