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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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they weren’t shot, the fsb prevented it in moscow. terrorist attack in the synagogue, a citizen of one of the central asian countries planned to detonate a homemade bomb at the time of a mass meeting. it was established that while serving a sentence for a criminal offense in his homeland, he fell under the influence of terrorists. after his release , he came to russia and bought components for a bomb in moscow. when detained, he offered armed resistance and was neutralized by return fire. during the search, ready-to-use devices were found, as well as explosives. on the fsb
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stopped the activities of a terrorist cell that was planning an attack in donetsk. it included six citizens of one of the central asian states. as specified, the extremists were coordinated with the territory of ukraine. after completing the task, the militants had to go to turkey, then to ukraine. the russian army repulsed all attacks by ukrainian militants. our units occupied more advantageous positions in the kupinsky, donetsk, south donetsk and ovdeevsky directions. zelensky’s formation lost another 970 soldiers, mercenary officers, two tanks and seven armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 16 self-propelled guns and howitzers, mostly western-made, air defense systems shot down 266 combat drones. vladimir putin called nonsense the speculation of foreign politicians about the alleged preparation of our troops for an attack on the west. at a meeting with alexander lukashenko, the russian president emphasized that in the case of ukraine, moscow remains open to
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negotiations, but the format must be realistic, and a conference on ukraine in switzerland without russia’s participation is just a popticum of consultations with you, as you you know, the idea is being promoted to hold some kind of conference in switzerland, we are not invited there, moreover, they believe that we have nothing to do there, but at the same time they say that... nothing can be decided without us, and since we are not going there , this is actually some kind of nopticism, he says that we refuse negotiations, they don’t invite us, they say that we refuse, but it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, but once again i want to emphasize what we are for, but not in the format of imposing on us any schemes that have no meaning in common with reality, without russia, what kind of peace process can there be? there can’t be
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a peace process, well, maybe they’re right that they don’t invite us there, because what can we talk to them about, what can we talk to them about, if they’re trying to assemble a 100-plus state there, dictate something to us or to bend us over, this is not a proposal for peace negotiations, i think that in any case, the opposite country has, to a certain extent, painted itself into a corner, well, yes.
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in the energy sector, unfortunately, we have seen a series of attacks on our energy facilities recently and were forced to respond, i want to emphasize that even on humanitarian grounds, we did not carry out any attacks in the winter, meaning that we did not want to leave social institutions, hospitals, and so on without energy supply.
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so, in response to the kiev regime’s attempts to cause damage to russian oil and gas industry and energy facilities, our armed forces launched a massive strike with precision weapons, as well as drones, on ukrainian energy facilities, disrupting the work of the military enterprises, the transfer of reserves was disrupted, the supply of fuel to the ukrainian armed forces was hampered, among other things, the trypillian tes, the most powerful in the kiev region, was destroyed. about the consequences, anna vorone.
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until 9 am, and then from 12 to 2, and then again from six again until twenty-one, the water will not be hot at all and the electrics must be turned off for about 2 hours, after a night strike a powerful fire broke out in the turbine workshop, as reported in the ukrainian centrenergo, all employees are alive, tes itself is completely destroyed, turned on. the water has been turned off since in the morning for about an hour, then they turned it on, but it is impossible to drink it, since it is black, they say that after lunch there will be no water at all. trypilska tes was the most powerful power plant in the kiev region; it also supplied electricity to the cherkassy and zhytomyr regions. previously, ukraine was left without uglegorsk tes. in addition,
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the zmeevskaya tes in the kharkov region was destroyed. after the destruction of the trypilska floor, most likely ikeev will really begin to experience real interruptions. with the supply of electricity, ukraine will have to in the same way, reduce the volume of electricity production at nuclear power plants for the reason that they cannot operate without a sufficient amount of balancing capacity. what awaits kiev, is it demonstrating in kharkov? according to local residents , after today's massive strike, there is practically no electricity in the city, even traffic lights do not work, and residents are leaving the city. we have approximately...
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reported arrivals at underground gas storage facilities in the zaporozhye and ivano-frankivsk regions. if it’s still summer there will be enough there capacity of the ukrainian gas transportation system and gas production capacity. in order to supply the remaining industry, although its population is tiny, with gas, then with the onset of cold weather, the capacity of the wells will not be enough. at this rate, experts believe that by the fall ukraine risks being left not only without electricity, but also without heat and gas, and here it will either have to purchase resources from europeans, or force local residents to leave their homes and leave cities to die, because kiev will refuse to negotiate .
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promotes law on forced mobilization in order to fill the shortage of personnel with literally cannon fodder, and in matters of providing weapons , it relies exclusively on the west, since it has not produced anything of its own for a long time, all this , according to the source of the ministry of defense, will lead to a complete catastrophe for ukraine if zelensky nevertheless moves on to implement his next failed plan. so, the law on mass forced mobilization has already been adopted in... that’s what the law on mobilization is called in ukraine, and each amendment was voted on today by a list so that they could start faster, without explanation with the most important one being demobilization. key
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edit, friends, not about demobilization, 36 months. 227, 227. this means that there will be no demobilization, the armed forces of ukraine will be released either with a disability or in a coffin, all the loud speeches of deputy poroshenko will not be allowed, the words remained so, they were discussed yesterday.
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you must always have a military registration document with you and present it at the request of the police or an employee
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of the territorial recruitment center, without a military id you will not be allowed to go abroad, it is of limited validity and must be re-passed medical commission, this procedure will become annual for people with disabilities. the summons will be considered served even if a stamp is placed at the post office stating that it is impossible to deliver the letter. if citizens have more than one vehicle, it can be confiscated for the needs of the front, this applies not only to cars, but...
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the ukrainian authorities seriously intend to provide for it, the ludolov law has just been adopted, and already there are new proposals from the head of the fund called come back alive, but in my opinion mobilization, in my opinion mobilization it needs to be announced from the age of 20, we have lost a lot of time, it is very possible that these words will soon turn into another amendment to the law on mobilization, which, although it has not yet entered into force, zelensky should sign it, but is there any doubt about this?
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coordinated work will minimize the risk of damage due to floods, but now we need
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to think about restoring housing and infrastructure. vladimir putin held a meeting to eliminate the consequences; the governors of the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions, as well as the head of the ministry of emergency situations and your instructions, in some places the water has not yet arrived, in others it has not yet left, but now we need to think about restoration. housing, first of all housing, and infrastructure, of course, so don’t delay, please prepare for this in advance, in advance, anton gerodich. add something, davich, we have connections with the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of construction, calculations are being prepared, money will be allocated immediately, there are resources in the reserve fund, great, well - the ministry of health is working, local doctors, colleagues in the regions are also working, everything is set up, in
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general , i hope it’s so harmonious the work will continue, and we will minimize everything... both risks and consequences, as the governor of the orenburg region noted at the meeting, the water level in the ural river has reached its maximum in the entire history of observations, stanislav berwald reports from orsk. the water in orsk is receding, but rescuers continue to monitor the situation in the flooded areas, as you can see, there is still a lot of water, now the next problem has arisen, and... there are many people who decided to return to their homes, there are people who did not leave, so rescuer deliver to them the most necessary things, water, food, humanitarian aid, all this has to be done on a daily basis, we are walking with rescuers on a zodiac through the streets of orsk, this is the guys’ tenth trip today, they say in the light they can go again 20 times,
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pensioner nina vasilyevna needs candles valera from the tenth house of pykuchaevskaya asked for a ride to the matches. how are you? as usual, like on the titanic! tatyana waits for you guys every day, she’s always happy to chat, today i decided to invite you for a visit, we moor at the first entrance, we make our way inside, the water is above our knees, hello, hello, let’s pass, today there was still water on this step, now it’s gone, so let’s leave, yes,
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it’s leaving right before our eyes, you know what, guys, give me a job yesterday and... i don’t remember what kind of volunteers, damn food, and we have cats. when the water began to flood, tatyana decided to stay at home. the cat maruska, she is very afraid to leave the apartment. here they are while away. now is the time to be together. there is no light, but the main thing is that water is flowing from the tap. we have water running all the time, it has never been turned off, which means we can wash dishes, heat the water, do some shopping, that’s it. our water has never been turned off, not even once during these 5 days. only cold comes from hot. they say in the city they even turned it off, but here we don’t, things are much worse with the water in the yard of the house, this is the picture we’ve been seeing for the fifth day now, we already have our own favorite marks, which we look at and see how the water goes away , yes, very slowly, but it goes away, we take photographs, send them to neighbors, of course,
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we look in many places, people are already walking up to their knees, this is we were still deep, the cars were floating, the car was completely white. boats even drove straight through it under water, but the red one only had a roof. in addition to tatiana, there lives another family at the entrance who refused to evacuate. the burner is used to cook food for everyone. in the refrigerator is what the rescuers and volunteers brought, and what does not spoil for a long time. our refrigerator is defrosted, i actually have it open, here are the supplies that the volunteers who came gave me, here are the canned goods i have for those products that the products that i have more do not spoil.
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well, let's go swimming, give birth, mighty one, let there be knowledge. having reached the shore, we met some more rescuers. for several days these guys tried to get to the flooded dovecote in the old city, but
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the current did not allow it. today it finally worked. it’s just that yesterday we were at the dam and the water seemed to be under the window. while i'm taking the boat back and forth. any special pigeons, some kind of breed? yes of course. and he managed to save the cat. but now they are together, and this is the main thing, because trouble can be survived only. together. stanislav bernval, sergey ukhvaryonok, danilo kuznetsov, conductor: orsk, orenburg region. further, after a short advertisement, details of the successful launch of angara about the real heroes of russia. alpha friday. supercake every week from alfabank. this friday, april 12th. receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandex gol. and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive a superkick on alpha fridays. not just profitable, alpha
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the 120-day interest-free period begins every month, and service and notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. from the vostochny cosmodrome, for the first time, a fundamentally new russian heavy-class rocket, the angara a5, was launched. this launch was closely watched all over the world. evgeny nipot will tell you why this is so important. a truly long-awaited launch. the angara launch vehicle is heavy again class starts for the first time. from the vostochny cosmodrome, it includes the orion upper stage and test payload, including small satellites, cupsats, among which, for example, gogarin, the flight takes place according to
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the program, without involvement. took the first step and it seems to him that he will live for a long, long time on this land, on this amur land, because today the first step was taken, then beyond the angara launch vehicle, a5 - this will be one of the main products that will launch heavy satellites and spaceships from this amur land. on in vostochny, a launch complex for hangara heavy-class carrier rockets has been created, its flight design tests begin from this launch, our film crew visited there
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even before the launch. with this. point at the launch pad you can see the cable refueling tower, its height is 66 m, and the height of the rocket itself is approximately 55.5 and its pre-launch weight can reach 773 tons. the peculiarity of the complex is that it is universal, from here in the future heavy class rockets will be able to take off with various modifications of accelerating blocks, including including hydrogen fuel, capable of carrying not only automatic spacecraft, but also manned spacecraft. launch complex, too.
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“this is routine, hard work, we have begun the start of flight design tests, which are designed to identify all the shortcomings, all the nuances and ensure reliability in the future during serial launches of the angara. in total, during the tests, heavy and light versions of the angara family of missiles completed six launches from the military cosmodrome plesetsk, now the seventh from the civilian one.” the broadcast of the launch could be seen not only on federal channels on the internet, but on street screens in the largest cities. find out that the first of the three stages separated on schedule, at the twelfth minute and twenty- sixth second the upper stage began to operate, which launched the satellites into orbit. this is a continuation
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of the work. it uses fuel steam, kerosene, oxygen and quite accurately places even heavy spacecraft into orbit. the puskangar launch of arion was recognized as successful, this is stated by roscosmos: a new milestone for russian cosmonautics. evgenia nipot, mikhail devyatkin, anatoly tyurkin and ivan kuznetsov, lead. vostochny cosmodrome, amur region. chemizov. this year , construction of a new cluster began on the territory of the salute complex in moscow, which will become one of the largest production centers in russia. denis manturov assessed the progress of the aircraft engine production program. the new complex will allow expanding the russian aircraft fleet. the volume of investments is 35 billion rubles. pupils of one of
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the moscow schools had the opportunity to learn about the exploits of participants in a special military operation and heroes of russia and personally communicate with them about the ceremonial line-up within the framework of the country of heroes project, hero of the country alexander perfileva.


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