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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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will continue and we will minimize everything - both risks and consequences, please report regularly. alexander vyacheslavovich, report tomorrow, i won’t torment all the regional leaders, governors, everyone works locally, but you report daily. thank you, everything is fine, everything is fine. vladimir putin held a meeting via videoconference on eliminating the consequences of floods.
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let me remind you that the flood affected about 40 russian regions. over the past 24 hours , the water level in the tom river has increased significantly. they were already cut off from the regional center of tomsk at least three villages, about 70 houses were flooded. a state of emergency has been introduced in the city of abaza in the south of khakassia. due to the ice jam on the yenisei, flooding of summer cottages began there. rescuers in kamchatka warned about possible flooding of low areas. in the kurgan region, a large body of water is moving towards the regional capital. almost 5,000 people were evacuated. local residents joined in the work to strengthen the dam. in the tyumen region , the water level in the ishim and tabol rivers continues to rise, and nine low-level bridges are flooded. in orenburg the level of the ural river continues to rise, already about 11 m. the most tense situation is developing near the grandpark apartment buildings. the equipment worked there all night. also, the water came close to the dubki residential complex. the peak of the spring flood in orenburg will pass today. then the water of the ural river will flow.
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naturally, the dam broke, tell us a little more about this? good evening, colleagues, well , we conduct exercises regularly, including on the basis that the dam may be broken, but the current situation on the rivers of the tyumen region is calm, we have two rivers, these are the tobol and ishim rivers, there is a warning that levels can reach maximum, but today, i say again, the situation is calm, the water level is rising... in these rivers it is going according to plan, with greater
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dynamics along the ishim river, but everything they are still in their channels, and the water has not even reached the floodplain yet, well, you expect the peak of the flood by the end of the week, according to the information from the ministry of emergency situations, we understand correctly, but we are based on calculations and forecasts that the ministry of emergency situations and roshydromed bring to us , and the unfavorable phenomenon is on the fifteenth or sixteenth, dangerous phenomenon - the date is somewhere around april 20 with the peak and the flood level reaching twenty three for you, yes alexander viktorovich, extremely important information for residents of which areas, how many houses may be at risk of flooding, and is there any more detailed map such that li with whom you work? certainly there is, i can say that we are proceeding from the maximum forecast levels of the flood this year, and... the forecast says
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that the levels may be record high in the entire history of observations, we received on april 5 the first forecast, then it was recalculated, and today we are guided by the fact that - on rivers - in some places the level of the historical maximum may be exceeded by 50 cm, uh, based on this, 51 settlements may be in the zone of possible flooding, this is 1.847 houses about 7,300 - residents, i'm talking about territories that, in principle, can be flooded, and it must be said that since 2017, when we had high, almost maximum flooding, we have protected our largest settlements - the city of ishim dams, almost 9 km of dams were built, 8 km were reconstructed, we raised the dam crest by an average of about 11.50, despite the fact that the maximum value was 10-17, but i always talk about this very carefully, because... ..
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the elements are unpredictable, the river is unpredictable, and in our forecasts and calculations we proceed from the possible, i want to emphasize this word perhaps. and a breakthrough, so we are preparing for the worst, hoping for the best, all district and settlements are indicated on the interactive map, moreover, we have already we visited all 7,700, 7,300 households, all residents were warned that they were in a possible flooding zone, they all received instructions on what to take with them, where the temporary temporary assistance points are located and how to behave. moreover, we help people remove valuables from their homes in advance. because, well, why don’t people evacuate in a timely manner, because they are afraid for their property, to those who have the opportunity to take them somewhere, they are now being taken out to those who do not have such an opportunity, we help with cars, we help with loaders, everywhere in all populated warehouses have been opened at points that are under guard, and people can
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remove all their property, of course, separately, and we have gone through all the houses, we understand the names of those citizens who live alone with us, pensioners, people with limited mobility, work is underway for each of them separately, those who limited mobility due to health conditions, our medical institutions have already been transferred, some pensioners are taken home by children, or they come to relatives, and separately, of course, we look at families with children, we all also offer temporary temporary residence, but for questions, more 70% people say that they will move to friends, relatives, or some other place, no more than thirty, agree to move to a temporary temporary detention facility, in fact. as of today, only four people have moved to a temporary accommodation center, well, you can understand people, the water is not visible yet, so there is still time, but nevertheless, we are carrying out additional work to obtain the level of the ridge dump,
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we are sprinkling earthen ramparts in those areas which theoretically could be flooded if the water suddenly exceeds even those maximum the meanings that have been conveyed to us and... after all, there are those people who refuse to evacuate, how to set up a dialogue with them, are they making contact, or is it already necessary, we need to use some other more severe administrative measures, in different ways, we try to persuade, especially since in our territory people remember the floods of 2017 and there is no need to explain to them what it is and what the consequences could be, then , unfortunately, several hundred houses were flooded in our country, and therefore especially in those areas... who were sunk, people understand the situation in advance and prepare for it, of course they react differently, so we, on the instructions of the president, started this work in advance, there is still a little time, we walk, persuade, talk, it doesn’t always work out the first
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time, but this is an opportunity we will provide if necessary, we will certainly see everyone, yeah, well, in the video broadcast. it happens, indeed, you correctly noted that today rospotrebnadzor has taken control of the water quality at all water intakes, of course,
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at a good level, as is always the case with us , that with the arrival of flood waters, the quality of water in the sources may deteriorate, therefore all organizations that operate clean facilities have received appropriate instructions. are stocking up on additional reagents for water disinfection, the police are ensuring security, including guaranteeing the safety of those households that residents will leave during the evacuation, the grouping of police officers in those municipalities that will be prone to flooding has been strengthened, but colleagues from the ministry of emergency situations, they we are always ready, at the same time we asked, requested from the federal...
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whether they were flooded or cut off, in general, my colleagues and i are discussing all the nuances of the issues, i can say that we are also now checking the availability of a sufficient supply of drinking water and food. necessary in stores, and also preventively - employees of the prosecutor's office warn retail outlets that it is unacceptable to exceed prices in such a situation. and how will hospitals and schools and other social facilities that are in the flood zone work and that are not in it? will they turn out to be, will the work somehow be transferred from one to another, and will there be enough strength for everyone? we don’t have any healthcare or education facilities that could be flooded. only residential buildings, yeah, well, this already inspires some hope, but do we understand correctly that floods
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depend, among other things, specifically for your region, on the water level in the reservoirs of kazakhstan, how do you take this factor into account, do you interact with colleagues from kazakhstan, of course, just like the tobol river and the ishim river, in addition to the fact that the governor's flood is gathering, which melts on our territory, the serious level of the river depends on how much water is discharged. these reservoirs, you know that in kazakhstan there was a large volume of snow and rapid snow melting, of course, we have a general chat, and we quickly receive information from colleagues about the dynamics of water flow into the reservoir and discharge volumes, which is why we received this information in advance and today we see the dynamics of water movement along rivers, and accordingly we have the opportunity to prepare. alexander viktorovich, thank you very much for. your time, yes, thank you for your comment, let me remind you that the governor of the tyumen
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of the country's large thermal power plants. tripolskaya tes near kiev was completely actually. destroyed. a neighboring city has introduced schedules for emergency shutdowns of electricity and water. the russian ministry of defense announced today that last night a massive attack was carried out on ukrainian fuel and energy facilities. the targets were hit with high-precision naval and aviation weapons. and this, as the department emphasized, disrupted the work of military-industrial complex enterprises and disrupted the processing of the armed forces of ukraine reserve. read more about trypillian tez in our information. tes is the most powerful thermal power plant in the kiev region, located on the banks of the dnieper, south of capital of ukraine, was put into commercial operation in december 1969, and until recently was a supplier of energy to three regions of the country. the power of the trypilska tes is 1800 mw, which is more than half the needs of industrial
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anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on the mother and child group of companies celebrates this significant event. born there. the hundred thousandth child, more and more extensive a network of clinics under the constant leadership of academician mark kurtser has been operating for almost 20 years. today these are dozens of modern medical centers and outpatient clinics in 27 regions of our country. report by ksenia klimina. congratulations. before alisa dolgova had time to recover after giving birth, she was already giving an interview; her baby became the hundred thousandth child to be born in novosibirsk.
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but in a modern medical center this procedure is familiar, here is a multidisciplinary center, specialists from different fields work, once upon a time there is light within these walls a baby weighing less than half a kilogram appeared, they came out, this is temperature, humidity, darkening, insulation from excessive sound, this is necessary to create comfortable conditions that simulate intrauterine stay in the conditions of the uterus, and the so -called bank of unborn children, procedures are also stored here. eco, over the 23 years of its existence in the clinic, has been developed, these are the programs that we conduct for women who are diagnosed
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with cancer; before starting therapy, they turn to us to - think about your reproductive function in advance of aggressive therapy. the temperature is -200°, no life activity occurs there. these containers contain embryos and eggs. a special video surveillance system allows you to monitor the development of embryos that are in the incubator, which are displayed here on the screen for only five days, this period is enough to select the best from them. over the entire history of the work of the mother and child group of companies, a whole city was born: the 1000th child, born today, this is a special event for the clinic staff. situation, support, motherhood, childhood, today occupies a leading role in medicine, and we, as part of such a great force,
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are involved in this event, for us it is , of course, very significant, we are proud of it. they will definitely remember this birthday for a long time, and little roman is already waiting for a stroller for warm summer walks, the doctors gave it to the family. ksenia klimina, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, elena goleeva, vladislava makarycheva. news. the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted in the second and final reading a new law on mobilization. the law, this scandalous, long-suffering issue of tightening mobilization in the country, was raised many months ago, but it was only now possible to resolve it. well, first of all, how did you vote? for 283 deputies of the rada. the majority of the votes, of course, are from the presidential servant of the people party. they risked voting against it. only members of the party of ex-president of ukraine petro poroshenko. european solidarity. nevertheless, there were enough votes to pass the law. the document will come into force a
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month after vladimir signs it zelensky, that is, around mid-may. and only then will it be officially published. what are the features of ukrainian mobilization now? let's start with the tightening. so, firstly, for ukrainians the age of mobilization is reduced from 27 to 25 years. except. in addition, all men aged 80 to 60 years will be required to carry military id cards with them, the police and border guards will be able to check the presence of documents, and if the documents are not there and the data is not found in the electronic system, the person liable for military service will have the right to detain, the amendments on demobilization and rotation were also removed from the law, which provided for the demobilization of military personnel after 36 months of service, of which 18 were on the front line, this, perhaps, is exactly... the change in the law that led to serious protests in society, and as ukrainian media report, this innovation was initiated by the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian army, alexander syrsky. and another
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interesting thing, the new toughened one. the law provides for criminal liability for failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office in response to a summons already served. in as a punishment, the court may impose from three to 5 years of imprisonment. those who have not stood up and updated their accounting data will be denied documents, including obtaining a foreign passport, and in fact this is an attempt by those people who do not live at their place of residence to hide. in ukraine from mobilization, force them to apply to the trade center, and , accordingly, fall under mobilization. most likely, this will lead to additional mobilization, well, according to estimates of ukrainian deputies, 300-350 thousand. the law on mobilization was associated with a series of scandals in ukraine, they have not been able to accept it since the end of 2023, although the ukrainian western media all this
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time... wrote about the acute shortage of people on the front line. american mentors directly linked the tightening of mobilization with the allocation of new military assistance by the united states. the document was submitted to the rada only in december last year. on january 10 it was sent for revision. the document was reintroduced only on january 30, and a week later the rada adopted the law in the first reading. and after this, the deputies proposed over 4,000 amendments to the text. i had to bring in. “you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist in the recent past, and then you quit medicine, became an ordinary police psychologist, and i’ll kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging valera for you in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, it’s so painful, they say that you people know how to look straight into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look into...”
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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture. changing entire locations in pursuit of views is easy to do. we let's expose all the fakes.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. the kremlin is in contact every day with the heads of the regions affected by floods, but nevertheless the situation is changing hourly, vladimir putin stated this at a meeting on eliminating the consequences of the floods. in which regions the situation is the most difficult and what support measures were discussed, anastasia efimova knows, she is broadcasting facts live. we welcome anastasi, what tasks has the president set for the heads of the region?


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