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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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now economic news, briefly: the ministry of finance expects the budget deficit for the year to be within one and a half trillion rubles, interfax announced this from the minister of finance. according to him , the department does not see any risks to budget revenues; this year they should grow by 5.900 billion rubles. the main contribution here will come from oil and gas sales. at the end of the year, russia entered the top three g7 countries with the lowest unemployment in december, it was at the level of 3%, according to reports. only japan and mexico are higher in the ranking, with 2.5% of their unemployed population each. at the same time, the highest unemployment rate was recorded in ur. 32%, as
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rosstat previously reported, the number of employed in russia in the twenty -third year grew to a record 74 million people. the japanese currency has dropped to record lows in 34 years and is now trading below 153 yen per dollar. the japanese ministry of finance does not exclude the possibility that it will have to take measures to stop the fall. the last time he resorted to currency interventions was in 2022. exchange rates are determined by the market, reflecting economic fundamentals and excessive fluctuations, unacceptable. we will continue to monitor market fluctuations and, if there is excessive movement, we will respond accordingly, while not ruling out all possible options. france has become a leader in purchasing russian lng. according to the politika newspaper , paris paid moscow more than 600 million euros in the first quarter. this drew criticism from other europeans. countries, it also
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became known today that spain has increased purchases from russia, our lng accounts for a quarter of all spanish imports, such dynamics are not fits with the statements of europeans who regularly discuss the refusal of gas from russia. it was economic news, briefly. the two components of phosphagliv help not only restore liver cells, but also fight their cause. disorder inflammation phosphoglyph now in economical packaging 96 capsules alpha friday supercake every week from alfabank this friday, april 12, receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandex kol, and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive a supercake on alpha fridays, not just profitable alpha profitable new big special barbecue bekon already in combo for 469. rub. feel free to face your
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expenses, with yota your money will not fly away. we return rubles for remaining minutes and gigs. every month, maybe. iota. let's do it again. and now the beast. any other ideas? of course, let's pay for it. yur, it’s been a long time without a qr code. the camera calculates everything itself. it turned out, of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card, vtb, together everything will work out, every second ticket wins the russian lotto charity easter draw, from each ticket sold, 10 rubles will be donated to charitable causes, buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website, my back gets tired on my feet all day, because of work i lead a sedentary lifestyle, artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine, credit sbercard you... in any situation,
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an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever, that’s why the credit sbercard is the best in the country, apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want, when you adult, it is so easy to forget that joy lives within us, it can be found in every moment , easily shared, a holy source with the natural. fills life with joyful moments, the source of joy is in you, you, who want to solve all the mysteries of nature, you spot plus, especially attentive to details, i checked and you for whom curiosity opens new horizons, ruviks, you know where to find out a... touch the croque star burger
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kings water on fire tastes better. it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but you can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum everyone, open a deposit on! one of my friends didn’t have enough gigabytes, the internet ran out, aren’t you on the megaphone yet? look, a megaphone gives you unlimited everything on social networks, i write in jelly, and the constant also has unlimited video, connect megapowers, there will be jaga only in a megaphone, if more often than...
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what associations do you have with the word science, it’s not just experiments in laboratories or publications in magazines. businesses have a demand for new personnel and breakthrough developments, and those companies that are already working in tandem with universities will be able to quickly receive result, and therefore ensure technological sovereignty. and what solutions already exist to strengthen this partnership? this is precisely the advanced engineering school to take students who will learn technologies and solutions with us, that is, technologies of the day after tomorrow . if we are to build a campus,
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then it will be according to the best standards that exist in the world. any scientific development requires speed. companies not only participate in the federal program for the construction of university campuses, but also finance the construction themselves advanced educational and research infrastructure, a good example of partnership between the state and business in developing the country's human intellectual potential. the legendary baumonka is the future area of ​​the central cluster. very soon, all these buildings will be united by a transparent dome. initially , it was decided to build 25 world-class campuses across the country by 2030. later, president vladimir putin expanded the program. we are talking about creating 15 more
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campuses by 2036. at the old department of physics, due to the fact that according to the second baum trucks are constantly driving. that even a special anti-vibration optical table did not save, and my colleague filmed the experiments at night, accordingly there are no such problems here, now they are writing a new page in the history of baumanka, they are making a miniature analogue of the brain from polymers and checking whether the drug works, in the future this may help to treat parkinson's or alzheimer's diseases, negotiations are already underway with pharmaceutical companies, but not all laboratories have moved to the new campus yet, my students and i... over the summer we installed several layers of all this cotton wool to gradually reduce the background noise here. this is also a laboratory of the baumman university only in mytishchi, where they conduct acoustic tests and even create a domestic subwoofer. businesses are already waiting for the development, but
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working on the new campus will be much more comfortable. these chambers must be built on a separate vibration-isolated foundation. these two cameras were specially built on the new campus. people listened to music on loudspeakers at the beginning of the 20th century, and you could put your favorite platinum on the potyphon in the thirties forties. we turn the handle to compress the spring and install the needle. and this is the same song, only we listen to it on modern membrane speakers. they were developed by the company. tyunin, he has been playing the guitar since he was 14 years old, now in two groups, the secret of the innovative speaker is a membrane made of composites, it resonates with magnets and sounds in all directions, bending around obstacles. we had such a case, a hefty situation center, and there they suffered for 10 or 11 years with classic speakers,
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could not do anything, with the head project, we climbed up to the technical floor, where we saw about a thousand mattresses, this is how in the village the roach is dried in the attic in order to somehow improve the acoustics. with our speakers we hung it up, that’s it, they don’t have such a problem. among its customers is this house of vintage music, a real paradise for music lovers. there is equipment here that could be seen on the recording of beatles hits. or thomas edison's first phonograph. is this what they sing? well, it took you and me a few seconds to realize that we didn’t understand anything. christina and her husband collected this the collection is more than 20 years old, he says, perhaps music would be listened to on such devices if it weren’t for partnerships, inventors and businesses, thanks to him , yuri metyunin’s acoustics are now heard at concerts here. but at the same time, you... are on the minus first floor, the ground floor, that is, here it’s just an ordinary house, the neighbors don’t complain that we make noise
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late, because these are the kind of speakers that don’t create this effect when you have everything is trembling inside when you have a thumping noise from your ears to your toes. yuri mityunin works in partnership with a laboratory in baumang and is also waiting for them to move to a new campus, they started with a request for the development of software for acoustic measurements, and are now already waiting for a subwoofer to be released in cinemas.
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sovereignty, you need to do science, be able to work with technology, the downside of campuses is the priority of 20-30, walls change here, ideas change there, the spirit of the university, just recently we were here in baumanka, and there were still empty classrooms, now it’s a laboratory work, the student should be comfortable, he should let’s say you live in a dormitory, come to the educational and laboratory building, then after that go in for sports and... play kvn somewhere, how quickly campuses fill up and life begins there, what was passed last
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year is already starting this year filled with life, i would say so, in parallel, while the campus is being built, we are solving the complex problem of equipping them, this is first of all a priority program, and of course, a program of advanced engineering schools; in baumanka, equipment worth more than a billion rubles was purchased thanks to the fact that they are the third year in a row participate receives a special part of the grant in the priority 2030 program, since the start of the priority 2030 program, which... is being implemented under the national project science and universities, the number of grants to universities has grown, they started with 15 billion rubles, last year there were almost 34. even more interesting is how many we managed to attract funding for the program from extra-budgetary sources from business. in the twenty-first, there were more than 28.5 billion. a year later , the figure increased significantly; in the twenty- third, the number of development agreements with universities almost doubled also increased by 36%. in the hands of the astronaut are replaceable cartridges with material for
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a bioprinter; this is a joint development of a russian company with partners and scientists from the university of mrs. the device has been on the international space station for several years now. mouse thyroid gland and human cartilage tissue were printed under zero-gravity conditions. imagine, when we make a snowball, we make it from different sides at the same time, we don’t do it in layers. in microgravity conditions , the so-called cells begin to work. memory effect, that is, they themselves are already distributed, they themselves, in microgravity conditions, cells begin to distribute themselves. yousaf khiswani, co-founder of the company that was the first in the world to print organs in space. yusaf opened his first laboratory in his third year of medical school. and in 2013, they began to create bioprinters; these robotic arms can create soft tissue right in the operating room. the patient has some kind of injury and you print directly on the body or inside the person's body. during an operation , there is always little space in the operating room; it is not always possible to we have a defect in the area of ​​the horizontal
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surface, it could be some kind of angles, some kind of curvature, the printer must be able to print at different angles. another technology also allowed russia to become the first in the world. here is a fusion of two programs: advanced engineering schools and priority 2030. it was possible to attract talented students to the work, buy materials, equipment and create a consortium of scientists, doctors and manufacturers. we came up with some kind of development, there is a bone implant, cool, we came to biologists, look, we did it, such a class, and how the material interacts with cells, let's study, we've studied, we came to... we don't know, this way is wrong, the right way is to first communicate with surgeons who will make a request for a medical product with real production sites, who will say yes this is technologically possible, they caught you just in the pause between defenses,
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universities want to participate in the program, priority 20-30, so the battle is on, the program has been implemented for the fourth year already. interest should have died down, no, in advanced engineering schools have funding from the employer, but as in priority 20-30 is not a prerequisite for having co-financing from partners, they give extra points for this, this is the first and second, we listened to the university for the first year, they told us, give us a grant, we will implement this or that this or that project, and we always asked a simple question, for whom are you doing this, a specific company, is it ready to invest in you, and at first many of course were confused, today universities are already coming, “but we have a partner.” it turns out that even the program itself was already created for targeted requests from universities and businesses. of course, we did not do it for the sake of universities, we did it based on the needs of the economy. one might assume that i am preparing to film a blockbuster, but in reality we are in the motion capture laboratory
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of a russian technological university, and all my actions are automatically repeated by the animated one. character, in this case the student's digital assistant. that is, you have your own portal of state services, so to speak, not state services, but let’s call it universal services. we have its own multifunctional center has indeed been created. how it works? there is an educational department, you can probably come here for certificates. by the way, we are not depriving anyone of the opportunity to come and chat in person, but imagine, literally there will be... four back, there could be a line from this door to the stairs and beyond. dozens of services have been digitized on this portal, the online schedule is compiled by artificial intelligence, and this is where it specialists are trained to work with russian programs. the university is a participant in priority 20-30 and soft received 50% discount together with the business, we opened a personnel training program. this
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laboratory is called a sandbox. why? here students can play around in a good way. with those solutions, with the code that is embedded in software products, what does it give? our employment rate exceeds 95% for the university as a whole, the most important thing is how many people go to work in their specialty, our figure is really growing, feel the difference, you will feel that there is no difference at all, we have a joke if accountant marya vanny place a shortcut in the same upper right corner, then for some time she may not even notice that she is working in a new operating system, because all the buttons are on... roman borisov works in a company that develops domestic software, with partners more 400 universities and a whole list of companies that need personnel with the skills to work on domestic software. we are raising a generation that has been using new products since school; everyone understands that the only right decision now is to spend money on
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russian solutions, here it is a symbiosis, we invest money, clearly understanding that we will receive profit in the future. gets himself the latest developments, he teaches his guys, students the most relevant product at the moment, yes, if we say that western vendors have left, well, there’s no point in teaching them products. bauman university is just one example; seven more world-class campuses are already being built from kaliningrad to yuzhno-sakhalinsk, which means that business will have access to the latest developments, science will have access to customers of specific solutions, and here in help program priority 2030, now there are 143 on the list. there are more than 100 universities in the regions for those who did not have time to watch all the episodes of the program, there are solutions, they are collected on the website in our social networks, how to find it, the easiest way is to go to qr- code.
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it’s not easy to catch a firebird pyro, but to get a fire rate on your deposit. in gazprombank everyone can get up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on, like this, no need, like this, like this, like this, i understand, like this at the megamarket, coal gray for only 2.290 rub. you have a form, for baking, for squats, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but... save up for a subscription and replenish your vtb savings account regularly, you will save up 16% faster, why aren’t you in shape yet , we spin for a long time, we save quickly. open a vtb savings account with a rate of 16%. vtb, together everything will work out. yes, i myself did not think that i would become a driver. a friend called me. the schedule is free, there are orders,
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the money is decent. at first i thought i wouldn't be here for long. i didn’t have time to look back, already third year. passengers thank you. i'm doing a good job. it turns out that if i hadn’t tried it then, i wouldn’t have realized that it was mine. that's it, dad. the journey of a taxi driver begins with yandex pro. what are men silent about? painful urination and erection problems are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis, langitis against prostatitis. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? need a holwa. you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the bank, divide by 24. you can conveniently repay the monthly payments, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with halva. mom, guess who started a new job today? there are many vacancies on avito
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work, you will find not just a job, but your place. touch the croc star. not burger king, here on fire, taste it, but we with gifts, where did all this come from, you’re retired, vtb pensioner, the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per year, everything will work out, you, who want to solve all the riddles nature, to you, especially attentive to details, i checked. and to you, for whom curiosity opens new horizons, ruvikiki, you know where to find out, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for them, we
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are in sovkom bank, we take out loans, and it’s good and fast, we are in sovkom, loans that everyone knows, comfort at low prices on the yandex market, from small things to significant things, buy a coopersberg dishwasher with a 34% discount. credit. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever, which is why the credit card is the best in the country, apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want if you want. the president instructed to extend the family mortgage program until the thirtieth year, that is, the support will not end in july, as originally expected.
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large families will also continue to be supported with 450,000 rubles to repay a loan for the purchase of land for a house, its construction or a mortgage. we will tell you more in 5 minutes in this issue of the instructions program. so, i repeat, the family mortgage program will be in effect for another 6 years, millions of russians will still have time to take advantage of it. this preferential mortgage is suitable for those who have recently had a family addition, it does not matter whether it is the first child or the tenth, the main thing is that at the time of concluding the contract he is no more than 6 years old. parents and adopted children can also take part in the program; again, the main thing is the age of the child. let me also remind you that this rule is in effect right now. since last year, the program can be used by all families with two or more minor children, that is , both of them must be under 18 years old at the time of concluding the contract. according to the president, the mortgage rate for families with children under 6 years, will be preferential up to 6% per annum. the maximum mortgage amount at a preferential rate is up to 6 million rubles. in moscow and the region in st. petersburg
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and the region up to 12 million rubles. the down payment is not less than 20% of the purchase price, for a period of up to 30 years. the family mortgage program is valid if you want to refinance an already issued loan to reduce the rate on it, but... 2,600, and for a family mortgage it’s a little over 35, that is, well, twice. if it is possible, the family situation has changed,
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children have appeared, then... a subsidy for large families, also until 2030 year, the state is ready to repay them 450,000 rubles. a family mortgage can be combined not only with federal, but with regional support measures. in some cases , the savings on interest payments are very significant. there are more than 600 regional support measures, they can relate either directly to mortgage loans or
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to some others. these additional support measures are applied and offered for certain categories, that is, they expand the conditions of the federal program to the category of citizens who are most in demand by the region, these could be, for example, teachers, doctors, workers... of industries, enterprises, and so on. with a family mortgage , you can buy housing in a new building or a plot of land with a private house, but also from the developer. this loan can also be used to purchase land without a house, with further construction. the key point is that the purchase can only take place from a legal entity, for example, a developer. during construction , there must be a contract agreement with a construction company or individual entrepreneurs. can only be purchased at
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far eastern district and. only on the lands of rural settlements, the same banks participate in the family mortgage program, now there are almost 70 of them, the full list can be found on the website sprosi.dom.rrf, instructions section, article banks are participants in the family mortgage program, and banks compete with each other for clients - borrowers, and some of them offer rates lower than those prescribed by law. we would like to add that family and commercial mortgages can be combined. for example, you want to buy a four-room apartment in novosibirsk, in new building for 13 million rubles. and you can take out a family mortgage for 6 million, and the rest - a regular, commercial one. so, let's repeat the main deadlines of the family mortgage program, which were extended until july 1, 1930. the main condition is the presence of a small child or two minor children in the family. at a preferential rate of no higher than 6%, you can borrow up to
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6 million rubles. in metropolitan regions. twice as long, term up to 30 years, down payment not less than 20% of the purchase amount. still have questions, want to know more about other measures support for the real estate market, write to us in the telegram channel, send your questions, we will forward them to an expert, we will tell you everything in the next issues of the instructions program. russia is traditional, modern, technological, original.
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now the main facts of this day: georgy podgorny and natalya litovkoy are in the studio, here ’s what we’ll tell you about: how is the fight against floods going on in russian regions, in orenburg the water has reached high-rise buildings, are rescuers coping? in neighboring orsk the situation is stabilizing, damage calculations have begun, serious problems in the kurgan region, when will the peak of the flood be passed?


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