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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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will inform you additionally. the flood situation in the regions remains difficult. rescuers in kamchatka warned of possible flooding of low areas. in the kurgan region , a large body of water is moving towards the regional capital. almost 5,000 people were evacuated. residents joined in the work to strengthen the dam. according to the ministry of emergency situations , 750 people are already participating. neighboring regions are helping. so, the svertlovsk region sent. several hundred tons of soil. in the tyumen region, 10 settlements may fall into the flood zone. according to the ministry of emergency situations, the water still remains in the rivers ishim and tabol. the department's aircraft delivered water-filling dams here to combat flooding. in the central european part of the country, in the moscow region, tvorskaya and kaluga regions, the flood is already in decline. the situation in some regions of the volga region is stabilizing. in the astrakhan region they are just waiting for the beginning of the flood. next
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week. and now to the situation with the flood in the orenburg region. in orsk, the water level is already steadily decreasing; 14 cm have dropped per day, including due to a decrease in discharge from reservoir. our special correspondent in the region, stanislav bernoval, joins the broadcast. staz, greetings, how many houses remain in the water ? do residents of the affected areas receive all the necessary assistance? yes, sasha, hello, well, this morning can really be called good, because the news is positive, the water is really leaving orsk, so we standardly every day straight from here, from this stele, you see, now it is almost completely visible when we were just starting ours work, it was just the edge of the heart, roughly speaking, we could see, now we just talked in a day with...
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they deliver people to their homes, who asks to deliver them there, well, a very important point that needs to be said is the work of volunteers , a big thank you to them and a low bow, because everyone really mobilized, they are helping with humanitarian aid, they are helping here, this is where the operational headquarters is deployed, there is also hot food for people, for employees of the ministry of emergency situations, law enforcement agencies, everyone is helping really in... one impulse, because well, it’s like this is a common cause and a common misfortune, and the russian orthodox church also helps, so we talked with the metropolitan of orenburg, let’s listen to what he said: the purpose of our visit is to divide the people who are here they live, well, those churches that are damaged, so we want now, god willing, we will be able to arrive by water to the temple, which is a swamp on the island of transfiguration.
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orenburg region held a meeting with city residents, there were a lot of questions, it’s understandable, well, of course people were interested in how the city will continue to live, how will it be restored, how will security be ensured in the future so that there are no such breakthroughs in the future, and of course the minister spoke about the payments, people seemed to have received information, this is very important, because many of course were worried, not knew.
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since there is no light, there is no way to listen to the radio, i don’t know, watch our news, where we talk in detail about how to act and what to do, and the most important thing is that from today the restoration of the energy sector begins, power engineers will work today, the fact is that many substations are currently in the water, a large number of subscribers are simply not connected to electricity, this problem will be solved in the coming days, we continue to monitor events, all the latest news, of course we will tell you on our air . sasha gives you my words. stas, thank you, stanislav bernvaet is monitoring the flood situation in orsk, where the water level in the ural river is beginning to gradually decrease. and to other topics. an operator of state television and radio broadcasting company
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lugansk, who the day before was wounded during shelling from the ukrainian armed forces was operated on. the correspondent was discharged from the hospital. colleagues of journalists reported this. installed at home. our journalists were examined and treated by military doctors of the airborne forces. as a result of enemy artillery shelling , the vgtrk film crew from lugansk was injured. at the moment, the patients have been taken to the thirty-ninth separate medical detachment of the airborne troops and have received comprehensive
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medical care. yunda artyom olegovich received a closed explosion injury traumatic brain injury, concussion , condition. noise denis valerievich received a blind shrapnel wound to his right thigh, an operation was performed, a 15 cm fragment from an artillery shell was removed, he is currently under observation, nothing threatens the life and health of the patients. our film crew, consisting of artyomas and denis shov, worked yesterday together with tank crews in the west and kremenna while filming a report. ukrainian militants launched an artillery strike from small artillery. as a result of this, our cameraman was injured and evgeniy polovodov, an officer from the press service of the ministry of defense, who was accompanying the journalists, was killed. the investigative committee has already promised to establish all the circumstances of the shelling and give
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a legal assessment. flood victims in the orenburg region are receiving support from business. large enterprises purchase essential items for them. 2,397 railway workers and members of their families
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are currently in the flood zone; all of them will be provided with financial assistance from the russian railways company and trade union organization. employees and non-working retirees of the industry have already begun receiving priority assistance payments.
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the plant allocates equipment, we fill up the dams, we have a dozen units of equipment allocated, we
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purchase and supply humanitarian products to the city of orsk, pumps, pumps, beds, food, essential products, everything that people may need, industrial enterprises help with the evacuation of local residents and liquidation of flood consequences, including transport and special equipment. orenburg, and the russol company by decision of the shareholders, it allocated 100 million rubles to eliminate the consequences of the flood, and the same amount was allocated by the director of the company, sergei cherny. the regional operator priroda will carry out the necessary purchases and work. as soon as the territories are cleared of water, funds will immediately be allocated to purchase special equipment and gather people in order to eliminate the consequences of the flood and remove all construction materials. consequences
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of the flood in the orenburg region, plus 20 million rubles today are allocated for the purchase of humanitarian aid, this is primarily heat guns, pumps, generators in order to send them to the city of ortsk. in turn, the avita service launched a quick search for help for flood victims in orenburg. areas from free stuff to temporary housing. all advertisements can be found using the hashtag “i’m helping.” on the very first day , proposals from 600 people appeared on the site, and in a few days there will already be thousands, we are confident in the service. the announcement is quickly available to all affected people. and we, as a platform, compensate all promotion costs for placing these ads. they get there automatically in a special section and any additional request. you can write to the mailbox together on avito, and we will help with placement, with
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any other questions, and we see that users responded very well to this, as experts say, what is most needed now is the resettlement of victims, the care of pets, drinking water and first things necessity. sasha, the humanitarian company is now just gaining momentum. thank you, sasha, it was alexandra nazarova. with a story about how a business helps flood victims in orenburg region. now let's take a short break from advertising and then continue to talk about the main topics of this thursday. looks like a cold. take paracetamol renival. citramon prenival. we trust renival. we choose renival. credit savings. beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service
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for new personnel and breakthrough developments, and those companies that are already working in tandem. with universities will be able to get results faster, and what solutions already exist to strengthen this partnership? any scientific development requires rapid implementation in hardware, we came up with some kind of development, a bone implant, a class, we came to biologists, look, we made such a class, we came together with biologists to surgeons, and how did we we’ll sew it up in general, we’re like, we don’t know, the right way is to first communicate with real production sites, who will say, this is technologically possible, give us a grant, we... here we have a partner, we continue the broadcast, another portion of revelations from russian pranksters, we talked via video link with
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the president of the international olympic committee and the vice-president of the european commission. european officials are trying to disrupt it. the friendships that russia is preparing even agreed to participate in the african ritual. anton has all the details of this conversation dodykina. how are you my friend, great, i'm fine. the representative of the african commission, in fact, the russian lexus prankster alexey stolyarov in disguise, took part in the approval of an official document of the european union during a video conference with the president of the international olympic committee and the vice-president of the european commission. trace castle, the eu intended to urge national olympic committees not to participate in the world friendship games in russia. thomas bach, who verbally fights for sports outside of politics, did not hide the ban on the performance of russian athletes at the olympics - this is western policy in its purest form. first they were deprived of the flag, then they were deprived of the anthem, now they have a different flag, and
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then, this is not true, they are not deprived of something. this is the russian government that has been deprived of something. bach even managed to find an excuse for the disqualification of russian athletes who oppose nazism with his own actions to support the kiev regime, which declared hitler’s accomplices heroes of ukraine. russia says the war against ukraine is a war against the nazis.
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the olympic committee has already confirmed threats from international athletes from a dozen countries, and the european commissioner for the protection of the european way of life during the conversation even forgot that, at least for appearances, he should adhere to democratic rhetoric. as a result , i was completely confused. i mean, of course, you can say that they can be. that is, to be both there and there, but to be both there and there is not the same thing. after this prank, when it became known at the end of the conversation that it was not an african
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politician, when they found out everything, but this gines’ statement never came out in the public space, he never said anything about the friendship games, so we can say that, in fact, we in some way tore down this statement, this european commissioner, he was very frightened by what happened.
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help me make the right decision to prevent these friendship games to prevent these friendship games. so, the decision has been made. great, now that we have divine inspiration, nothing can go wrong. doesn’t understand that this is some kind of last hope, uh, to disrupt these games friendship is to win the african continent to their side, so they are probably ready for anything, in principle, if our politician perhaps said that we should dance some kind of african dance there, he would play tambourine there, and maybe thomas bach even danced somehow, i wouldn’t be surprised, in order to support this world. their interlocutor offered to drink to the successful
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officials became suspicious only after the disruption of the friendship games of russian vodka from a cut glass. anton dadykin, news! universities in new regions of russia are actively integrating into the general the education system, updating the infrastructure and scientific base. they created a comfortable place for students. conditions for admission, sufficient budget places have been allocated, and universities accept graduates on the basis of entrance exams without passing the unified state exam. minister of science and higher education valery folkov spoke about this in an interview with my colleague maria kudryavtseva. budget places are allocated in the required amount, we know that the specific thing is that you can apply there without the unified state exam, in this sense, well, our task is to ensure that the most capable, came to the university prepared. including to new regions, and a feature of the higher education system in new regions is its very rapid renewal. last year we repaired - 14 -
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buildings of the mariupol state university named after kuinzhi and the azov state technical university in mariupol; for obvious reasons, they suffered the most. and this year there is a huge amount of work going on, including melitopol state university and a number of universities. in the lugansk people's republic, actually in donetsk, in the kherson region, that’s why we have a big program, we want to completely update the material and technical base in a few more years, watch the full version of the interview with the minister of science and higher education valery folkov today on russia-24 after 14:00 moscow time.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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in moscow 9:28 and further, briefly about the main thing. fsb special forces blocked militants on the territory of a gardening partnership in prigordinalchik. according to information from the national anti-terrorism committee, information about the location where they are located. in orsk, which suffered the most from the flood in the orenburg region, the water level is steadily decreasing, 14 cm dropped in a day; now they are doing everything to minimize the discharge of water from the iriklinsky reservoir and are already discussing a project to build a new dam on the
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ural river. the operator of the state television and radio broadcasting company luhansk, who was wounded as a result of ukrainian shelling, was operated on and is being prepared for discharge; the correspondent is already at home, recovering after concussion. the ssu attacked the film crew the day before. the senior officer of the press center of the west troops group, who accompanied the journalists, died. the head of the international olympic committee and the vice-president of the european commission, wanting to disrupt the upcoming friendship games, tried. to vouch for the support of an african politician, a russian prankster performed in this image. via video link, european officials offered to sign a document calling on them not to participate in the competitions that russia is preparing. before that, they claimed that they were supposedly conducting the fight for sports outside politics. the tour of the nikita mikhalkov center has been extended in krasnoyarsk. tickets for the play “12,” which he brought to the trans-siberian art festival, were sold out
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back in february. it was decided to add another third show. alexander usatenko found out how the famous play was received in siberia. in krasnoyarsk , the theater and cinema center is on a major tour under the direction of nikita mikhalkov. siberians will be shown the play reflections 12. this is a serious conversation about what worries everyone today. the slogan is for everyone and... everyone, this is really true, because that in this performance, both the people who sit in the director’s box and those who sit on the fifth tier, they each get what touches them, and this seems to me to be the most important thing. for georgy peradze, the hall of the krasnoyarsk opera and ballet theater is a special place, his parents met here and it seems...


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