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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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dear alexander grigorievich, thank you for coming to cosmonautics day, especially since we have a significant event, our cosmonauts, the first female cosmonaut from belarus, returned to earth today. also a good
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event, our new rocket flew from the new cosmodrome, it’s heavy, this is another stage in the development of the space industry in russia, among other things, of course, we have something to talk about, meaning our economic relations, they are developing, developing successfully , we demonstrated last year good economic growth rates, now everything is on the rise, in our first months. of the current year, overall growth is even greater than last year, diversification is developing, cooperation is growing, mutual, mutual complementarity, everything is generally on the rise, we are very happy about this, of course, we will talk about security issues on the western borders of belarus in russia, i i know that you are aware of all these events.
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what is happening in the ukrainian direction, nevertheless, of course, taking advantage of your visit to inform you that what is happening in detail, well, in general, you know, we have never given up on the peaceful resolution of disputes, moreover, we were inclined precisely towards this, we did not start this war in 2014, it all started with a coup in ukraine, and then, when everything has become so heated...
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we need to withdraw troops from kiev, we did it, immediately after we did it, our agreements were thrown into the trash, but now, as you know,
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but once again i want to emphasize that we for, but not in the format of imposing on us any then there were no schemes that have nothing to do with reality, but if why am i saying this, because if the need arises, i will allow myself to contact you, maybe we will continue consultations with you in this area, that’s what concerns
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them they can only agree on how to intensify the escalation of this conflict, without russia, what kind of peace process can there be, there cannot be a peace process, well, maybe they are right that they do not invite us there, because what to talk to them about, what to talk to them about
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you can talk if they are trying to gather 100 plus people there to dictate something or persuade us, this is not a proposal.
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the fourth round in istanbul and then you copied all these documents to me and handed over the documents, they showed it first, i read it, then you gave it to me, what was agreed upon, and the document that was initialed, there were serious progress, and
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the russians moved, the ukrainians, well, then it’s clear, they arrived, they stopped us, let’s fight until the last ukrainian, so in this case i absolutely support the peace process. from which russia has never refused, and today, including, if we can play some role in this, you know, our capabilities, we will always be there and will act in the same vein as you, thank you for space, clearly, that if it had not been for your decision then, there would have been no flight, but we agreed that it should be a belarusian woman who should fly, you suggested. today we awarded her, just like in russia, she became a hero in belarus and agreed with the cosmos with yuri borisov that they
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would be very happy to work with us on development of the space program as a whole, we want to abandon it in the future and maybe in 2 years.
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thank you for your support in the port sector, we are working, looking at other ports, the russians and port workers are helping us ship products, so to speak.
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there were a lot of people who spoke, but not all of them, i think they heard it and saw it, i think that there will
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be some kind of corresponding rebound for them in this regard, in principle they are simply provoking russia to launch such attacks, so in this case i cannot to be deeply immersed in this conflict, to support ukraine, or even justify it, in no case, there is no need to do this and intensify this escalation, because in the summer it passes quickly. journalists asked there about some issues of ukraine and so on,
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someone was almost pissed off, your journalists just said, russia should run somewhere, ask someone, you don’t need to ask anyone and run, you just need to behave like a human being, get that document that you once showed me and handed over, put it on the table and move along it, and work with it, this is a reasonable position, there is an acceptable position for ukraine.
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surprisingly, the lesson did not go well, in lithuania, in poland, the battalions, well, we, of course, were forced to deploy our units and oppose them, i don’t know why they would do this, we are not going to fight anywhere, they shout that lukashenko is with putin will take over europe tomorrow, such plans have never been discussed that we want to take over someone, we have enough problems of our own, there was still someone missing, this is absolutely nonsense.
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like in russia, listen, i, if we provide this huge belarusian-russian market, friendly countries are coming, we can work with them this is enough for us, so we will endure, we have a market, we have resources, we can, we understand what needs to be done, uh, those loans that were allocated for joint projects of the russian federation are 100 billion, remember, 80 more than that, for industrial production, yes, yes, joint, yes.
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ukrainians were with us, i think that i feel that the moment is not far off when ukraine will come to its senses and understand where their happiness is, let them decide for themselves, thank you, in moscow the fsb prevented a terrorist attack on a synagogue, a citizen of one of the central asian countries was planning to blow up a homemade bomb at the time of a mass meeting, it was established that he was serving a sentence for criminal offenses in his homeland, he fell under the influence of terrorists. after his release, he came to russia, bought components for a bomb in moscow, offered armed resistance during arrest and was neutralized by return fire, and during a search they found ready-to -use devices, as well as explosives. the fsb also stopped the activities of a terrorist cell that was planning an attack in donetsk. it included six citizens of one
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from central asian states. as specified, the extremists were coordinated with the territory of ukraine after execution.
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i hope that such coordinated work will continue, and we will minimize all risks and consequences, as the governor of orenbursk noted at the meeting. region, the water level in the ural river reached its maximum in the entire history of observations. about the situation in the region, margarita semenyuk. guys, help. the bedridden 18-year-old
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grandmother is the first to be evacuated as the water is rapidly rising. an elderly woman is handed over to doctors, rescuers they return in a flooded house, they are still waiting. the crew of the volzhsky rescue center cruises non-stop, with difficulty holding the inflatable boat in the strong current of the urals , trying to quickly get to people. our water arrived within a day, yesterday morning at 7 am it started coming, but it was quite dry, in the evening the house was not flooded, and today at about 6 am water began to flow into the house. i am grateful to the guys, because our situation is very difficult, my mother is 97 years old. she practically doesn't move, they look great and regulated, i calmly, thank you very much, the water is rapidly rising, but the rescuers
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are ahead of it, allow the residents of snt, thank you very much, now in orenburg and the region over 4,500 household plots and 2,500 houses are flooded, 1,332 were evacuated
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. today we finally managed to save our animals, thanks good people, emchniks, many thanks to them for this, the dogs are all alive, everything is fine, and this is the embankment of the urals, people are preparing for the worst, neighbors have gathered here, they have organized a set of clay marks to block the wheelchair ramps at the beginning of the house too... to protect from the approaching heights, water is pumped from the river into
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a water-filling dam, a meter -high flood, a sunny microdistrict near the urals, here over 500 people live in apartment buildings; , that the urals are still increasing, which means... and there is an understanding that there is a large current, there is also an understanding, we see that our dam is being strengthened all the time during the day since yesterday, the water is coming, and the peak of the flood has not yet been passed , by as of 20:00, the water level in the river is already 10 m 90 cm, it is expected that the figures will exceed the value of 11 m. we have exceeded all historical figures for all years in history.
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no one will be left without support, there are questions regarding gardening partnerships, but we will also work out a mechanism so that we can also support them not only from the municipal level, but also regional and...
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for the third time, the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, also flew to orenburg , the military is also providing assistance, the peak is expected at night in the morning. margarita semenyuk, valeria sapegina, sergei soldatov, artyom ryzhikov, lead orenburg. the office of the un secretary general called for an immediate stop to the shelling of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, but they did not dare to clarify that the zelensky regime was behind them. russia is now doing everything necessary for the safe operation of nuclear power plants.
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president of the russian federation, we carry out all instructions, including the decree of using permits from the previous regulator, but we work with colleagues within the framework of the current legislation of the russian federation and within the framework of magat’s recommendations. alexander trimbitsky visited the fourth power unit, which is now being prepared for cooling down, and inspected the wells that specialists drilled last fall. the water from them feeds special ponds that are designed to remove heat. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant in energodar has six power units, the largest nuclear power plant in europe and a point of constant tension. for 2 years in a row, the kiev regime has been attacking its infrastructure, sending
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a drone towards the nuclear facility. there is some, so to speak, increased tension in the work, but we ensure nuclear safety in accordance with the requirements of technical documentation, from job descriptions, the work is carried out. on sunday, ukrainian drones again attacked the entrance, in particular the canteen, cargo port and the sixth power unit of the station. three people were wounded, one seriously, but serious damage was miraculously avoided. you are present and see what is happening here, what is happening in russia.
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no one can gain military or political benefit from an attack on nuclear facilities. attack on a nuclear power plant absolutely unacceptable. the attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant means a threat to nuclear safety. we must all use all available levers to prevent new attacks on...
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moscow calls on the international community to condemn the unprecedented attack by ukrainian neo-nazis, and on kiev to stop shelling, the consequences of which will benefit no one. natalya solovyova, lead. the french president called on eu citizens to prepare for austerity for the sake of kiev. believes that the united states will abandon the ukrainians and europe will have to go it alone finance them. but paris intends to make good money from the war, as... natalya goncharova will tell you exactly. if earlier the commune of birgerac was known for its excellent wines, now emmanuel macron wanted to make it a center for the production of gunpowder. the president of the fifth republic solemnly laid the first brick in the foundation of the new plant. surrounded by the ministers of defense, economy, managers of the new plant and the press.


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