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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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vulnerable to drones. an example of military-technical ingenuity in the square is our t-72, which is called a completely covered metal box; not a single drone can reach it, they simply break into this impressive armored capsule against this screen, which, in addition , turns the damage to the armored vehicle received in battle into an advantage. according to the primary source, this tank was damaged, its turret rotation mechanism was destroyed. he could not rotate the turrets and fire fully, it was decided to make something like this, roughly speaking, a massive visor covering the tank from all sides in order to use it as such a means of breaking through and guiding an armored group, in fact, which it coped with with dignity, that is, it is such a ram, so to speak, can be seen in fast forward, the tank rides ahead, at the head of the armored group, taking drone strikes itself, it can also shoot, although only forward.
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well, behind him, through enemy fire, through the rings of explosions, comes another of our equipment, carrying out a combat mission near krasnogorovka, these are northern marinkas. the tank was equipped, equipped with a very large king screen, king mangalo. and as we can see from the video, in general the idea worked. the danger from drones, as well as the danger from a number of enemy anti-tank missile systems. the same belted jevelins, which have an attack mode from above, forced our armed forces to think about protecting tanks from attacks from above even before the start of a special military operation, as combat operations have shown, such screens are quite justified, yes, they have taken root well; front-line humor is of course indestructible , inscription on on the side of this king of the barbecue, close it behind you, well, why is it actually called a barbecue, because that’s
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what they called protection from drones at the front, a very characteristic look, a canopy on four supports, really reminiscent of a barbecue, this is what one of them looked like first, the ukrainian media and western media laughed at the russian idea, but drones crash into the bars without causing harm to the tower, where is the thinnest armor? in fact, this became the key incentive for the creation of all these barbecue-shaped structures, and, accordingly, further the development of all sorts of things like this is almost like a hangar themselves... tank barbecues above them, of course, giggled and laughed, but nevertheless, the tank’s chances of survival are much higher, the ukrainian media segment is no longer laughing, but is talking about how effectively the tanks are protected turtles, they are talking about our barbecues and about the rap from their fpv drones, and why , it would seem, is there much to talk about, when tsakhal entered the gas sector without barbecues, the famous israeli merkava tank immediately received... a reset from the copter to the tower remember
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what was the name, in fact, then the israeli army urgently took a visor, equipped its tanks with bars, following the example of ours, attached metal anti-drone barbecues to the equipment, and now it is dusting along the road with protection, without being embarrassed by anything, but kiev, kiev has a completely different approach, on the leopards, which burn so brightly after being hit by our lancets, on the abrams, which burn in the same way,
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okay, no need to put on barbecues, let the abrams and leo force naked at the front, we will hit more, even through the so-called knockout panels that cover ammunition western armored vehicles, no matter. they burn for a sweet soul. the presence of these same knockout panels does not allow the towers of the abrams and leopards to be closed from above with those same barbecues, well , simply for the reason that if the kickout panels are triggered, there is simply nowhere for them to fly out. but our tanks leave the factory with visors. the tower seems to be under a corrugated metal roof, or there is also a net around it going to the front, maybe right where the t-70 was spotted. with an impenetrable royal screen, an adequate response to the challenges of modern warfare, when invented assembled, as they say, on the knee, by the kulibins, the grill becomes a serial tool, but it’s not for nothing that kiev has laughter stuck in its throat, it’s easy to get confused in the facts
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when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a deepfake. thanks to a tough monetary policy, the peak of inflation in russia is behind us, as stated by the head of the central bank, elvira nabiulina, when presenting the annual report of the security council for the twenty-third year to the state duma. the bank of russia began raising the key rate in july 2023 and as a result, in december the indicator reached 16. the regulator will begin to reduce the rate when it is convinced, i quote, that the slowdown in inflation has gained the required speed, and inflation expectations are returning to normal, elvira nabiulina said. let me remind you that the next meeting on monetary policy will be held on april 26. the peak of inflation is
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behind us; if you look at the current price growth, that is, from month to month, you can see that this indicator is from july to november. the account for the year was double-digit, inflationary pressure was very strong, in december-january it was noticeable decreased now is about 6%. and if we had not raised the key rate, inflation would have been much higher than the 7.4% that we received at the end of last year. moreover, it would continue to accelerate now. in the fall, there were many concerns that raising the key rate would put a cross on the economy, the head of the central bank noted, however. they didn't come true. at the end of last year, gdp grew by 3.6%. and operational indicators show that in the first quarter of this year the economy continues to grow, and at a high rate. monitoring more than tens of thousands of enterprises carried out by the regulator
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shows that business, despite the high rate, is actively making plans to expand production. the business climate index is at a twelve-year high. in addition, the high key rate led to an increase in... rubles. an additional effect of a higher rate is that it contributes to a more stable ruble exchange rate. to support the market, the bank of russia proposes to increase insurance for long-term deposits from 3 years to 2 million rubles. from the current 1.4 million and for irrevocable
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certificates up to 2.8 million rubles. also regulator considers it necessary to reduce banks' contributions to the insurance system so that they can offer more favorable conditions. for investors. as for the situation on the mortgage market, every second borrower in the country, according to the central bank, is heavily overleveraged. in the fourth quarter of last year, 45% of borrowers received a mortgage with the prospect that they would have to spend more than 80% of their income on payments. the gap between prices for primary and secondary housing also continued to grow. the head of the central bank emphasized: it is necessary to move from mass preferential mortgages to targeted ones, and the central bank is now involved in such work. another topic that elvira nabiulina touched upon was the development of non-cash payments, as well as payments in national currencies. the exchange of financial information within the country has switched mainly to our system for transmitting financial messages; internal russian exchange via swift has been completely stopped. spfs has become much
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more actively used for external calculations. in total, more than 160 foreign participants joined our system. from twenty countries. in addition, we expanded correspondent network with banks from friendly countries, continued to create conditions for settlements in national currencies, they now make... 2/3 of payments for exports and imports, the dollar and euro have ceased to be the main currencies in russian foreign trade. elvira nabiulina also did not ignore the topic of floods in the orenburg region. the central bank expects that the law on credit holidays will help people. hundreds of requests have already been received from victims. banks managed to issue more than 200 credit holidays. the regulator recommended considering the application in a simplified manner, realizing that people now have no time to collect information. as part of the fight against unfair schemes for the sale of financial products, the bank of russia advocates increasing fines for banks
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for dishonest enrichment and deceiving clients up to 1% of capital, said the chairman of the central bank.
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let's tell you how this day is remembered in history right now. hello. on april 11 , 1814, in the suburbs of paris at the fontainebleau palace , an agreement was signed to deprive napoleon bonaparte of power. the agreement was signed by his authorized representatives, marshals michel ney and alexander macdonald and duke armande calincourt. from russia, austria and prussia, count karl nesselrode, prince clement son of metternich and baron karl von hardenberg. napoleon and his wife marie luisi were generously allowed to retain their titles of emperor and empress, but were barred from ever ruling france, as were all members of their family. then napoleon took possession of the island of elba in the mediterranean sea. the island became a sovereign
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state with its own flag, international recognition, and an army of 400 people. having spent the winners of this treaty were not signed by the british. they always considered napoleon not an emperor, but a usurper and feared his return. elbe is close to france. it so happened that less than a year later bonoparte violated the terms of the contract and returned. he ruled in france for 100 days. but was again defeated and sent into exile again. this time further away, to st. helena island, and now forever. on april 11, 1856, emperor alexander ii spoke in moscow before the leaders of the capital and provincial nobility. it is believed that from this event the era of great reforms began in russia, the main of which was, of course, the abolition of serfdom. the defeat in the crimean war showed. russia's economic and technical backwardness and serfdom were the main obstacle to development. the autocrat understood
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this, but did not want to spoil relations with the local nobility and called for cooperation. to begin with, he calmed those gathered and denied rumors about his intention to give freedom to the peasants. and then he nevertheless admitted that sooner or later this could not be avoided and emphasized that - quote: it’s better begin to destroy serfdom from above, rather than wait for the time when... it begins to destroy itself from below. in conclusion, the king asked to think about how to bring all this to fruition. the very next year , elected committees of noble landowners began to be created in all provinces to develop practical proposals; in february 1861, alexander signed a manifesto on the abolition of serfdom. on april 11, 1940, 11 german planes bombed the village of nyberksund in norway to... destroy king hakon vi, his family and government. the nazis invaded this country 2 days earlier
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. the norwegian army could not resist and soon capitulated, but haakon refused to accept the german ultimatum to appoint the fascist leader quistling as prime minister. the hunt for the king began. first, together with crown prince olaf, ministers and members of parliament, hakon hid in the city of elverm, then in nybergsund. they were warned about the raid so as not to get bombed. skied to the west coast, the king was almost 70, but he survived the difficult journey. british cruiser transported the fugitives to tramseo, which became the temporary capital of norway. then the king. they took him to london, and after the war he ruled the country for another 12 years. exactly 60 years ago, on april 11 , 1964, the premiere screening of the film that became a legend, “i walk through moscow,” took place. at first , screenwriter gennady shparikov had only one episode: a girl walking in the rain. and then, together with director georgy daneli, they
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built the whole picture. by the way, the girl was played by three actresses, and only the legs of the third were filmed. and simply because neither one nor the other came the next day of filming. the plot of the film seems to be simple: four young people walk around the city, talk, joke, fool around, fall in love. the result is a portrait of the generation of the sixties, captivating with its sincerity, a surprisingly bright, joyful movie, permeated. famous after that. the music for the film was written by andrei petrov, the song about moscow, lyrics by shpalikov, became one of the symbols of the capital. and i’m walking, walking around moscow, but i can still walk through the golden wild ocean,
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the tundra and the taiga. the film is still 60 years old today. afterwards it’s impossible to tear yourself away. this is what this day in history was like.
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stand, who are they, newbies, this is with me, a passenger, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why is adam and not adam, i am a chechen, an artist, white roses, can you, i can, will you sing somehow, brusey, lively, we don’t need names, don’t bother her, or what? not yours, well, you, daisy, light of god, gomen to the machine gun, there is something to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing to rebina's call sign, no, this is my brother's call sign, you remain a passenger, that's right, from
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april 1, the rules for redevelopment of apartments have changed, and the very concept of redevelopment has become broader, and during the introduction we will tell you the instructions in the program in 5 minutes. amendments to the housing code and the law on state registration of real estate are coming into force. now, what will now be classified as redevelopment as everything that changes the boundaries of the area of ​​premises, for example, combining or dividing rooms, arranging a storage room or vice versa, demolishing a built-in closet for redevelopment relocation of doorways and windows is covered, if this can be done without compromising... the strength of the entire house, if there is a threat to the strength, of course, nothing can be done. the main change is that now redevelopment requires changes to the information in the unified state register of real estate, that is, previously, based on the results of redevelopment, changes were required only to the technical passport of the premises,
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which are drawn up by technical registration authorities. that is, for example, the bti bodies, now based on the results redevelopment, the authorities that carry out approvals in the city of moscow, this can be an inspection, will send documents to the rosreestr to make changes just to the information in the real estate register, so in order to coordinate the redevelopment you need to collect several documents, the most basic two: firstly, the redevelopment plan , and secondly, the special statement, the form can be found on portals dedicated to this issue, it is standard. the minimum is enough if your house is not considered an architectural monument, the apartment you are owned and not socially hired. plus the redevelopment itself does not affect the common property in an apartment building, if there are such issues, you will have to collect more documents, for example, if we are talking about
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adding part of the common staircase to the apartment, then you will need a protocol of the general meeting with a positive decision, that’s just the main innovation will be that when submitting an application for execution of an act... it will be necessary to attach, if redevelopment has been carried out, it will be necessary attach a technical plan prepared by a cadastral engineer, that is, we separate two documents: the first document is a redevelopment project, it can only be prepared by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who are members of self-regulatory organizations in the field of design and construction, a technical plan, it can only be prepared by cadastral engineers who are also, well... members of their self-regulatory organizations. some municipalities still require title documents or technical passport for the apartment, but in many
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cities the procedure is simplified as much as possible. for example, in moscow, approval is carried out by the moscow housing inspectorate, which itself will request documents from the necessary departments. the state services portal provides the opportunity to submit an application electronically or make an appointment. here a lot depends on the specific local authority, which... is responsible for redevelopment, the authorities according to the regulations have 45 days to agree with the plan or refuse and another three days to send the decision made to the applicant, usually through the mfc or directly to the personal account at public services, if the municipality has such an opportunity, to find out whether it is possible to approve your redevelopment, since there are a lot of building sanitary and hygienic legal standards, it is very difficult to figure it out on your own, you should pay attention to:
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after notification, you should be visited by the acceptance committee, which will draw up a report stating that everything was done according to plan, then within five working days the municipality itself must send the necessary documents to the rosregister, so that he makes the necessary changes to his database, precisely from the day the data is entered into the real estate register.
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it is possible to save it in a redeveloped form, this is the first possibility, the second possibility, which is allowed by the supreme court, in the case of unauthorized redevelopment, you can approve it in the municipality after the fact. so, let's repeat the main thing: since april 1 , the concept of redevelopment has expanded; it includes everything that changes the shape of the room and requires a change in the technical plan of the apartment. locals are responsible for approval authorities. the application must be reviewed within 45 days, and the finished work must be accepted a maximum of a month in advance. redevelopment is considered completed from the date the information is updated in
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the state real estate register. if you want to learn more about government services related to apartment renovation or which house can be considered residential and which not, write to us in the telegram channel, send your questions, we will ask experts and we will tell you everything in the next issues of our program. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, set a fire. russia, russia,
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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neither geography nor place in the world.


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