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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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accurately places even heavy spacecraft into orbit. the launch of angora and the launch of arion were considered successful. this is stated in riskosmos as a new milestone for russian cosmonautics. evgenia nipot, mikhail devyatkin, anatoly tyurkin and ivan kuznetsov, presenter: vostochny cosmodrome, amur region. this is a big information evening, that's what we 'll talk about in the next hour. why did she try to kill her daughter, how did she hide from the federal wanted list for 16 years , is the hand of ainu agent martynov visible in this? allegedly, charities are being robbed by stolen funds own country. taras chmut has accumulated millions of dollars in fees from ukrainians for the armed forces of ukraine. how many more of these chmuts make money from blood. reducing the age of mobilization in ukraine. will wipe out an entire generation from life,
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the americans are worried whether the kiev regime will run out of taras, and why would they be invited to arm nato? how many punches are thrown at the wall, don’t fight, but there are still no new patriots in ukraine? the kiev regime has decided to switch to tough diplomacy, how they will beg from the west and whether clumsy rhetoric will bring the supply of air defense systems closer. any weather is good when you... followers a new trend in ukrainian tiktok about the joyful everyday life of those who are not mobilized, the dry clothes sitting in the trenches are invaluable, he tries to hide his face, but still gets into the camera lenses, today's footage from the stavropol territory, where, as it became it is known that antonina martynova, the wife of the chief editor, was detained undesirably.
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the new newspaper europe, and part-time fugitive foreign agent kirill martynov. and if the husband, being a professional russophobe, most often hears one way or another, then the wife is broad the public quite likely managed to forget, although the formulation of the novgorod case made quite a noise at one time, because it was in novgorod that antonina martynova, according to the investigation, attempted to murder her own daughter, deliberately pushing the child down the stairs, this was still in the middle.
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does the foreign agent martynov himself feel joy about this, but maybe only in the context that the rumors that he allegedly killed antonina martynova have dissipated, here she is in a khaki jacket, alive and well, that’s what happened to their daughter alisa, whom 16 years ago, how witnesses claim that antonina martynova was thrown down into a high-rise building, and she flew down several flights of stairs, here they are in...
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a photograph, now alice is already about 18 years old, and to prove whether she was with antonina martynova at the time of detention or not, a genetic examination will be needed. after falling from a height, as the media write, the girl survived, having received a broken jaw and a head injury. of course, martynova said that it was all an accident, but according to the investigation, it was a staged accident. why then was martynova hiding? all these years, i was hoping to wait it out, that the statute of limitations would expire.
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it is quite likely that martynov and his western masters helped his wife hide for such a long time; they needed, well, at least forged documents, which means the husband’s agent came to an agreement. the fake documents could have been provided by the very party sponsoring their activities. and for some reason the foreign agent martynov hurried abroad, he became worried that he too would be brought to justice, which means he still knew about what happened, or maybe you saw it with your own eyes something? if he knew that she had committed this act, and accordingly. hid her, helped her escape, he was definitely an accomplice, and this is already a group of people, and probably, by prior agreement, they can all leave together, roughly speaking, to places not so remote. as i understand it, he has been outside
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the russian federation for quite a long time, perhaps the fact that he is an accomplice in this terrible crime served as the justification for his flight. abroad antonina martynova was remembered by eyewitnesses; an eleven-year-old child, the witches' neighbor, then told the police that he himself saw a woman throw a child from the top floor. what she gets is definitely, definitely attempted murder and up to 15 years in prison. journalists are already writing that a certain maria streltsova helped law enforcement officers to trace martynova’s legacy. an old friend of a defendant in a criminal case. but the conclusions of journalist anastasia mironova, who was involved in the novgorod case, personally spoke with one of the eyewitnesses. anastasia writes that everything indicated that martynova decided to kill her daughter, supposedly she was preventing her from moving to moscow to a promising journalist and today’s foreign agent kirill
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martynov. yes, but do this foreign agent have any prospects now? in his articles, he tries to denigrate russia in every possible way, even compares our state with... terrorists, as he put together, including denigrating our country, you and me, our society, our citizens, some kind of political the capital of a political refugee abroad, the non-stop songs with a barrel organ, with the same manual about how terrible everything is in russia, is already filling oskomina’s mouth not only with his constantly decreasing pastes, but , in fact, with western sponsors and curators who understand, that they spend money nowhere, it doesn’t work... she’s been stuck for a long time. this is how the supposedly harmless image of agent martynov is blurred. it turns out that he betrayed his country, that he betrayed his family, that’s how he should now talk about human rights and world justice, if he himself seems to be an accomplice in the attempted murder of a child. evgenia petrukhina and
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the novgorod case. the federal security service established the direct involvement of british intelligence services in the daring attempt of the ukrainian armed forces. to land troops on the tendra spit in the kherson region, as well as to prepare a number of other sabotage operations against the russian military, how they were planned and what role london played in their development, a captured member of the ukrainian drg told the security forces. his revelation in the material of denis alekseev. it is not specified how many hundreds of thousands, or maybe millions of pounds sterling were spent on the operation, which was not successful. but the fact that in preparing for sabotage in the kherson region on the tendrovskaya spit was played first fiddle. the british intelligence services, there is no longer any doubt, the russian fsb has reinforced concrete evidence. the fsb of russia is developing units of the ssso, the armed forces of ukraine and gurmou, which carry out sabotage activities on the territory of the russian federation. as part of this work , proactive information was obtained about
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the sabotage action planned by the british with the landing of the sso-apu troops on the tenderovskaya spit, which made it possible, together with the russian ministry of defense, to successfully stop the said one. try. the footage of the operational video shows the full complement and boats of the saboteurs, their arsenal, explosives, machine guns, grenade launchers, but the most valuable thing is the testimony of the armed forces officer gorin, who was captured, the rest were liquidated on the spot. and his story is interesting and sheds light on the close relations between kiev and london. ukrainian soldiers in this bunch, as always, are puppets and consumables. and the british military continues to act as instructors. senior.
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where we underwent training before landing on the tendra spit, and our preparation
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included practicing assault operations on the tendra spit, we made mock-ups of the area using tapes, mock-ups of buildings, on which the assault groups practiced the order of passing these buildings, but when they approached ... ...towards the implementation of the plan, everything went downhill. the british could train the ukrainian mobilized as much as they wanted, prepare them for serious operations, the dry land workers could nod as much as they wanted and say that everything was clear, but as always, one decisive factor was not taken into account. first, the svo, the fsb of russia regularly receives operational information about the participation of representatives of western intelligence services, primarily british ones, in the training of ukrainian special forces. we have established a curatorial role. british special forces sas, sbs, in the vast majority
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of sabotage and terrorist actions against ships of the black sea fleet of the russian ministry of defense and the crimean infrastructure peninsula. if you believe the words of the captured high-tech gorin, it was british instructors who trained the ukrainian military for sabotage on the msp-17 drilling rig in the black sea. the fsb also has information that british intelligence services are supplying the ssu with new types of explosives. substances, intelligence means, everything that you wouldn’t want to experience on yourself, all these special operations resemble nothing more than an experimental circle, and few people care about the fate of their wards or test subjects. denis alekseev, sergey kovalev, lead. created a criminal group to take over state money and donations from ukraine’s international partners. a report from ukrainian anti-corruption fighters who uncovered a scheme to steal the budget allocated for restoring the infrastructure of kharkov. it turned out that during the purchase of pipes, windows and technical salt,
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businessmen and officials who conspired with each other managed to steal more than 4 million dollars, part of which, by the way, was allocated to the kiev regime by the international bank for reconstruction and development. the scheme is the simplest: the utility company has entered into an agreement with the required company, which bought the products cheaper, and through a chain of companies selling them to the state at three times the cost, they divided the difference, there are now seven defendants in the case and there is suspicion. that pipes are not the only thing they tried to make money on, hiding behind the needs of martial law. well, however, for ukrainian leaders of all kinds this is in the order of things, if civil servants have to give at least some reports, then the so-called charitable foundations that collect donations for the armed forces of ukraine rob the population uncontrollably, anton potkovenko will confirm, anton, greetings, why do people continue to believe such collectors? greetings, because they lie, they lie very convincingly, this is most likely the case, they continue to line their pockets. they rob their own without batting an eyelid, from an allegedly charitable ukrainian foundation, come back alive, there were
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such skeletons in the closet that even in thoroughly corrupt ukraine a scandal is brewing, in the center of which is a character with the telling surname chmut, the same taras chmut, who broke into the ukrainian and not only the information field, when in a quiet voice he suggested lowering the mobilization threshold further, in my opinion, in my opinion, mobilization should be announced. since the age of 20 , we have lost a lot of time, but chmut himself has not lost any time, a typical representative of the kiev bigwigs, who are not in danger of ending up on the front line, but who benefit from the brutal tetskashniks dragging fresh batches of cannon fodder to the front, taras chmut has already saved up a substantial amount , so to speak, for a rainy day, with the help of fees, supposedly to help the armed forces of ukraine. what kind of fund is this, come back. alive has been operating since 2014, calls itself charitable, it was created by kiev
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it specialist vitaly deinego, now the fund is headed by a former marine, the founder of the ukrainian military center, the same chmut. come back alive, under his leadership they buy not food or clothing, but weapons. there was even a whole investigation on this topic, and now it turns out that chmut is a doubly fraudster. he , of course, puts a significant portion of what people give into his own pockets. of course, they give the name, come back home alive and so on, but you understand, these are forms of deception, they left the control of the state, now they have those who collected. monitarka those who collected these donations, cars appeared, apartments appeared, chmut became a millionaire in this war, according to rumors he almost has the blessing of the president’s office for such fraudulent schemes? not every second, every first one is engaged in precisely this fraud in the war on the ukrainian side,
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that is, in creating some kind of schemes and living off them. what’s even more surprising is that... the scandal has broken out now and even the thought arises that something has not been shared and information is regularly leaked to each other, this is blood money, but which of them has ever been concerned about these issues? maybe he can share something with whomever he needs, and what? information has been leaked online that the come back alive fund has $5,300,000 in its account, which has been lying untouched for six months or even a year, that is, nothing is being purchased with it, just for... so what happens, about which those who contributes, as they thought, money to support the armed forces of ukraine, they had no idea, circle having one’s own around one’s finger is a very characteristic feature of modern ukraine. there is such a wonderful person, kirill tymoshenko, who also held quite high positions in the administration of the ukrainian president, who
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also earned millions from humanitarian aid in similar related processes, starting with deliveries, starting with... actually humanitarian aid from cars, for example, from cars ending with the construction of highways in the kharkov region, for taras chmut this is only a reason to dream about this kind of scale. in general, who steals how can. recently, scammers in the volyn region announced a collection supposedly for the treatment of children with burns, they raised almost 700,000 hryvnia, that’s about 2 million rubles, if we use our money, well, they spent it all on restaurants and shopping. and the name pritula has completely become synonymous with deception, he’s such an entrepreneur, he collected either drones or british armored personnel carriers for ukraine, everything at three prices, and yet no one caught him by the hand, he created the so-called von sergei prituly, he is a colleague of zelensky, he is a comedian, under the guise that he needs to gather for bayraktars, drones, he collected 600 million
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hryvnia, 15 million dollars, when... so taras chmut is still a small fish compared to the same pritula, chmut tried not to talk about his dollar stash, but now i wonder if his fund will survive or? will continue to carry donations blindly. antom potkovenko and stock fraud. ukrainian deputies today voted for a law to tighten mobilization. now all men from 18 to 60 will have to appear at the military registration and enlistment office, otherwise fines, denial of consular services and deprivation driver's license. at the same time
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, deputies, police officers and large businessmen are exempt from forced service in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. such a law, as predicted by the ukrainian ones. the media will split society even more and will only increase the demand for services to escape from death, which is not independent of the new norms of ukrainian life. egor grigoriev. the most terrible, fateful, decisive, as the law on mobilization is called in ukraine, and each amendment was voted for today by a list, so that they could quickly, without explanation, start with the most important one, demobilization. key edit, friends, here you go demobilization. this means that there will be no demobilization, the armed forces of ukraine will be released either with a disability or in a coffin, all the loud speeches of deputy poroshenko, they say, will not be allowed, in words, they will remain so. yesterday, at the discussion of the amendments at the end of the rada meeting , only a few dozen deputies remained, today there
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are 351 people. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, syrsky, and the minister of defense of ukraine umerov came to convince the doubters. they even dragged 15 cambrigians from the front to the rada, to put pressure on pity, the task was assigned to the commander of the combined forces of the armed forces of ukraine. the situation is at the front, and i am the situation at front, i will now voice the operational-tactical situation as part of four operational groups, these are the kharkov, lugansk, and donetsk regions. the enemy is 7-10 times larger than us. our situation is difficult. losses, losses again, shortage of ammunition and equipment, shortage to close and...
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more than one vehicle, it can be confiscated for the needs of the front, this applies not only to cars, but to agricultural machinery, and draft dodgers will be deprived of their rights,
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high-ranking officials can forget about the above rank, police officers, deputies, their assistants, owners and managers of strategic enterprises, by faction, servant of the people, batkivshchina again two, opzzh and voice, as if anticipating the consequences of the implementation of the new law.
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case when it illustrates what is happening in ukraine. the american newspaper draws attention to the gigantic quantitative gap between young people and middle -aged men, and then comes to the logical conclusion about the virtually guaranteed consequences of additional mobilization, saying that if zelensky and syrsky continue to send young conscripts to the front, the country is at risk quote: erase an entire generation from life. thus, there is a cynical paradox. in words, the armed forces of ukraine are fighting for some kind of future of the nation, but in reality. this very future is being openly exterminated, which must be assumed to have finally reached even western propagandists. in turn, russia has long warned about kiev’s desire to fight
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literally until the last ukrainian, now one can only wonder whether square has at least a hypothetical chance of correcting the situation. actually, evgeniy tishkavets was thinking. evgeniy, greetings. and from are such demographic holes even chosen? hello. no, ukraine as a nation will not recover. square is multiplied by 200, one could gloat, because we warned the neighbors that this is exactly what everything would come to, but there is no joy. western propagandists are sad, but they don’t feel sorry for the ukrainians at all; they are worried that such a useful proxy army is running out. yes, the demographics are terrible, the demographics are terrible, the demographics are not terrible, there is simply no demographics anymore. this is not how individuals live, this is how individuals survive, but this is not how nations survive. this graph is scientifically called a demographic pyramid. a clear visual
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illustration of how many people of different ages live in a particular territory. in a state that has a future, the pyramid looks like this. well, this is how it looks in ukraine, a graph of a dying country, forty-year-old men are more than twice as many as twenty-year-olds, the same number of old people. youth: a slight thickening at the ages of 10 to 15 years, this is a generation of relatively calm years between the maidans, and then failure again. last 5 for years, almost no children are born in ukraine. a disaster, an adequate person will say, the european path will be answered in kiev. neither ukraine, nor its current leadership, nor the west is faced with the question of some kind of medium-term perspective, long-term perspective, what. will happen to ukraine in 5 years, 10 years, no one cares about this at all, but there is only one task: to defeat russia militarily, russia must lose, if for this
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all ukrainians have to die, that means... all ukrainians. the ukrainian nation literally has no future. this is a mathematical fact, experts say. there are almost no men of reproductive age left. either they disappeared in the trenches, or they ran away and do not intend to return, but according to the birth rate, even according to official data, nezalezhnaya is in third place in the world from the bottom, 0.8 children per woman, according to unofficial data 0.7. the worst indicator on the planet. the nation itself cannot exist, it has undermined its capabilities, so people will certainly live there, but there will certainly not be ukrainians there, if you really want to, then of course, you can set up a reservation there or something else there and show them for money, that this is how they were, this is how they exist there, and so on, but this can only be preserved artificially, and the worst thing is that the butchers don’t even have this not enough, men
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are running out of conscription... as if this will help anything, now the ukrainian army practically does not train recruits, they abandon them after a week, after two trainings, the only option is if they train in nato countries, this is a month, but no more , it's just a plug holes instead of missing shells, planes, tanks and other things. the ukrainian people are simply dying. ukraine is literally being cut down at the roots, of all the disgusting geopolitical experiments of the collective west, this is without a doubt the most cruel. from the point of view of the united states, the more ukraine kills its people on its territory, the more damage it does to its territory, the more damage it will cause to future russian territory, and the more damage it will cause to russia as a whole, which means
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because. cut the trenches, who then for them will dig graves, not specified. evgenia, inevitable extinction. within 24 hours, fighters of the southern group of russian troops eliminated over 500 ssu militants in the donetsk direction of the special operation, managed to improve their own position along the front line; on the southern donetsk front, where the vostok group operates, enemy losses exceeded 100 personnel. as for the destroyed equipment, this is a couple.
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about 20 km to the front line, the crew of the rszzuragan of the eastern group of forces returned after another combat mission, the vehicle heads towards the rear to reload. the soldiers take up their jobs and again go on day duty. new targets have been discovered in the south of the donetsk people's republic, where fierce fighting is currently taking place. after the shot,
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the most dangerous minutes for the crew. the danger of the air has changed more and more, we have already tuned in to the air, we have protected the vehicle, an anti-drone net, installed a thunderstorm system so that the drones cannot escape, the thirtieth artillery brigade of the thirty- sixth army of the eastern group is on duty the hottest sectors of the front, the task of the artillerymen is to provide...


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