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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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ukrainian terrorists dropped an explosive device from a drone on... a car in the kursk region, killing three people, including two children. in the lugansk republic, militants of the ukrainian armed forces opened a hunt for journalists. our colleagues, denis shum and artyom yundos, were injured and concussed. they were accompanied by an officer from the ministry of defense press service, evgeniy polovodov, who died. about the attack of extremists, nikolai dolgachev and artyom yundas. every day, the vesti film crew, which conducts lugansk, goes out to conduct war reports, as we call them, and show them.
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which way is better? explosion of an enemy shell, hot fragments scatter with a whistle, there are wounded, evacuation, enemy copters are in the sky, soldiers are shooting at them, quickly under the trees, no bird, no bird, no bird, buzzing, baby, here.
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major evgeniy polovodov, our escort, was mortally wounded, we arrived together at the tank battalion in the serebryansky forestry near kremennaya, the enemy figured out the location, several cannon artillery strikes, cameraman denis shum, wounded in the leg, continues to film. and bira, bira, bira, hold on, yes, the shells are falling one by one next to the uaz, we are evacuating the wounded, an fpv drone is rushing behind the car, open the door from behind, there is another one, a drone, a drone is nearby, where is it, help, fuck, ah! medics of the tank battalion
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of the thirty-sixth regiment provide assistance to the wounded on the move. the wounded and the body of the deceased officer were taken out. evgeny polovodov, our comrade, senior officer of the press center of the west group of troops. we don't have much footage of him, but he also reported from the front. artillery in the petropavlovka area was destroyed. fire from a tank. two combat units were destroyed enemy infantry vehicles. on the line of defense of the sixth combined arms army. evgeniy was sociable, knew how to joke, responsible, we respected him, he left behind a mother, a wife and a small son. officers of the information department and the information support unit of the armed forces risk their lives every day organizing the work of journalists on the front line. for people to know the truth about the war, to know about the work of our soldiers, he gave his life. “artyom yundos, our
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correspondent, won’t tell much about himself, fearless, always ahead, helped with evacuating the wounded, recovering from a concussion and going back into battle, operator denis shum underwent surgery, a fragment was taken out, now he remains in the hospital, losing comrades, friends with whom we work, when one of our colleagues is injured, it’s hard, painful and scary, but we continue anyway,
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air defense shot down 172 military drones. ukraine is time for polish british production. send funds to the front. their exemption from mobilization is an old-fashioned approach - this is a quote. this was stated by the gender adviser to the commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, oksana grigorieva. the ukrainian armed forces are suffering huge losses. the kiev authorities want to open a new cemetery for 150,000 graves, and the law on mobilization will be tightened. how exactly - yegor grigoriev found out. the stack with the bill on mobilization in ukraine barely fits on the table. 4,000 amendments were introduced and discussed for two days, which began today at the plenary meeting of the rada. as a result, the bill became
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stricter than the version before the amendments. now every man from 18 to 60 years old must always have a military registration document with him and present it upon request. the truth is not. from the point of view of a lawyer, this head of staffing the center, he didn’t like someone or they just want, well, someone’s property cannot be taken away within their means, that is, they can impose these fines in an unlimited number, the limited ones fit for service will be sent back to examinations, all those liable for military service must
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clarify the data in the shopping center, they assure that this is just a formality, although in practice, after such data verification, ukrainians find themselves in the trenches, prisoners of war say. recently they have become more active. in ukraine it reached such proportions that the observer of the verkhovna rada could not remain silent. lviv region, yes, lviv region, the latest example, a well-known volunteer who was detained at night, right there at night, they allegedly held a meeting of the military medical commission, in 15 minutes they established that he was absolutely healthy, signed this conclusion and
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in the morning they took him to the checkpoint collection but those who sign the contract are promised a certificate for the purchase of a vehicle and nothing that they may soon need it.
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russia, the us authorities called germany and britain western weapons against civilian targets by the sovereign decision of kiev. claims he has nothing to do with it. this paradox and double standards of nato were pointed out by a member of the british house of commons, the leader of the workers' party, george galui. nobody called nato’s invasion of ukraine an invasion, it was called the maidan, coming to power as a result of a coup d’etat, and this regime has been killing the kiev regime since 2014 since it continues to rain down
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shells, american-made shells, on the civilian people of donbass of the artillery pieces supplied to the united states by western countries, russia will not retreat until these guns are moved that far. the united states should block all talk about ukraine's admission to nato, because it might.
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they are buying villas on the sea coast all over the world, they have nowhere else to put our dollars, let's start thinking about the problems of the united states. fatigue with kiev in the united states and other western countries is growing, but the zelensky regime continues to not just ask, but demand money for weapons. head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine dmitry kulebov. stated that kiev knows exactly where it can get 100 patrion anti-aircraft systems, threatened to move from requests to the west to tough diplomacy, quote, what it will consist of, kuleba, however, did not specify. good calm diplomacy hasn't worked, i feel like i'm punching through a wall with my own head, even though i'm a diplomat, which means i should be taking this wall apart brick by brick, but because that's the type of diplomacy. doesn't work, i have to hit the wall, i just don't understand why nothing works.
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the tense flood situation requires the most energetic efforts from local authorities. vladimir putin constantly receives up-to-date information, the head of the ministry of emergency situations checks the preparation of regions in the high-risk zone. the minister of health taught a lesson to provide residents with medicines and organize the uninterrupted provision of medical care. in the orenburg region , the situation is the most difficult, on behalf of the president.
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payments will be made, that is, the resident makes the decision himself whether he will do it himself or decide to work with the municipality, well, now there is water in the river the urals in the orsk region are gradually retreating, but in orenburg it has risen to its maximum level in the entire history of observations, about the situation margarita semenyuk. every 2 hours, measurements are taken every time, the indicators are frightening, even at night the water level was almost 9.5 m, by the evening it was 10 m and 22 cm, more than 300 houses were flooded in 24 hours , it was very badly damaged, more than two meters inside the basement was flooded, and the house itself also, so to speak, the water has not reached the main house, and my basement is large and there is more than two meters of water, so the guys asked: they say there is still there will be more water. more than 2.0 houses in orenburg are under water; now the city is building
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a water-filling dam along the riverbed of the urals. flood control systems were brought on behalf of the minister of emergency situations of russia alexander kurenkov. here we have already intercepted water, the equipment is working. now we will strengthen this dam and continue it further, respectively, upstream. we have also now received water-filling dams from the ministry of emergency situations, which will be located from the top of the dam. where it was once apparently damaged on the asphalt with additional a structure one meter high and, accordingly, to the point that will prevent water from flowing here into the residential area. the situation is critical, the situation has been aggravated by prolonged rain, the hydromedical center predicts that the urals will rise to another 70 cm. catch, catch, guys, help, here are the grandmothers, what happened? in a matter of hours, the roads go under water for almost one and a half meters, in places by 2
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meters, something like this is not remembered in the early nineties. this is more than in ninety-three and ninety-four, because here is the joint on the gate, it was visible, now i’m not, we wore suits, now we’re not, i walked along the road like this in a suit, now i’m not passing by, in the morning i went to work in a suit, i went out like this and walked down this street, now i’m not i can pass. one after another, lifeboats disappear into the flooded alleys and return with people and animals. we are evacuating. is your dog? no, this is not our dog, this is the owner's request. how many dogs have already been taken out? this is the first place from here so far, in total more than 50 of our services have been taken out, and they were taken out from ivory, so that everything is fine, students of the orenburg state medical university took to the water in kayaks, if necessary, assistance will be provided and evacuated quickly. we are engaged in the tourism section, just one of our areas is kayaks, water trips, and we actually
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decided to show our skills and abilities here. after snt and near the nearby villages, large waters began to flow. residential complex, permanent buildings are going under water, the situation in orenburg is quite difficult, the water is coming, and rapidly, that’s why to get into the entrance you need to overcome one and a half meters of almost water, which came here in almost a few hours, rescuers are working here now, trying to evacuate all the residents who are now blocked on the second floor, now you see how... the rescuer assures that the situation is getting worse, peak it’s not yet passed, it’s dangerous to stay, people agree to leave for safe places,
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within 2 hours, probably, i arrived at half past ten, and already right at 2 o’clock, as if in 2 hours already as if. the military and engineers also joined in to help the yasninsky missile formation organized a daily distribution of drinking water to residents of hard-to-reach areas. during our work , we used the ac-10 tank truck to deliver more than 20 thousand liters of drinking water to flood zones to provide assistance to residents. the water level is rising and may affect new areas, all emergency ones. services operate around the clock in enhanced mode. margarita semenyuk, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov, lead orenburg. well, in the kimerovo region on the tom river, an ice drift tore down a pontoon bridge on which moment there were people. everyone was evacuated, no one was injured. the crossing was officially closed, but local residents still used it. the prosecutor's office is conducting a pre-investigation check; in total
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, about thirty residential and ten houses were flooded on the tom river due to ice jams. personnel of enterprises that are now restoring work in the donbass. let's start our meeting with the events that you and the ministry are conducting. to achieve the goal of equalizing social support measures in different regions of the country. for today day, just on your instructions, we are working to provide social support measures in the simplest and most convenient format for our citizens throughout our country, starting from july 1 of the twenty-second year, we organized electronic document flow between health care and medical and social
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examination institutions. the electronic format of documents allowed us to significantly reduce the time required to conduct a medical and social examination. today it does not exceed. ten working days, and for certain categories of citizens, by for co participants, especially if the person has an imputation, we have reduced it to three working days. i would like to say that starting from the first of may 24, all social support measures that are provided for by federal legislation are being implemented on the territory of new subjects, but with certain features, or in terms of a package of documents, because residents provide documents in paper form, sometimes documents are provided in paper form in... not russian and in this case we do not require translation, but we immediately accept them for consideration through independent processing. maya sando arrived in gagauzia under heavy security for a meeting with mayors and decided to go through the back door. the autonomy considers all attempts by the moldovan authorities to sever relations with russia a huge mistake. at the same time, the head
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of gagauzia, evgenia gutsul, is now in moscow. she will tell us what kind of help she managed to negotiate. "we demand that you take us to the president, dozens of police are barely holding back the crowd, the capital gagauzia is buzzing like an alarmed hive, the president of moldova came to the comrade under heavy security, let her guard, leave here, we want to see my garden, because she is afraid to go out simply calmly, to communicate with people, she is afraid of people, her own people, because the visit to the autonomy was either announced or cancelled, clearly trying to confuse people, but people found out anyway. hundreds of gagauz people came to the building of the local university, where a meeting between the head of state and mayors was announced. for the sake of relations between chisinau and kamrat, people have the right to ask the president question.
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refers to the development of gogozia and the well-being of gagauzia. moldova's accession to the european union is very beneficial for the whole of moldova, including gagauzia. for gagauzia, the benefit is not so obvious that chisinau is ready to force kamrad into the european family. the autonomy is virtually deprived of economic independence and suffers colossal losses. the ways of its financing are blocked. the gogoze authorities are forced to take emergency measures.
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per month, and they received for utilities last year, this is the twenty-second, twenty the third year, they received 300, 400 euros. maya sando planned her visit to gagauzia so as not to meet with the head of the autonomy. evgenia gutsol in moscow discusses export incentives, gas discounts, access to the world payment system, which is obviously closer to gogauz than europe, which is why there is even a flag of the european union specially hung on the facade of the university.
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technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all
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of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition russia forum, we’ll tell you what this day in history is memorable for right now. hello. on april 11 , 1814, in the suburbs of paris at the fantainebleau palace , an agreement was signed to deprive napoleon bonaparte of power. by that time, he had already suffered a military defeat and abdicated the throne. the treaty was signed by its plenipotentiaries, marshals michel ney and alexander macdonald and duke armande caulaincourt. from russia, austria and prussia, count karl neselrode, prince clement von meternich and baron karl von hardenberg. the spouses of maria luisi generously allowed the empress to retain the titles of emperor, but prohibited to ever rule france, like all members of their family. but napoleon received
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the island of elba in the mediterranean sea into his possession. the island became a sovereign state, with its own flag, international recognition, and an army of 400 people. having spent the winners, the british did not sign this treaty. they always considered napoleon not an emperor, but a usurper. feared his return, elbe is close to france. it happened, less than a year later, bonoparte violated the terms of the agreement and returned, he ruled in france for 100 days, but was again defeated again sent into exile. this time away to st. helena, and now forever. on april 11, 1856, emperor alexander ii spoke in moscow before the leaders of the capital and provincial nobility. it is believed that this event began the era of great reforms in russia, the main of which was, of course, the abolition of serfdom. the defeat in the crimean war
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showed economic and technical. russia's steeliness and serfdom were the main obstacle to development. the autocrat understood this, but did not want to spoil relations with the local nobility and called for cooperation. to begin with, he calmed those gathered and denied rumors about his intention to give freedom to the peasants. and then he nevertheless admitted that sooner or later this could not be avoided and emphasized that - quote: it is better to start destroying serfdom from above, rather than wait for the time when it begins to destroy itself. in february 1861, alexander signed a manifesto to develop practical proposals for the abolition of serfdom. on april 11, 1940 , 11 german planes bombed the village of nyberksund in norway to destroy
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king, seventh, his family and government. the nazis invaded this country 2 days earlier . the norwegian army could not resist and soon capitulated, but haakon refused to accept the german ultimatum to appoint the fascist leader quistling as prime minister. the hunt for the king began. first, together with crown prince olaf, ministers and members of parliament, hakon hid in the city of elverm, then in nyberk sundi. they were warned about the raid and, in order to avoid being bombed, they skied to the western one. coast. the king was almost 70, but he endured a difficult transition. a british cruiser transported the fugitives to tramso, which became the temporary capital of norway. then the king was evacuated to london, and after the war he ruled the country for another 12 years. exactly 60 years ago, on april 11, 1964, the premiere screening of the film, which became a legend, took place. i'm walking around moscow. at first, screenwriter gennady shpalikov had
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only one episode. a girl walking in the rain, and then together with director georgiy daneli, they built the whole picture. by the way, the girl was played by three actresses, the third was filmed only legs, and simply because neither one nor the other came the next day of filming. the plot of the film seems to be simple: four young people walk around the city, talk, joke, fool around, fall in love. the result was a portrait of the generation of the sixties, captivating with its sincerity, a surprisingly bright, joyful movie, permeated with optimism, a symbol of the thaw, the main roles were played by nikita mikhalkov, evgeny steblov, alexander loktev and galina polskikh, who later became famous. the music for the film was written by andrei petrov, a song about moscow, with lyrics by shpalikov, became one of the symbols of the capital. in moscow,
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but i can still walk through the salty wild ocean and the tundra and taiga, even today 60 years later it is impossible to tear myself away from the film, this is what this day in history was like, the business has a request for new personnel and... breakthrough developments and those companies that are already working in tandem with universities will be able to get results faster, and what solutions already exist to strengthen this partnership? any scientific development requires speedy implementation in hardware, we came up with some kind of development, bone implant, class, they came to the biologists, look, we did it, class, we came together with the biologists to the surgeons, but how will we sew it in general, we don’t know,
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the right way is to first communicate with... russia warns , protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. alisa seleznyova will want to find her mother. what if mom was shot in the past, maybe the pirates are holding her there? we will see this 100 years from now. i understand that you miss your mother, i believe it too. i don't just miss you, i'm going to pull her out. soon.


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