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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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egypt, iran, united arab emirates, saudi arabia and ethiopia. these countries have significant economic potential, play a significant role not only in their region, but in the international arena, and most importantly, they are uniting.
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with the parameters and criteria of a new category, the category of brix partner states. the corresponding work is going on between serb and susherp. the results should be presented in june at the meeting of brix foreign ministers in nizhny novgorod, where we will have to formulate recommendations for our leaders during them. samita in kazan. we have no
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doubt that the involvement of a wide range of developing countries in interaction with brix will contribute to the further consolidation of the efforts of the world majority to solve common problems in common interests. among the tasks of our chairmanship is also increasing the coordination of the brix countries and like-minded countries at international platforms, primarily at the un and.
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cybersecurity is truly one of the challenges of the day. another task remains to provide favorable conditions for development. deepening interbank cooperation, transforming the system of international payments and expanding the use of our national currencies in mutual trade, i can tell you that just the other day...
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to subordinate this activity to tasks that are not enshrined in the charter of this bank, but now, as i understand it, everyone is aware of the need to prevent such attempts and strictly rely on the established
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statutory goals. we attach great importance to strengthening cultural and humanitarian contacts, this allows...
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and after this discussion, the first parliamentary forum took place in moscow in 2015, so next year there will be a ten-year anniversary, and after the fifteenth year, meetings in the format of parliamentarians have become regular,
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and i would especially like to note the signing of a memorandum of understanding on the brix parliamentary forum, which took place in johannesburg in...
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i’m ready for this, thank you, it was a live
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broadcast, sergei lavrov met with representatives of the relevant international affairs committees of the brix parliaments. at bigfest you definitely choose, hamburger for 39 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable. comfort at low prices on the yandex market, from small things to significant things. buy a coopersberg dishwasher with a 34% discount. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, we’re all in the commercial bank, we take out loans. approved quickly, up to 5 million. loans that everyone knows. to order household goods, use jandex go, and if you need a courier, also
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are at sovcombank, we take out loans, and we got them quickly, we are at sovcombank, loans that everyone knows, one from everyone, all for one, there are classics that you like more and more every time. classic grant burgers and a new one, grand picant with a spicy tomato sauce that you really want repeat. the classic is already waiting, delicious period. credit sbercard. beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and maintenance and notifications are free forever, which is why the credit card is the best in the country, apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want, now economic news, briefly:
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russia entered into the three g7 countries with the lowest unemployment, in december it was at 3%, real news reports: only japan and mexico are higher in the ranking, they have an unemployed population of 2.5% each. at the same time, the most a high level of unemployment was recorded in yur, more than 32%. as rosstat previously reported, the number of employed people in russia in the twenty-third year increased to a record 74 million people. in russia, growth has slowed down for the third month in a row. at the end of march, prices rose only 39% month -on-month. this is rosstat data. groceries increased in price by 17%, non-food products by 27%. as the head of the central bank, elvira nabeulina, said the day before, inflation has passed its peak, which was facilitated by an increase in the key rate. the japanese currency fell to
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record lows in 34 years. it is currently trading below 153. exchange rates are market determined to reflect economic fundamentals and excessive fluctuations are not acceptable, we will continue to monitor market fluctuations and if there is excessive movement we will respond accordingly without ruling out all possible options. in march, russia became the second supplier of liquefied gas to spain; the country received the equivalent of 7,500 gwh of lng, which is a quarter of the country’s total imports, reports the spanish ena-gas. in algeria remains the leader in terms of supply volumes; as for the whole of europe, here the share of russian lng is more than 15%. the fact is that such purchases do not
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violate european laws; liquefied gas is not subject to sanctions. it was economic news. short. and now we are joined in the studio by academician of the russian academy of cosmonautics named after tsalkovsky, scientific editor of roscosmos media igor adolfovich igorin, hello , hello, third attempt today. did not take place due to a failure in the engine start control system. what could go wrong? well, firstly, i would note that testing of the launch complex is underway. this means that the pre-
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launch software is also being tested, not to mention the sensors and the results processing system. these sensors, so yesterday what happened was that some sensor that monitored the engine turning on gave some incorrect message, either it was a preliminary engine failure, or it was the sensor itself, or it was a software error, this is very quick yesterday the state commission sorted it out and yuri ivanovich borisov said that the launch was simply being postponed day, as usual, that is. apparently, the reason was not serious, obviously it was just some kind of software glitch, but the main thing is that at this stage the entire diagnostic system of both the launch vehicle and the launch complex is monitored and tested, so i think this is very good, it practically reduces the likelihood emergency launch to zero, such good diagnostics, these diagnostics
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are now being checked, but yuri borisov said yesterday that irreversible processes requiring the dismantling of the rocket did not occur. also noted here is a phrase that later spread throughout all news agencies, throughout all media, that transfers for technical reasons are ordinary events for developers, if you look at the space industry as a whole, not only domestic, but foreign, at how launches take place in the usa , in china, how common are such launch postponements at the last moment for technical reasons in the global space industry? well, for us, in general, this is not very... but as for foreign ones, well, i would he said that the main contender for the record for
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the number of postponed launches is the united states for almost all launch vehicles, why it is difficult to say, but they very often postpone technical issues due to weather conditions, so i specifically expect this question. i wrote down several recent events, very interesting ones, for example, delta heavy 4, a powerful launch vehicle comparable to ours, our angara, a military satellite, was scheduled for march 28, in 3 minutes, for us in 2 minutes, it was the day before yesterday, now 3 minutes before engine start-up was canceled, postponed once, then postponed twice, then postponed three, in short, postponed four times, postponed even for a week, only launched...
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launched according to the military program, the day was added up, first due to the weather, postponed, postponed, then another day due to technical reasons, then another day due to ground equipment, due to a failure of the launch complex, i flew only on december 29, that is , they postponed from december 11 to 29, this is also normal, this is what 3 months ago, we did not avoid this europeans, for example, here they are, for example, uh, in... on october 7 , the launch of a light launch vehicle from the kourou cosmodrome was scheduled, so it was interrupted by the launch
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preparations for the launch 14 seconds before the launch due to the readings of one of the instruments, almost like ours yesterday, and after that it they went back and forth for another two days and after two days they finally launched it, that is, this is a completely normal situation. and after such multiple transfers, launches, as a rule, are just successful launches, because all errors are worked out at the stage before the start. well, it probably won’t be possible to detect 100% of all errors, shortcomings, and any possible defects, but 90% of everything is caught on the ground now, unlike the initial period of our cosmonautics, and foreign ones, when all tests. carried out practically during launches, that is , they looked, took telemetry during the flight, the rocket something happened to it, it flew either in the wrong direction, or not like that, or not quite
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like that, deciphered the information, figured out the reason, brought in the next rocket changes, they launched it again, looked at it again, now everything can be done on earth using computers, i think it’s great, we haven’t had any accidents since october of 1918. is this what happened when they tested the m proton in soviet times, or what rockets? no, well, this probably also applies to just protons, because the m proton is a modified rocket, it has already become quite reliable, the first rocket flew in 1965, and until 1972 the accident rate there was quite high, yeah, and and with automatic interplanetary stations, with military vehicles, with civilian vehicles, and even stations.
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our such space independence, space sovereignty, that we will be able to launch rockets of all classes from a cosmodrome on russian territory, well, you mixed up several questions, if you start with the last one, then of course, because the proton has been discontinued in our country, the last copies we have are about we'll shoot a dozen, and then the entire load that was supposed to be introduced... the proton goes to the angara, it will be launched only from two cosmodromes, both russian, this is the eastern one and plesetsk, the northern one, that is, you are right here, but
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as for the rocket, what is it? this is a significant step forward in rocket science in our russian, this is also correct, for two reasons, well, i’ll name two, in fact there are of course more of them, but two main ones, which means the first thing is that this is our first modular rocket, that is, there for all modifications of this rocket use standard, universal rocket modules, as they are called, or-1 and orm2, or1 for the first second stage, these are the heavy hangars. and for first light mountain, they are the same, for pm2 it is used for the second stage of light, and for the third heavy, that is, standard ones like sausages, as khrushchev said then, we launch rockets like sausages, and here in omsk these or1 and p2 will be produced , serial, and then from them, as a designer, they will assemble either light or heavy missiles as needed, this significantly increases serial production, and therefore decreases.
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will launch, well, let’s say eight per year, 5 u8 is 40, only for a heavy rocket, 40 modules, plus another light rocket we are flying, plus there are also launches from the east from plesedsk, that is, there are dozens of them a year, and this is even large-scale production for rockets, i think, yeah, igor adolfovich, let's pay attention to the footage that we are now receiving live from vostochny cosmodrome, today i understand, yesterday you
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said that the weather, especially the weather that we observe on the surface of the earth, does not matter for the launch of the angara, but what i would like to note is that today, of course, it is clear cloudy, the weather is much better, but that’s all , as far as we can judge now, there are about 2 minutes left, a little more than 2 minutes before the launch is ready, no messages about the launch being postponed are coming, right at these minutes i ’m looking, if we talk about plans - tests? in the rocket flight plans, what is the angara launch vehicle supposed to do again during normal operation? in 12.5 minutes it should go into the reference orbit of the head unit, the head unit consists of a new upper stage, which is called orion, research equipment is attached to it, which should conduct research, and then this...
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head unit, or rather arion, together with the research equipment will perform a very large number of maneuvers, that is, it will be tested in different areas, that is , it will change the orbit, raise, lower, maybe change the inclination of the orbit and so on, that is, a complete test of this head unit, that is, now it is important for us to test the launch complex, our rocket is already pre-production, that is, it has already flown here. there shouldn't be any surprises here arion is its first flight, so its tests are very complex, so this doesn’t get into the press, how many maneuvers there are, where you can’t even see it, all this will take place at an altitude of more than 600 km, so how long will these tests take ? i also don’t know how long it will take, that is , maybe it will work right away, maybe there will be some problems like this, but
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it won’t be returned to the ground, so on the ground... there will be flight control center or designers or managers will decide problems, if they arise, if they don’t arise, then quickly enough, but again, well , usually satellites, for example, that are put into orbit, usually they are tested for about six months and after that, after that they are only connected to operation, yeah, it's exactly 12 noon now. moscow time, there may be a few seconds of delay, let's see what's happening at the vostochny cosmodrome before launch, the engines have turned on, everything is fine, the engine is starting,


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