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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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a successful launch on the third attempt, the heavy angara launch vehicle was again launched from the vostochny cosmodrome. how did the launch go and what are the goals of this program? in orenburg and its suburbs, the level of the ural river continues to rise and is already approaching 11 m. the water has not yet reached a critical level, but is approaching multi-story buildings. rescuers are building a water dam. our special correspondent, margarit semenyuk, joins the broadcast; we know the details from her. margarita, hello, tell us what the flood situation is at this time, is there a need? in additional evacuation. yes, greetings, we are now in one of the snt in orenburg, this is snt victoria, which is now already 2 meters under water, that is , employees of the ministry of emergency situations from samara are now plying here, they are helping local rescuers evacuate all the people, indeed we are together with
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we swim through every street with them and see that people cannot get out on their own due to the depth of the water and because of the streams that form on the streets, i now suggest listening to the commentary of the woman we just we evacuated, the water came to us within a day, it started coming yesterday morning at 7 am, but it was quite dry, in the evening the house was not flooded, and today at about 6 am the water began to flow into the house. i am grateful to the guys, because our situation is very difficult, my mother is 97 years old, she practically does not move, they regulated it perfectly, i am calm, thank you very much, i note that the water continues to flow, and we are still waiting for the peak, the flood, that is the water is coming in, we take measurements every 2 hours, there is more and more of it, and we are approaching the 11 m mark, in orenburg again at...
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also today, the minister of construction of the russian federation, irik fayzulin, worked in orenburg, he, along with...
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protective ladies, so we’ll figure it out, yes, i’ll note that as of today , according to the latest information, 3,968 household plots and 2,326 households were flooded in orenburg, almost more than one and a half thousand houses were added to this figure in the past 24 hours alone, i propose now to listen to the commentary of the governor of the orenburg region, denis pasler.
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yes, margarita, thank you, together with you let me remind you that margarit semenyuk works in orenburg and monitors what is happening in the regional capital and in the region as a whole. on other topics, in the tver region , a suspect was detained in an attack on police in the town of shchelkovo near moscow. the ministry of internal affairs reported that he had already admitted guilt and said that he was hiding in the forest. the identity of
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the attacker was established 2 days ago, at the same time he was charged in absentia under articles of encroachment on the life of law enforcement officers and illegal weapons trafficking. and the attack was carried out on 7 april, when two police officers. we arrived in the village of fryanovo to check information about drug trafficking. the man did not respond to the demand to stop and began shooting. one police officer was killed, the second was seriously injured and is now in the hospital. as a result of operational search activities, employees of the ministry of internal affairs of russia detained a suspect in an attack on police officers of the police department for the urban district of losino-petrovsk, the intermunicipal department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia shchelkovskaya. behind.
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in britain we were already distributed among regiments, where we will undergo further service. this is edwin, this is andrew, here in the background stands kreich, these are the british instructors who trained us in great britain. the translation was carried out by refugees from ukraine who lived in the uk, they carried out the translation between us and instructors from the uk. he worked with us more often, most often he worked with us.
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this was reported by the ukrainian media with reference to centerenergo, the company's message noted that the fire in the turbine shop broke out after a missile attack, the workers were not injured, they are trying to localize the fire; eyewitnesses are posting photos and videos of the object on the internet. the russian ministry of defense reported that the massive night strike was a response to kiev’s attempts to cause damage to russian oil and gas industry and energy facilities. earlier today , ukrainian publications also wrote about attacks on targets in kharkov, lviv, ivanofrankivsk and volyn regions. ukrenergo reported damage recorded in four regions. in kavardino-balkaria , two militants were neutralized during a counter-terrorist operation. according to information the national anti-terrorism committee militants were planning terrorist attacks and sabotage; automatic weapons and ammunition were found at the site. earlier it was reported that the bandits were blocked in the suburbs of nalchik, they
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were asked to lay down their arms and surrender, but the criminals opened fire in response. the operation was carried out jointly by employees of the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of emergency situations and the russian national guard. there are no losses among them. the information center of the national anti-terrorism committee reports: as a result of a counter-terrorism operation in the suburbs of nalchik, in connection with by establishing the location of armed persons involved in terrorist activities, two bandits were neutralized; according to available data, members of the bank group, who were part of an international terrorist organization, were killed in a quick firefight and were planning to commit a number of sabotage and terrorist acts on the territory of kabordin. balkar republic, fsb burying technicians are working at the site of the clash, automatic weapons and ammunition were discovered, losses among those who took part in the counter-terrorist operation, employees of fsb units, the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of emergency situations and the national guard, as well as no casualties among the civilian population,
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are continuing the necessary operational and investigative measures. heavy launch vehicle angara a5, which launched for the first time today on the third attempt. from the vostochny cosmodrome , the orion upper stage was launched into orbit, as they say in roscosmos, with a useful test load. in general, this launch was the fourth in history for the angara. the previous three were carried out from plisetsk. the first took place in december 2014. we'll come back to this later topic, in the near future we are waiting for our correspondent to speak directly from the vostochnaya cosmodrome. now there is a short advertisement and we will continue, do not switch. alpha friday, supercake every week from alfabank. this friday, april 12, receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandex goal. and
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russia and china. european tires, of course, are available as parallel imports, but they are many times more expensive. new brands are no worse in quality. having experience in the production of european and also japanese manufacturers on the russian market, having the opportunity to regularly test their products at domestic testing sites in russia, as well as in europe. we have a lot of experience. now the client is buying domestic. receives a high-quality product that is not inferior to imported manufacturers. sanctions, the russian tire market has successfully overcome, analysts note, there is practically no shortage. in january-february, 8 million passenger summer tires entered the market, a third more than a year ago. this is attributed to the increase in production within the country, immediately by one and a half times, to 4 million tires. the most purchased tires in russia are size 185; there are plenty of them on the market, from budget to premium. at the same time, in...
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over the past year, the russian tire market grew by 16%, sales exceeded 45 million units. the production of departed western companies, some of them have already restarted. thus, the largest plant in europe of the finnish nokia now belongs to icon tires, and the assets of the german continenttal were acquired by the russian holding s8 capital. after rebranding, the plant in kaluga. at a high level, because we maintain exactly the same quality standards that we had before, the main sales market is russia and the cis, in the near future we plan to consider the possibility of selling to countries in latin america and africa. while the russian market was replenished with inexpensive tires, and premium ones there were fewer and fewer brands, tire prices were going down, but against the backdrop of spring demand,
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rubber began to rise in price again, as an honest sign reports, by the beginning of march the price had increased on average.
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participants, these are activists of territorial public self-government, village elders, representatives of public councils, municipal authorities of the media, discuss effective practices of civic engagement, including options for supporting a special military operation. the head of the american central command arrived in israel today. army. earlier, the bloomberg agency, citing its sources in us intelligence, reported that iran is allegedly preparing a drone strike on government and military targets on israeli territory. and according to yet unconfirmed data. european and american diplomats are already being evacuated from israel; russian officials have called on russians to refrain from traveling to the middle east region, especially to israel, lebanon and the palestinian territories. let me remind you that at the beginning of the month the israeli air force attacked the iranian embassy in damascus, killing 16 people, including iranian military advisers. official tehran made it clear that it reserves the right to respond to
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this attack. now a short advertisement, and we will continue. alpha friday, supercake every week from alfabank. this friday, april 12, receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandex goal. and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive a superkick on alpha fridays. not just profitable, alpha profitable. this is not necessary. ok, ok, ok, i understand, that ’s how the megamarket sells products for babies with cashback up to 50%. well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is accruing, you need help, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the help, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay them off, make purchases or get rid of debts on credit cards easily with help.
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from the regions about the flood situation, this is what presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said. the flood situation continues to be the focus of the president’s attention; today he continues to work in the kremlin, and we expect him to appear on a video conference with leader. the first launch of the angara family rocket from the eastern one did take place, it successfully launched the arion block into orbit; previously the launch was postponed twice for technical reasons. in direct contact with the cosmodrome in the amur region, now our correspondent evgeniy nipot, we know the details from him, evgeniy, greetings, what do the experts say, how was the launch? yuri, greetings, everything went according to
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plan, we have been here all these days, and indeed, this is a truly long-awaited launch, the launch vehicle of the angara a5, heavy class, let me remind you, it’s launching for the first time from the vostochny cosmodrome, before that there was, it’s already... the launch of this heavy rocket, before that the launches took place from the plesetsk cosmodrome, this is the first launch from the civilian vostochny cosmodrome, it’s really a long-awaited event, from a personal point of view i felt like i was present at two launches at baikanur and at vostochny, we were talking about union rockets, now i was able to feel such a roar from the cosmodrome, a wave of this power reached literally 6 seconds after... work began and the rockets, as is known, fourth minute, the first stage separated, there were only three of these stages, already at 12 and
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a half, to be precise 12 minutes and 26 seconds according to the cyclogram, and so the orion upper stage has already started working, let me remind you, upper stages are necessary in order to output useful load that is carried on the rocket into orbit. and what is especially important, upper stages are such high-precision instruments that allow you to deliver the necessary cargo with maximum accuracy, well, there was a test one at hangar a5 test payload, after the launch, the head of roscosmos yuri borisov came out to journalists, this is what he says about the first launch of a heavy rocket at...
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angara launches, this is only the fourth launch of a heavy hangar in 10 years, the rocket has not yet reached the required level of readiness , this is a natural process, this is a new cosmodrome, this is a completely new launch, an automatic launch, i remind you that the angara class rocket is light, they have a payload capacity of up to 3.5 tons and are heavy class. and it is also already known that work is underway on the hydrogen version rockets powered by hydrogen fuel that can lift about 37.5 tons. all the technical
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failures that occurred the day before yesterday are normal work for everyone, for us. we still have a lot of work to do with this rocket to ensure its reliability, and in the twenty-eighth year it will need to launch a manned spacecraft. indeed, this is a great achievement for the entire domestic cosmonautics, as they say in roscosmos, it opens a new, truly new milestone. space for russia. yuri, i tell you word. yes, evgeniy, thank you. evgeny nipot about the launch of the heavy-class rocket angara a5, vostochny cosmodrome. look around, it's 2002. 100 years from now, everything
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will be different. moscow.
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the birth of salt, you were a special correspondent, and what are you doing as a signalman, and your homeland said, dubai, dubai, ring, dubai ring, the terrain is very difficult, and working in such a landscape is a big challenge for signalmen, eyes go, eyes go above them, look carefully, guys, that means where to shoot, yes, yes, a shot, that’s it, little birdie, it’s necessary to take cover, we need to quickly get out of here, this is war, intelligence, motivation, as a result of the operation, all units were awarded, but the communications company was not shot.
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now economic news, briefly. the measures from the president’s message will require about a trillion rubles a year, finance minister anton seluanov told interfax. amendments will be made to the budget parameters for the twenty-fifth year. additional funds may bring changes in taxation. the president previously proposed a more equitable distribution of taxes. silunov explained this formulation so: who earns more? he pays more. at the end of the year, russia entered the top three g7 countries with the lowest unemployment. in december it was at the level of 3%, ria novosti reported. only japan and mexico are higher in the ranking. their unemployed population is 2.5%. at the same time, the highest unemployment rate was recorded by bur, more than 32%. as rosstat previously reported, the number of employed people in russia in the twenty-third year grew to a record 74
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million people. the japanese currency has dropped to a 34-year low and is now trading below 153 yen per dollar. the japanese ministry of finance does not exclude the possibility that it will have to take measures to stop the fall. the last time he resorted to currency interventions was in 2022. exchange rates are determined by the market to reflect fundamental economic factors and excessive fluctuations are not tolerated. we continue. monitor market fluctuations. in the event of excessive movement, we will react accordingly, without excluding all possible options. in march, russia became the second supplier of liquefied gas to spain. the equivalent of 7,500 gw hours entered the country lng. this is a quarter of the country's total imports, reports the spanish enogaz. algeria remains the leader in terms of supply volumes. as for the whole of europe, here is the share.


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