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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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the group was carried out from the territory of ukraine. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in telegram channels from the duty department and an honest detective. maxim movchan was in the studio. see you. this is a big information evening. we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. the wife of foreign agent martynov was detained in stavropol. why did she try to kill her daughter, how did she hide from the federal wanted list for 16 years , is the hand of ainu agent martynov visible in this? allegedly, charities are being robbed by stolen funds own country. taras chmut has accumulated millions of dollars in fees from ukrainians for the armed forces of ukraine. how many more of these chmuts make money from blood? lowering the mobilization age in
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ukraine will erase an entire generation from life. the americans are worried that the kiev regime will run out of taraz, and why would they be invited to arm nato? no matter how many times you hit the wall, there are still no new patriots in ukraine. the kiev regime has decided to switch to tough diplomacy, how will they beg from the west and will clumsy rhetoric bring the supply of air defense systems closer? any weather good when you're a dodger. a new trend in ukrainian tik-tok is about the joyful everyday life of the unmobilized. the dry people didn’t appreciate sitting together. he tries to hide his face, but still gets caught by the cameras. today's footage from the stavropol territory, where, as it became known, antonina martynova, the wife of the editor-in-chief of the unwanted new newspaper europe, and part-time, was detained.
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made some noise, because the novgorod case at one time was pretty much in novgorod, antonina martynova, according to the investigation, attempted to murder her own daughter, deliberately pushing the child down the stairs. this happened back in the mid-2000s, but then the trial simply did not have time to pass.
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at agent martynov, but he shouted at the top of his lungs, saying that the bloody regime was persecuting his family, turning the situation inside out, passing off his wife’s domestic crime as political persecution, now what will he do, on the internet, they’re already writing to him, saying your wife has been found, but whether foreign agent martynov himself feels joy about this, but maybe only in the context that rumors that he allegedly killed antonina martynova dissipated, here she is, in a khaki jacket , alive and well, that’s what happened to their daughter alisa, who 16 years ago, according to witnesses, antonina martinova threw down into high-rise buildings, and she flew several flights of stairs, here they are in an old photograph, now alisa is already 18 years old, and to prove whether she was with antonina martynova at the time of her arrest or not, a genetic examination will be needed. after falling from a height, as the media write, the girl survived, receiving... of course, martynova
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said that it was all an accident, according to investigators, it was a staged accident. why then did martynova hide all these years, hoping to wait it out, that the statute of limitations for the crime would expire, and did martynov himself really know nothing for 16 whole years? martynov, who at one time, well, did everything to whitewash this woman, did everything to portray her as absolutely innocent of anything. and it is quite likely that martynov and his western masters helped his wife hide for such a long time; they needed , well, at least forged documents, which means the husband agreed with the agent, forged documents could have been provided by the very party who... something, if he
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knew that she had committed this act, and accordingly hid her, helped her escape, he was definitely an accomplice, and this already a group of people, and probably, by prior agreement, they can all leave together, roughly speaking, to places not so remote. as i understand it, he has been outside the russian federation for quite a long time, perhaps just the fact that he is an accomplice this... terrible crime served as the justification for his flight abroad. antonina martynova's actions were remembered by eyewitnesses; an eleven-year-old child, the witches' neighbor, then told the police that he himself saw a woman throwing a child from the top floor. what she gets is definitely,
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definitely, attempted murder and up to 15 years in prison. journalists are already writing that a certain maria streltsova helped law enforcement officers to trace martynova’s legacy. an old friend of a defendant in a criminal case. and here conclusions of journalist anastasia mironova, who was involved in the novgorod case, personally communicated with one of the eyewitnesses. anastasia writes that everything indicated that martynova decided to kill her daughter, saying that she was preventing her from moving to moscow, to the promising journalist and today’s foreign agent kirill martynov. yes, but do this foreign agent have any prospects now? in his articles, he tries to denigrate russia in every possible way, even comparing our state. with terrorists, as he put together, including to denigrate our country, you and me, our society, our citizens, some kind of political capital of a political refugee abroad, non-stop songs with a barrel organ, under the same training manual about how terrible everything is in russia, are already filling the sore throat not only
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with him constant ever-decreasing pastes, but strictly speaking, for western sponsors and curators, who understand that they are spending money on nowhere, this barrel organ does not work, it’s up to... it’s stuck. this is how the supposedly harmless image of agent martynov is blurred. it turns out that you are betraying the country, that family. and now how can he talk about human rights and world justice, if he himself seems to be an accomplice in the attempted murder of a child. the federal security service has established the direct involvement of british intelligence services in the daring attempt of the ukrainian armed forces to land troops on the tendra spit in the kherson region, as well as in the preparation of a number of other sabotage operations against the russian military. a captured member of the ukrainian drg told the security forces how they were planned and what role london played in their development. his revelation in the material by alexey golovko. a boat of ukrainian saboteurs is in the sights of a russian copter. and the logical result: the soldiers’ boats in it were destroyed, and
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western-made rifles were taken as a trophy. this footage from the fsb is new, but the battle itself happened on february 29. then a detachment of ukrainian special operations forces of more than 20 people tried to seize the lighthouse on the tendra spit in the black sea, and now the only survivor of that operation, prisoner of war evgeniy gorin, spoke in detail about the failure of the landing. somewhere about 200, 250 meters from the shore it started fire contact. i noticed how the central boat was hit, and the box of the browning machine gun ignited. i turned around and swam towards the shore, in parallel with this, saying that i was giving up.
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combat training path, he took the oath in the zhitomir region, from there the units of gorin himself transferred a train to poland, then by plane to the british city of saltbury, where the training ground of the fifth infantry regiment of the royal army is located. british instructors trained ukrainians in mine-explosive combat tactics business and sabotage work. this is edwin, this is andrew, here for. where kryich stands in the background, these are the british instructors who trained us in the uk. after studying abroad, the detachment was transferred to krivoy rog, from there to kherson, then near odessa, where the first and last military operation began, a rush to the tendra spit. it was near odessa that more serious specialists, members of the sbs detachment,
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the special boat service of the royal navy, became instructors of the saboteurs. this is one of the most secret and elite special forces units in world, but they failed to prepare for the operation, according to british data. the information was not relevant to us by the special services, or they misled us in advance and unprofessionally sent the group to slaughter. the russian special services and army had information about the upcoming operation in advance and the saboteurs were simply waiting in ambush. using ukraine as a training ground, and its military personnel as expendable material, the british intelligence services do not bother planning deeply thought-out terrorist actions and... especially not take care of the safety of personnel, and there are a lot of such examples, only in the same krynki
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i am trying to seize a bridgehead, the ukrainian marines, spurred on by western curators, have already lost hundreds of people. alexey glovko, maxim shchepilov, lead. well, and more footage from the federal security service, russian special services prevented a terrorist attack in the synagogue, as the fsb public relations center reported, a citizen of one of the central asian countries planned to detonate an improvised explosive device at the time of a mass meeting in... international partners of ukraine, a report by ukrainian anti-corruption fighters who uncovered a scheme for theft of the budget allocated
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for the restoration of the infrastructure of kharkov. it turned out that through the purchase of pipes, windows, technical salt, businessmen and officials who conspired with each other managed to steal more than 4 million dollars, part of which, by the way, was allocated to the kiev regime by the international bank for reconstruction and development. the scheme is the simplest: the utility company entered into an agreement with the required company, which purchased the products. cheaper and through the chain gasket companies sold the gaskets to the state in three ways, and the difference was divided, there are now seven defendants in the case, and there is a suspicion that the pipes are not the only thing they tried to make money on, hiding behind the needs of martial law, but however, for ukrainian figures, of all bridges this in the order of things, if civil servants have to give at least some reports, then the so-called charitable foundations that collect donations for the armed forces of ukraine rob the population uncontrollably, anton potkovenko will confirm. they steal from their own people without blinking an eye, from supposedly charitable ukrainian foundation come
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back alive, there are such skeletons in the closet that even in thoroughly corrupt ukraine a scandal is brewing, at the center of which is a character with the telling surname chmut, the same taras chmut, who burst into the ukrainian and not only information field when in a quiet voice he suggested more lower the mobilization threshold, in my opinion, it is necessary to announce that since the age of 20, we have lost a lot of time, but chmut himself did not waste time, a typical representative of the kiev bigwigs who are not in danger of ending up in advanced, but who benefit from the brutal military personnel dragging fresh batches of cannon fodder to the front, taras chmut has already saved up a substantial amount, so to speak, for a rainy day, with the help of fees supposedly to help the armed forces of ukraine. what kind of fund is this, come back alive. valid. in 2014, it calls itself a charity, it was created by kiev it specialist vitaly deinego,
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now the fund is headed by a former marine, the founder of the ukrainian military center, the same chmut. come back alive, under his leadership they buy not food or clothing, but weapons. there's a whole lot on this topic there was even an investigation, but now it turns out that chmut is a doubly fraudster. he, of course, puts a significant portion of what people give into his own pockets. of course, the name. they give you to return home alive and so on, but these, you understand, are forms of deception, they have left the control of the state, now they have those who collected humanitarian aid, those who collected these donations, cars appeared, apartments appeared, millionaire in this war, according to rumors he almost has the blessing of the presidential office for such fraudulent schemes, not every second, but every first. is engaged in precisely this fraud in the war on the ukrainian side, that is, in creating some kind of
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schemes and living off them, it is even more surprising that the scandal has broken out now, and even the thought arises that something is wrong divided among each other, information is regularly leaked, it’s money in blood, but which of them has ever cared about these questions, maybe it’s shared with whoever it is necessary, and there is something? information was leaked online that the fund's account had 5 million... dollars, which have been lying around for six months or even a year untouched, that is, nothing is purchased with them, it’s just a stash, so what happens, and to which those who contribute, as they thought, money for support. there is such a wonderful person, kirill tymoshenko, who also held quite high positions in the administration of the ukrainian president, who also earned millions from humanitarian aid in similar, related processes, starting
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with supplies, starting with his own humanitarian aid, from cars, for example, from cars construction automobile. roads in the kharkov region, for taras chmut - this is just a reason to dream about this kind of scale. in general, anyone steals as much as they can. recently, scammers in the volyn region announced a collection supposedly for the treatment of children with burns, they collected almost 700 thousand hryvnia, that’s about 2 million rubles, if we use our money, well, they spent it all on restaurants and shopping. and the name pritula has become synonymous with deception. this is an entrepreneur who either collected for drones or british armored personnel carriers for ukraine.
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thought as he stated what he bought satellite, a lot, not a lot, i would say that bender is resting, so taras chmut is still a small fish, compared to the same stooge. chmut tried not to talk about his dollar stash, but now i wonder whether his foundation or the ukrainians will survive will continue to carry donations blindly, ukrainian deputies today voted for a toughening law.
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and equipment, the deficit is being closed and they are going to losses, once again losses, lack of ammunition by people. with such a staffing team, with such a staffing team we can maintain a maximum of five, and maybe less , kilometers of front, so instead of one brigade we are forced to deploy three brigades.
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at the request of the police or an employee of the territorial recruitment center, he will not be released abroad without a military id, he is of limited fitness and must re-pass the annual medical commission, this procedure will become for people with disabilities, the summons will be considered served, even if the post office puts a stamp on the impossibility of transfer letters if citizens have more than one vehicle. he may be seized needs of the front, this applies not only to cars, but to agricultural machinery, and draft dodgers will be deprived of their rights, high -ranking officials can forget about the above,
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certain ruling circles need it to justify growing military spending, this is how vladimir putin today responded to speculation in the foreign media about the alleged preparation of our troops to attack the west. at a meeting
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with alexander lukashenko, the russian president noted that neither the kremlin nor the country as a whole has any interest in a potential escalation, and moreover, even in in the case of ukraine, moscow still remains open to negotiations, but their format, of course, should be realistic, as you know, but, but once again i want to emphasize what we are for, not only not in the format of imposing any kind on us schemes that have nothing
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to do with reality, without russia, what kind of peace process can there be, there can be no peace process, well, maybe they are right that they don’t invite us there, because what to talk to them about, what to talk to them about you can talk if they are trying to gather there 100-odd states. dictate something to us or persuade us, this is not a proposal for peace negotiations, i think that they, well, in any case, the opposite country to a certain extent painted itself into a corner, well, yes, when it refused negotiations in the hope of defeating russia on the bullet of battle, to inflict a strategic defeat on it, now they understand that this is impossible, they refused to fight... they abandoned it and now they find themselves in a rather difficult situation. regarding massive attacks on ukrainian infrastructure, putin emphasized that they
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directly contribute to the implementation of one of the tasks of the northern military district, namely demilitarization, since the targets are objects associated with the enemy’s military-industrial complex, the defeat of energy hubs is no exception to the rule, although russia for a long time refrained from such measures and was forced to resort to them. in response to the actions of the kiev regime, in the energy sector, unfortunately, we have observed a series of attacks on our energy facilities recently, and were forced to respond, i want to emphasize that we, even based on humanitarian reasons, did not did not carry out any attacks, meaning that they did not want to leave social institutions, hospitals, and so on without energy supply, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities they were forced to respond, i remember this conversation, and even you were reproached in russia, that’s
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why there we need to hit these pain points, the energy sector, you said then, maybe not the military one, listen, i feel sorry for the people, in kindergartens, in schools, if the energy sector in ukraine collapses, children will suffer and... the armed forces of ukraine reserves will be thrown to the front. by the way, cruise missiles and geraniums were destroyed, including including the trypillian tes in the kiev region, which provided electricity not only to the capital of ukraine, but to neighboring regions. epic
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footage of how it burned to the ground, in the material by anna voronina, this is pi, just the whole power plant is burning, continuing to explode, it’s just tough, just for another arrival, i just close the windows, charge your phone, stock up on water and get ready for the full blackout, this is the message residents of the kiev region received from local authorities after a targeted strike on trypillian test, an emergency power and water shutdown schedule is being introduced in the region.
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the water was turned off in the morning for about an hour, then turned on, but it was impossible to drink it because it was black; they said that after lunch there would be no water at all. trypilska tes was the most powerful power plant in the kiev region. it also supplied electricity to the cherkasy and zhytomyr regions. previously, ukraine was left without the uglegorsk tes; in addition, the zmeevskaya et in the kharkov region was destroyed. after the destruction of trypilska tesa. most likely kyiv will actually start experience truly real interruptions in the supply of electricity and ukraine will also have to reduce the volume of electricity production at nuclear power plants for the reason that they cannot operate without a sufficient amount of balancing capacity. what awaits kiev is demonstrated in kharkov; as local residents report,
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there is practically no electricity in the city after today’s massive attack. capacity of the ukrainian gas transmission system and gas production capacity in order to supply the remaining industry, although since its gas population is tiny, then with the onset of cold weather the well capacity will not be enough. at this rate, experts believe that by the fall ukraine risks being left not only without electricity, but also without heat and gas, and here it will either have to purchase resources from europeans or
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force local residents to leave their homes. a cell of six people, all of them came from one of the countries of central asia, the group planned to attack a military facility, as specified, the criminals coordinated the territory of ukraine, after completing the task the terrorists were supposed to go to turkey, then to... ukraine, now a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our air. the wife of foreign agent martynov was detained in stavropol. why did she try to kill her daughter, how did she hide from the federal wanted list for 16 years?
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