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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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at the vostochny cosmodrome today they are again awaiting the launch of a heavy carrier rocket of the family. angara. it was rescheduled twice, first due to problems with the automation in the central block of the rocket, and the day before due to a failure of the engine launch control system. a new start is scheduled for 12:00 moscow time today. let me remind you that this will be the first launch of angara a5 from the grozhdan cosmodrome. to achieve this , the entire infrastructure in vostochny was modernized. the rocket will be launched into orbit by the arion upper stage with a test payload. angara should again replace the proton. m. new model
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it is considered environmentally friendly, it does not have toxic fuel components. in addition, unlike its predecessors, it can launch more cargo into orbit. and the crew of the pacific fleet corvettes conducted artillery training exercises in the sea of ​​japan. 2 2 3 2. according to legend, a detachment of intruder ships was discovered there. approach, the mock enemy raised a helicopter from the deck, which they opened fire on from an artillery mount, and then on the enemy flotel itself, radio interference was installed to repel a retaliatory attack, the exercise ended shooting at mock-ups of floating mines thrown from mock enemy ships. the us president met with the japanese prime minister. negotiations took place in washington. among the main topics are conflicts in the middle east, cooperation between washington and
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the satellite missile tracking system, and america upgrading japanese ships so that they can be equipped with american temahawk cruise missiles. well, the journalists heard standard phrases about the efforts of the west and its allies. quote: ensure the safety of the whole world. the international community is experiencing a historic moment for japan, the us, and the indo-pacific region. and for that matter, in order for all countries to prosper and exist in peace and stability, we must protect and strengthen the world order, which is based on the rule of law. the press conference ended with questions from media representatives; as usual, there was an incident; biden got lost in time, forgot what century he lives in, answering questions on us domestic policy. choose me,
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yandex food when ordering with any card alpha bank, and if there is no card, order a free alpha card, tires can be found conveniently and quickly, there is a search by avtovito brand, if you get up more than twice at night, appalazer at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalaza, a modern drug for early treatment prostate adenoma, a credit card is beneficial in any situation, the interest-free period of 120 days begins. every month,
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service notifications are free forever, which is why the sberbank credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the same as you if you want. every second ticket wins the russian lotto easter charity draw, 10 rubles for every ticket sold. will be donated to charity. buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. new big special barbecue bacon is already in combo for 469 rubles. you have a form, for baking, for squats, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but save up for a subscription and accumulative vtb, replenish regularly, you will save up 16% faster, and why aren’t you in shape yet, we’ve been spinning for a long time , we'll buy quickly, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 16%, in vtb, together everything will work out. i have
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a new nice active gel. when your back hurts, i easily penetrate to the source of pain and quickly disappear. it's time for training. meet the new nice asset. copies. not your style, your uniqueness deserves more. choose avita premium. original items from famous brands at attractive prices are waiting for you in the avita app. 100% originals, now available on avita premium. it is profitable to retire with sberbank. for for pensioners, a free savings card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. watch the zenit spartak russian football cup match on april 17. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? need a holwa. you take out credit cards, transfer debts to the bank, divide them into 24
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months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, easily with the bank. lif 52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lif 52 is an expert in liver cleansing and restoration. it’s not necessary like this, it needs to be like this, like this, like this. i see, i understand. this is how the tefal ironing system is sold at the megamarket for rub 29,990. alfa friday - a supercake every week from alfa bank. this friday, april 12, receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandex gol. what if there is no card? order a free alpha card and receive a supercake on alpha fridays, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable! these are the ivanovs, the average russian family, they throw away 664 plastic bottles per year, and if you sort the waste, this could
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make 21 backpacks for your son or 11 sneakers for my daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses. for mom: sort waste, give things a new life. this is the entire studio of philip trofimov, the digital assistant from yandex alisa is now paid for with a separate subscription, but not all, of course, part of this service , which received the name alisa pro. they announced this in the once apple style of one more thing, that is, and more.
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interface to the gpt model, which expands its capabilities to the conditionally limitless, but there is a nuance: generative neural systems by their nature can, for example, hallucinate, then there are ways to come up with answers, they may respond more slowly, in general, we tested the new alice for about 3 months on an audience of 300,000 beta users. when we are talking about a mass product that exists there among 60-70 million users, then this is where the challenge becomes.
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to make sure that the overall quality does not sag, those very new opportunities that are now so loved by everyone in generative software appear. the second important point is that in the seventh year of her life alice became almost a complete assistant. alice is still in application on a smartphone, in a column, in a navigator or on a website, these were different assistants with different histories of interaction with a person, even if they all communicated with the same user. now the history of dialogues, which is the context for future responses, is saved and synchronized between devices, but only between personal smartphones and computers. speakers and tvs do not remember anything by default, as they say, because outsiders can have access to them, but you can
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force something to be saved, but in the alice navigator for now completely the same, but apparently not for long. as for the results of testing a new assistant with generative abilities, as they say. the scenario for voice communication, that is, with speakers, has not changed much, except that there are more dialogues, they themselves have become longer, but those who need the gpt model for work prefer text communication with it in russia. these are completely different people, from schoolchildren to, respectively, white-collar workers, a kind of
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creative class, alice never knew how to do these scenarios, they were born. and here's how since the paid version of alice appears, alice pro, from the free version, it differs in two ways, well, firstly, those who are willing to pay 100 rubles per month will receive alice the newest, most powerful version of the yandex generative neural network gpt3 pro, launched a couple of weeks ago, and secondly, professions have appeared in alice about, well, more precisely, for now one nanny, who, according to the set schedule , will wake up the child for school, play educational quests from the yandex textbook, remind or follow up on something, this is actually some kind of start on the road, parents and children - this is a very large segment that we wanted to give to the audience that we have, especially the speakers that are children's favorites, accordingly, as quickly as possible.
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all methods are good when you want to be a special barbecue. instant cheese, bacon and smoky and barbecue sauces, what are you ready for? it’s not easy to catch a bird fire, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit at gasprombank. comfort at low prices on the yandex market, from small things to significant things. buy a coopersberg dishwasher from 34% discount. and we with gifts, where
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did all this come from, in retirement, in vtb pensions, the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% of the yearly vtb, everything will work out. on easter , russian lotto unites people; when we are together, our help is greater. in the easter charity draw , 10 rubles from each ticket sold. you have a hamburger for 39 rubles and other offers at a very favorable price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank in a delicious and full stop anywhere you’ll be hungry, only dad will tame it, eat sausages , dad can take out a loan.
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april, get 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandex goal, and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and get a supercake on alpha fridays, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, touch it, croc star burger king, vatter! on fire, delicious!
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every second ticket wins the russian lotto charity easter draw; from every ticket sold, 10 rubles will be donated to charitable causes. buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. many entrepreneurs have already received money from the fund for quite a few businesses. now yours turn, alfabank will distribute 100 million rubles. entrepreneurs across the country. the best stories will get the money. tell us about your business on what we bring from savita’s travels is a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback. a credit card is beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever, which is why the credit card is the best in
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the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. and now let's talk about economics. alexandra, in march spain purchased from us a quarter of the liquefied natural gas it needs. tell us where russia ultimately ranks in terms of supplies. tatiana, second after algeria. now i’ll tell you more. in march, russia took second place in supplies of liquefied natural gas to spain. this data is provided by the local energy company enagas. provided the country with a quarter of lng purchases, in equivalent, this is about 7,500 gw, which is a third more than in the same month in 2023. since january, we have shipped 21.5 gw of gas, a quarter more than a year earlier. in february we took third place in supplies to spain, but then were able to overtake the united states to reach second place.
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algeria remained the leader. head of the gagauz autonomy of moldova evgenia. reported that negotiations with russia on gas supplies will soon be completed, and according to her, the issue of exporting agricultural products from the region will also be resolved. she spoke about this following her visit to moscow. gagauzi is located in the south of moldova, which used to receive fuel from gazprom, but at the end of last year chisinau refused to purchase from the company. then gagauzia decided discuss supplies directly with russia. the possibility of benefits for the import of agricultural products from the region into our country is also being studied. the exchange rate of the japanese currency has dropped to record levels in 34 years and is now trading below 153 yen per dollar. the japanese ministry of finance does not rule out that it will have to take measures to stop the fall. the last time it resorted to foreign exchange intervention was in october 2022. exchange rates are determined
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by the market, reflecting economic fundamentals and excessive fluctuations. unacceptable we will continue to monitor market fluctuations and, in the event of excessive movement, we will react accordingly, while not ruling out all possible options. market participants believe that the reason for the collapse is the difference in discount rates between the central bank of japan and its colleagues in the west. in the usa and europe they are trying to contain inflation; regulators there are raising the base rate. tokyo has the exact opposite problem.
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soon. the season for changing car tires begins in central russia. in just one month , sales of summer tires increased fivefold. should we expect a shortage, what is happening with the supply and who replaced the departed western brands. alexey fedorov will talk about this in detail. with the beginning of spring in russia , the demand for summer tires has soared and there is something to cover it. on store shelves instead of departed brands -
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than a year ago, this is attributed to the increase in production within the country, immediately by one and a half times, to 4 million tires. the most purchased tires in russia are size 185; there are plenty of them on the market, from the most budget to premium ones, while only rare categories of tires are in short supply - these are low-profile with a large diameter, these are what sports cars cost their dollars. extremely small. over the past year, the russian tire market grew by 16%, sales exceeded 45 million units. the production of departed western companies also contributed, some of them have already restarted. thus, the largest plant in europe of the finnish nokia now belongs to icon tires, and the assets of the german continental were acquired by the russian holding s8 capital, after rebranding, the plant in
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kaluga changed its name nogi slovvet entered the cardiant tire cluster, capacity only this enterprise produces 4 million tires per year. we continue to produce products, in fact , all reviews are at a high level, because we maintain exactly the same standards and qualities that we had before. the sales market is russia and the cis; in the near future we plan to consider the possibility of selling to countries in latin america and africa. while the russian market was replenished with inexpensive rubber, and there were fewer and fewer premium brands, tire prices were going down, but against the backdrop of spring demand, rubber began to rise in price again, as an honest sign reports, by the beginning in march, the price increased by an average of 4%, and the avita service recorded an even greater increase, the price of course has increased a little, if we talk about...
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the situation in the regions of the urals is getting better, but pavodkova remains extremely difficult. how long will orenburg continue to sink? and when will problems start in kurgan due to high water?
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current weather analytics on the russia-24 channel. i am vadim zavuchenkov, leading specialist of the phobos centers. hello, polovodya peak in the urals has not yet been passed. the most difficult situation is still in orenburg. a flood wave rushed here on tuesday evening izorsk. the day before, the level of the urals within the city was more than 90 cm higher than the level of a dangerous hydrological phenomenon, the river almost came close to multi-storey buildings, to protect them , water-filling dams began to be deployed on the embankment, surrounding villages that fell into the flood zone were evacuated, lyutanova gas to the very roof . while it is too early to talk about stabilization of the situation in orenburg, the basis for such a statement is the dynamics of the level of the ural river in the orsk region. at first,
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the growth rate was very impressive, more than a meter per day, on the eve of the approach the ridge, the increase in water began to decrease at the moment of maximum flow , almost stabilized for a couple of days, and only then the high water began to gradually subside, so that in orenburg. the maximum levels will last another day or two, and as if the flood was n’t enough, the day before there was also a downpour in the city, and precipitation will also not help lower the water level. however, there is good news for the orenburg region: today the crest of the anticyclone will move here and it will begin to displace the fields of frontal clouds further into sybil, so the rain clouds will dissipate over the ural river valley, in the territory of kurgan. the region will still be affected by the influence of the cyclone leaving for the shores of the yenisei and in some places there will be light precipitation, mainly in the east. excess moisture from the sky is not at all what
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kurgan needs now. such an impressive embankment now protects the southeastern areas of the city. according to hydrologists, today the tabola level here will begin to rise sharply. the leash comes from kazakhstan. previously suffered from the elements. and these, of course, are not even flowers yet. situation really very worrying. the day before, in the south of the region in the village of zverinnogolovskaya, the tabola level had already risen to almost 10 m; 115 km downstream, in kurgan, the water content of the river was three times less. in the coming days. the crest of the flood will move at a speed of about 40 km per day to the north over the weekend and will end up in the vicinity of the regional capital, while
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the water level in the mound will rise by... m, which means that flooding in the right bank part of the city is almost inevitable. cooler temperatures will prevail in kurgan today, than usual weather, daytime temperature is +8-9°, on friday and saturday there will be light rain in the city again and the thermometer will reach +13-14. in orenburg , it will be mostly sunny in the coming days, but there will be good weather too. the regime will be significantly warmer than the climate in the afternoon up to +18-19, so snowmelt in the mountains will intensify and melt water will continue to feed the flood on the ural river. that's all for me, goodbye.
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the flood situation in the regions remains difficult; rescuers in kamchatka warned about possible flooding. businesses provide assistance to flood victims. our economic editorial office has all the details. the investigative committee is identifying those involved in the shelling of the lugansk state television and radio broadcasting company film crew. the bsu struck
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the day before. all details. in our material at the vostochny cosmodrome today the carriers of the angara family are again awaiting the launch of a heavy rocket; it has already been brought twice. the season for changing car tires begins in the central part of the country; in just one month , sales of summer tires have increased fivefold. what is the market situation? to krasnoyarsk the artists from the theater center arrived. and cinema under the direction of nikita mikhalkov. what program did you bring with you? a counter-terrorist operation regime has been introduced in kabardino-balkaria. fsb special forces blocked armed bandits on the territory of the garden partnership in the suburbs of nalchik. in response to the offer to lay down their arms and surrender, the militants opened fire. according to the national anti-terrorism committee, a number of
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restrictions apply. developments of events will be reported additionally. the flood situation in the regions remains difficult. about the possible rescuers in kamchatka warned of flooding of low areas. in the kurgan region , a large body of water is moving towards the regional capital. almost 5.00 people were evacuated. residents joined in the work to strengthen the dam. according to the ministry of emergency situations , 750 people are already participating. neighboring regions are helping. so. the lovskaya region sent several hundred tons of soil. in the tyumen region , 10 settlements may fall into the flood zone , as reported by the ministry of emergency situations, water is still present in the ishim and tabol rivers. board of the department delivered water-filling dams here to combat flooding. in the central european part of the country, in the moscow region, tvorskaya and kaluga regions, the flood is already in decline. the situation in some regions of the volga region is stabilizing. in the astrakhan region.
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just waiting for the flood to start


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