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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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ukrainian terrorists dropped an explosive device from a drone onto a car in the kursk region. three people died, including two children. in the lugansk republic , vso militants opened a hunt for journalists. our colleagues, denis shum and artyom yundos, were wounded and concussed. they were accompanied by an officer from the ministry of defense press service, yevgeny polovodov. he died. about the attack of extremists, nikolai dolgachev and artyom yundas. lead the film crew every day. lugansk broadcasters go to
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war reports, as we call them, to show the work of our combat units. today our reporters artyom yundes and denis shum were together with the tankers west of kremennaya, accompanied by the press service officer of the ministry of defense evgeny polovodov. major polovodov died. denis shum is now in a military hospital with shrapnel wounds . artem yundes, despite the concussion, found the strength to work. describe the event of this day, which way is better? an enemy shell explodes, hot fragments scatter with a whistle, there are wounded, evacuation, enemy copters are in the sky, fighters are shooting at them, there are no birds, it’s unbearable.
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help, medics of the tank battalion of the thirty- sixth regiment are helping the wounded right on the move. the wounded and the body of the deceased officer were taken out. evgeny polovodov, our comrade, senior officer of the press center of the west group of forces. we don't have much footage of him, but he also reported from the front. evgeniy was sociable, knew how to joke, responsible, we respected him, he left behind a mother, a wife and a small son. officers of the information department and information support units of the armed forces risk their lives every day by organizing the work of journalists on the front line. but. so that
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people knew the truth about the war, knew about the work of our soldiers, he gave his life. artyom yundos, our correspondent, won’t tell much about himself, fearless, always ahead, helped with the evacuation of the wounded, will recover from a shell shock and go back into battle. operator denis shum underwent surgery, a fragment was taken out, now he remains in the hospital, losing comrades, friends with whom we work, when one of our colleagues is wounded, this... the russian army repelled 18 attacks in su, our units improved the situation on kupinsky, avdeevsky, donetsk and south donetsk directions. two combat assembly shops were destroyed.
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and eight other armored vehicles, as well as 17 self-propelled guns and artillery pieces, mostly american, polish and british made. air defense systems shot down 172 military drones. it's time to send ukraine to the front. their exemption from mobilization is an old-fashioned approach - this is a quote. this was stated by the gender adviser to the commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, oksana grigorieva. the ukrainian armed forces are suffering huge losses. the kyiv authorities want.
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head of the center staffing, someone i’ll explain from the point of view of a lawyer, they didn’t like this one or they just want, well , they can’t take someone’s property within their means, these fines, that is, they can impose these fines in unlimited quantities, the limited ones
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fit for service will be sent again for examination, all those liable for military service must clarify data in the shopping center, they assure that this is just a formality, but in practice, after such data reconciliations...
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the contract promises a certificate for the purchase of the vehicle and nothing that it may soon have to be equipped manually gearbox. at the same time, the bill exempts from mobilization, of course, employees of the national police, the prosecutor's office, the executive punishment service, managers, state and local government bodies, some civil servants, rada deputies and up to two of their assistants, and fair questions from ordinary ukrainians. i just have one more. a very big question: are you sitting there? the most important thing in the bill is that there is no demobilization; you must get into the armed forces of ukraine; you won’t be able to leave them. voting is expected in the second reading will happen tomorrow, some nordic deputies would like to see the commander-in-chief,
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the minister of defense and even zelensky obviously share responsibility for unpopular measures, but the desire of the ukrainian deputies is hardly equal to the desire of the above-mentioned officials. the authorities of the united states, germany and britain called russia a sovereign decision of kiev. they claim that they have nothing to do with this. this paradox and double standards of nato were pointed out by the member of the british house of commons, leader of the workers' party, george gelway. no one knows about nato's invasion of ukraine called it an invasion. it was called maidan, a kind of struggle for freedom. although this is a very specific struggle for freedom, it leads to the death of thousands and thousands of people. most of them are women and children whom the kiev regime has killed since 2014, since coming to power, as
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a result of a coup d'etat. and this regime continues to rain shells on the peaceful people of donbass. american -made artillery shells. supplied to the united states by western countries. russia will not retreat until these guns will be pushed back so far that they will not be able to fire at the ethnically russian population of ukraine. the united states should block all talk about ukraine's admission to nato, because it could lead to world war, said republican senator tomi taberauvil. he believes that the escalation of the conflict was caused by ill-considered actions of the white house. they know that we have been pushing ukraine towards nato since 2014. under president trump, this process was suspended, but then resumed.
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in the usa and other western countries is growing, but the zelensky regime continues not just to ask, but to demand money for weapons. ukrainian foreign minister dmitry kuleba, in an interview with the washington post, said that kiev knows exactly where it can get 100 anti-aircraft systems, and threatened to move from requests to the west to tough diplomacy, quote. what it will consist of, however, kuleba did not specify. good calm diplomacy didn't work, i feel. as if i were breaking through a wall with my own head, although i am a diplomat, which means that i should be dismantling this
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wall brick by brick, but since such type of diplomacy is not working, i am forced to hit the wall, i just don’t understand why nothing is working, the flood situation is tense and requires the most vigorous efforts from the local authorities. vladimir putin constantly receives up-to-date information, the head of the ministry of emergency situations checks the preparation of regions in the zone of increased...
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now the water in the ural river in the orsk region is gradually receding, but in orenburg it has risen to its maximum level in the entire history of observations. about the situation, margarita semenyuk. every 2 hours measurements every time the numbers are scary. even at night, the water level was almost 9.5 m, by the evening - 10 m and 22 cm. more than 300 houses were flooded during the day. it was very badly damaged and flooded more than 2 subways inside. basement, and the house itself has not yet, so to speak, reached the main house, but my basement
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is large, and there is more than two meters of water, so the guys asked, they say there will be even more water, more than 2000 houses in orenburg are under water, currently, a water-filling dam is being built in the city along the bed of the urals, flood control systems were brought on behalf of the minister of emergency situations russia alexander kurenkov, here we have already intercepted water, the equipment is working, now we have it. we will strengthen this dam and continue it further, respectively, upstream. we have also now received water-filling dams from the ministry of emergency situations, it will be located from the top of the dam, where it was apparently once damaged along the asphalt with an additional structure a meter high and, accordingly, to the point that will prevent us from getting water here to residential area. the situation is critical, the situation has been aggravated by continuous rain hydrometsi.
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i walked along the road here in a suit, now i can’t pass, in the morning i went to work in a suit, i went out, walked like this along this street, now i can’t pass. students from the orenburg state medical
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university took to the water in kayaks; if necessary, assistance will be provided and evacuated quickly. we are engaged in the tourism section. just one of our areas is kayaks, water trips, and we actually decided to show off our skills and abilities here. after snt and near the villages located, large water headed towards residential complexes, permanent buildings go under water. the station in orenburg is quite difficult, the water comes, and rapidly, but in order to get into the entrance, you need to overcome almost one and a half meters of water that came here. in almost a few hours, rescuers are working here now, trying to evacuate all the residents who are now blocked on the second floor, now you see what the entrance looks like, the first floor is practically found, well, because the guys are here, i’m just telling you, for this to evacuate you
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people function of temporary accommodation, where it is now as safe as possible, rescuers assure that the situation is... more than 2000 liters of drinking water were delivered to the flood zones to assist residents. the water level is rising and may affect new areas; all emergency services are working around the clock in enhanced mode. margarita semenyuk, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov, lead orenburg. well, in the kemerovo region on the tom river, an ice drift
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tore down a pantoon bridge on which people were at that moment. everyone was evacuated, no one was injured. crossing was officially closed, but local residents still used it. the prosecutor's office is conducting a pre-investigation; in total , about thirty residential and ten country houses were flooded on the toym river due to ice jams. vladimir putin instructed to ensure equalization of social support measures in different regions of russia. the president discussed this issue with the head of the ministry of labor anton katyakov. also in the spotlight is the assignment of pensions to residents of new regions and...
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the electronic format of documents has allowed us to significantly reduce the time required to carry out medical and social examination, today it does not exceed 10 working days, and for certain categories of citizens, for ji participants, especially if a person has an emputation, we have reduced it to three working days. i would like to say that starting from 1924, all social support measures that are provided for by federal law.
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estonia copied the law of the third.
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if the council of the european union approves the laws, filtration camps for migrants will appear in the eu. illegal immigrants will be fingerprinted, even children as young as 6 years old. opportunity receiving asylum will be sharply reduced, those who are still recognized as refugees will be distributed across all eu countries, in accordance with quotas. states that refuse to accept them will have to pay compensation. but poland has already announced that it is not going to accept refugees and pay a fine either.
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uziyu, under heavy security , decided to go through the back door to the meeting with the mayors. the autonomy considers all attempts by the moldovan authorities to sever relations with russia a huge mistake. at the same time, the head of gagauzia, evgenia gutsul, is now in moscow. oh what natalya solovyova will tell you that she managed to reach an agreement to help her. we demand that you let us see the president. dozens of police barely contain the crowd. the capital of gogauzia is buzzing like a disturbed hive in the chambers. the president of moldova arrived under heavy security. because she is afraid to simply go out quietly
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and communicate with people, she is afraid of people, she is afraid of her own people. and so the visit to the autonomy was either announced or cancelled, clearly trying to confuse people, but people found out anyway. hundreds of gogauzes came to the building of the local university, where there was a meeting of the head of state with measures has been announced. for the sake of relations, chisinova have the right to ask. nev is serious about the development of gagauzia and the well-being of gagauzia. moldova's accession to the european union is very beneficial for the whole
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of moldova, including gagauzia. for gagauzia, the benefit is not so obvious that chisinau is ready to force the comrade into the european family. the autonomy is actually deprived of economic independence, suffers colossal losses, and its funding is cut off. the authorities of gagauzi are forced. 200 euros per month, and for utilities received last year this 22-2 year received
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300 to 400 euros. mayas planned her visit to gagauzia so as not to meet with the head of the autonomy. evgenia gutsol in moscow discusses export benefits, discounts on gas, access to the world payment system, which is obviously closer to the gogauz people than europe, which is why even the flag of the european union is special. posted on the facade of the university, caused indignation, visiting security forces use brute physical force against peaceful people who simply want to ask questions to the authorities of the republic of moldova, and the european flag, which they arbitrarily raised in kamrat, is a spit in the soul of the gogauzes, we are the gogauzes, the main patriots of moldova, we love this country, but the authorities treat us like... comrat and chisinau
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are subject to discussions about a possible merger. complex, there are low clouds, light rain periodically falls, hundreds of spectators froze in anticipation of the first launch of the heavy-class launch vehicle angara a5, from the civilian vostochny cosmodrome, silence falls, the command to cancel the launch is heard over the loudspeaker. the start cancel command was issued at 12:01 p.m. moscow time and at 18:01 local time. previously, as reported by roscosmos, the launch was postponed to april 11. let me remind you that angara is again a heavy-class rocket, which
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should replace... the m proton, a carrier powered by toxic heptyl. the new russian development uses environmentally friendly steam oxygen and kerosene. and from this start the tests of the amur space rocket complex should begin. its peculiarity is that it is universal. from here, in the future, rockets with different modifications of upper stages will be able to take off, in including those based on hydrogen fuel. the head of roscosmos, yuri borisov, made a statement regarding the current situation. we are at the initial stage of flight testing. okraamur, this stage is precisely intended to identify all the nuances that are possible, which nuances are of a production nature, design nature, technological or operational, so for developers canceling a launch for technical reasons is a fairly common occurrence. this is the second launch postponement in a row. the start was stopped the day before automation. during the examination, it turned out that the cause was abnormal operation
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of the drain valve. by april 9th ​​it is. analysis, preliminary analysis of telemetry, this is a failure in the engine start control system. most likely this is a software error that will certainly be found today. irreversible processes requiring dismantling of the rocket did not occur, therefore, let’s say, with a high probability, after the conclusion of all... analysis of all the nuances of the conclusion of the state commission, we will first repeat the launch attempt tomorrow at the same time time. experts say that postponing launches is a common practice for the world astronautics, especially when it comes to testing. i would note that it is very important that all these malfunctions and failures are caught by the automatic system, because it is worse when this all happens, an accident during the flight, when
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