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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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is just a click away. thanks to tight monetary policy, the peak of inflation in russia remained behind, the head of the central bank, elvira nabiulina, stated this when presenting the annual report of the security council for the twenty-third year to the state duma. the bank of russia began raising the key rate in july 2023, and as a result , in december the figure reached 16%. the regulator will begin to reduce the rate when it is convinced, i quote, that the slowdown in inflation has gained the required speed and inflation expectations are returning to normal, elvira nabiulina said. let me remind you that the next meeting on monetary policy will be held on april 26. the peak of inflation is behind us if we look at current growth. prices, that is, from month to
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month, it is clear that from july to november this annualized figure was double-digit, inflation pressure was very strong, in december-january it decreased noticeably and is now about 6%. and if we had not raised the key rate, then inflation would have been much higher than the 7.4% that we received at the end of last year, moreover, it would have continued to accelerate and... now in the fall there were many fears that the increase in the key the rates put an end to the economy, the head of the central bank noted, but they did not materialize. at the end of last year, gdp grew by 3.6%. and operational indicators show that in the first quarter of this year the economy continues to grow, and at a high rate. monitoring of more than ten thousand enterprises carried out by the regulator shows that business, despite the high rate, is actively making expansion plans.
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to support the market, the bank of russia proposes to increase insurance for long-term deposits from 3 years to 2 million rubles. with current 1.4 million, and for irrevocable certificates up to 2.8 million rubles.
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the regulator also considers it necessary to reduce banks’ contributions to the insurance system so that they can offer more favorable conditions for depositors. regarding the situation in the mortgage market, every second borrower in the country , according to the central bank, is heavily overleveraged. in the fourth quarter of last year, 45% of borrowers received a mortgage with the prospect that they would have to spend more than 80% of their income on payments. the price gap between primary and secondary housing. the head of the central bank emphasized: it is necessary to move from mass preferential mortgages to targeted ones, and the central bank is now participating in such work. another topic that elvira nabiulina touched upon was the development of non-cash payments, as well.
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the central bank expects that the law on credit holidays will help people; hundreds of requests have already been received from victims, banks have managed to issue more than 200 credit holidays. the regulator recommended considering the application in a simplified manner, understanding that people now have no time to collect certificates. in part combating unfair schemes for the sale of financial products. the bank of russia advocates increasing fines for banks for dishonest enrichment and deceiving clients, up to 1% of
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modern zimbabwe, africa, preserved identity, or rather, a country that is regaining itself. the once british colony goes its own way, no longer looking back at the decisions of the crowns. kharaar seems to be an ever-boiling capital with an ordinary one.
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a hurricane will hit or it won’t, so it’s hard to argue that fertilizer is decisive, for the farmer it’s most important how quickly the fruits ripen in six months or in 3 months, the significance and difference is extremely significant, especially at this time in africa it’s autumn, moreover , it was arid, there was little rain, the harvest in this year and... will be rich, without fertilizers it would be very bad,” says vyzdom, he is just an ordinary guy from a local village,
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who 10 years ago got a job on a farm and trained as an agronomist. we planted this corn at the beginning of november, after 3 months we are already getting a harvest, if we do not apply fertilizers, it may turn out that there are not enough nutrients in the soil for the plants to grow. how to help the poorest develop what they do best while at the same time preventing famine from happening, a solution is proposed by the russian side. friendship between moscow and harar is based on gestures, in these bags there is help for the simplest citizens of the country, here is wheat, here is fertilizer, very soon they will go to ordinary households where they will provide real help, here we look at the slogan: our friend in any weather, and this the real attitude of the zimwobians.
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time, in this way we will be able to produce large volumes of wheat for the winter season. thanks to these supplies , we will be able to increase our productivity by at least 25 hectares. fertilizers that transferred.
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zimbabwe was taken from belgium and latvia, with the assistance of the un they were taken to mozambique and from there they were sent by land transport to this african country. both of these supplies are now extremely relevant, thanks to them we will be able to expand our production area by at least 2,500 hectares. with 2500 hectares we will be able to produce at least 250. tons of wheat, therefore. it's not just 23,000 tons of fertilizer, it's actually 250,000 tons of grain that you provided to our country, and we are grateful for that. previously, these fertilizers were blocked in european ports, there were about 300,000 tons of products, which are gradually being sent to various countries in need. thanks to the interaction of private business with the un
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, farmers in kenya, malawi, and nigeria are already using free russian fertilizers. in total, we have supplied more than 100-130,000 tons of humanitarian fertilizers to africa, and 111,00 tons of these fertilizers were supplied in close cooperation with the united nations world food program, our corporate motto, because everyone needs food, when we say everyone, we mean absolutely everyone, including and especially those who most urgently need it. thanks to russian fertilizers, farmers will be able to get more harvest, improve their often difficult financial situation, in general this is a significant contribution to food security, which is why the transfer ceremony was in the interests of the emersons; the event, frankly, was solemn, it began with a dance by the leader of the republic. cooperation with russia
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is not new for us; zimbabwe once was. independence, therefore relations with russia are not new for us, they are historical and revolutionary. as for wheat, russia supplied 2,000 tons of grain free of charge to six african countries, 50 thousand tons were sent to somalia and the central african republic, 25 thousand were sent to mali, burkenafasso, eritrea and zimbabwe. nikolai krosilnikov, the russian ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary to zimbabwe, participated in the transfer of grain. . the diplomatic line of dialogue is expanding thanks to honest and open contacts and the desire to find common ground mutual assistance. russia has demonstrated not only to zimbabwe, african countries, but to the whole world that we are ready to help those who
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need our support. russia keeps its word, this is a very important contribution to ensuring food security in zimbabwe. part of the russian grain will go to this flour mill. the largest in the country. a variety of flour products are made from it, but this is not the main thing. once upon a time, zimbabwe was a country literally the breadwinner of its neighbors. and now, solving your food security issues, which... of course, there is other work being done to regain our former name and title as an exporter. in the mukul workshops , grain is grinding non-stop, they show us the process , they place a special emphasis on quality, what fractions they process, where the flour is then sent, the process of sorting and shipping to the store,
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here they can produce about 200 currents every day. this is for local consumption. as soon as we have a surplus of production, we can start exporting it. our products are popular in the region, especially in southern africa, e.g. batswana, zambia, there are a lot of zimbabweans there, they like to buy the same products that they buy here. russian supplies of grain to a country that does not experience critical problems with growing this crop will help local producers quickly build work, and therefore contribute to strengthening the economy, he explains. high in gluten, so we always import 30% of our total wheat needs. to understand how
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important such assistance is, you need to know the economic abyss zimbabwe is emerging from. in the country there are western sanctions that are well known to russia, which are systematically extended every year. these restrictions have led to disastrous consequences. in 2008 , hyperinflation reached its peak. and there are already very rare specimens, as we were told at 10 trillion dollars in 100 trillion dollars. and before , it was possible to buy something with this wave of currency, it became cheaper at the speed of paper, in fact, now it is also, as many people say in candy wrappers, because pay attention to where we are, this is
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a regular market, these are the banknotes here in fact, they are already selling exactly like a commodity, in zimvab itself you can freely pay only with the american dollar, it was practically impossible to buy anything with a multi-trillion dollar bill, these problems appeared at the beginning of the century, then already independent... zimbabwe decided to return the land to its citizens, which was still with since the time of colonization, it was under the control of the british. of course, the british did not like this, they tried to force the forces to their will, sanctions, and were still unsuccessful. the west has always been wrong to use sanctions against zimbabwe. it started in 2000 , when we returned our land and were able to use it ourselves. they were not happy about this, especially the british, and mobilized the entire western world.
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those were the dreams of the united states and its satellites when they introduced restrictions against russia. during the toughest days for the zimbabwean economy, such as when its currency became worth less than the paper on which it was printed, the time had come to pay its external obligations. so, in order to pay off the external debt, china had to send about 130 elephants and 50 lions. at first. march, the united states imposed personal sanctions against the president of zimbabwe. even in his youth, he literally fought for independence; now the melitsa does not intend to put pressure on him.
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a group of the us agency for international development, or usaid, who supposedly supervised democracy in the country, but in fact simply tried to interfere in the internal affairs of zimbabwe, expelled employees from the country. during the ceremony of handing over the fertilizer grains, nangagwa said bluntly: “they were told not to do business with russia.” both our countries, zimbabwe and... russian federation continue to be the target of illegal sanctions imposed by the western hegemon. russia, during this period, was a reliable and independent ally of the people of our country. russia is under sanctions, zimbabwe is under sanctions. someone says there is no need to engage in dialogue with each other. what nonsense. we should talk to each other as much as possible. zimbabwe remembers well what kind of state it was and wanted to plunge the entire supposedly civilized world into that very
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stereotypical africa, where there is only garbage and nothing, where there is no education, no industries, nothing to help this country get closer to such a high status of the western ideal society, but the reality is completely different, today zimbabwe is full of strength to be active.
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waste will be able to generate electricity, and what cannot be recycled will be carefully buried, so as to reduce the impact on the environment to almost zero. we are not used to seeing such an africa, or rather, we are not used to showing such an africa to us by those same western media. now this businessman is looking for investors, including in russia. after i'm done work on this project, i want to switch to other cities, i also need to reach the regional and then national level. the development of business relations between russia and zimbabwe has a great future, thanks to the heads of our states. as entrepreneurs, it is important for us to collaborate, exchange ideas, and exchange technologies. the two approaches are so different, where the west, having lost its influence, is trying to strangle the country using all possible levers, and russia, which is building partnerships, relying on mutually beneficial projects, mutual assistance and respect, different
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paths. and the results leave a rhetorical question: what approach to shaping a shared world is fair?
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in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine, became an ordinary police psychologist, i’ll kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, valera is in the most dangerous place for you together, survive the predator, what else , it will hurt. they say that you people
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know how to look right into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look into application or on the website, ukrainian terrorists dropped an explosive device from a drone onto a car in the kursk region. three people died, including two children. in the lugansk republic, militants in the special operations forces opened a hunt for journalists. our colleagues, denis shum and artyom yundos, were injured and concussed. they were accompanied by an officer from the press service of the ministry of defense, evgeny polovodov. he died. and the attack by extremists, nikolai dolgachev and artyom yundos. every action.


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