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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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the investigator establishes the involvement of the lugansk state television and radio broadcasting company film crew in the shelling. the ukrainian armed forces attacked the film crew the day before. the cameraman was wounded at the correspondent's shell shock. as the head of the television company said, ukrainian militants used fpv. a senior officer from the minobarna press center, who accompanied the journalists, died. late in the evening, our artillery launched massive retaliatory attacks on ukrainian positions. and now to the topic of a special military operation in the kupinsky direction, they distinguished themselves.
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enemy forces, it is assumed, rather in total there was a rotation of lynch personnel of the enemy, they rolled out to the firing position, made corrections, went to the spotter, began to work, the first two shots were sighting shots, after which the entire enemy personnel disappeared into the dugout, then they began to destroy the enemy fortification, and now to the topic... floods,
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a large body of water is moving towards kurgan, the ministry of emergency situations warned about this. local residents are helping to strengthen the dams near the regional capital. about 5,000 people were evacuated. and our correspondent, stanislav vasilchenko. stanislav, i greet you. the kurgan mayor's office says that the water has already come close to the houses. tell us what data you have. yes, tatyana, welcome. the situation in the kurgan region still remains tense, level. the water in the tobol river continues to rise and is approaching the 10 m mark; of course , the state of emergency is still in effect . throughout the region, in particular in kurgan itself, dumps are being strengthened, built up and connected. this work is going on around the clock, all means are involved, volunteers help specialists, and simply caring residents of the region also help. in areas where flooding is expected, they are constantly heard. who report
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the preventive evacuation of the population, residents are asked to urgently leave their homes and not wait until the water comes close to them, the night before the governor of the kurgan region vadim shunkov appealed to residents of the region with a request to take care of themselves, not to put themselves at risk, and of course don’t forget about mutual assistance. we will fight for all of you, for the city, for a normal life. but we don't cope without you, without your active assistance in matters of evacuation of your loved ones, preservation of documents and valuables. help us, help you. temporary accommodation points have already been prepared in the region; they have been deployed at schools, hospitals, children's camps, and transport has been organized to bring people to these points. the first ones.
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are preparing for serious flooding, residents of the kurgan region are being helped by volunteers and many enterprises, for example, a local beverage manufacturer has now directed all its capacity to supply residents kurgan region, kurgan itself with drinking water, a company representative spoke about the volumes of water provided. at this point in time, our company has shipped about one and a half tons of clean drinking water to volunteers in the city of kurgan to provide drinking water. regime in the future, you plan
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to continue, of course, yes, that is , all our capacities are now loaded mainly on the production of drinking water, that is , all wells during the day we have a car delivering from the well to... now in the kurgan region they are working and representatives of the people volunteers also supplied one and a half tons of water at the front temporary temporary residence point in kurgan; in addition, a collection of humanitarian aid has been opened; that ’s what the residents of the region need now, said popular front representative tatyana khelchuk. we are in need now. in hygiene products, for children and adults, both are necessary, water, so you see that folding beds are also such an important part, you just can’t put people on the floor, there aren’t enough, whoever has folding beds, there will be some mattresses too very good, according to the latest
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information from the ministry of emergency situations, by this time it is known about 181 a flooded house, and it is also known that 281... a personal plot is also flooded in the flood zone of 12 settlements, now more than 1,800 people and more than 600 pieces of equipment are fighting the flood in the kurgan region, well, right now colleagues, we, together with the employees of the ministry of emergency situations we’ll go to the zveryano-golovsky district, which is now experiencing, perhaps, the most severe consequences of the flood, so we’ll see with our own eyes how exactly the region... and this region is struggling with the consequences, and of course, we’ll talk about it in the next broadcasts . tatiana. stanislav, thank you, stanislav vasichenko spoke about the flood in the kurgan region. so, the situation with floods in the regions remains difficult;
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rescuers in kamchatka warned about possible flooding of low areas. in the orenburg region , the number of evacuees is decreasing; more than 600 houses were freed from water per day. in the orsk region, river levels have dropped further. by 20 cm, continues to grow in the orenburg region. the volume of restoration work was assessed by the head of the ministry of construction, irek faizulin, who is working in the region on behalf of the president. in the tyumen region in 10 settlements may fall into the flood zone . and, as the ministry of emergency situations reported, there is still water in the ishim and tabol rivers. but in the center of the european part of russia in the moscow region, tver and kaluga regions, polovoz is already in decline. the situation in some regions is stabilizing... so in the astrakhan region, the flood is expected to begin only next week. and now footage from telegram channels,
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this is the usa. eyewitnesses continue to post new videos of the storm in mississippi, the disaster claimed the life of one person, dozens of people. dozens of buildings were damaged, the damage has yet to be calculated, the wind knocked down trees, and residents were afraid to leave their homes due to heavy hail. at the vostochnaya cosmodrome today they are again awaiting the launch of a heavy launch vehicle of the angara family; it was postponed twice, first due to problems with the automation in the central block of the rocket, and the day before due to a failure of the engine launch control system. the new start is scheduled for 12 o'clock moscow time. let me remind you that this will be the first launch of angara a5 from a civilian spaceport. to achieve this , the entire infrastructure in vostochny was modernized. the rocket will launch the orion upper stage with a test payload into orbit. angara should again replace the proton m. the new model
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is considered environmentally friendly, it does not have toxic fuel components. in addition, unlike its predecessors, it can carry more cargo to the orduta. and now economic news. alexandra, in march spain purchased a quarter of the lng it needed from russia. tell us what place we ultimately occupy in all deliveries. tatiana second, after algeria, i will continue the topic. in march, russia took second place in supplies of liquefied natural gas to spain. this data is provided by the local energy company enagas. we provided the country with a quarter of lng purchases, the equivalent is about 7,500. this is a third more than in the same month a year earlier. since january, we have shipped 21.5 gw of gas, a quarter more than a year earlier. in february, we ranked third in supplies to spain, but then we were able to overtake the united states and reach second place.
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algeria remained the leader. the ministry of finance proposes to increase the minimum prices for alcohol from june 1, in retail they will add from 6.5 to 7.5%. depending on the category, according to the draft order, vodka should be sold no less than 299 rubles per half liter. the cost of the brand, as well as roma, for which for the first time there will be no... at the same time , the ministry proposes to raise the minimum selling and wholesale prices. in addition, the purchase price of ethyl alcohol from food raw materials should be increased from 68 to 73 rubles. and other types from 51 to 55. the ministry of finance has been using similar restrictions since 2009 to combat the shadow. us president joe biden expressed confidence that by the end of the year the federal reserve
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will reduce the base rate, now it is at a record level for 23 years in the range from 5 and a quarter to 5.5%. but the us economy has not yet achieved the main condition for easing monetary policy. inflation is not decreasing, this worries the regulator. judging by the latest report, members of the federal open market committee do not share confidence. some participants noted that the recent rise in inflation has been quite significant and should not be dismissed as simply statistical deviation. participants noted that there is still no certainty about high inflation in general. in their general opinion, the latest data does not add to the confidence that inflation is steadily declining to 2%. meanwhile, us inflation jumped to 3.5% in march. experts expected it to be at least 10 basis points lower. in this regard, former us president
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donald trump said that joe biden had lost control of rising prices. biden has completely lost control of inflation. she's back go up. today's value is very high, which is very bad. in fact , inflation is much higher because they excluded several indicators from the calculation. it got out of control. biden concept. no idea what the hell he's doing, he's the worst president in the history of our country. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are 93 rubles, 21 kopecks. euro 101.23. that's all i have for now. fedor mikhailovich dostoevsky. it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century there would appear a layer of people called foreign agents and whom he described in the face of his hero, pavel smerdyakov.
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finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and that victim turned out to be me. a tank with an unusual anti-drone visor appeared in the area of ​​a special military operation. the military ironically calls the homemade design the king of barbecues. however, in battle, when there is no time for jokes, he saves the crew from death and the equipment from damage. anton potkovenko will talk about the ingenuity of our tankers. not only does it have an impregnable appearance, this tank is actually invulnerable to drones. example
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military-technical ingenuity in the square, our t-72, as they say, is a covered metal box with its head, not a single drone can reach it, they simply crash against this impressive armored capsule, against this screen, which, in addition, turns damage to an armored vehicle received in battle into dignity. according to the primary source, this tank was damaged. his turret rotation mechanism was destroyed, there was a tank, he could not rotate the turrets and fire fully, it was decided to make something like this, roughly speaking, a massive canopy covering the tank on all sides in order to use it as a means of breaking through and guiding an armored group, in fact, with which it coped with dignity, that is, it is such a ram, relatively speaking, as can be seen in fast forward, the tank rides ahead at the head armored groups, taking on...
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and as we can see from the video, in general the idea worked. there is a danger from drones, as well as a danger from a number of anti-tank missiles. tanks from attacks from above even before the start of a special war operation, as combat operations showed, such screens are quite justified, yes, great, they have caught on and the front-line humor is of course indestructible, the inscription on the side of this tsaryamangal, close it behind you, but why is it called a barbecue, because that’s what they called the defense against drones of a very
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characteristic type at the front, a visor on four supports, really reminiscent of a barbecue, this is what one of the first ones looked like... ukrainian media and western media laughed at the russian idea, but drones crash into the grille without causing harm to the tower, where the thinnest armor is, in fact, this became the key incentive for the creation of all these barbecue-like structures, and, accordingly, the further development of all sorts of these, almost like a hangar by the tank itself. the barbecues of course giggled and laughed at them, but nevertheless , the tank’s chances of survival are much higher, the ukrainian media segment is no longer laughing. and he’s talking about how effectively turtle tanks are protected, they’re talking about our barbecues and about rap, from their fpv drones, and why, it would seem, is there much to talk about when tsakhal entered the gas sector without barbecues, the famous israeli merkava tank immediately received a reset from the copter onto the tower, remember, what
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was the name, in fact, then the israeli army urgently took the lead and equipped its tanks. with bars, following our example, he attached metal anti-drone barbecues to the equipment, and now he’s dusting along the road from protection, not embarrassed by anything, but kiev, kiev has a completely different approach, on leopards, which burn so brightly after being hit by our lancets, on abrams that glow just the same on them there are no visors, there are no barbecues, and why, does the ukrainian armed forces really believe so much in western miracle weapons, maybe they just haven’t gotten around to it yet? it is possible, perhaps, there is a direct ban on the installation of similar structures on western armored vehicles due to some image, let ’s say, considerations of the owners of this equipment, well , if they are afraid to spoil the silhouette of the gifted prodigy with a barbecue, then our pividrons and lancets from him only leave scrap metal , very good, no need to put on barbecues, let
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the abrams and leo force themselves naked at the front, more we will fill it, even through the so-called knockout panels. the front may be right where the t-72 with an impenetrable tsar’s screen was noted, an adequate response to the challenges of modern war, when a grill invented, assembled, as they say, on the knee, by kulibins becomes a serial tool, but it’s not for nothing that kiev has laughter stuck in its throat. the us president met with the japanese prime minister.
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negotiations took place in washington, among the main topics was the conflict in the middle east and cooperation.
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integrating into the general education system, updating the infrastructure and scientific base. comfortable conditions for admission have been created for students, and sufficient budget places have been allocated. universities also accept graduates based on entrance exams without passing the unified state exam. about this. in an interview with my colleague maria kudryavtseva, the minister of science and higher education, valery folkov, spoke. budget places allocated to the required extent, we know that the specificity is that you can enroll there without the unified state exam, in this sense, well, our task is for the most capable and prepared to come to universities, including in new regions. a special feature of the higher education system in new regions is its very rapid renewal. last year. we renovated 14 buildings of the mariupol state university named after kuindzhi and the prizovsky state technical university in
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mariupol, for obvious reasons they suffered the most. this year there is a huge amount of work going on, including melitopol state university, a number of universities in the lugansk people’s republic, and in donetsk itself in the kherson region, so we have a big program, we want more. in a few years , the material and technical base was completely updated, artists from the theater and cinema center came to krasnoyarsk as part of the trans-siberian art festival under the direction of nikita mikhalkov from full house, the shows lasted not 2 days, as planned, but three. what did they bring? alexander usatenko will tell you. in krasnoyarsk, with a large tour, the theater and cinema center under the direction of nikita mikhalkov will show the play reflections 12 to siberians. this is
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a serious conversation about what worries everyone today. the slogan is for everyone and about everyone, this is really true, because in this performance both the people who sit in the director's box and those who sit on the fifth tier, everyone gets it. what touches him, and this seems to me the most important thing, for georgy peradze the hall of the krasnoyarsk opera and ballet theater is a special place, here his parents met and it seems they determined the future of the artist. the inner consciousness is so cool that it’s nice to come back after such a time, with such a master, with such a team with such material that is important for our country at such a time, and... also to work in this theater, where my dad played when he arrived when i had a meeting with my mother, that is, this is such an internal moment for myself, there are no empty
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seats in the hall, there are so many of them that i had to convert the orchestra pit into a stall, but the transformations don't end there. the translucent mesh stretched between the stage and the auditorium is a screen on which the memories of a chechen boy are projected, but there is some symbolism; for the actors it has become a fourth wall, inside which a closed space for work is created, while the auditorium is invisible, but emotions can be heard , and as nikita sergeevich mikhalkov notes, sometimes thoughtful silence. 12 jurors decide the fate of a chechen boy, each has their own problems and concerns, i want to end the meeting quickly, that’s all they vote for the guy's guilt. all but one, nikolai burlyaev’s hero decides to vote against and look into the matter, because the main idea of ​​the work is the law
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above all. but what to do when mercy is above the law? here i am not a superman, here is a completely different image, completely different, at first quiet, here is a stuttering person who then rises to such a height that i never had on stage or in a movie, it’s very interesting to work, in the end one person’s doubts change the fate of the accused, the jury throughout.
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performance, i want more citizens who were at the beginning, it opened up as our country progressed, visited this performance, thought about themselves, about the truth, and did not forget who we are, that we are siberians, we have a big heart, thanks to nikita mikhalkov, who today reminded us of this. the arrival of the artists in krasnoyarsk is part of the eleventh trans-siberian art festival, the trip was organized by the ministry. culture of the russian federation and rosconcert. due to great demand, the tour lasted not two, but 3 days. and every show in the hall is sold out. but this a performance where nikita mikhalkov is both director and actor at the same time, and also the author of the play, the meaning of which becomes more and more important over the years. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva, vesti, krasnoyarsk.
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