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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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personnel from the kremlin, today we will discuss the development of the european union, there are many questions that are in our constant attention and useful. the president held a meeting with permanent members of the security council. so, the kremlin
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is in contact every day with the heads of the regions affected by the floods, but nevertheless the situation is changing hourly, vladimir putin stated this at another meeting on eliminating the consequences of the floods. in some regions, the high water has not yet receded, the president said, but it is necessary to think in advance about the process of restoring housing and infrastructure. in some places the water has not yet arrived, in others it has not yet left, but we need to think now.
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local doctors, colleagues in the regions are also working, everything is set up, in general, i hope that such coordinated work will continue, and we will minimize all risks and consequences. the government commission will hold an offsite meeting tomorrow in orsk, the participants will check the conditions in which the affected people are now, and then report to the head of state about this. today, colleagues confirm that the groups enough, there is a certain concern, also about the kurgan region and the tyumen region, as for bottled water, directly in orsk they distribute bottled water for free, there are no problems, tomorrow i will check everything on the spot. in the orenburg region, as the head of the region denis pasler reported, today a record water level in the ural river was recorded in the entire history of observations. damage. preliminary estimates have already exceeded
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40 billion rubles, but all life support systems are working properly. to date, 41 points have been deployed temporary accommodation, with a total capacity of 15,433 people. in the region, 7,800 people were evacuated, including 2,117 children, of which 1,415 people, including 256 children, are in temporary accommodation centers. also a special... medical temporary temporary accommodation, this was your separate order, uh, three of mine were deployed, there are 136 patients who are receiving separate medical services, all temporary temporary treatment centers are staffed and have 24-hour duty of medical personnel, there is a single window where you can restore all documents , territorial commissions are created on damage assessment about an emergency situation.
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we will form additional groups of specialists to speed up the assessment of damage to residents, we have doubled the amount of payments for one-time financial assistance, applications from citizens are applied through a single portal of public services and the mfc. mikhail mishustin called today at a government meeting to restore energy supply to transport links in regions affected by floods as quickly as possible.
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rosrezerva, rospotrebnadzor. at the direction of the head of state, on tuesday in orenburg minister of construction and housing and communal services fazulin has arrived, he must. assess what needs to be done to restore housing and urban infrastructure, also in the kurgan and tyumen regions, taking into account the current situation. the most important thing is the safety of our citizens, providing them with everything they need, and here, of course, it is very important to organize work to restore reliable energy supplies and restore transport links as soon as possible. i also ask all relevant departments to evaluate opportunity to compensate for losses. carried by the organization's enterprises in flooded areas. the russian military in the avdeevsky direction destroyed a us-made bradley infantry fighting vehicle. footage of combat work was published by the ministry of defense. during the movement of ukrainian militants on an american bep , the uav operators of the voysk
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-center group were discovered, after which the vehicle was destroyed by a precise drone strike. the ukrainian energy system lost part of its power due to the destruction of one of the largest thermal power plants. countries. tripolskaya tes near kyiv was completely destroyed. a neighboring city has introduced schedules for emergency shutdowns of electricity and water. the russian ministry of defense announced today that last night a massive attack was carried out on ukrainian fuel and energy facilities. the targets were hit with high-precision, naval and aviation weapons. and this, as the department emphasized, disrupted the work of military-industrial complex enterprises and disrupted the transfer of reserves of the armed forces of ukraine. our correspondent, anna voronina, knows all the details. this. just the whole power plant is burning, continuing to explode, it’s just tough, there was just another flight, i just close the windows, charge your phones, stock up on water and get ready for a complete blackout, this is the message residents of the kiev region received from the local authorities after a targeted strike on the trypillian test,
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an emergency blackout schedule is being introduced in the region and water, water will also be available from 6:00 to 9 am. then they turned it on for about an hour, but it was impossible to drink it because it was black, they said that after lunch there would be no water at all. trypilska tes was the most powerful power plant in kyiv region. it also supplied electricity to the cherkasy and zhytomyr regions. previously, ukraine was left without uglegorsk tes. in addition, the zmeevskaya tes in
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the kharkov region was destroyed. after the destruction of trypilska tes , ikeev will most likely begin to experience truly real supply interruptions. electricity and ukraine will also have to reduce the volume of electricity production at nuclear power plants for the reason that they cannot operate without a sufficient amount of balancing capacity. what awaits kiev demonstrates in kharkov, as local residents report, in the city after today’s massive strike there is practically no electricity, even traffic lights do not work, residents are leaving the city. we have approximately 240.
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an apartment for rent based on real photographs. with cean it is safe and convenient. hey guy, are you sure you chose this hairstyle yourself, or did the hairdresser say it’s fashionable now? at bikfest you definitely choose a hamburger for 39 rubles. and other proposals. very favorable price, and even more profitable with cashback 50% of alfabank, delicious, period. in ukraine , mobilization is being tightened. the high-profile bill was adopted today by the verkhovna rada. this document also envisages the introduction of electronic summonses and the detention of men in the absence of military documents. our correspondent found out what amendments will eventually come into force.
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the situation at the front, and i am for the situation at the front, i will now voice the operational-tactical situation consisting of
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four operational groups, these are the kharkov, lugansk, donetsk regions, the enemy is 7-10 times larger than us, we have a situation heavy, losses, more losses, lack of ammunition and equipment, shortages are covered and people gather, with such a brigade with such a complete brigade , we can keep a maximum of five, and maybe less.
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annual, this procedure will become for people with a disability who must undergo a medical examination again, the summons will be considered served, even if the post office puts a stamp on the impossibility of delivering the letter, if citizens have more than one vehicle, it may be confiscated for the needs of the front, this applies not only to cars, but to agricultural machinery, and draft dodgers will be deprived of their money. as if anticipating the consequences of the implementation of the new law near kiev, people go to
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rallies against the construction of a military cemetery on 260 hectares. 260 hectares, what a fool you are.
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if the states stop supporting kiev, the european union may have to agree on more than 50 billion euros in aid to ukraine, emmanuel macron said. everywhere in europe there is an increase in military spending on defense orders. so the president of france demanded to accelerate the transition to a war economy, which this may happen, natalya goncharova knows. if earlier the commune of birgerac was known for its excellent wines, now... the foundation of a new factory. surrounded by the ministers of defense, economy, managers of the new plant and the press, emmanuel macron once again spoke about his idea of ​​fixing the transfer of the country's economy to a war footing. in the very first minute of his speech, macron does not
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focus on the interests of the french, but pumps up the topic of the importance of helping the kiev regime. i thank the whole team for their work, all the military an industry that has been repurposed. the world has changed over the past 2 years after the start of the war in ukraine, we often hear about the effect of economic war, now it is necessary to support ukraine, i am convinced that this is the reality of current geopolitics. the shortage of explosives in the european union may delay the production of ammunition for ukraine. european military experts have been warning about this for a long time. the financial times noted that... about 30 years ago we had four munitions factories, we closed three of them, we still had a gunpowder factory, we had it all, we were autonomous , i prefer autonomous rather than sovereign, then we covered it all, there was no
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need, now we are making up for lost time, what we destroyed 30 years ago, gunpowder is a commodity that is now available. now it will simply be unprofitable for them to reduce the number of weapons produced so as not to lose money. austrian colonel markus reisner calls the current confrontation
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a war of attrition and is confident that ukraine is losing in this battle. position ukrainians, who are greatly inferior in troops and equipment, are in a hopeless situation. here we have ukraine's artillery gap of 1:6. on some difficult routes 1:10. american drones failed to change the situation on the battlefield. here. writes that their uavs went off course and got lost, not bringing any benefit to the ukrainian armed forces. meanwhile, kiev is trying to dictate its terms. the washington post cites the words of the deputy head of the ukrainian foreign ministry, where he says that now the ukrainians will demand petret air defense in a harsh manner. the problems facing kuleba illustrate an extremely difficult situation for ukraine. her survival still depends on her partners for their weapons, but few seem to fully understand the need.
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now we can state that , despite all other attempts, we are moving towards building a fair world order, where such threats will no longer threaten either
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the residents of donbass or the residents of other regions of russia, and in general this threat will be wiped off the face of the earth. new social movements will soon appear in our country, we are russians, this initiative was made by the chairman of the fair russia party. i spoke about the intention to create. this movement began back in the russian spring. after crimea and the city of hero sevastopol became ours, russian forever, sanctions were introduced and the collective west methodically began to erase russia from history, destroy russian culture, and persecute our compatriots abroad. and we learned what russophobia is, in this regard, the desire to tell the whole world that we were, we will be, we are
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russians, there is an all-russian forum in perm representatives of almost all regions of the country came to the public, about 500 participants, these are activists of territorial public self-government, village elders, representatives of public councils. in central russia , the season for changing car tires is in full swing, in just a month sales of summer tires have increased fivefold , is it worth expecting a shortage alexey fedorov will tell you what is happening with the supply and who replaced the departed western brands. with the beginning of spring in russia, the demand for summer tires has soared and there is something to cover it. on store shelves instead of departed brands - new ones from russia and china. of course, european tires are available, they are
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parallel imports, but they are many times more expensive. new brands are no worse in quality. having experience in production from european and also japanese manufacturers on the russian market. well, we're now broadcasting from new york. convened today's meeting of the security council. is the desire of the western sponsors of the kiev regime to keep the ukrainian topic afloat in the security council, and from the angle they need, it implies condemnation of the blows delivered russian military space forces on objects related to the military potential of the zelensky regime, and an exaggerated presentation of its consequences for the civilian population. it all looks very unconvincing, especially against the backdrop of the massacre. perpetrated by israel in the gaza strip. madam chairman, today, as usual,
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members of the european union unanimously signed up to speak at this meeting. the fact that we will not hear anything new from them is obvious, but we count on their active participation in tomorrow’s meeting convened on our initiative. as for the massive strikes inflicted by high-precision weapons, the mentioned massive strikes inflicted by high-precision weapons on the facilities of the fuel and energy complex of ukraine, they are a response to the attempts of the kiev regime to cause damage to oil and gas facilities.
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western propagandists are greatly disturbed by the opinions of ordinary ukrainians, which they share on social networks, calling on their compatriots to fear not russian high-precision strikes, but the consequences of the work of ukrainian air defense deployed in residential areas in violation norms of international humanitarian law. since, as ukraine itself admits, it has fewer air defense systems, there are also fewer incidents due to their use, which is also noticed by ordinary citizens. of this country. by the way, recently the ukrainian military began to openly complain that local residents in kharkov, odessa, nikolaev, dnepropetrovsk, and other cities and regions of ukraine began to actively share with our military the military coordinates of military warehouses of the armed forces of ukraine, and places of concentration military reserves, which clearly demonstrates the real attitude of the civilian population to what is happening. ordinary ukrainians are becoming more and more
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aware of who their real enemy is. and from whom a real , invisible threat comes to their lives, they can be understood, because they are worried about something that our western colleagues , of course, did not say today. for example, they did not utter a word about violations of the rights of ukrainian men of military age during their forced mobilization. and this is a real scourge for ukrainian families today. more and more evidence is being published on the internet the fact that military registration and enlistment offices do not stand on ceremony with ukrainian men in violation.
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zelensky and his clique. this is the only thing our western colleagues prefer ; the mobilization law that is now being prepared for adoption finally turns ukrainians into serfs, whose lives are being kept silent, just like how they
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prepared ukraine for war for many years. with russia under the cover of minsk


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