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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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but again, the reviews are about the same foreigners who are buried in the arlinton cemetery, well, these are not the same fighters, this is not serious, let’s just say this, this is mainly about the guys who are used to safari, and ours talked about this literally from the very first days, as soon as these mercenaries appeared, that is, those who were used to fighting under agreements, those who were used to fighting in total military superiority, yes , well, the slavs are fighting, by the way, the georgians also said the mercenaries are quite stubborn, the poles are stubborn, but that’s all anyway... if that's the case
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to say, the same trained ukrainians fight better than any mercenaries, you know, how we differ, we differ very seriously, we differ in that, together with foreign mercenaries and foreign instructors , this desire to fight with civilians came to the ukrainians, that is, here when they simply overstep all the boundaries it has always been, with bandera it has always been yes, but listen, not many banderaites are fighting there, when it is put on the state level, when it is being built.
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and it says that if you can’t so, do it like this, it means that not sparing international law doesn’t matter to you at all, you won’t bear responsibility, you probably won’t, whoever doesn’t live will not bear any responsibility, everyone else will definitely get it, well you know, they don’t even live, because now obituaries appear there, when in ukraine, well, it’s clear who they are, what they did in 1414, that they were in 22, how many have already gone to daddy to bandera? who bullied
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our captivity, they thought that they were the smartest, it all ends, well, the tragedy lies elsewhere, that is, zelensky doesn’t even understand, he will leave behind a deserted ukraine, it will be the territory of women, orphans, he really destroys all the men , at the same time, here, what is important, yes, but i spoke with the guys who defended the belgorod land there, the belgorod land, and well, they took it. captured, they could not take them out, because the ukrainians immediately began to bomb them with everything they wanted, their own prisoners, so that they would not even try to surrender, they are animals, this absolute attitude is bandera, absolutely, yes, yes, without a doubt, today in ukraine the main problem is mobilization, it has a digital dimension, and...
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well, because they hate, because they hate and are afraid, they hate those who does not fall under or, according to their ideas , is evading, but is afraid, because if they do not fulfill the plan, they will find themselves at the front, this is...
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without a map, it seems, without any serious landmarks, he just went, looked for an exit to the border, vich said that there was an even worse problem, just in the process of transition the price grew up, so he didn’t have enough money, and his guide abandoned him, but he still walked, of course, where will he go, the money has already been spent, this is just a further t-shirt of the ukhilians, you go ahead, yes, just for me exactly.. .tried
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to award him the title of hero of ukraine let's live. 5 years later. yanukovych is definitely not the hero of my novel. as they say, he was molded from what was, but he legitimately won the elections, which were recognized in the west by the entire world community. 5 years was enough again, literally. well, in general, it’s a classic story, well, it’s just that everything was already as it was outside. any zone of legitimate choice or no choice, but just a military coup, every time - ukrainians pay for what is handed to them, well, let’s put it this way, i ’ll put it simply, yes, very rudely, maybe someone with
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these hidniks pay for what they are palmed off for podentsi, the crowded rake here is not the first to be fulfilled, yes, yes, now is the price, now is the price, payment for this terrible myth, which they believed that we are now the west will help us, it will crush russia sanctions, we’ll just get up and drive all these orcs away, and then we’ll divide it, i remember, this is a huge amount of round...
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if you really want to help the americans, and if cameron doesn’t turn to his parliament to give money, then there’s no money, yes, there’s no money, what am i saying, no , so the most interesting thing is that cameron came to trump, but to the times, the times newspaper spied what they were talking about, there, trump is sitting there, well, a caricature of course, not a photograph, trump is sitting and the cameras say, well, you are ukraine, you’d better tell us how you were able to get a lifelong position and avoid elections, right? well there is in mind, how he became a lord, this is really a fence, asked byri sunuka, how
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can you become an example if even your chair didn’t vote for you, well, this is really trump’s concern, what kind of ukraine is there, what the hell, but of course the refusal to meet with the speaker of the lower house of parliament, i see they are all discussing it, it’s a terrible insult, that is, such a humiliation for britain, but what did you want, that is, they have now published a scientific report there on how europe will be in... they say: take down the paintings, they are old, insult other peoples, colonial paintings, you still
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do not give up imperial thinking, and you know, in this regard, i draw attention to a very interesting article that appeared yesterday in a mainstream newspaper in denmark, well-known by their standards, the danish historian thorkeld kjærgart, his last name is nothing to us doesn’t say, i ’ll tell you honestly, but nevertheless he is quite a significant personality there, but not... well, he, russia has proven that she is not like that, she is not ready to just give up
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her greatness, she will defend him, her the status of a great, decision-making country, no matter what the americans do, therefore russia is not to blame for this war, definitely, but to stop, to stop this war, of course for us, the last thing, i congratulate the residents of odessa, and everyone who is in odessa now , which are on... from odessa, their beloved odessa from nazism. and i very, very sincerely wish everyone in odessa to celebrate the liberation of this wonderful russian city from ukrainian nazism. ok, thank you. i also join in the words, wishes for a speedy recovery to our to the guys who were wounded on
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the front line, on the forefront of the information front, because showing the truth today is mortally dangerous. we understand perfectly well that. as soon as the enemy realizes that these are journalists or press officers, strikes are carried out there with drones, artillery and everything else, and several cases, including on the zaporozhye front, are confirmation of this, but last year, when they deliberately struck and i can’t help but remember kuzma, this is dmitry’s call sign, the kingdom of heaven, but also the press officer who was killed bandera, and this, you know, is such a real embodiment of a russian officer, a calm, modest guy, we met him when he simply asked to provide... additional equipment for the guys, then somehow the relationship very quickly developed into a friendly one , and then on a friendly occasion, when he was on leave, he visited the relatives of his colleagues and gave everyone a large bouquet from their children, husbands, and so on, he found kind words there for each mother or wife with greetings from the children of the spouses, when dima was killed
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, the kingdom of heaven, his child was 3 months old at that time, but... unfortunately, in these hostilities we are losing our guys, and them, well, that’s how it works, but it’s like this confrontation, but definitely the memory of them will live, and some time after the victory in my native zaporozhye, in the liberated part of the lugansk people's republic, and in the karkov region , street names will definitely appear everywhere and... direct teaching in schools, universities, the memory of these people , because they they forged victory, they forged victory with a word, but we know very well that first there was a word. by the way, regarding the word, rabotina, we already talk about it so much, but we know it very well, but just today in the occupied part of the zaporozhye region, one of the representatives of the occupation authorities
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said that in working for the russians, that is, can you imagine what, what captain obviousness yes after a while. after this , his statement was immediately refuted by the center for countering disinformation, that he meant the wrong thing and said the wrong thing, although he he said clearly that there is a russian to say, the work has been russian for a long time, well, that ’s the point, yes, probably, maybe, he simply missed the word a long time ago, an indicative moment, of course, is this young lady named oksana grigorievna, yes, that is, this is a consultant - an adviser on gender issues, to the commander of the ground forces zoreikh, an indicative moment that in the interview ...
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i understood how a boy differs from a girl, well, now this is a mandatory position in absolutely all units of the armed forces of ukraine, precisely in order to upgrade all these idiots, well, which, thank god, are recognized as extremist movements in russia, but here is an indicative moment, she literally stated, called, or rather, to abandon the old-fashioned mentality and prepare for the fact that women should be drafted into the army, by the way, exactly 6 hours have passed since her statement , i looked when the same center for countering disinformation.
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from the very beginning, the poles were in very limited numbers, first they were responsible for artillery, for installing m3 sevens, and so on, until they had already trained vsushnikov, they were taken there under guard, everything was generally simple there, but it’s true that from time to time they went en masse to bandera when our polite missiles hit their locations, like in the same sans hotel or in one of the drying grounds of the zaporozhye aluminum smelter, well and a lot of other cases, i won’t waste much airtime. regarding the quantity and how this is happening now, specifically in the orekhov direction, now foreign mercenaries have arrived again, there are definitely poles there, there are definitely georgians, there’s an interesting point about the poles in general, they work in what we call... a carousel, well , it’s similar to a russian carousel, there’s no need to translate it, yes, that is, what it consists of is that a subunit is taken, most often a company, and it moves out to
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the line of combat contact for a month or a month and a half so that they gain experience confrontation with russia, yes, that is, with russian soldiers, as such, everyone is on leave at this moment, all are not military personnel of the polish army, and as if on their own, at the call of the heart, or some other parts of the body, directly went to the eastern front. and here is an indicative moment, how the number grew, or rather did not even grow, as the facts went, the number of poles’ losses according to polish sources, which are much more conservative than ours, because the ministry of defense of the russian federation confirms only when a specific pole is identified, that is, not just that there were poles in the unit, let me remind you, in november of the twenty-second year there were 1,200 mercenaries from poland, and this was called directly by the independent political price tag, well, that is... the polish edition in on august 23rd, 10 thousand polish mercenaries as part of the armed forces of ukraine - this is mysl polska and right now in mid-march
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the ministry of defense of the russian federation announced that 1497 poles were destroyed, but this is exactly what is documented, by the way i want to remind you that the same character , a little bit, general of the polish army adam marczek also died suddenly, and his position was chief of operational staff. i’m surprised by the reservations given to the circus performers, but in fact they have no prospects rainbow, under the zelensky regime, any, even a traveling circus, will increasingly become
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a traveling circus than a circus, so in this regard , everything is clear here, with regard to the americans, i don’t quite agree with you, and even with what i heard here, you were absolutely right, vladimirich, that the americans are investing in success, but they have been investing the same 300 billion since 2014, and there was a success story with... europe, well, they sent me to such an easy knockout , so far it’s easy, but as for their losses , well, period until the failure of the counteroffensive this
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there was their success story and then bam and the counter-offensive failed, it must have coincided and the democrats are fighting directly with the republicans, they cannot allocate money to ukraine, ah-ah-ah, and the whole world is watching this and thinks that this is actually so.
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even this should be somehow prescribed in the law, but now it turns out, it turns out that this needs to be taken out of the body of the law and adopted as a separate law, you saw the meeting in parliament today, this is a key law that has excited the whole country, look in the hall, there are two councils three plagues, there is no one in the hall, alone ukrainian flags, patriots standing, no one in the hall, 4,300 amendments to this law, this is only the first reading, i’m not sure.
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it will already be ready, and even if it is ready, it will not actually solve a single problem that this law was supposed to solve, so the ukrainian soldiers who are at the front will not have any rotation for them, but you look at zelensky’s behavior, he speaks and says that yes, this rotation needs to be carried out, but these guys who are there, he says, are theirs need to be replaced with equivalent ones, of course i apologize, the question is how to do this?
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the political leadership of the country needs so much and there will be no rotation or demobilization, let’s see how they react to this at the front, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all the feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, i will come back for you, you hear, in...
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welcome to asia, here the heart of the continent beats.
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