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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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the intelligence services of our countries work effectively to interact, identify and prevent such terrorist acts. if such joint work is established, then of course this will make it possible to identify these terrorists and prevent such crimes. now there is footage from the presidential press service. dear colleagues, good afternoon. we have connections with kurgan, orenburg, tyumen, the topic is clear, floods, fighting them and providing assistance to people who find themselves in a difficult situation. we are in contact almost every day, but nevertheless the situation changes hourly, therefore, i would like to ask you to report, first of all , to the governor, how you assess the situation at the moment, please, let me know. let's start with
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orenburg, denis vladimirovich, dear vladimir vladimirovich, allow me first of all to thank you, all the government structures of the russian federation, heads of regions, residents of our country, who provide us with comprehensive support. today , the orenburg region is receiving help from all over russia. in general, the flood situation in the region has reached its peak. today the most difficult situation is in orenburg, where the water level...
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on the basis of which we decide to regulate the discharge from peak values ​​on april 5, the discharge has already been reduced by almost four times. the region sent documents on a preliminary damage assessment to the government commission. to date, the amount exceeds 40 billion rubles. but it is clear that this is very preliminary, because the water has not yet receded and we have not fully started the examination. in orsk they carried out relevant work, assessed damage to the infrastructure of utility networks, housing, social facilities and businesses, i report that in orenburg in orsk, despite all the difficulties, all life support systems are operating somewhere with reduced parameters, but nevertheless water, electricity, heat are in operation, as of april 11, there are 78 populated areas in the territory of 23 municipalities..
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11,972 residential buildings, 14,991 personal plots, 16 facilities of state medical organizations, nine hospitals, three clinics, one medical outpatient clinic, three felshev obstetric centers were flooded, 36 educational organizations were partially flooded in five municipalities. over the past 24 hours, 17 settlements have been cleared of water , nine. for the next 24 hours , a further increase in the water level in the ural river in the orenburg region downstream is predicted, which could lead to the flooding of 3,580 residential buildings and 3,950 household plots with a residence of 19,412 people, including 4,900.
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the dams under construction have already been installed in orenburg. to date, 41 temporary accommodation centers have been deployed, with a total capacity of 15,433 people. 7,800 people were evacuated in the region, including 2,117 children, of which 1,415 people are in temporary accommodation centers, including 256 children. also special medical temporary detention centers, this was your department. order, we
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deployed three of them, there are 136 patients who receive separate medical services. in all temporary temporary accommodation centers there is a round-the-clock duty of medical personnel, there is a single window where you can restore all documents, and of course, we have developed an algorithm of actions for identifying patients with infectious pathology and food, of course organized with a disposable dishes. in the shortest possible time, we conducted a complete survey of residents located in the fvr for targeted support in the provision of support measures. for the prevention of respiratory diseases in the hospital. sending 17,300 packages of relevant drugs. privileged categories of citizens who need to be provided with medicines are located in the temporary temporary residence, organized issuance of prescriptions and delivery of drugs locally. a reserve of medical resources created by the regional ministry of health to
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eliminate the health consequences of emergencies ready for transfer. funds are provided from non-budgetary sources for mechanical cleaning of the area freed from water. for further sanitation. the epidemiological situation is calm, daily monitoring, ambulance calls and the number of visits to clinics for intestinal infections. their number does not exceed the daily average. 1,970 people vaccinated against hepatitis a. yesterday we received 50,000 doses of vaccine. i thank the russian ministry of health for the necessary assistance in allocating the vaccine from the reserve fund. yesterday a regional sanitary and metological inspection was carried out. the commission determined the volumes of funds required for processing the territory, the amount is about 50 tons. volunteers were brought in to sanitize the areas followed by disinfection. as the water recedes , treatment of public spaces, social facilities and households begins. according to the federal
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ministry of health, all medical measures are timely and adequate. in the near future, it is planned to deliver the property for the pvr equipment and carry out emergency rescue operations in accordance with our. applications from citizens are applied through a single portal of public services and the mfc. work to assist citizens in obtaining financial assistance for those affected by the flood has been organized in each municipality; decisions have been made to assign payments to 1,403 people, and in fact,
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3,245 people have already received money. at the temporary temporary detention center where the victims are housed, specialists assist citizens in filing an application. material assistance, the state services portal. in as part of the work of the headquarters in the region , 59 collection points for humanitarian aid were opened in forty-two municipalities. constant monitoring of the situation is being carried out, interaction has been organized and information exchange has been established between the executive authorities of the renburg region and the territorial bodies of the federal executive authorities who are participating in the liquidation of the emergency situation. today, all energy companies, gas companies, water utilities operate quickly.
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we have adopted a government decree to cover everyone with the aim of supporting and speeding restoration of business after the water recedes, and also in the near future , within two weeks, we will additionally capitalize the funds of small and medium-sized businesses and industry so that those enterprises that are in need of
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additional working resources can also receive them. vladimirovich, thank you very much for your attention and support, we are working hard, but... we will definitely cope together, the report is finished, thank you for your attention, thank you, mound, please, mikhailovich, good afternoon, we are talking about the karatomar reservoir, which began to drop 3,300 m/s.
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troitsky reservoir - 1,200 cubic meters per second. subsequently , a forecast was also received from the ministry of natural resources and ecology that the water level in the tobol river is expected to be 9 m or higher, which is why 62 settlements in seven municipal districts, including the city of kurgan itself, fall into the potential flooding zone.
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water was immediately supplied up to the monthly standard, and at the same time, starting from april 6, in all municipalities and settlements potentially falling into the flood zone, continuous work on informing, warning and preventive evacuation of the population was organized, from the same time preparations were organized for the deployment of 99 temporary accommodation points for citizens with a total capacity of 25,287 people, for the purpose of preventive evacuation and actual evacuation of flooded areas. 6,151 people, 27 temporary temporary accommodation centers with a capacity of more than 4,000 places have already been deployed for actual work.
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today there are 820 people in temporary accommodation centers, of which 281 are children. disabled people, people with limited mobility are located in central district hospitals, there are 141 people in total, the rest of the citizens have left for relatives. today , there are 4 channels for submitting applications - these are government services, personal application from the mfc and om. 343 applications for one-time financial assistance were submitted. currently, the fact of violation of living conditions has been confirmed in 23 cases. the rest of the applications are being checked, at the same time, many there have also applied for preventive measures, including from the city of kurganov, where the big water has not yet arrived. in at the present moment, the water level, upstream selorengolskaya - this is the southernmost region, on the border of kazakhstan, is 10 m 10 cm. the city of kurgan, central. part of the region, just under 4 m, so the difference is more than 6 m. of course,
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the situation is very annoying for us, because the body of water is moving below the flow towards the city of kurgan. this may be due to several regular traffic jams that have formed along the bridges downstream. the regional government, in accordance with the ministry of emergency situations of russia, has developed a fixed procedure for providing assistance from citizens, namely the provision of one-time financial assistance in the amount of 10,000 rubles. the fact of residence is carried out to citizens whose premises have been established, or this is registration at the place of residence, provision of financial assistance to citizens in connection with the loss of essential property in the amount of up to 30,000 rubles for partial and 50,000 rubles for complete loss. in addition, i, as the head of the coes, made a decision to all employees of the public sector and municipal and state employees living in areas of potential sinking, issue advances for the entire month of april preventively, the money has already been received. the same recommendations are also given to employers of all forms of ownership. in addition, it was
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recommended that all citizens who live in areas of potential flooding, are employees of municipal organizations or municipal employees and employees of other forms of ownership of enterprises, to release people without official registration so that they resolve their issues at their place of residence, withdrawing their property and their relatives. there was also the decision was given by the coes, the prosecutor's office and the federal agency for sustainability. engage in immediate control at retail outlets in order to suppress the uncontrollable rise in prices for water and food products. thus, at present, after receiving data in the interdepartmental documents circulation system from federal bodies, the ministry of internal affairs and the ministry of emergency situations, 23 citizens will receive payments of 10,000 rubles by the end of the week, that is, tomorrow. payments for other applications, including payments for partial or complete damage to property, will be possible only after an inspection by the municipal commission, commissions that will determine the extent and nature of damage to the property.
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municipal commissions that will establish these facts have been created and are working: a regional commission to assess subsequent damage from the flood, including. after the emergency of the water has passed. dear vladimirovich. the emergency situations service has worked out all the issues, we also talked to erikanvarovich literally 2 hours ago, he will arrive in kurgan tomorrow for a preliminary assessment of what could happen. also informed. while we are working with our resources, with if necessary, an application for support from the federal budget will be sent immediately. at the same time, he asks.
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the nose was adjusted upward, on average about half a meter higher than historical maximums, i want to say that today at the current time the situation on the tabol and shim rivers is calm, there is a systematic increase in the water level, the greatest dynamics are observed on the ishim river, but itabol and ishim, while they are in the riverbed, have not yet reached the floodplain; in ishim, taking into account the dynamics, we expect the exit to be possible on saturday, but however, based on... the experience of the floods of the sixteenth and especially the seventeenth years, when there were also large discharges at the sergegiv reservoir, we are preparing for the maximum forecast level that has been brought to us. moreover, we made a calculation for ourselves plus 2 m in order to understand the approximate flood zone and the volume of necessary measures that will need to be carried out.
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based on the maximum levels that have been officially communicated to us, we understand that 51 settlements, 1,847 residential buildings and 7.0, accordingly, 7,290 are one person, who have about 2,000 farm and domestic animals. as you instructed, vladimir, to inform citizens in advance, to provide full assistance in removing valuables there and evacuating people, and we all, households that are susceptible to the flood zone , passed through with our feet. all people were informed about the possible risk, leaflets were distributed, and now the work was organized as follows: all people, we understand how many people, how many children, single people living, pensioners, disabled people, people with limited mobility, respectively, everyone those with limited mobility, who are disabled due to health reasons, were taken out, well, there are not many of them, five people, taken to medical
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institutions, pensioners living alone, from those that we see, moved. to our relatives or children, now we pay special attention to families with children, especially those families that we have under our control, as well as problematic ones, where the parents are, respectively, so we work with them and transport them to the temporary detention center. in order to carry out an evacuation, i have indicated the number of people per territory of municipalities, 101 temporary accommodation centers with a maximum capacity of 13,000 people have been deployed, but judging. according to the surveys we conducted, about 70% plan to move to relatives, friends, or some other place and 30% use temporary temporary residence. at the current time, only four people have moved to the tap in the city of ilutarovsk, well, this work is currently underway, and obviously their number will increase. at the same time, we have organized a single hotline number 122, today
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a message was sent to everyone via sms, while there are separate hotlines in the ministry of emergency situations of russia . the prosecutor's office separately, taking into account the experience of our colleagues in orenburg, means we calculated the necessary volume, the possible volume of bottled drinking water that may be required in flood zones, here we are working together with our federal colleagues, the prosecutor's office preventively warned all retail outlets that it is unacceptable, unreasonable to receive prices, in general, we work a little proactively, while vladimirovich, the figures that i mentioned, we proceed from the fact that the dams that today they protect our large populated areas, they can be broken through, while in these 7 years since 2017, we will decide around the city, and among our populated areas... this is the largest city with a population of 65,000, which was flooded in the seventeenth year, which means more than 16 km of dumps have been built or reconstructed around it, and they are built to
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a level of 11.20, 11.50 and even 11.90 m, and the predicted maximum level is 1040, but at the same time we have information from the kazakhstan side that the volume water discharge from sergovsky the reservoir is 40% larger than it was in... in 2017, so in all settlements, including the city of ishim, we are currently working to increase the level of the dam crest by 1-5 m, well, depending on how we shot in height, where we see bottlenecks, we make additional earthen embankments from loam or from sandbags, this applies to all populated areas where flooding is possible, a separate object, which i reported to you and... instructed to ensure its functioning, this federal road r-402, which passes past the settlement of obadskoye, there is about 6 km in the floodplain, in the seventeenth year the water almost
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overflowed this road, and today the forecast is +50 cm, here we, in cooperation with rosavtodor and the ministry of emergency situations, took the following measures, i want to specially thank alexander vyacheslavovich kurenkov for that , that he promptly responded to our request, today the cargo arrived in tyumen - in the form of water dumps 4 km, now they are already loaded on cars and are going to obatsko, there it takes 4 hours, about 7:00 to get there will arrive and will already be installed on site, the rest along the edges and we will fill it with earth, the equipment is already working there, so we will do everything necessary to protect this road, it is not only a transport artery, it also protects the settlement of obatskaya on the southern side, in general... the situation is calm so far, but we don’t calm down, we are preparing, we are monitoring the dynamics of the river with our colleagues at tabole in kurgan, and accordingly we are monitoring
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the dynamics of the river, we are recording the water level in the river. according to forecasts, the most tense situation with access to the floodplain will be around the twentieth date of april, peak - 23-25. there is time, but we are sitting, not sitting, not waiting, but the task you set is preventive. to minimize the risks for citizens’ property, and i haven’t said anything separately, i completely forgot, which means that for all households that are exposed to the flood zone, we are now helping citizens remove valuable property, some take it out themselves, some have where, where for whom no, we have warehouses in all settlements under the protection of the ministry of internal affairs, we provide transport to those who need it, volunteers help translate, so that a person or family can feel calmer leave their home, realizing... that, well, their property is stored in a safe place, in general , everything is according to the report, we are working, ready to answer
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the question, the ministry of internal affairs is helping, yes, it is working, davich, when you talked on the phone, it means they, well, they were ready without this, now they are especially attentive, they strengthened the grouping, along the chinese border there was pain in ishim, so there was safety. thank you, ministry of emergency situations, please, alexander yachlanovich. yes, dear vladimirovich, in fulfillment of your instructions, by order of the government of the russian federation, the government commission. on april 9 , a meeting was held in the city of orsk, during which instructions were given to the constituent entities of the russian federation to carry out additional preventive measures in preparation for the spring flood. additional steps have also been developed to minimize the consequences of emergency situations in the orenburg region and measures to provide assistance to the affected population.
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monitoring has been organized over the execution of controlled orders. protocol orders have been organized. members are scheduled to work in orsk tomorrow government commission, during which he intends to monitor the implementation of decisions made, inspect the area of ​​rescue restoration work, and check living conditions. the grouping is large, with a certain shift from the point of view of moving away from torsk further , continuing to move towards the settlement of ilek, we are transferring both equipment and people, everything that concerns the orenburg region. well, today colleagues confirm that there is enough grouping, there is a certain concern, also about kurgan region and tyumen region, but
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today he literally returned. from the tyumen region, everything has been inspected, colleagues are working, it’s already been reported, everything is clear, i want to thank you a little and point out that government services are working great, once again the calculations are working, and people are receiving money, well, well, there is, there is a result, it is visible, as for bottled water, directly in orsk they distribute bottled water for free, there are no problems, tomorrow i will check everything with...
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the participating structures - nuances and that means there are enough bottlenecks, but it’s clear how to sort them out, in general, so we ’ll work on it here, we’ve created commissions that will quickly assess exactly the damage that has occurred, after all, about 12,000 objects need to be worked out very quickly, which means we’ll work on it here we will form appropriate groups - in all regions, if necessary we will add
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a very large number of our objects are connected with snt, that is, these garden partnerships and dacha cooperatives, some of the objects are registered, how or her, some are not registered, here too we are together we are working out issues and procedures on how to resolve this issue at the federal level, we have some under-regulation, but we... will work out this point, but there is another point that is related to operational restoration, we are also forming forces and groups that will contract organizations someone will come who doesn’t want to restore their home themselves and will ask contractors to do it, which means that here we will also calculate it together with the regions, now in orsk we already see 588 houses that are now free of water
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work has begun on... house-to-house visits in order to assess the primary education to determine the amounts that are necessary, which means reimbursement, we also have a task ahead of us, and we will discuss it, vladimirovich, this is with the ministry of gromturg and fas, which means slowing down rossen, after all, a large amount of resources will be needed, this is wallpaper, cement and so on, that means gas, electric meters, so that this is not imitated, so we are also working on this work together.
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please report regularly, alexander vyacheslavovich, report tomorrow, i won’t to torment all regional leaders, governors, everyone works in the field, but you report daily. thank you, all the best, all the best. vladimir putin held a meeting via videoconference on eliminating the consequences of floods. let me remind you that the flood affected about 40 russian regions within 24 hours.


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