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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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reflecting fundamental economic factors and excessive fluctuations are unacceptable. we will continue to monitor market fluctuations. in the event of excessive movement, we will react accordingly, without excluding all possible options. in march, russia became the second supplier of liquefied gas to spain. the equivalent of 7,500 gwh of lng entered the country. this is a quarter of the country's total imports, reports the spanish enogaz. leader in volume. supplies remain in algeria, as
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for the whole of europe, here is the share of russian lng more than 15%. the fact is that such purchases do not violate european laws; liquefied gas is not subject to sanctions. it was economic news, briefly. pentalgin - remedies against different types of pain. pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the cause. its occurrence pintelgin we can do without pain like this, don’t need it, like this, it’s clear, i understood, like this, at the megamarket there is a karcher car wash for only 26,390 rubles. every second ticket wins the russian lotto easter charity draw, 10 rubles for every ticket sold will be donated to charity. buy tickets in branded stores on the stolato website. and we with the gifts, where did all this come from, you’re retired, the vtb pension rate is for...
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mom, guess who started a new job today? there are many vacancies on avito work, you will find not just a job, but your place. for m-fresh products, we grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs. m-freshness from garden to shelf at the speed of freshness, only online magnet. my back gets tired on my feet all day. sports. daily
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spine. great car. i agree, the basis, but how to protect the joints? artneo - just one capsule a day is ideal for joint protection. just need to change the oil. let's stop by. do you have the ideal oil for my car? here is an excellent oil - rosneft mag. 83% of buyers choose it again. what's so special about it? sros oil magnum. reduce oil consumption. it provides reliable engine protection. reduces calcification by 20%, rosneft magnum motor oil, we are sure you will buy it again, touch the rock star burger king, water on fire, delicious! now
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the numbers are telling. according to the ministry of transport, if we compare the last year before last, the volume of passenger traffic has increased in russia. businessmen and tourists traveled around russia. the volume of freight traffic has remained almost unchanged, but logistics routes have often changed, so to speak, with an eye to the east. well, how do companies feel that are in one way or another connected with... the transport sector, now we will tell you, our first story, it would seem, a freight car, what is there? and aluminum alloys,
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however, now you will find out everything for yourself, the plant is already 63 years old and at first it produced equipment for khimprom, and... then it became a car manufacturer, now there is complete localization, three sites, more than 100 certified cars in the line, these 100 cars can transport up to 2,000 different cargoes , the cargo is very different, from simple coal,
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crushed stone, sand to molten sulfur, molten pitch, to cars.
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new aluminum alloy, new equipment, we made the 32nd order, well, by the end of the year, clients will sign up with us somewhere for the same size. among the new products, there is also a hopper for transporting aggressive cargo, an aluminum container for liquefied gas, and an innovative trolley is being tested. well, in comparison with such a cart, what is its difference?
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mentoring in russia took second place, in mordovia first place, we opened a factory of knowledge and skills, students are trained in eighteen professions, together with the ogorev moscow state university we went under the federal professional program, and accordingly, on the basis of the production site we organized - well , a production building that helps a student to obtain a profession that is exactly necessary and in demand for our enterprise, that is, how... that is, based on the results of training , an exam will be passed, a second rank will be assigned, and accordingly, that is, at the request of the students
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, someone will want to get a job further, like this programs to satisfy personnel shortages throughout the country are a joint effort between business and the state. students don’t feel much difference, in fact they are transferring, they don’t have any stress, there is no such expression, teach what they give you at the enterprise if you come, you will be able to retrain, there is no such thing, this is becoming a thing of the past, i am telling you this for sure, i personally visit these educational institutions, why? because we invest budget funds there, we are responsible for federal funds and there must, there must be a result, they must be employed in tourism, and with good salaries, that is, they must be hired for good salaries, from railways to automobile products for... including for supplies abroad, the matter of machine tools from the saratov region, and will they build a road
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or some kind of structure, say, in a swamp or in a rockfall zone or in the sand? previously , such an idea would only have been twisted with a finger to the temple, now there are technologies that allow this... we came here, so to speak, with one building completely destroyed, which had to be restored, we had to pull up communications, start from scratch, as they say, and the company for 20 years, today there are 500 people, employees, yes, these are 10 production divisions, they started with products for road construction, geomaterials. when is the road being built canvas, it is necessary
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to separate the inert materials from each other, that is, sand from crushed stone, so that they do not mix, so that consolidation does not occur and there is no failure on the road. now there are more than 200 types of products and many have replaced foreign analogues, for example, in kaliningrad they equipped the embankment using saratov materials, or in agriculture, hoses for storing grain turned out to be no worse than european ones. it’s convenient, quickly up to 300. then it fits in one sleeve, you don’t need to pay the elevator, it’s in the twenty-second year, we were the first in russia to start making it, began to offer it, started selling it, now we have already spread a biological mat with seeds and an ideal lawn is growing, for environmentally improving projects the geomembrane inside is polypropylene and clay. you and i are covering and protecting the bottom of the training ground, and suppose, yes, there is some kind of breakthrough.
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and expanding the geography of supplies, do you have exports? yes, there is also export, we have worked quite successfully, always to neighboring countries, well, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, azerbaijan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, there was even transnistria. yes, there is now great demand in the domestic market, but exports are also growing with support. in particular, this enterprise was invited by the russian export center. to participate in exhibitions abroad for free, and this is one of the many support measures, for example, there is
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assistance to companies that had to restructure the delivery routes of goods, that is, now we have a subsidy to compensate for expenses, regardless of the geography of origin of the export cargo, but we see unevenness and work efficiency transport corridors, so this unevenness and inefficiency will be balanced. he has something to offer the market, including
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foreign ones. forest, pipes, gravel or even a tractor, for example, if all this needs to be moved from point a to point b, then equipment for transporting goods will help. works and is produced by a company from tyumen. recently, much more opportunities have opened up for us, that is, german manufacturers have left the market, that is, this is an onboard semi-trailer that is completely localized in russia. boards from maloyaroslavets, plywood-sykfkar, steel cherepovets, many russian suppliers, also thanks
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to thoughtless western sanctions, have now got work. and most importantly, the suspension, until recent times the suspension was german, here the suspension is completely russian down to the bolt. this axle is produced in mias and generally produces semi-trailers for transportation around the world. for example, for equipment weighing up to 60 tons, and they work in any conditions, that is, it turns out where there is some foreign delicate one.
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the company plans to develop and export, there are there were deliveries to kazakhstan, belarus, even iraq, and in general, now is a good time for business to grow due to its supply market to new foreign ones, with the countries of central asia, our closest neighbors to the south, growth in 9 months of the twenty-third year. by 1.8 times, there is room for growth, we understand our potential very well, i’ll give you an example, um, literally we had an export forum in december, delegations from three countries came, there was an extraordinary ambassador of the state of bangladesh, 170 million population for a minute , we
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we know that you have oil and gas here, that you have excellent nuclear technologies, we don’t know anything else, therefore... we need to be more active ourselves to tell what else we can offer, just the share of asian countries in foreign russia's trade is growing, according to the federal customs service in january it reached 74%. trade turnover with china sets records for 2 months of this year and added another 9.3%. well, last year we had an absolute record of $240 billion in trade turnover between russia and china, the highest in history our relationship. was not, and we understand, of course, that this is not the limit, the task that our leaders, and we, and exporters set, of course, is to increase these numbers by the end of this year, we see this absolutely realistically, we just need to learn how to use all those the opportunities that we have are that
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the demand for russian products... heavenly not only exists, but exceeds the supply, the first festival fair showed that it was made in russia. now there are new contracts, and therefore such events will probably continue in china itself in other countries. moreover, our companies have something to offer in the transport sector, including, here is an example from saransk. modern technology is energy-intensive, for example, passenger cars, subways, there are a lot of air conditioners, chargers, screens, that’s all. it worked fine, we need converters, this one, for example, for an electric train, and this one for a new wide passenger car, which
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is still in production. an electric locomotive pulls wagons with cargo in a variable network. current, but for stable operation it needs constant, this is why a rectifier is needed, the main product of the enterprise, and russian railways are the largest client. in the twenty -third year, we produced more than 900 rectifiers there, this completely covers the needs of the russian railways, and here is the plan for the twenty-fourth year , we also have about 900 out of 92 rectifiers. but many people need such products, for example, an electric rectifier. for metallurgy, thanks to it, electric furnaces cook advanced alloys, and in this we have manufactured almost everything for the converter, starting from the frame,
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starting from the step-down transformer, and ending with our layered devices, there is still a lot of foreign equipment that will need to be changed, and competitors have been blown away from the market, demand is growing, and therefore at the enterprise that already 83 years old and for the last 10...
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already an export product, at one time there were exports to 42 countries around the world, korea, italy, switzerland, india, and we still have some of the contracts, in particular, we supply our devices to india for the production of metallurgical equipment. of course, it is difficult to develop supplies only on your own. last year, the russian export center supported 24,000 companies, an increase of 20.33%, foreign trade transactions amounted to $17 billion, by the way, among the effective measures is assistance in learning how to export;
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there is a joint program of rec, the ministry of science and the rsp, so that graduates master's programs and additional professional education in this part were received not just theoretical knowledge, then in production , over the course of several months to... a year , we learned to apply it in practice, and so that they come out as ready as possible for practical activities, and we expect that this will increase the efficiency of education and the fastest possible adaptation of the graduate to work in your new workplace, including through employment, guaranteed employment through partnership with rsp, will increase efficiency. bringing the employee closer to his maximum efficiency level, and now the following story from tyumen: the company is also trying to develop exports
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to replace imports in the transport sector of russia. many trucks, buses, agricultural, special. they won’t go anywhere without the products of this seal factory, clutches, which they produce here on a serious scale, more than 200,000 pieces a year, let’s see how everything works, this is where it’s used in particular, here you can, this is a basket, this? for a gazelle, for a variety of gazelles, the thing is that they are also universal, they are used in many places
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on... production, well, let's say, has stagnated, because there are still foreign analogues, in particular in china, the creation of a product, the reliance on its developers and russian components. at the end of the twenty-third year, we completely designed, created, tested, a complete analogue of a german-made product for the needs of a large state-owned minsk
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plant. in fact. yes, you can completely replace imported products, despite china there, we do without imported ones raw materials, we make do, everything is russian, development is not without solving problems, again the personnel issue, we are solving the training of young personnel, we have different professions: mechanics, turners. now there are practically no such professions, no one teaches them, there is still a new challenge, exports to unfriendly countries have dried up, well, there are supplies from the cis countries and we have to develop other markets, africa, latin america, in terms of support, support is, of course, provided to us by our the export support center
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is, of course, the most effective of support measures. all kinds preferences, subsidies for exhibitions, and so on and so forth. support will not hurt in your market. where is the strong competition with china? we need, of course, guaranteed sales, just like any manufacturer, in order to modernize, create something new, and most importantly, for any industrialist, for any production, this is long-term and cheap money, this is necessary. loans, these require subsidies of all kinds and not for a short period, for longer ones, because you will need to create something unique certain time. attempts by unfriendly countries to destroy the russian economy have failed. last year, gdp increased by 3.6%, and the previous decline of 1.2% was completely
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offset. by growth rate. russia took fifth place among the g20 countries, the potential is even higher, of course, if we develop support measures, solve personnel problems and produce the product the country needs, including in the transport sector. these are the stories we managed to tell you, but of course there will be more, companies are setting up
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production. routes appear, well, for example, by the end of the year the railway to crimea through new regions will be fully operational. we continue our news review. western intelligence services are preparing ukrainian special forces to carry out sabotage. the fsb stated this. it is reported that we are talking, among other things, about the british intelligence services, which supply explosives to the ukrainian special forces. we will discuss this and other topics with the russians.


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