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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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well, now some footage from the government house. good afternoon, dear colleagues, today we will begin the government meeting with a report on the situation in the regions that suffered from floods; in many areas of the privorsky, northwestern, siberian, and ural and central federal districts, you know, a high alert regime has been introduced, an emergency the situation was announced in the orenburg region, as well as in certain areas of the kurgan and tyumen regions. by order of the president.
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a government commission has been created whose task is prevention of liquidation of the consequences of flood waters, it was headed by the minister of emergency situations, aleksandrovich korenkov, he is in constant contact with the president, this structure includes governors and heads of relevant departments, including the ministry of natural resources, the ministry of health, rosrezerv, rospotrebnadzor, and many members of the government commission are in regions, now, alexander vyacheslavich has already been. in the orenburg and kurgan regions, then in the tyumen region, the water is also rising there, today he is working again in the orenburg region. by on the instructions of the head of state , the minister of construction and housing and communal services irikanvarich fazulin arrived in orenburg on tuesday, he must assess what needs to be done to restore housing and urban infrastructure, also in the kurgan and tyumen regions, taking into account the current situation... today. the most important thing is
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the safety of our citizens, providing them with everything they need. and here, of course, it is very important to organize work as soon as possible to restore reliable energy supplies and resume transport links. also i ask all relevant departments to evaluate the possibility of compensating for losses incurred by enterprises and organizations in flooded areas; it is especially difficult there for small businesses and agricultural producers. it is necessary to quickly decide on measures to support entrepreneurs, and of course, what is most important, to bring the necessary funds to the affected people on time, on another topic, before we move on to the agenda of the meeting, i want to say about the signed document, and the government has approved an action plan for the implementation of the strategy and pharmaceutical industry, this area is very important, directly related to health, to... the duration of active life of people,
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in his message the president noted the need to organize much larger volumes of our own production of medicines, the importance of sufficiently providing them to the healthcare system, we just talked in detail during the government’s report to the state duma, because the timeliness and effectiveness of medical care depends on this, it is necessary to ensure that citizens receive high-quality... treatment, the share of russian drugs in total sales on the domestic market should increase to almost 70% in the next 7 years. to do this, we will continue to improve systemic measures to support domestic producers, we will stimulate development and research, including through subsidies, grants, tax breaks, we will create conditions for expanding the export of such products, and of course, special attention will need to be paid to preparation. highly qualified
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specialists for the pharmaceutical industry, it is knowledge-intensive, everything that has been outlined must be accomplished, and of course, i would ask the heads of regions to take the most active part in this. regarding another decision on maternity capital, the president, in his address to the federal assembly , set the task of making housing under construction more affordable for families, for which the government provides an additional opportunity for citizens to use maternity capital. in order to improve their living conditions, we also spoke about this in detail during the report to the state duma, the corresponding resolution was signed, now it will be possible to use such funds for the reconstruction of the house, the so-called blocked development, or as it is more often called, and also to pay with maternity capital for the already completed construction work in such housing, we expect that such...
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the command of the american army. earlier, the bloomberg agency, citing its sources in us intelligence, reported that iran is allegedly preparing a drone strike on government and military targets on israeli territory. according to yet unconfirmed reports, people are already evacuating from israel european and american diplomats. the russian media called on our citizens to refrain from traveling to the middle east region, especially to israel, lebanon and the palestinian territories. let me remind you that at the beginning of the month, the israeli air force attacked the iranian embassy in damascus, resulting in deaths. 16 people, including iranian military advisers. official tehran made it clear that it reserves the right to respond to this attack. the aggravation of the situation in the middle east was commented on by the press secretary of the russian president, this is what dmitry peskov spoke about moscow’s position on this issue. we call on all countries
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in the region to show restraint. you know that we condemned, of course, the attacks on the iranian consulate; we condemned the attacks themselves very harshly . everyone stopped working. yuri, hello, yes, but the authorities of the orenburg region agreed with the business that employees will continue to receive salaries. russian business is actively helping flood victims. the federation of trade unions of the orenburg region noted that large enterprises were involved in this work. created in the region
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a charitable foundation to which businessmen are already donating funds. the business of orenburg is probably right, the business of russia, united around this common misfortune that happened, created. charitable foundations are transferring humanitarian aid, we agreed with our employers in orsk that each employee must have a person responsible for the employee who suffered, and the head of the enterprise personally controls whether he received payments or not, the business launched a special campaign, the business helps, helps with humanitarian aid, helps with transfers, helps evacuate people, also the minister of economic development of the orenburg region held meetings with entrepreneurs, agreed that despite the emergency situation, employees who suspended the work of companies will continue to receive salaries, 10 people worked at the enterprise every month for each person paid, well, let’s say 30, 40, 50,000, multiply 30, 40, 50 thousand by the number of people, well, and accordingly a million, one and a half to two, to pay wages
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to employees when they did not work, that’s all of us let's do it together, that is, our task is not to leave people behind, so that they have the opportunity to do business, to recover from this difficult situation. large companies confirm that salaries in the flood zone are maintained in full. moreover, lists are compiled to help not only employees, but their relatives. one such example is russian railways. currently, 2,397 railway workers and members of their families are in the flood zone, all of them will be provided with financial assistance from the company russian railways and trade unions organization. employees and non-working pensioners of the industry have already begun to receive payments. priority assistance, in the future, after determining the damage , additional financial support will be provided. financial organizations are not only introducing credit holidays and restructuring loans, alfa group, by decision of shareholders, will allocate a billion rubles to help victims in the orenburg region, and sber promised
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to provide comprehensive support and opened collection points in the region for those who find themselves in a difficult situation. head of the ural steel denis safin transferred 100 million rubles of his own. funds to a charitable foundation to promote the development of novotroidsk, including for the restoration of the infrastructure of orsk and novotroidsk. volunteers from the plant actively participate in rescue volunteer groups, and they also organized the delivery of food and necessary items to temporary accommodation centers. the perinatal center of orsk also received humanitarian assistance. the plant helps in every way it can, the plant allocates equipment, we fill up the dams, we have allocated a dozen units of equipment. we purchase equipment we supply the city of orsk with humanitarian products, pumps, pumps, beds, food, essential products, everything that people may need. industrial enterprises are helping with the evacuation of local residents and
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liquidation of flood consequences. for this purpose , they use, among other things, transport and special equipment of the gazprom neft orenburg company. and the russol company, by decision of the shareholders, allocated 100 million rubles. to eliminate the consequences of the flood, the director of the company, sergei cherny, allocated the same amount. will carry out the necessary purchases and work regional operator nature. as soon as the territories are liberated. from the water , funds will immediately be allocated for the purchase of special equipment and gathering people in order to eliminate the consequences of the flood, remove all construction materials, all the buried garbage, because it is necessary to prevent the next disaster, so to speak, fires. 200 million rubles are primarily aimed at eliminating the consequences of floods in the orenburg region, plus 20 million rubles today are aimed at purchasing humanitarian aid, this is primarily heat guns, pumps, and generators in order to send them to the city of orzk. in
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turn, the council’s service launched a quick search for help for flood victims in the orenburg region; the list includes many options, from free things to temporary housing. all advertisements can be found using the hashtag “i’m helping.” on the very first day , proposals from several hundred people appeared on the site, well, in the coming days, as they say, the company will already have several thousand. in the first day, a little more. there are 500 ads that went through ours platforms, now we see that there are already more than a thousand, in general we see that help comes in a format that is made free of charge so that you can publish an ad, make - i don’t know, there is a free product or accommodate people, it is not included a great response, that is, you can continue to place ads there with the hashtag i’m helping, we will compensate somehow. experts say that what the victims most need right now is resettlement, evacuation of
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pets, drinking water and first aid items. necessity. yes, konstantin, thank you, konstantin churikov told how business is helping flood victims in the orenburg region. you can find tires conveniently and quickly; you can search by brand. on avito. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the 120-day interest-free period begins every month, and service and notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. yes, i myself did not think that i would become a driver. my friend called me. the schedule is free, there are orders. by i get a decent amount of money, at first i thought that i wouldn’t be here for long, i haven’t had time to look back
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recent past psychiatrist? a famous scientist, and then they quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, and i’ll kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you valera in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, what a predator, well, damn, it hurts, they say that you know how to look right into people’s heads, this is a metaphor, look into their heads, look in the application or on the website,
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completed or close to completion will already be in operation. the second wave is basically the twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, twenty-eight years. well, in 2024, we now want to select the third wave in order to build at least 25 campuses by 2030. and by the thirty-sixth, here we are - the first twenty began 15 years, by the thirty-sixth, even
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more, the thirty-sixth year, we must finish. we should have 40 campuses in different regions of the country. and i assure you that each new competition is always taking into account, on the one hand, the experience that we have already gained, the third wave will be different from the second, on the other hand, conditions are changing, they of course influence and make requests for the design of campus construction to others, too, we have good examples when companies come directly and not only choose a premises, help with equipment, which is important in itself, but somewhere they even participate, co-finance this infrastructure construction is very...
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for an engineering experiment, for a scientific laboratory that will ensure the production of specific products and technologies. valery nikolaevich, you said that what is happening here now is history, what does it mean? you see, the 20th century was marked by the fact that there were two milestones: the thirties, when the government of the country decided to significantly increase the number of industry universities; a large number of pedagogical, agricultural, and transport universities were created. under industrialization, universities created in the thirties, many of them in the regions, especially pedagogical universities, where there were no universities at all, began to transform in the seventies.
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hostels, but later it was like this, as i would say, it is more situational in nature, now we have a directly targeted program, where we understand why, how much, we are building, for what, this happens, well , once, maybe at best.
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118, and its distinctive feature, no more than 100 universities, and to be precise , only the scale, after all , keeping 100 universities in the program is very difficult, even to listen to them every year, and this is, well, we spend a lot of time and count that this is absolutely justified, because there is no more effective way to manage universities than such an expert meaningful conversation with them, well , of course, checking also what they say and objective criteria. how they are moving according to these criteria, the amount is decent, but you need to understand that this is a resource for development,
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not for current activities, for development, that is, we support those projects that contribute to the development of universities, just now you were discussing applications, in general, how do universities get into the program? by the way, this is another distinctive feature of it, usually before the program as passed, a competition was announced, they were selected for the program, the door closed. but you can’t leave the program, you can’t enter the program, our program, we exclude you from it, this is an unpleasant procedure, but very necessary in our opinion, because it disciplines, now there is a selection process, we have a lot of applications, there are more 60, the selection is not to enter the program, but to become a candidate, that is, we, you see, we have the main team, if we take team sports, football, hockey, those who play on the field, and a separate big... serious competitive struggle to sit on the bench, sit for a couple of years, then, if you show results, they will take you into the main team, on this bench there are many
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players of the future for about 15-20 the council itself decides traditionally, who should be given status and what number of universities to determine, here we don’t have such a rigid connection, that there are only 10 or 15, we of course look at the results of the defense, well, according to the situation, because... they were not expelled forever, but there is an opportunity to re-assemble , rethink, look, and why did this happen, where you did not show the proper dynamics, show up again.
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the university’s admissions process starts on june 20. how are preparations going now for the start of the admissions process, including in new regions? this preparation, it started last fall, because the choice of a unified state exam or a set of unified state exams, yes, the definition of admission rules. determination of the specialty areas for which admission to universities is calculated, this is all already known to applicants, their parents, and future employers, and the number of target budget places, but now the most important and responsible time begins, very soon there will be passing state exams, and i want to wish all school graduates, of course , the highest grades, well, secondly, after all, until the last, a number of applicants choose not only specialties of the field, but the university. because the same specialties in the field can be implemented at different universities, and a lot also depends on the choice of university, i recommend here, of course, to think very carefully, because the choice of university and
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choosing a future profession: in a sense , this is a choice of fate, at one time we had a fashion for lawyers and economists, now there is a very big fashion for it specialists, but engineers in those days were required either specialists in the field of biology or specialists today in field of agriculture, and if you have solid knowledge, you have interest, then you will realize yourself and find yourself in this profession, so universities are ready. we very much hope that the main channel of interaction will also be the super service of vus online, which proved last year that it is the most popular way of interaction between school graduates and universities, this year we are finalizing it for targeted training, and we are improving it taking into account the wishes of applicants last year, the wishes of the university last year, by the way, those who
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are graduating today. from this, the finalization of the super service is being completed, and this will already be possible this year, targeted admission, and about new regions, how the work is going there now, budget places have been allocated in the required amount, we know there, the specificity is that you can apply there without the unified state examination, in this sense, well, our task is for the most capable and prepared to come to universities, including in new regions. a feature of the higher education system in new regions is its very
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rapid renewal. last year we repaired 14 buildings of the mariupol state university named after kuinzhi and the azov state technical university in mariupol; for obvious reasons, they suffered the most. and this year there is a huge amount of work going on, including the melitopol state university, a number of universities in the lugansk people's republic, in donetsk itself, in the kherson region, which is why we have a large program. we want to completely update the material and technical base in a few more years, the point is that this is not the construction of new student campuses, but a major overhaul of everything that has not been paid attention to for many years, which is why students in the twenty-fourth year in most universities completely different audiences will come to new regions, you said updating the logistics base, and there is an understanding in how many
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universities, this year we are continuing it, over the next 3 years we set ourselves the task of maximally repairing the material and technical base of universities in new regions. thank you very much, valery nikolaevich. thank you.
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in some areas the water has receded, in others the peak of the flood is still ahead, where are the most difficult situations now and how to help. to the victims. the largest energy supplier in ukraine , the trypillya thermal power plant near kiev was completely destroyed. explosions also occurred at the tpp-3 vysu plants in kharkov. what consequences? in response to demands to surrender , fire was opened in kobordino-balkaria, two militants who were planning sabotage and terrorist attacks were eliminated. how did the counter-terrorism operation take place? successful
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launch on the third attempt of heavy rockets. the hangar carrier was launched again.


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