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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 11, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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into heavy spacecraft. the launch of the mountains and the launch of arion were considered successful. this is stated in riskosmos, a new milestone for russian cosmonautics. evgenia nipot, mikhail devyatkin, anatoly tyurkin and ivan kuznetsov, lead. vostochny cosmodrome, amur region. the prospects for the production of russian aircraft engines were discussed by the deputy prime minister and head of mimpromtorg denis maturov with the general director of the rostec state corporation sergei chemizov. this year , fireworks displays in moscow began on the territory of the complex. construction of a new cluster, which will become one of largest production centers in russia. denis manturov assessed the progress of the aircraft engine production program. the new complex will allow expanding the russian aircraft fleet. the volume of investments is 35 billion rubles. students of one of the moscow schools had the opportunity to learn about the exploits of participants in a special military operation and heroes of russia and personally communicate with them about the ceremonial line-up within the framework.
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to achieve feats, just point your phone camera at the qr code. let's create a qr code together now, tell me how it works? we we point the qr code, a link pops up, we click on this link, and we can read just the story of the hero, the story of the hero. over the past six months, students of the griboedov school have already met with the heroes of russia three times. today, after talking with... our guests, we decided that in the next school year he will come and bring here boys and girls who are actively participating in the young army, that is, there will be another meeting with the heroes of russia, yes, heroes who are today on the front lines are inspired throughout the country, for example, in the chelyabinsk region , more than thirty volunteers are preparing to be sent to a special military operation zone; there are those for whom this will be their first deployment. mom, dad, brides are waiting, at first they didn’t want to.
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shields, in irkutsk, caring women created a whole movement in support of the fighters, they feel from t-shirts to raincoats, a strong shock, beautiful, everything is just super-duper. helping soldiers in belgorod, despite the difficult situation in the region, volunteers from the wings foundation made camouflage suits for snipers, the net is a helmet-mounted camouflage, based on a net, an ordinary fishing net, which is shared. the residents on top
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are cut into strips like this, the sponbon is braided, and every day volunteers bring fresh bread and sweet pies to the unit, so home-cooked food lifts you up. o. simpson, a former american football star, a former popular film actor, and also a defendant in one of the most scandalous criminal trials in the history of the country, died in the united states, was 76 years old. relatives reported simpson's death. in february it became known that he had a serious cancer disease. because in the mid-nineties he was accused of murdering his ex-wife and her friend. all the evidence was against him, but the jury acquitted him. about simpson's life, which has long been turned into the script for several films in our references. oriental james simpson was born in
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san francisco and became interested in american football in high school. his career as a professional athlete brought him fame and fortune. in the usa, simpson was better known by his initials - o-j. he's a lot starred in movie commercials, his most famous role being detective nordberg in the naked gun trilogy. oj was married twice. the reason for her divorce from her second wife, nicole brown simpson, in 1992 was her complaints of beatings. two years later, nicole and her new friend were stabbed to death. investigators found a bloody glove at the crime scene. her partner was found in simpson's house, and the blood of both victims was in his car. the ex-football player tried to escape while being chased by police.
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from relatives of those killed, compensation of 33.5 million dollars made oje bankrupt and he disappeared from the media scene, reappeared in 2007, when he forcibly took away his sports trophies from a dealer, which he had previously sold for debts, for armed robbery, the court sentenced odje to 33 years in prison, simpson was released early in 2017, a network of medical centers "mother and child" " notes significant. regions of the country, the 100,000th newborn was born at a clinic in novosibirsk. ksenia klimina, about the development of medical care. congratulations. before alisa dolgova had time to recover from giving birth,
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she was already giving an interview. her baby became the hundred thousandth child who was born in the novosibirsk clinic of the mother and child group of companies. my mother also told me. probably a month ago, that you will give birth on april 11, but what did i say, how crazy is it to say that it’s completely early, but as we look at it, that it was on this day that he should have been born, because my star was supposed to be born it was in such conditions, weight 3.120, height 50 cm, the baby was called a novel, a wonderful feeling, i’m happy, alisa dolgova had a caesarean section, but in modern times medical center, this procedure is familiar, here it is multidisciplinary... the center is staffed by specialists from different directions, once a baby weighing less than half a kilogram appeared in these walls, they came out, this is temperature, humidity, darkening, insulation from excessive sound, this is necessary to create comfortable conditions that imitate intrauterine
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stay in the uterus. the so-called bank of unborn children is also stored here; eco procedures have been worked out in the clinic over the 23 years of its existence. this. video surveillance system allows you to monitor the development of the embryos that are in the incubator, the fact that they are displayed here on the screen for only 5 days, this period is enough to already select the best from them. in the entire history of the work of the mother and child group of the company
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, an entire city was born, the hundred thousandth child, the birth of light today is a special event for the clinic employees, the demographic situation, support, motherhood, childhood, today occupies. 50% on our card when ordering a taxi in yandex goal, and if you don’t have a card, order a free
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alpha card and receive a superkick for alpha fridays, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, it’s not necessary like that, it’s necessary like this , like that, like that, i understand, like that at the megamarket, suitcases are discounted up to 40%, appetite anywhere, dad, only dad tame, dad, the animals on... sausages, dad can, when you talk about your desires, we hear, we create practical solutions so that you can rely on us. moskvich 3 from 1.59. rub without additional conditions. now we have become closer. there is already someone inside you who is doing what lights him up. maybe it's time you.
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there are many routes, choose the most suitable one in the maps, build routes that are closer to you, yandex maps, great car, i agree, ideal, just need to change the oil, let's stop by, and you have the ideal oil for my car, here is an excellent oil growth nefma, 83 % of buyers choose it again, and what’s so special about it, magnum oil growth, less oil consumption. it provides reliable engine protection and reduces the formation
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of sludge by 20%. rosneft magnum motor oil, we are sure you will buy it again. charity easter circulation of the russian every second ticket wins the lotto; for every ticket sold, 10 rubles. will be donated to charity. buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and the service. offline. start your vacation in one of millions of apartment hotels. the holiday begins on
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the island. what do we bring back from savita’s travels? a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses for your next trip. avito travel. everything will go as planned, with cashback and bonuses. what associations do you have with the word science? these are not only experiments in laboratories or publications in magazines; business has a request for new personnel and breakthrough developments, and those companies that...
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town, then according to the best canons that exist in the world. any scientific development requires speedy implementation in hardware, and if there’s something else right next to the laboratory, where it’s possible. cut it, plan it and do something, well, that ’s great. the company not only participates in the federal program for the construction of university campuses, but also finance the construction of advanced educational and research infrastructure, a good example of partnership between the state and business in developing the country's human intellectual potential.
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the legendary baumonka is the future area of ​​the central cluster. very soon, all these buildings will be united by a transparent dome. initially , it was decided to build 25 world-class campuses across the country by 2030. later, president vladimir putin expanded the program. we are talking about creating fifteen more campuses by 2036. at the old pulpit physics, due to the fact that trucks constantly drive along the second bamonskaya, which even a special anti-vibration optical table did not save. and my colleague filmed the experiments at night, so there are no such problems here. now a new page in the history of baumanka is being written here; a miniature analogue of the brain is made from polymers and tested whether the drug works. in the future, this could help treat parkinson's or alzheimer's diseases. negotiations are already underway with pharmaceutical companies, but not all laboratories have moved to the new campus yet. we with
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over the summer, students laid all this cotton wool in several layers. to gradually reduce the background noise here. this is also a laboratory of the baumman university only in mytishchi, where they conduct acoustic tests and even create a domestic subwoofer. businesses are already waiting for the development, but working on the new campus will be much more comfortable. these chambers must be built on a separate vibration-isolated foundation, in the new campus, these chambers were built specifically. we turn the handle to compress the spring and install the needle. and this is the same song we only listen to it on modern membrane speakers. they were developed by
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yuri metyunin’s company. he has been playing guitar since he was 14, and is now in two bands. the secret of the innovative speaker: a membrane made of composites resonates with magnets and sounds in all directions, bending around obstacles. we had such a case, a hefty situation center, and there they suffered for 10 or 11 years with classic speakers, they could not do anything. the project manager and i climbed up to the technical floor, what did we see there? about a thousand mattresses, that's how it is in in the village in the attic the roach is being dried in order to somehow improve the acoustic conditions, we hung it with our speakers, they don’t have such a problem. and this is the home of vintage music, a real paradise for music lovers, is there equipment that could be seen on the recording of beatles hits or thomas edison's first phonograph? is this what they sing? well, it took you and me a few seconds to realize that we didn’t understand anything. christina and
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her spouses have been collecting this collection for more than 20 years, she says, perhaps they would listen to music like that on such devices. if it weren’t for the partnership between inventors and business, thanks to him , yuri metyunin’s acoustics are now heard at concerts here. but at the same time, you are on the minus first floor, the ground floor, that is, here it is just an ordinary house. the neighbors don’t complain that we make noise late, because these are the kind of speakers that don’t create this effect when everything shakes inside you, when you have a thumping noise from your ears to your toes. yuri mityunin works in partnership with the laboratory in baumanga and is also waiting for them. about testing, but for now we will test, we are just talking about another network , we will finish our domestic processing, as a rule, universities
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design campuses initially for themselves. of course, it is very difficult to look ahead, far beyond the horizon, and the campus needs to be adjusted to what will happen in 10-15 years, we are doing a lot of work to ensure that universities change in ideas, and not just in architecture, so that they say what kind of research they need, sometimes universities live their own lives, but there is no customer for this research, the functionality universities are expanding, of course, until recently i often heard what a university is, well... it’s like a personnel department, there must be a sufficient number of qualified graduates, today the idea of ​​a university is radically changing, in order to ensure technological sovereignty, you need to do science, be able to work with technology, vice versa. the side of campuses is the priority of 20-30, the walls change here, the ideas and the spirit of the university change there.
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just recently we were here in baumanka, and there were still empty classrooms, now laboratory work. the student should be comfortable, he should, for example, live in a dormitory, come to the educational and laboratory building, then after that go in for sports and play kvn somewhere. as quickly as campuses fill up and life begins there, then what? passed last year, this year it is already starting to fill with life, i would say so, in parallel, while the campus is being built, we are solving the difficult task of equipping them, this is first of all a priority program, and of course the program of advanced engineering schools, in baumanka , equipment worth more than a billion rubles was purchased due to the fact that for the third year in a row they participated in receiving a special part of the grant in the priority 2030 program. since the start of the priority 2030 program, which is being implemented under the national project science and universities, the number of grants from... the university has increased , started with 15 billion rubles, last year it was almost 34. even more interesting is how much funding the program was able to attract from extra-budgetary
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sources from business. in the twenty-first , there are more than 28.5 billion. a year later, the figure is serious increased, in the twenty-third it almost doubled, and the development agreement with universities also increased by 36%. the astronaut holds a replacement one in his hands.
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we have a defect in the area of ​​the horizontal surface, it could be some corners, it’s curvature, the printer must be able to print at different angles. another technology also allowed russia to become the first in the world, here is a fusion of two programs: advanced engineering schools and priority 2030. it was possible to attract talented students to work, buy materials, equipment and create a consortium of scientists, doctors and manufacturers. we came up with some kind of development, there is a bone implant. class, we came to biologists, look, we made it, such, class, and how this material interacts with cells, let’s study, we studied, together with biologists we came to doctors, surgeons, class, and how will we
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sew this in general, we are like that , but we don’t know, this path is wrong, the right path is to first communicate with surgeons who will make a request for a medical product with real production sites who will say, that yes, it is technologically possible, did they catch you just in the middle? between defenses , universities want to participate in the priority 2030 program, is there a battle going on? the program has been implemented for the fourth year, interest should have waned by now, no, advanced engineering schools have funding from the employer, but as in the priority 20-30, it is not a prerequisite for having co-financing from partners, for this they give additional points, these are the first and second, the first year we listened to the university, they told us, give us a grant, we will implement it this or this or that project, and we always asked a simple question: who are you doing this for, is it a specific company, is it ready to invest in you? and at first , of course, many were confused, today universities are already coming, they say, here we have a partner, it turns out
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that even the program itself was already created for the targeted request of both universities and business, of course, we did not do it for the sake of universities, we did it based on needs of the economy, one might assume that i am preparing to star in a blockbuster, but in fact... we are in motion capture laboratory of the russian technological university, all my actions are automatically repeated by an animated character, in this case the student’s digital assistant. that is, you have your own government services portal, so to speak, not government services, but let’s call it universal services, we really have created our own multifunctional center, how it works, we have a training center. department, you can probably come here to get some information, by the way, we don’t deprive anyone of the opportunity to come and talk in person, but imagine, they’ve literally been there for four years back, from this door to the stairs and
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further i could. put in a queue, dozens of services have been digitized on this portal, the online schedule is compiled by artificial intelligence, it specialists are trained here to work with russian programs, the university is a participant in priority 20-30 and received software at a 50% discount, together with businesses they have opened a training program. this laboratory is called a sandbox, why? here students can play around, in a good way, with those solutions, with the code that is embedded in software products. what does this give? percent our employment rate exceeds by 95% for the university as a whole, the most important thing is how many people go to work in their specialty, this figure is really growing for us, you will feel the difference, you will feel that there is no difference at all, we have this joke if an accountant maryu vanna places the shortcut in the same upper right corner, then for some time she may not even notice that she is working in a new operating system, because all the buttons are in the same places. roman borisov works in a company
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that develops. domestic software, our partners include more than 400 universities and a whole list of companies that need personnel with the skills to work on domestic software. we are raising a generation that has been using new products since school, everyone understands that the only right decision now is to spend money on russian solutions, here it is a symbiosis, we invest money, clearly understanding that we will receive profit in the future. the university receives the latest developments, it teaches its students,
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managed to watch all the episodes of the program, there are solutions, they are collected on the website in our social networks, how to find it, the easiest way is to go through the qr code, look around, now it’s 200. the fourth year, 100 years ahead, everything will be different, moscow, moscow, and where are the yumu machines, the flying type, energetically unjustified, she brought a man from school, a young man, according to my data, he is 117 years old, but the main thing will remain unchanged, i know what it means to give your word, at least look at me when it’s all over , alice will return to her time, and you
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will have to return. what why? we we will act here now, we will change the present, in the name of our common past, which is the future, as it were, we will save your parents, their personal path and 13 galaxies of all, 100 years ago, delicious, very, because made with love, soon, temple of the smolensk icon of the mother of god, it was built with diligence. we are located in the area of ​​​​the city of solidar and here are some of the largest salt deposits, you were a special correspondent, and what did you say in connection with your homeland, dubai, dubai ring, dubai ring, the terrain is very difficult, and work in in such a landscape - this is a big challenge for signalmen, look carefully, guys, you know where to shoot, yes, yes, a shot, that's it, little bird,
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you have to... run away, you have to quickly get out of here, this is a war of intelligence, motivation, based on the results all units were awarded the operation, but the communications company was not shot.
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vladimir’s talks took place in the kremlin. putin with president of belarus alexander lukashenko, who arrived in moscow on a working visit. a fragment of the meeting is now on our channel. dear alexander grigorievich, thank you for coming to cosmonautics day. moreover, we have a significant event. our cosmonauts, the first women, returned to earth.


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