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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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in some areas the water has receded, in others the peak of the flood is still ahead, where are the most difficult situations now and how are they helping the victims? the largest energy supplier in ukraine , the trypillya thermal power plant near kiev was completely destroyed, and explosions also occurred at the tpp-3 plants of the armed forces of ukraine in kharkov. what consequences? in response to demands to surrender , two militants who were planning sabotage and terrorist attacks opened fire in kabardia. how did the counter-terrorist operation go? successful start on the third try. heavy launch vehicle angara again launched. vostochny cosmodrome, how did
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the launch go and what are the goals of this program? speaker of the slovak parliament petr pellegrini won the presidential elections of the republic, how the change of power in this country will affect bilateral relations with russia, we will not only talk about this with the russian ambassador to bratislavia igor bratchikov, he is now in direct contact with the studio igor borisovich, hello , hello, in the presidential elections the candidate who sent... the coalition, the chairman of parliament, won the presidential election, tell me what his vision is relations with russia, and what are your expectations from cooperation between the two countries? i want to make it clear right away that pilligrini does not question the obligations that arise for slovakia from its membership in nato in the european union, but believes that the country must, under any conditions, in these associations defend its national... interests, like other
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members coalition, the elected president believes that it is necessary to see all four sides of the world, and not just the west, advocates a peaceful resolution of the ukrainian crisis, believes it is important to find a way in the future to restore pragmatic relations with our country. by the way, pelligrini visited our country several times, including when he was prime minister in 2019-2020, then
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it was impossible from the world, as for the economics of cooperation with russia, the basis of bilateral interaction, as far as i understand, the economy was primarily energy turn, tell me, is there any cooperation in this area now and how do you assess the prospects? despite the reduction in trade turnover, it actually took place, cooperation in this area continues, and russia remains the main supplier of energy resources to slovakia, i’ll give you an example.
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last year, now continues work on the fourth block. according to my observations of the block, and it was put into operation here, all responsible slovak politicians and representatives of the business community perfectly understand the detrimental nature of attempts for the slovak economy, and they are being undertaken primarily by the americans for such selfish purposes, to break these decades-long accumulated chains of communication, but i emphasize cooperation continues. igor borisovich,
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regarding historical memory, tell me, how do the current slovak authorities, and the slovak people in general, feel about the memory of the events of the second world war? the current leadership of the country has great sincere respect for the memory of the red army soldiers who defeated fascism and liberated slovakia. last week, on april 4 , the slavs took part in the ceremony of laying flowers and wreaths at the central war memorial cemetery of the slovak capital all, almost all members of the cabinet of ministers, the leadership of parliament, representatives of public organizations. and i... check that this comes from below, because almost all slovaks, the entire slovak people, have great respect for the memory of soviet military personnel, we see that memorial sites in all settlements, individual graves, fraternal burial grounds are in in a dignified manner, they
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are protected by the citizens of slovakia, and it is gratifying to note that slovak youth also participate in this work, i in no way i doubt that in may, when... we celebrate victory day, there will be a huge number of flowers at all the memorials that people will visit on this day, and funeral candles will be lit. let me quote, because i remember it well, the words of prime minister fitz, which he said at the ceremony on april 4. he said that there are tendencies to question the role of the soviet union in... if it happens on purpose, and emphasized that the truth about the second world war is the basis the second world war, and that this is not accidental, our, that is, slovak life, the world order, the world community, cannot be allowed, he emphasized, for this truth to be stolen, then we will become an easy prey, and
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many want small countries to become it, this is an almost verbatim quote from what the current leader of the slovak republic said regarding the memory of the second world war. yes, igor borisovich, thank you for your comments, thank you for answering the question live, let me remind you that the russian ambassador to slovakia igor was on my live broadcast from the studio bratchikov. now about the situation with floods, it has begun to stabilize in orsk, there is less and less water in the river, populated areas are gradually freed from flooding. our correspondent, stanislav bernwald, is working on site; he is now in direct contact with the studio. stanislav, hello, when, according to forecasts, will the water completely leave the city and is it clear, is it clear how the consequences of the flood will be eliminated? yes, yur, hello, the water in orskie is indeed leaving, leaving slowly, but still leaving, at this rate it will leave, well, as they say specialists, probably a week and a half, maybe even two, the spill area is quite large, here is gagarin square behind me,
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just recently, some 2 days ago, there was, well, much more water, the inscription, i love the city of orsk at all was. apparently, today we, together with rescuers, took people home, those who were evacuated, but literally for a while, because people came in, checked their apartments, those who live on high floors, took away some of the most necessary things, documents , well in fact, we were returning, with regards to the restoration of the city, it is too early to talk about this, until the water goes away, it is impossible to begin... valuable restoration, epidemiologists are also working now, that is , they are removing animal corpses, for example, unfortunately, it occurs for this so that no infection spreads in the city, as soon as the water recedes, there will be
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widespread disinfection, the minister of health of the orenburg region also spoke about this, and the governor said, this... is also a mandatory condition, the novgorod substation, today we there were, the energy sector is starting to recover, this is now one of the important, one of the important areas, because in many areas there is no electricity, at the moment 10.00 subscribers are powered by backup circuits, well, they are slowly starting to restore from the substation, there are really very serious losses and a lot of what is needed. will be done, let's see how this process goes, the water has not completely left the substation yet, all cable channels remain submerged, all control cables in water, some of the cables need to be replaced, it will not be possible to restore it, well, let me remind you
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that the supply of electricity is possible if the network facility is not flooded, first, second, the adjacent building is not flooded. and basements, if the house networks are working properly, these are mandatory conditions in order to connect, but as you can see, there is water, the water is near the houses, so... even if there is water in the basement, you cannot connect electricity, so this is also a process it won't be fast. let's listen to what the power grids have to say. we started to restore we are working on emergency restoration work on april 9th. we have 114 people involved at the site, 23 units of special equipment, the equipment is cleaned of silt and dirt. well, here is the information that comes in these minutes: military personnel of the yasninsky missile
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formation have begun to equip a drainage dam in the area of ​​the elshanka river bed for rescue, rescue and flooding of remote settlements of the orenburg region, the combined engineering detachment of the strategic missile forces has prepared about 700 sandbags with the aim of creating artificial embankments. after carrying out monitoring. monitoring the situation, military engineers of the strategic missile forces are also developing a network of drainage canals. we continue to monitor the situation here in the city of orsk. all the latest information, of course, is on our broadcast. yes, stanislav, thank you. stanislav vernoval is monitoring the situation in orsk in the orenburg region. orsk, let me remind you, began to gradually free itself from water. he called today to restore power supply to transport links in flood-affected regions as quickly as possible. on at the government meeting, the prime minister also instructed to determine measures to support businesses that suffered losses due to flooding. on
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behalf of the president , a government commission was created whose task is to prevent the liquidation of the consequences of flood waters, it was headed by the minister of emergency situations alexander vyacheslovich kurenkov, he is in constant contact with the president, this structure includes governors and heads of relevant departments, including the ministry of natural resources and the ministry of health. rosrezerva, rospotrebnadzor, as directed on tuesday, the head of state arrived in orenburg, the minister of construction and housing and communal services fazulin, he must assess what needs to be done to restore housing and urban infrastructure, also in the kurgan and tyumen regions, taking into account the current situation. the most important thing is the safety of our citizens, providing them with everything they need, here of course.
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energy supply and resumption of transport links. i also ask all relevant departments to evaluate the possibility of compensation losses incurred by enterprises and organizations in flooded areas. in st. petersburg, exactly 3 months later, on july 11, the tenth brix parliamentary forum starts. one of his main tasks is preparation for the group’s autumn summit in kazan. speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko reported this. today met with parliamentarians of the brix states, promised that within the framework of the russian presidency moscow will promote cooperation in politics and security, touched upon the topic of investigating terrorist attacks in the moscow region cityhole. a cruel, bloody, unprovoked terrorist act against civilians. and of course, both he and other cases of acts of terrorism show. that it is possible to fight this global evil, this new challenge of our time, only
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by uniting international efforts, no country alone can defeat this evil, because behind every such terrorist act there are sponsors of terrorism, there is someone who is interested in it, and this network is connected only the intelligence services in... countries must work very effectively, to identify and prevent such terrorist acts; if such joint work is established, then of course this will make it possible to identify these terrorists and prevent such crimes. the angara launch vehicle will again become one of the main ones for launches from the east; the first successful launch from the cosmodrome in the amur region was carried out today. the rocket launched the arion upper stage with a payload into orbit. roscosmos said that the launch of the angara today marked the start of a new milestone in the development of astronautics.
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our special correspondent evgeniy nibat reports from the vostochny cosmodrome. the launch of the angara a5 heavy-class launch vehicle was considered successful. we are now not far from the launch pad, at the cosmodrome it is also called zero, here you can see the cable refueling towers, it is from here that the angara launched. this is a historical launch from the territory of the first civilian spaceport. the country's first heavy rocket developed in modern russia. let me remind you that the start was postponed twice. discovered on april 9 abnormal operation of the drain valve. by the tenth, the problem was fixed, but at another stage a software error was discovered. after all the measures taken, the state commission allowed the rocket to launch on april 11, which took place at 12:00 moscow time. it was a hard 3 days for us, because this is not a television show or setting off holiday fireworks, this is routine, hard work. we have started the flight design
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tests, which are designed to identify all the shortcomings and all the nuances. ensure future reliability with serial angara launches. this is only the fourth launch of a heavy hangar in 10 years. when creating this family of launch vehicles , the modular principle was taken as a basis for the first time. the light version of angara 1.2 has a pair of stages, they allow up to 3.5 tons of payload to be launched into orbit. the heavy angara again has three stages, due to which the payload capacity increases to 24.5 tons, 2 tons more than the proton m, which also works on... the new rocket is primarily a space heavy lifter, thanks to its environmentally friendly fuel it can be will use for launching automatic and manned vehicles in promising orbital and interplanetary missions, and as they say in roscosmos, this launch vehicle really has
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a great future, a feeling when a child is really born. test payload, the upper stage, i remind you, after the separation of the rocket stage, there were three of them, it helps to launch the cargo into the required orbit, this is done with... the highest specified accuracy, for rion this is also a test flight. the first stage of the angara separated again in less than 4 minutes after takeoff, 12.5, the orion upper stage began operation. it delivered a test payload into orbit. evgeny nepot , mikhail devyatkin and ivan kuznetsov, lead the eastern cosmodrome, amur region. the united states
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promised to prevent russia from implementing more than one new energy project. it is not yet known whether more sanctions will be imposed, but it is connected. the states want to reduce our country's export revenues as much as possible. alena logvinova will tell you more about everything; she will join the broadcast. alena, greetings. how important are russian lng for the global market? dury, good afternoon, we have already reached fourth place in the world in lng production, and in the future we can occupy 20% of the market. the united states of america will do everything to ensure that not a single new energy project is implemented in russia, said us assistant secretary of state jeffrey paeth. he did not specify which ones. there may be new sanctions, but america wants to reduce export revenues as quickly as possible. meanwhile, russia has reached fourth place in the world in lng production, and in the future they plan to take 20% of the global market. so far, our country accounts for a tenth, last year the volume of lng production amounted to 33 million tons, by 2026, according to the forecast of the ministry of energy, it will increase to 44
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million. the united states rather cynically declares that it is supposedly introducing. all the sanctions are in order to deprive russia as a state of income, so that russia will not be able to spend this money in the defense sector, but in this case it is clearly clear that this is not so, they are simply removing competitors from the market, they want sell on the world market only their american lng, earn money, and simply remove competing more efficient projects, in particular russian arctic projects, most of all in europe at first. france purchased lng last year, according to the think tank for energy and air cleanliness research; in 3 months, paris paid moscow more than 600 million euros. france insists that it has long-term contracts with russia and supplies part of its gas to other eu countries. last year , the main buyers of our lng in europe were belgium, spain and the netherlands. spain
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acquired more than 5 billion cubic meters, belgium - almost four, the netherlands - over 2 billion cubic meters. spain itself is the largest owner in europe of infrastructure for receiving lng, which significantly exceeds its needs, but it has the opportunity to receive gas and redirect it to other markets; the fact that russian gas goes there and generally comes to europe shows its demand in market. would like to maintain the contract with gazprom for gas supplies through ukraine, the head of the enterprise, laslov fridz, said about this, tas said. however, ukraine does not intend to renew agreements with gazprom after 200.24. in september 2021, the company entered into two 10-year contracts with gazprom, which provided for the supply of 4.5 billion cubic meters of fuel
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annually. gas was supposed to flow to hungary along two routes, bypassing ukraine through austria via turkish stream. after the nord stream was stopped, it was necessary to use the route running to austria through ukraine and slovakia. now deliveries via it take place from time to time, and even then in small quantities. volumes. the second route, which involves transit through ukrainian territory, is also important for us. it may not be critical, but it is also important because it contributes to ensuring reliable supplies for hungary. i don’t know what will happen in the next couple of months, but i doubt that such a pipeline, which is definitely important not only for hungary, but also for slovakia, the czech republic, austria, in fact, for all countries in the region in the future no gas supplies. former point. roma in germany does not intend to terminate the existing contract for the supply of liquefied natural gas with yamal lng, the company’s executive director told bloomberg. the current agreements are valid until
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2040 and some politicians in berlin do not approve of the project, demanding a severance of business ties with russia. now, unfortunately, politics prevails over business interests. it is clear that everything, everyone is normal, which means that the business structures of the european union want to receive our resources, as before. at the same cheap price, the same reliably, in the same volumes that they received. moreover, they didn’t just invest a lot of money in the construction of underwater gas pipelines. they planned to expand their economy, but politics intervened, they became competitors of the united states, they are slightly stifled. germany is gradually switching to renewable energy sources, abandoning coal power plants, and shutting down its nuclear power plant. initially , the focus was on russian gas for the transition period. however, supplies along the northern streams have been suspended, and now the government germany is counting on the construction of terminals for receiving lng; the total operating capacity is 33 billion cubic meters per year; for
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comparison, this is half as much as what was supplied in 2021 via nord stream. yes, alena, thank you, alena logvinova spoke about export supplies of liquefied natural gas from russia. long-term bank deposits should be exempt from taxes to stimulate. citizens to save for a long time, elvira nabeulina said about this congress of the association of russian banks. my colleague dmitry morocco is working at the congress, he too joins the broadcast. dmitry, greetings. what other proposals have been made? yes, yur, welcome, we talked about all the initiatives that will enhance the participation of banks in the structural restructuring of the country’s economy. for this, it is important that banks have stable sources of long-term funds. financing, primarily these are credit funds, last year the growth of lending in the country was truly record-breaking, this year a slowdown is expected, but
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the level of lending will still remain quite high. the central bank with its the party also offers a number of incentives, in particular, to halve the rates on insurance premiums for long-term deposits from 3 years, and for citizens it is very important to increase the insurance... amounts on deposits from 1 to 3 years, it is proposed to increase the limit to 2 million rubles . the regulator also supports the idea of ​​exempting long-term deposits from taxes, in this way these deposits can be made more popular and encourage citizens to save money for a long time, but the factor of trust in the ruble is certainly important here, so that people were confident that their funds would not depreciate due to inflation and the fight against inflation was certainly the most important.
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inflation, so this work, in our opinion , is also extremely important. russian banks can be sure that they will not depreciate ; today they actively participate in the implementation of technological projects, many of them have their own ecosystems, their products are superior in level to many foreign analogues, and the payment infrastructure is actively developing. in the country and now it remains to achieve the same at the international level so that carry out international payments, many
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banks have in terms of technology, they are advanced, they are superior to many international analogues, it is no secret that we have a payment infrastructure within the country, it is advanced and one might say, at one of the highest levels in terms of world practices. we now need to do the same from the point of view of our - our settlements with partners, and banks are also actively investing in this. one of the options for creating an independent payment system is its development within the framework of an association of friendly countries, for example, brix, said vtb ceo andrey kostin. after the tightening of the secondary sanctions regime at the end of last year , the number of refusals to make payments from compliance control without explaining the reasons sharply increased. it seems that business, especially the financial part of the state, today has three main areas of joint work to create.
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the most acceptable option, but in the long term, is a multilateral financial platform for direct settlements of direct exchange of financial messages with friendly countries, for example, within the framework of brix. to summarize, the banking system should certainly take part in the structural restructuring of the economy, but as the central bank insists, it should not take unnecessary risks.
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now economic news, briefly. the ministry of finance expects the budget deficit for the year to be within one and a half trillion rubles. finance minister anton seluanov stated this to interfax. according to him, the department does not see any risks to budget revenues. this year they should grow by 5.900 billion rubles. the main contribution here will come from oil sales and gas at the end of the year, russia entered the top three g7 countries with the lowest unemployment. in december it was at the level of 3% - as reported. only japan and mexico are higher in the ranking. their unemployed population is 2.5%. at the same time, the highest unemployment rate was recorded in yury, more.


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