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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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in the regions of the urals, the fight against floods continues; the situation has been seriously complicated by downpours; vadim zavodchenkov will tell you how great the threat is. the weather situation in the regions of the urals is improving, but flood conditions remain extreme. heavy, how long will orenburg sink when problems start in kurgan due to high water? current weather analytics on the russia-24 channel, i am vadim zavodchenkov, leading specialist at the fobys center. hello, the peak of polovodya in the urals has not yet been passed. the most difficult situation is still in orenburg. on tuesday evening the wave of the izorsk flood rushed here. and the day before, the level of the urals within the city
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exceeded the level of a dangerous hydrological phenomenon by more than 90 cm, the river almost came close to multi-storey buildings, to protect them , water-filling dams began to be deployed on the embankment, surrounding villages caught in the flood zone were evacuated. lyutanova onto the roof itself. it is too early to talk about stabilizing the situation in orenburg. the basis for this statement is the dynamics of the level of the ural river in the orsk region. at first the growth rate was very impressive, more than a meter per day. and on the eve of the approach of the ridge, the increase in water began to decrease at the time of the maximum flood and almost stabilized for a couple of days, and only then the high water began to gradually subside, so that in orenburg the maximum levels will last another day or two. then the flood was
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not enough, the day before there was also a downpour in the city, precipitation also will not help reduce the water level. however, there is good news for the orenburg region: today the crest of the anticyclone will begin to move here and it will begin to displace fields of frontal clouds further into siberia, so that rain clouds will dissipate over the valley of the ural river, but the influence of the cyclone leaving for the banks of the yenisei will still affect the territory of the kurgan region. and in some places there will be light precipitation mainly in the east. excess moisture from the sky is not at all what the mound needs now. such an impressive embankment now protects the southeastern areas of the city. according to hydrologists, today the tabola level here will begin to rise sharply. the leash comes from kazakhstan. previously suffered from the elements border animal-heading district. yesterday the observation camera in kurgan. captured the beginning
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of the approach of big water, and these, of course, are not even flowers yet. the situation is truly very alarming. the day before, in the south of the region in the village of zverenogolovskaya, the level of the tabola had already risen to almost 10 m; 115 km downstream , in kurgan, the river’s water content was three times less. in the coming days, the flood crest will move at a speed of about 40 km per day. to the north on the weekend it will be in the vicinity of the regional capital, while the water level in the mound will rise to 9-11 m, this means that flooding in the right bank part of the city is almost inevitable. today in kurgan the weather will be cooler than usual, daytime temperatures will be +8-9°; on friday and saturday there will be light rain in the city again and the thermometer will reach +13. in orenburg in
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the coming days it will be mostly sunny, but good weather also has a negative side, the temperature regime will be significantly warmer than the climate. afternoon to +18-19, so snowmelt in the mountains intensifies, and melted water will continue to feed the flood on the ural river. that's all for me, goodbye.
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hey, guy, are you sure that you chose this hairstyle yourself, or the hairdresser said that it’s fashionable now? you definitely choose a hamburger for 39 rubles and other offers at a very favorable price, and it’s even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank at a delicious spot, you go to the island, you book, all inclusive clouds start, take off, shoes, offline. start your holiday in one of the millions of hotel apartments, the holiday begins at oh, anywhere appetite, daddy, daddy, only dad will tame it, dad can, dad can, there are animal sausages, dad can, we take
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loans, it’s easy to get them, we’re at sovcombank, we take out loans, and we get them quickly, we’re at sofcombank, loans that everyone knows, just like that, it’s not necessary, it’s necessary. ok, ok, ok, i understand, that’s how the megamarket offers products for babies with cashback of up to 50%. the batrider is an innovation in plant protection, it will instantly identify and destroy the main pests of the garden, it is safe for humans, the batrider will defeat the pests. alpha friday, super cashback every week from alfa bank, this friday, april 12 , receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive a superkick on alpha fridays, not just profitable, alpha profitable, magnet - price, what you need, alpin gold chocolate from 49-9, touch, croc star,
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burger king, those are the ones! it tastes better on fire! a credit card is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. get a credit card everything will be as you want. now economic news alexander: in march, spain purchased a quarter of the lng it needed from russia. tell us what place we now occupy in all deliveries. tatyana is second after algeria, i’ll continue the topic. in march
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, russia took second place in supplies of liquefied natural gas to spain. this data is provided by the local energy company enagas. we provided the country with an hour, which is a quarter more than a year earlier. in february, we ranked third in supplies to spain, but then we were able to overtake the united states comes in second, while algeria remains the leader. rus energosbyt acquired 49.5% of its equity capital. such data appeared in the unified state register of legal entities. previously, a share of the same size belonged to the italian nl, which bought this stake in 2006. however. as kommersant reports, the board of directors of the company denied nl’s withdrawal from capital to the newspaper and noted that changes in
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the corporate structure are not related to changes in the composition of shareholders. head of the gogous autonomy of moldova evgenia gudsul reported that negotiations with russia on gas supplies will soon end. also, according to her, the issue of exporting agricultural products from the region will be resolved. she spoke about this following her visit to moscow. gagauzi is located in the south. which previously received fuel from gazprom, but at the end of last year chisinau refused to purchase from the company, then gogauzia decided to discuss supplies directly with russia at special tariffs. the possibility of benefits for the import of agricultural products from the region into our country is also being studied. let me remind you that gagauzia stands for integration moldova into the eu customs union. us president joe biden expressed confidence that the federal reserve will lower the base rate by the end of the year. now it is at a record level for 20.3 years in the range from 5 and a quarter to 5.5%. but
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the main condition for easing the monetary policy of low inflation has not yet been achieved. some participants noted that the recent rise in inflation has been quite significant and should not be dismissed as simply a statistical aberration. participants noted that regarding high inflation overall there is no certainty yet. in their general opinion, the latest data does not add value. that's all for now, more news in the next part. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why credit savings cards. the best in the country, get a credit card, everything will be the way you want, this has never happened before, russian cold,
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if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and get a supercake on alpha fridays, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, touch the croc star burger king, vatter! it tastes better on fire, you don’t need it like this, you need it like this, like this, i understand, like this at the megamarket, children’s adidas sneakers are up to 20% off. grandfather, but you like fishing or tinkering more, receive your pension at the post office bank, of course, because there are great benefits there, transfer your pension to the post office bank and get 2,000 rubles and a chance to win a car, receive your pension profitably at the post office.
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the president proposed extending the family mortgage program until 2030; it will help millions of citizens move to new housing. the ministry of finance has set a projected budget cost of one and a half trillion. stanislav bernwald will tell you in detail who will be able to participate in this program. the president instructed to extend the family mortgage program until the thirtieth year, that is, the support will not end in july, as originally expected. they will continue to support large families with 450,000 rubles. to repay a loan for the purchase of land for a house, its
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construction or mortgage. we will tell you more in 5 minutes in this issue of the instructions program. so. i repeat, the family mortgage program will be valid for another 6 years, millions of russians will still have time to take advantage of it, such a preferential mortgage is suitable for those who have recently had a new addition to the family, no matter if it is the first child or the tenth, the main thing is that at the time of signing the contract he was not more than 6 years. parents and adopted children can also take part in the program; again, the main thing is the age of the child. let me also remind you that right now this rule has been in effect since last year; all families with two or more can take advantage of the program. minor children, that is, both of them must be under 18 years old at the time of concluding the contract. according to the president, the mortgage rate for families with children under 6 years of age will be reduced to 6% per annum. the maximum mortgage amount at a preferential rate is up to 6 million rubles. in moscow and the region in st. petersburg and the region up to 12 million rubles. the down payment
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is not less than 20% of the purchase price, up to 30 years. the family mortgage program is valid in that case. the size of the loan there is 5 million, the payment for a market mortgage is somewhere around 72,600, and for a family mortgage it’s a little over 35, that is , well , twice as much. refinance
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your market mortgage, well, on new terms, taking into account the opportunities that the state provides, measures for... benefits can be combined, for example, using maternal or family capital, but only not to pay off monthly payments, but for the down payment on a mortgage, some banks allow the use of maternity capital for early repayment, the president also ordered to extend the mortgage subsidy for large families, also until 2030, the state is ready to repay them 450 rubles. a family mortgage can be combined not only with federal, but with regional... more than 600, they can relate both directly to mortgage loans and to some related benefits and support measures that are associated with the purchase of real estate
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on the website of the house of the russian federation there is a catalog of programs where these measures are collected, most often by regions, these additional support measures are applied, offered for certain categories, that is, they expand the conditions of the federal program to the category of citizens that are most in demand in the regions, this, for example, can be teachers, doctors, workers in certain industries, enterprises , and so on. using a family mortgage, you can buy housing in a new building or a plot of land with a private house, but also from the developer, this loan can also be used for purchase. land without a house, with further construction. key point: the purchase can only take place from a legal entity, for example, a developer. during construction, there must be a contract agreement with a construction company or individual entrepreneur. llica can only be purchased in the far eastern district , only on the lands of rural settlements. the same banks participate in the family mortgage program.
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now there are almost 70 of them. the full list can be found on the website sprosi.dom.rf section. instructions article banks family program participants mortgage, and banks compete with each other for borrower clients, and some of them offer rates lower than those prescribed by law. let us add that family and commercial mortgages can be combined. for example, you want to buy a four-room apartment in novosibirsk, in a new building for 13 million rubles. and you can take out a family mortgage for 6 million. and for the rest . ordinary, commercial. so, let's repeat the main deadlines of the family mortgage program, which were extended until july 1, 1930. the main condition is the presence of a small child in the family a child or two minors. children can receive up to 6 million rubles at a preferential rate of no higher than 6%. in metropolitan regions it is twice as long, the term is up to 30 years, the down payment is not
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less than 20% of the purchase amount. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about other measures to support the real estate market, write to us in the telegram channel, send your questions, we will forward them to the experts and we will tell you everything in the next issues of the instructions program. business has a request. for new personnel and breakthrough developments, and those companies who are already working in tandem with universities will be able to get results faster, and what solutions already exist to strengthen this partnership? any scientific development requires speedy implementation in hardware. we came up with some kind of development, a bone implant, class, we came to biologists, look, so we did it, class, together with the biologists we came to the surgeons, but how are we going to sew it on? we don’t know, the right way is to first communicate with real production sites, who will say, this is technologically possible, give us a grant, we are implementing this or that project, we asked a question, it’s always simple for a company to invest in you, and at first many
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of course lost, today universities are already coming, they say, here we have a partner, then about the most significant events of this day in history in in ekaterina burlakova’s selection, what makes this day in history memorable: we’ll tell you right now. hello. on april 11, 1814, in the suburbs of paris at the fontainebleau palace, an agreement was signed to deprive napoleon bonaparte of power. by that time he had already suffered a military defeat and abdicated the throne. the treaty was signed by its authorized representatives, marshals michel ney and alexander macdonald and duke armande caulaincourt. from russia, austria and prussia and count karl nesselrode, prince clements von metrnich and... napoleon and his wife marie luisi were generously allowed to retain the titles of emperor and empress, but were prohibited from ever ruling france, as were
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all members of their family. but napoleon received the island of elba in the mediterranean sea into his possession. the island became a sovereign state, with its own flag, international recognition, an army of 400 people. having spent the winners, the british did not sign this treaty; they always considered them to be the parents of the capital and provincial nobility. it is believed that with this event the era of great reforms began in russia, the main of which was, of course, the abolition
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of serfdom. the defeat in the crimean war showed the economic and technical backwardness of russia; serfdom was the main obstacle to development. the autocrat understood this, but did not want to spoil relations with the local nobility and called for cooperation. to begin with, he reassured those gathered and denied the rumors. about his intention to give freedom to the peasants, and then nevertheless admitted that sooner or later this cannot be avoided and emphasized that quote: it is better to start destroying serfdom from above, rather than wait for the time when it begins to destroy itself from below. in conclusion, the king asked to think about how to bring all this to fruition. already the next year , elected committees of noble landowners began to be created in all provinces to develop practical proposals, in february... 861 alexander signed a manifesto on the abolition of serfdom . on april 11, 194, 11 german planes bombed the village of nyberksund in
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norway to destroy king hakon vi, his family and government. the nazis invaded this country 2 days earlier. the norwegian army was unable to resist and soon capitulated, but haakon refused to accept the german ultimatum to appoint a fascist leader as prime minister. the hunt began for the king, first together with crown prince olaf, ministers and members of parliament, hakon was hiding in the city of elverm, then in nyberksund. they were warned about the raid and, in order to avoid being bombed, they skied to the west coast. the king was almost 70, but he survived the difficult transition. the british cruiser transported the fugitives to tramso, which became the temporary capital of norway. then the king was evacuated to london, and after the war he reigned for another 12 years. exactly 60 years ago, on april 11, 1964, the premiere screening of the film, which became a legend, took place, i am walking around moscow.
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at first. screenwriter gennady shparikov had only one episode: a girl walking under rain, and then, together with director georgiy daneli, they built the whole picture. by the way, the girl was played by three actresses, only the legs of the third were filmed, and simply because neither one nor the second came the next day of filming. the plot of the film seems to be simple: four young people walk around the city, talk, joke, fool around, fall in love. the result is a portrait of the generation of the sixties that captivates with its sincerity, a surprisingly bright, joyful movie, imbued with optimism, a symbol of the thaw. the main role was played by nikita mikhalkov, evgeny steblov, alexander loktyev and galina polskikh, who became famous after this. the music for the film was written by andrei petrov, and the song about moscow, lyrics by shpalikov,
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became one of the symbols of the capital. and i’m walking, walking around moscow, but i can still walk, the wild ocean, the tundra and the taiga are salty, and even today, 60 years later, it’s impossible to tear myself away from the film, that’s what this day in history was like. fyodor mikhailov dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century a layer of people would appear who are called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero, pavel smerdyakov. friday is the foreign agent's birthday. these same people, there is nothing to respect them for , they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry. they seem
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to save everything. their shares in the west, and many of them have property there, funds invested, do you have any property in germany, yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law, and this victim turned out to be me, your brother there in the donbass, in the aurora battalion, so he’s alive, no one?
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alexey shevchenkov, they went there for reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militiaman, passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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the gang is identifying those involved in the shooting of the film crew. state television and radio broadcasting company, lugansk, we are waiting for the live broadcast of our colleagues with the latest details about the condition of the wounded. the water is rising, the level of the ural river has risen even higher, is there a danger to multi-storey buildings and what kind of help is being delivered now? affected areas of the orenburg region. protractor 0473. massive strikes against neo-nazis.


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