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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

3:30 am
welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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this is the main one in this world, as soon as you even feel that you are weakened, you have problems, you start to behave not like the main one, even without having the same power, then this is gorbachev, that’s it, a superpower, one of the two superpowers, behaved as if we were already powerless, and then everything fell apart, which means i first defend churchel, after all, firstly, very briefly, the collapse of the colonial system, including the british empire, is not churchill’s merit and not his mistake, this is an objective process , by the way, the soviet union with all its successes contributed a lot there, maybe something else could have been extended, but by god the main one came up with the idea back in 1818, we’re not talking about the russian empire, it was an objective process, it appeared.
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for the english theater, that’s why it’s another matter, i’m amazed at how they worship, with a rather ordinary face, princess diana, we always remembered her as a beauty, well, it’s even funny to call diana a beauty against the background of russian women there, but this worship exists, it’s some kind of your story, relationship, attitude, yes, half of them now don’t even know who she is, the relationship is a relationship, but my team doesn’t discuss at all whether she’s a beauty or not, that’s what i imagine, i now come up and say: “diana, the beauty is not so, about the admiration for, dina beauty, regarding the attitude towards the british, no, because excuse me, it happened before, but if we take pavel, he didn’t have any, he had completely different ones, he had prussia, well
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, just a little excuse me, but anglophilia appeared relatively recently, and then when we are talking about the russian aristocracy, in general, politely speaking, they had a difficult attitude towards the british, except for those ideas that, on their order, destroyed the empire there, so well , they killed paul i, what kind of adoration there was, there was no adoration, complete traitors and a tragic fate nicholas ii.
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politics, he committed genocide, when how many people died in india from famine provoked by churchill’s unreasonable policies, who used chemical weapons in afghanistan, churchill, relations so that colonies do not feel like colonies, when he is organizing genocide on genocide, then he is helping the national liberation movement to grow there, this is cherchal’s personal fault, excuse me , there was genocide during the second world war in india, there was, we still have anglophilia, and people say, we were at reception with the queen, then he will begin to describe, the second... what i want to say is that the king needs to go back, don’t think that, especially since there is already a king, yes, that everything will be like this slowly, gradually, the american empire will go away just like that so, somewhere with blood, somewhere without blood, rapidly, at
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one, at some point, a process will begin, a rapid collapse, as always happens in world history, and the question is who will fill this vacuum, i don’t know what the chinese are talking about. i’m interested in the european region, it’s this pathetic province, what province, send troops, but don’t send anyone, our traffic police system, don’t, prepare contour maps, the arabs will handle everything, don’t bother them, it’ll start to crumble, it’ll start to crumble, well, good turks.
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to the west, to the specialists in the west, but he says now about the fact that the constitution needs to be changed to something more approximately for russia, which means it will happen soon, yes, but just don’t expect that there will be an estate, because the estate has also accelerated, there is an estate, they are not needed, they exist, they are present in life , the question is about their representation, and which composition is which?
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composition. fedor mikhailovich dostoevsky. it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear who were called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is birthday inogent. these same people, there is no reason to lead them. they are enemies, but they are pathetic. we are focused and angry. they seem to keep all their shares in the west, and many of them have property, funds invested, do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain
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agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law, this victim turned out to be me. today , our colleagues from the branch came under fire from the ukrainian nazis under kremena.
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i won’t name him, because it’s not a fact that his family already knows, and god forbid if they find out from the air. the major died, his arm was torn off, his chest was torn apart. he died on the spot, a young guy, i worked with him, i knew him, this is the third officer who serves with igor evgenevich konoshenko, who died helping our colleagues fulfill their professional duty, so that the citizens of russia and those people in the world have the opportunity to watch our programs, knew the truth, now myself...
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the work of journalists, there is the work of press service officers, real heroes who risking themselves, they often save the lives of journalists, being responsible for each of us, and sometimes it costs them their lives, they never run when the shelling starts, their task is to save us, show us where to move, they are real russian officers. real heroes, and the ukronazis, well, for them it’s
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happiness if you put on yourself, god forbid , the designation of the press, but consider it like drawing a target on yourself, that is, for them our word is terrible, that’s why they are hunting for our military officers, that's why they hunt for media in the territory.
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so much money has already been spent on ukraine that many americans have a question: is it worth it? we spent $300 billion on ukraine in 2014. does this seem right to you? i know it's not your turn, um, in my opinion, this is really a lot, for several years we allocated about 300 million a year to ukraine, and in the last 2 years about 40, so if you are talking about the government as a whole, then this may be true, but for the ministry of defense this is a lot. yes, my employees have studied this issue, according to their best estimates, it is about 300 billion. now we printing or borrowing $80,000 per second, $4.6 million per minute.
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they didn’t get it, well, they won’t get it, but they do get coffins, in america there are more and more coffins, us cemeteries are keeping an eye on the european ones, they are covering the grave.
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more than 1,100 americans, almost 500 of them have already been liquidated, this is a given, this must be understood, why americans are dying on ukrainian soil, well, probably for what marjari teilar green very accurately defined
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as the war against christianity. let's talk about what it really is. this is a war against christianism, ukrainian the government is attacking christians, the ukrainian government is executing priests, russia is not doing this, they are not attacking christianity, in fact they seem to be defending it, this is something else that is clearly obvious to many people who are watching closely what is happening. this, by the way, is a very difficult approach. not many people understand what she is talking about, but the next question will be, who is involved in ukraine? they will not find christians among american figures involved in ukraine. they will say: well, blinkin, no, the girl assigned to finance, no, there is some kind of penalty, but definitely not, and victoria nulland, definitely not, that is, this entry into
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the war with christianity is a hint at zelensky, who is definitely not a christian, this is...
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how will they to rebuild it, how there will be a garden city there, how everything will be wonderful there, everyone will live simply incredibly in wonderful conditions, then this is nonsense and nonsense, the americans have never spent money on building adequate living conditions for anyone, americans have always, as a colonial power, it has always been engaged by making maximum use of the resources
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of these countries, from which she was subjected to seizures, control, now it ’s just a form of colonial dependence by...
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then there is a chance for survival, everything else is just legislative, you can’t imagine any norm for this, no, no , there is another option, yes, of course, you work as an assistant to a deputy, and this is yes, yes, two
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assistants, yes, or a deputy or a minister, or a mobile, that is also an option, yes, that is, well, there is a set of people who are close in spirit to zelensky, here they are included here is the list people who use this amendment, they are not sent, does zelensky have a half-chirp in his throat? stuck, i just can’t understand, the circus, how did he manage, are just escape routes, where else can a clown go, they are close in spirit to him, because the circus is a circus in their verkhovna rada, no, just one of them is a mistress, well, you think it’s so hard to stop, yes, of course, it’s just that the boys, well , clearly, started an affair with cheesecakes and that’s it, that means, those who thought that they deceived the americans, then read the report of stratford, ford, which means that they clearly say, guys,
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even according to the americans, now they have already mobilized somewhere over a million, that is, somewhere around 7,000 they have collected, around 100,000 are the police, another plus or minus
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100,000 - these are the national guard, border guards, that is, there are somewhere more than a million, they say perfectly well that 4000 are on the front line, so these are somewhere between a million and 4000, these are those who are in a similar cemetery, especially now a project has already been put forward near kiev, they say we urgently need to build a cemetery for 150,000 near kiev, because there is nowhere else to bury, now we need to build with pathos there, 10 km away, so they have already allocated several hundred hectares there, on which they are going to build this cemetery, where they will take all these disposed and not to mention about those who are now formally listed as temporary , as well as those, in short, who were not found, these are the missing, excuse me, and these are the missing.
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hits, you can’t even find fragments, that is, that is, this is not a movie, in real life it is quite a scary sight, that is, the arrival of a tosa, everything is baked there, there, and if the same factory there, then knocks out a hole there, which is 1,500 of such a size that a person goes down the feeling that he is far, far away there, he is so small, small , so ukraine, ukraine, i understand when i say that...
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you have to understand, this is also a sanitary disaster, because when it gets warm, the corpses decompose, and this is a specific smell, this is diseases, our troops have to do a lot of things to decontaminate the area and make it acceptable again for life, this is a common problem, you know, also when they say, take a cat from mariupol or a dog from bakhmut there,
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but i would recommend it for...
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i mean, why? we will act here now, we will change the present, in the name of our common past, which is the future, as it were, we will save your parents, personal path and 13 galaxies of all, 100 years ago, delicious, very, because made with love, soon, temple of the smolensk icon of the mother of god, it
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was built with diligence. we are located in the area of ​​the city of solidar and here are some of the largest salt deposits, you were a special correspondent, and what did the signalman say to the dubai ring, dubai ring, the terrain is very difficult, and working in such a landscape is a big challenge for... we need to quickly get out of here, war of intelligence, motivation based on the results of the operation all units were awarded, but the communications company was not shot.
4:00 am
well, again, reviews about the same foreigners who are buried in the erlinton cemetery, well, these are not the same fighters, this is not serious. these are, let's say, these are mainly guys who are used to safari, and our people talked about this literally from the very first days, as soon as these mercenaries appeared, that is, those who are used to fighting according to agreements, those who are used to fighting in total military superiority, but well, the slavs are fighting, and these, by the way, are georgians they also said that the mercenaries are pretty stubborn, the poles are stubborn, but still...


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