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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the water is rising, the level of the ural river has risen even higher, is there a danger to multi-storey buildings and what kind of assistance is currently being delivered to the affected areas of the orenburg region. protractor 0.4 73, massive strikes on neo-nazis on...
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in kabardeno-balkari, the regime is a counter-terrorist operation in the suburbs of nalchik in the snt embankment, fsb special forces blocked the militants, they are suspected of involvement in terrorist activities. in response to an offer to lay down their arms and surrender to law enforcement officers, the criminals opened fire for security purposes on the territory of nalchik in chereksky district operate temporarily. a number
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of restrictions. and now the situation with floods in the orenburg region remains difficult . the water in the rivers in the orsk region is declining, but near the capital of the region it continues to rise. authorities reported that the dangerous level here was exceeded by almost one and a half meters. our special correspondent, margarit semenyuk, comes to direct communication from orenburg. margarita, i greet you. but they write that approximately 12 thousand houses are still in the water. tell us what your forecasts are.
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deployed on the streets of orenburg, i note that 1,200 people have now been evacuated, of which 299 were
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in the evening at about 8 o’clock, we probably reduced it by another 91 cubic meters, in the morning i already looked at the volume of inflow into rekla, i hope that we will reduce it further during the day so that the situation of water reduction , today there are already more than 3. 600 households, the courtyard areas are flooded, more than 200 households already, well, the situation remains difficult and tense. but the most important thing, what denis vladimirovich says, of course, our main task is the safety of our orenburg residents, and once again i urge you not to sit, not waiting means there are already critical situations and you need to evacuate as quickly as possible. i will also note that today the minister of construction irik faizulin arrived in orenburg, together with the governor of the orenburg region denis pasler, they are now moving into the flooded area.
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we will promptly provide up-to-date information in future news releases. margarita, thank you, we are monitoring the situation directly from orenburg, which is struggling with floods, was our special correspondent margarita semenyuk. so, the flood situation in regions remains difficult, rescuers in kamchatka also warned about possible flooding of low areas. in the kurgan region, a large body of water is moving towards the capital of the region. almost 5,000 people were evacuated. residents got involved in the work. to strengthen the dam, according to the ministry of emergency situations , 750 people are already participating, and neighboring regions are helping. so the sverdlovsk region sent several hundred tons of soil. in the tyumen region , 10 settlements may fall into the flood zone. according to the ministry of emergency situations, the water in the ishim and tabol rivers is still
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arrives. the department's aircraft delivered water-filling dams here to combat flooding. in the center of the european part of russia, in the moscow region, tver, kaluga regions, the flood is already in decline. the situation in some regions of the volga region is stabilizing, so in the astrakhan region, at first the start of the flood is expected only next week. the investigator is identifying those involved in the shelling of the lugansk state television and radio broadcasting company film crew. the ukrainian armed forces attacked the film crew the day before. the operator was injured. the correspondent's shell shock killed an officer press center, which accompanied the journalists. and our correspondent stanislav shyla is in touch with us by phone. stanislav, i greet you, tell me, how do our colleagues who came under fire yesterday feel? hello, according to the doctors,
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the health of our colleagues is satisfactory. this morning, operator denis shuma is already being discharged from the hospital after a successful operation to remove a fragment from his leg. brain, the patient's condition
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is satisfactory, noise denis valerievich received a blind, shrapnel wound to the right hip, surgery was performed, the fragment was removed.
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military operation footage from the artyomovsk direction, where artillery and groups in the south destroyed fortified positions of militants. protractor 0.473 gun! the targets were trained by the crews of the d-20 howitzers, supported by the fire of hail multiple launch rocket systems. thus, it was possible to disrupt the rotation of ukrainian nationalists. at the same time, destroy means of transporting personnel and ammunition. efficiency. the strike was facilitated by adjustments to drone fire. russian fab 1500 aerial bombs change course ukrainian conflict. this was stated by analysts from the independent. powerful
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weapons help our army advance successfully. according to the ukranazis themselves, quoted by the western media, the factories completely destroy any fortified positions. ukraine insists on the urgent transfer of the f-16 fighter, but even this is already too much. would not help kiev, as military experts note. and in a week , russia will be 10 times superior in ammunition to the ussr, if the united states does not approve. assistance to kiev, this is a statement from the command of the joint nato armed forces in europe. in alliance recognized that ukraine is clearly losing on the battlefield. thus, the head of the british foreign ministry even tried to convince trump of the need to save the kiev regime. whether it worked out, emil mirsaev will tell you about it. while current us president biden and japanese prime minister kishida were talking in washington about the importance of strategic containment of russia, the head of the british foreign office, cameron, flew to florida to convince. former owner of the white house trump to push the american congress to finance kiev,
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the washington post writes about this. does this mean that medritania sees the republican as the winner of the presidential election, and therefore plays ahead? big question. one thing is clear: london is no longer betting on the democrats. i think there is an understanding that refusing to support ukraine will lead to a weakening of ukraine’s position, a strengthening of putin’s position; whoever is president at the end of this year, he does not want to find himself in such a situation. kamerin did not dare speak for trump in an interview with american journalists; apparently, the fog did not support the idea of ​​foggy albion. trump’s own recipe for putting pressure on kiev to ceded territory to moscow and thereby recognized the realities on earth. this is reported by the same newspaper , the washington post, citing sources. in addition, according to her data, supporters of the former president do not support the further expansion of nato. privately, trump said he believed both russia and ukraine wanted to save face. they want to find a way out and that people in some parts of ukraine do not mind being part of russia. the politician’s election headquarters
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refused to comment on the contents of the article , but stated that the quote: president trump is the only one who talks about stopping the killings, unlike biden, who, being a supporter of escalation, once again called on congress to allocate billions of dollars to finance the ukrainian conflict, and there are specific business interests here. if this does not happen, us troops throughout europe will begin. in return for those supplied to kiev through investments in the american military-industrial complex, the situation is no better with washington’s allied forces in europe, germany, germany, the federal republic of germany will have to stop the rearmament program if defense.
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called the new eu pact, which tightens all migration norms, quote, a historic and irreplaceable step. what to do with migrants, a question that for 10 years has remained a stumbling block on the path to unity in european politics, in germany, where benefits for migrants are among the highest in the eurozone, they are not going to change anything radically, moreover, they encourage illegal migration through ngos , despite requests from the same italy to the contrary. will new mechanisms make life easier for rome? big question. the principle of hypocrisy
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at the root of european politics, and therefore penetrates into all spheres, said medivengeria, this is especially visible in the context of the ukrainian crisis. the amazing hypocrisy is manifested in the fact that everyone shakes their fists at the russians, when we turn away, then oops, it turns out that they have already established some kind of business with them, and then they shake their fists again. meria today, unfortunately, characterizes all european politics, especially military policy. according to the head of the hungarian foreign ministry, the ukrainian conflict cannot be resolved on the battlefield, since russia, a nuclear power, cannot be defeated. emil mirsaev and maxim akimov, conductor berlin, germany. and now news from france. in the fifth republic, bomb shelters are being built en masse, the publication figaro writes about this, the fault of this is the policy of emmanuel macron, who talked about sending troops to ukraine. such statements caused panic and sharply increased the demand for underground bunkers, even despite
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the rise in prices for building materials, they are being sold out in great demand. companies offer various designs up to full-fledged facilities civil self-defense. until now, the fifth republic had the fewest such facilities in europe, with finland, sweden and switzerland leading the way. now alexander's economic news, among the g20 countries , russia turned out to be one of the most... in december we showed 3%, less only in japan 2.5% and mexico 2.6. south korea, the us, the uk, australia and saudi arabia also had unemployment rates below 5%. the highest figure was recorded
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in south africa, more than 32%. the ministry of finance proposes from june 1. increase the minimum prices for alcohol, in in retail they will add from 6.5 to 7.5% depending on the category. according to the draft order, vodka should be sold no less than 299 rubles per half liter. the cost of the brand, as well as roma, for which the lower threshold will appear for the first time, will be 403 rubles and higher. the starting price for cognac is 556 rubles. at the same time , the ministry proposes to raise minimum selling and wholesale prices. also, it should be... a dollar. the japanese ministry of finance does not rule out that it will have to take measures to
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stop the fall. last time he came running for foreign exchange intervention in october 2022. exchange rates are determined by the market, reflecting fundamental economic factors and excessive fluctuations are unacceptable, we will continue to monitor market fluctuations, in case of excessive movements we will react accordingly, without excluding all possible options. market participants believe that the reason for the collapse is the difference in discount rates between the central bank of japan and its colleagues in the west. the usa and europe are trying to contain inflation, regulators there are raising the base rate, tokyo is having problems opposite, prices in the country have remained stagnant or decreased for many years, because of this they are in no hurry to invest in large purchases, which slows down economic growth, so the central bank of japan has kept the rate near zero for several years. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the
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exchange rates for today are the dollar 93 rubles 21 kopecks, the euro 101.23, that’s all i have for now. the temple of the smolensk icon of the mother of god, it was built with diligence and effort, we are located in the area of ​​​​the city of solidar, and here are some of the largest salt deposits, you were a special correspondent, and what are you in communications, and the homeland said, dubai, dubai ring, dubai ring, the terrain is very difficult, and working in such a landscape is a big challenge for signalmen, they continue to drive, they continue to drive over them, look at the equipment, guys, you know where to shoot, yes, yes, shot! that's it, little bird, we need to take cover, we need to quickly get out of here, a war of intelligence, motivation, at the end of the operation, all units were awarded, but the communications company was not shot. in new regions
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of russia they are updating the infrastructure and scientific base in universities, about this work and plans for twenty fourth. in twenty-four. volunteers from the belgorod region and other regions of the country are helping our soldiers on the front line, sewing camouflage nets and suits for them, baking treats, and children writing letters wishing them victory. about support for military personnel, material from our military correspondent igor pihan. volunteers from the belgorod wings foundation had
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a field trip, the women made camouflage nets. before sending the cargo to the unit, it is checked. quality of work performed, the main criterion is strength and maximum invisibility, all of these should blend into the surrounding terrain, the test confirmed the skill of the volunteers, the shelter will help cover the trenches and dugouts of the soldiers. it is based on a net, an ordinary fishing net, which residents share, on top sponbon is cut into strips like these and braided, this is a special fabric that is water-repellent , it allows... volunteers shared their experience with belgorod craftswomen, and soon such costumes will also begin to be made here.
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there are a lot of people, from small children to people of retirement age, who help in any way they can, women weave camouflage nets in the evenings, children cut ribbons in the morning, and also write letters. belgorod region became part of a huge volunteer factory. local craftswomen, together with volunteers from dozens of regions, are participating in the production of trench candles and camouflage nets. now they are using helmet camouflage. the blanks were tied in the urals. this distribution of labor allows us to increase the volume of output. i dilute it with jute, why? because i understand it's possible that the guys will sit in dead wood. spring is beginning, green grass is breaking through here. more remnants appear, dry grass still remains. lately , thousands of people have become volunteers; these craftswomen jokingly call themselves spiders because they weave camouflage nets. my colleague and i came,
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made the first machine, stretched the net, the first nets we had were volleyball and football, we pulled it, tried it, what i studied at night worked, i called my relative, i said, do you want to come try, she came up. neighbor, and volunteers also bake treats for the military, deliver fresh bread, sweet pies and buns to the unit every day; homemade food improves the mood and morale of soldiers at the front. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. and now to the zaporozhye region, where military police sappers destroyed explosives with which the militants tried to carry out sabotage. a tube with plastid, electric detonators and radio transmitters was found in an aircraft-type drone. he was intercepted by reconnaissance, sappers are on the spot the falls rendered harmless. the cargo on
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the uav was intended to attack civilians. electric detonators. they took the cat, first pulled it off the tree, this device did not produce detonation, they laid it on the ground and began unpacking. it had a hanging pipe. on the servo drive, which was supposed to send this parcel to the addressee, the composition included an explosive substance, plastic, seven electric detonators, batteries, a video camera, plus the transmitter that transmits the signal to activate the veiny substance, we are located at the svo it’s been a year and a half now, my team is very friendly, and now let’s talk about sports. danilo ’s youth hockey league has determined the finalists for the kharlamov cup. tell me, what teams are these? good morning, yaroslavl lokomotiv sk 1946 from st. petersburg will play in the decisive match of the tournament. on the eve of the football
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champions league, two more first matches of the quarter-final stage ended, in which two spanish teams, atletico and barcelona, ​​won. in paris, an almost similar scenario happened in the madrid match between real and man city, with the only difference that the hosts did not win back. in the first match, in the first half after donna ruma's mistake, only raphinha scored. immediately after the break, psg took the lead thanks to goals from dembele and vitini, but barca responded twice more. first, dumbol was scored by the same rafinya, followed by christenson from the corner. 3:2 in favor of barca. atlético played like a master, a big advantage and, as a result, two goals in the first half. de paul and lina. however, borussia almost won back from the very end. alera returned one goal, and a little later atlético saved the car several times. from the gate 2:1 home victory for the simeon team, the return match will take place a week later in dortmund. perm hosted a match of the second stage of the regular
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championship of the vtb united basketball league. local parma 10694 beat krasnoyarsk enesey. in no match of the season did the teams in sumy score more than 200 points. parma updated its scoring record this season, reaching 106 points for the first time. the most productive player. beejay johnson became on the court, he has 24 points, five rebounds, three assists, one steal. after this victory, parma took fifth place in the regular season, and will now meet lokomotiv-kuban in the playoffs. russian tennis player andrei rublev was unable to defend last year's title at the monte carlo masters, losing in the second round to the representative of australia, number 46 alexei popirin 4-6-4-6. but daniil medvedev started there with a victory.
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ekaterina lahno are in second and third positions. at the end of the issue , let's return to football and look at one of fastest goals in history. it was scored in the peruvian cup in the third second. the shot from afar from the center circle came as a real surprise to the goalkeeper. the official
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record belongs. more, who distinguished himself in the ninety-fifth, spending 3.69 seconds, also scored a goal in 2.5 seconds in novocherkassk in 2011, but the organizers simply did not send it to the guinness book of records. in iraq , they did not compete in terms of scoring time, but they clearly bid for one of the most beautiful goals in history, yasin samiyani simply scored through himself during the fall in the iraqi cup, he received a pass from his partner in exactly the same manner , resulting in a double spectacular besiclet, more typical of beach football. that's all for now, sports, see you next hour.
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at the vostochnaya cosmodrome today they are again expecting the launch of a heavy carrier rocket of the angara family. it was rescheduled twice, first due to problems with the automation in the central block of the rocket the day before. due to a malfunction of the engine start control system. a new start is scheduled for 12:00 moscow time today. let me remind you that this will be the first launch of the angara again from a civilian spaceport. to achieve this , the entire infrastructure in vostochny was modernized. the rocket will be launched into orbit by the orion upper stage with a test payload. angara should again replace the proton m. the new model is considered environmentally friendly, it does not have that...


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